THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1921 PLEADS FOR NAVAL RESERVE OF 100,000 Captain Evan Tails Businau Man Government Contemplates Erec- tion of Naval Armory in â€"7~ - TW» District That a permanent naval reserve force of 100,000 was a necessary part ~^)f~the~safety and preparedness pro- gram of the United States and that the support of the business men of the country to this movement was eagerly solicited was the theme of a talk made by CaptaiiL Edward A. Evers of the U. S. N. R., a resident of Wilmette, before the luncheon of the Evanston Commercial association forum last weeks----- ------- He also disclosed the fact that the government was even now seeking to place in Evanston a naval reserve armory where the Reservists of this district might train. 300 Navy Men Here "There are in the Evanston district today some 300 ex-service men of the navy still in the reserve," he said. "They have no place to train except in Chicago. The government is even now looking over the district to as- certain the possibility and advisability -of-establishing an-armory and train- ing quarters for these men here." Captain Evers gave a resume of the experiences of the navy during the war. Before f 1916 the reserve force permitted but not financed by the federal government, numbered but 13,000. Of this number there were in Illinois some 600 men and 40. of- ficers. "Within 48 hours after the declara- tion of war," he said, "these Illinois men were at the base ports ready to board ship. During the war, the same Tiien "serVed~ tht oveT^i^OOO^Thips^ at one time or another. ~7~ Swelled to 350,000 "During the war the naval reserve force was swelled to 350.000. Captain Evers pointed out the enormous waste in human effort, money and material, this expediency enlistment caused. The men were untrained, un- seasoned and awkward. "It was because of this fact that we were compelled to have as large a reserve as we did. Had these men had a little previous training, the navy would have been able to ope- rate just as efficiently on half this number and the government woujd have been saved a great deal of ex- pense. "Qur aim today is a permanent nayal reserve force of 100,000. We arevaho asking congress for an an- nual appropriation of $500,000 to de- fray^theTjecessary expense orTerit- ing armories, buying equipment and financing the administration of the Teserve. ^Witlrthe wave of economy that has seized the government our success is in doubt." Two Value* to Be Gained Captain Evers stated that there were two values to be gained by the reserve. First it provided the gov- ernment with an adequate, trained and ready force to meet emergencies. Second it had an inestimable value in teaching the youth obedience, re- spect of authority, cleanliness and the many other lessons military train- ing and ship life offered. "We want the support of the busi- I ness men of this and all other com- munities to the movement," he said. "It's a business proposition that should appeal to the common sense in more ways than one." Captain Evers has charge of the ninth, tenth and eleventh naval re- serve districts. His home is at 1020 Sheridan road. Barrels of Garment* For Babes of Europe Babies Friendly Society and Other Groups Work Diligently For Them At Community House By One of Them Miss Margaret Dingee is entertain MISS Margaret uum^^ « *.»•».».••.â€"•••------------â- , -^ „â€" . â€"~ **wuiu|' ing at tea on ^uTitfay^ventiig-at-her- -society nf the Jagtiai, chatrchl^jH home, 912 Lake avenue, in honor of meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Clare C. Hosm*. 