Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Mar 1921, p. 13

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18,1921 13 ft* Activities a .MortK^Kore Chibs by Rutk Rirle^y Miss Katherine Scheidenhelm will arrive home from Baltimore, Md., where she is attending school, on March 26. for the Easter vacation. Mrs. George W. Kibby, of 835 Lake avenue, is entertaining with a matinee party tomorrow in honor of Miss Virginia Olwin. Dr. Miller Osteopath, specialist in stomach and nervous* disorders. North Shore Hotel.. Phone Bvanston 6424. â€"Adv. LTG-17-tfc ttEN D. ALBERT, Past President of the International Association of Rotary Clubs, will speak before the members of the Wilmette Woman's Club and their husbands and friends next Tuesday evening at the, clubhouse at eight on "Community Work." This is to be an open meeting and an urgent invitation is extended to the entire village to take ad- vantage of this splendid opportunity to become better informed on Community Work in general. The hosts and hostesses will include Mrs. Helen Gage, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates, Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallic, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Baker. --------------♦-----------râ€" â€" The program of, the >Vinnetka- Woman's, club for Thursday, March 24, is in charge of the Music committee. Thev have secured the services of Zetta Gay \Vhitson, violin; Elizabeth Olk-Roeklk, 'cello, and Violet Martens Link, piano. Mrs. Guy Stuart Bailey, soprano, will sing with Mrs. Lawrence L. Doty at the piano. This promises to be one of the most delightful music'ales of the year. Of interest to all university women,1 is the announcement that Dallas Lore Sharp will give the annual Phi Beta Kappa address in Harris Hall, North- western university, on Friday even- ng. May 6, at 8 o'clock. His subject will be "Education for Authority." Readers of the Atlantic Monthly, as well as the owners of his sprightly books, "Rook and Meadows," -"The Hills of Hingham," "The Lay of the Land," and "The Whole Year Round," have long recognized his intellectual charm, and the depth and inspiration of his cultural message. The^hi^e"ta^Kappa^address, which is open to the public, always brings together^choice audience, which will assuredly not be disappointed this year in Mr."Snarp. The North Shore Golf club-is being attractively;redecorated this fltanth, in order to be in readiness as soon as the entertaining season opens. The ilub will be open for players on April 1. Mi The Young Ladies' auxiliary of the .Wilmette Woman's club wjll be in charge of the program to be pre- sented before the club at its meet- ing on Tuesday evening. April 5, at the clubhouse. The members are now busily engaged in rehearsals for a short playlet, the name of which as yet has not been announced. Mrs. John S. Stevens is chairman of the Auxiliary, and other officers include Miss Katherine Winship. president; Miss Wintfred Reinboth, vice-presi- dent: Miss Helen Bell, secretary; Miss Gladys Kuelzow, treasurer; Miss ^race 4jes^.-cha4rnian7 Program com^ mittee; Miss Norreh Lyons, chair- man Philanthropy' committee, jind Miss Florence Wray^ chairman So- cial committee. â€"â€"i The Woman's Library club of Glen- coe will hold a business meeting on Thursday, March 31, at-two-thirty o'clock. A group of musical selec- tions by Miss. Kathryn Greene and Mrs. John W. Hansel, Jr., will be pre- sented. ♦*»+«•♦* •^*ee»»+»e»ee»»fr What Does Your Production costs on all machinery are figured on a basis of price per pound. This fact is seldom advertised and the buying public is never so advised. The quality of vital materials in the FORI) CAR are seldom equalled and have never been surpassed in any other car, barring none. The materials in the best French car, which is looked upon as the finest or hjghejjl jmc_ejlwere not^accordmg^to-their own engmeeTsToTbetter grade than those of the FORD CAR. This accounts for the extremely small depreciation of the FORD while excessive price or poor materials must account for the extreme, depreciation} in one thousand to throe thousand dollar cars. For your own satisfaction figure PRICK PER POUND for car VALUES and vour good judgment will convince you of the folly in buying "In-betweens"â€"Imitations of Jiigher priced cars*___. ' _ 'â- __, R. D CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer M. P. LOUEN Sales Mgr. â€"Rhone'-Eva-n-a-t-e-a- 810 Church St. NEW GLENV1EW HOME NEARS COMPLETION Clubhouse Will Be Ready for Occu- pancy May 1; Approximate Re- production of Former Structure According to information received rom the contractors, the new Glen- iew Golf club now being erected on he site of the structure which was destroyed by fire late last spring, will completed and ready for the for- mal opening May 1. The erection of the new building as advanced very rapidly since the work began last August. It will be is nearly as possible an exact repro- luction of the former structure. It was the desire of the members that it should be so built. Old English Style The style of architecture is old English. In the main dining room on the first floor the exposed trusses are f huge oak timbers, and on the out- ide of the building will also be ex- posed oak timbers. At the front entrance there will be erected a small porch, the'material-of which is from =the=old frigate; "Constitutioni" of-the war of 1812. On the first floor of the east wing f the building are the men's locker rooms, showers and dressing rooms. There will be room for 400 lockers, and some fifty or sixty private show- er rooms. The dining room and the itchen occupy the first floor of the orth wing. On the first floor will also e a large lounging room and a cafe, to be used on special occasions and at times when the main dining room is not needed.------------------------------------ liquor within The prohibition territory in and surrounding Evanston. He is a member of the legislative commit- tee of the Illinois Firemen's associa- tion and chairman of the judiciary) committee of the^ational Firemen's association. The firemen's pension laws now on the statute books of Illi- nois are a product of his service. HIGH SCHOOL VACATION Students of New Trier High school will enjoy their spring vacation be- ginning MondayT March 21. The va- cation will extend over a period of one week. Family Apartments The upper floor has family apart- ments, and bachelors' quarters. There are eleven apartments for familiesj -^-- nd seventeen single suites. One of the points of unusual inter- st is the immense kitchen with all modern mechanical appliances, steam ables and electrical appliances. The lub will have its own refrigerator ystem for making its ice and for ooling its store rooms. To the Ladies of WILMETTE WINNETKA GLENCOE NOW SHOWING^ THE NEWEST Tailored Creations For Spring & Summer SPECIAL 25% Discount Below My Reasonable Prices. Harry Einhorn Suite 130 Mentor Bldf. 39 S. State Street CHICAGO, ILL. <ORTH SHORE ATTORNEY NAMED BRUNDAGE AID William Lister, for six years city ittorney of JEvanston, andâ€"well MflG A.DAR6Y. nown throughout the north shore as |e nemesis of the so-called "blind- !g" operators, has been appointed ssit ant-attorney general under Ed- ird J. ferundage,^attQrneyâ€"generaL r the state of Illinois. - \ttorney Lister gained distinction this vicinity through his applica- I * phone EttUlStOn 2230 >n of adjunctive remedies employed' enjoin the sale of intoxicating BENCH FREE 1 With Every Ironer Sold This Week 1104-1106 Davis St. Evanston ♦♦""»♦......""...... Call and talk with our Chief Operator , Winnetka or Glencoe Illinois Bell Telephone Company of: wrrtfu/^uav: 4>-\-«v'a » â-  »â-  4 4

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