1232 Forest avenue. " Miss Virginia Olwin and her fiance, Mr. John Nicholson The Reading Circle of the Womajn CENTRAL 6TH GRADE WINS PRIZE IN ART LEAGUE DRIVE Prizes were awarded this week to the classes in the public schools for the largest membership solicitation in the recent drive conducted by the board of the Wilmette Public School Art leagne, for membership in the league. Thersixth~gradc^chtssâ€"at the j t Central school, under Miss Brown, was awarded the medal and will be given firstchoice ^>£ the^-pictures *&- be hung in their room. Banners were given to Miss Anderson's room at the Byron C. Stolp school; Miss Hard- ing's room at the Logan school and t*~ Mrs. Butz' room at the Laurel avenve school. » Thocr who have not paid their memberships ior 1rhe~coming year may send them to any member of the board, Mrs. Jolin^JR__Harper chair- man, Mrs. F. L. Joy, Mrs A. J. Coburn, Mrs. Helen Gage or Mrs. Paul Lobanoff. Week Before Easter A NEW BONNET FOR EASTER Elkay's Hat Dyes make old hats into newr ones. Any coTor^ you desire A bottle ___................. .25c SCATTER SUNSHINE with Easter Cards. They are just as much appreciated by-the-r-eei-pient-a-t- _____Easter time as at Christmas. A beau- I I Last Thursday at the Community House the Babies Friendly society had its regular monthly all-day meet- ing, where eight complete T>aby lay- ettes were finished and packed, ready to send in the next shipment of the Near East Relief. The meeting was very well attend- ed, quite a number of new members Tretlig added to this little nand of earnest workers, whose hearts are touched by the appeal for aid for the poor mothers across the sea who do not know the comfort, or even the necessities for their tender babes that we have for our cherished little ones in this "Land of Plenty." Anyone wishing to contribute to this worthy undertaking, either in money, clothing or materials, may communicate with Mrs. Donald Max- well, 1414 Forest avenue, or leave at the Community House, in care of Miss Church. â€"â€"â€" Also in connection with this work, Mrs. Rouland. of 1534 Highland ave- nue, has very kindly offered to mend any used garments of Women or chil- dren that may be sent in. A number of Mrs. Rouland's neighbors and friends have been meeting with her every Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clock, and they have mended more than a barrel of clothing. They will be glad to take care of any garments that are clean and still serviceable and attend to forwarding promptly ieâ€"&€ar East . Re!ie4â€"shipping- rooms. The Renneckar Drug Company aniLth^^T^ylojuJ^rygoods-^tor^^have- - assisted in the work by selling lay ette materials at wholesale prices. K GET HOUSEHOLD HELP WITH THREE-LINE AD | raee Own Your Home and do it easily. Lay the corner stone to- day by starting a Savings account at ~~~Your Home Bankâ€"^ Build the foundation steadily, week by week and month by is not what you earn but what you save that counts. BANK Under State Control and Supervision titful line of cards. Each. . .5c to 50c DELICIOUS CANDIES at old pre-war time prices. ~ fciggett/sQTaarge^ird^^ld"(the won- der box) a full pound of delicious chocolates. A pound . ........ $1.00 Whitman's Sampler, Whitman's Fus- sey Package. In one, two, three and five-pound boxes. A pound. . . .$1.50 MARTHA WASHINGTON CHOCOLATES Fresh every week. Nearly everybody 4H?ows^e^exce^ these candies. Made from a^ioHrnnOflS in colonial times. A pound.... . .85c SMALL JELLY EGGS Tor Easter Week. A pouncTT^^25c Chocolate Eggs with nut and fruits in cream centers, from 5c tcfTSc each, according to size. ^RENf^CKAK BRU^e©; 0&&V& Store Telephones Wilmette 28 and 29 WLLMETTE, ILL. :az^2aBZ^JB2Z^^ZgmZ^!Z^Z3gBSZZZZ^^SZZ2^^^ A. S. Van Deusen SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery ^ff^^^J^1^ & 513 Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. 5°/c CASH Cash and Carry .... 5% Discount Cash and Delivered - - - - 2% Discount DISCOUNT -n ?ri*-rs ?' $'*00 or more of norm*' These do not apply to Meat Department. Profit Goods. Credit and Delivered, one order delivered free SPECIAL SALE March 21st, to March 26th CI Jp AD Granulated. The wholesale price has gone up to $8 90 for 100 lbs. 10 lbs, with QQ JL/VJ/Tl\ an order of $2.00 of normal profit goods, charged or cash. 10 lbs.________,___ Os7C P| f\ IT T% Pillsbury, Waahburn and Ceresota. rt»| QA Florida Grape Fruit^0:.ETm^ Richelieu Rolled Oats 3Tin:^"°finer ,umlity 28c Richelieu Chocolate Nougats 7^"^^eli,M ^"^ wU* â- "»"" ,lw fi"!M; 45c CALIFORNIA NAVAL ORANGES Sunkistâ€" * â- I 176 size ................Doz. A15c 150 size.........V___..Doz. 55c JONATHAN APPLESâ€" Extra fancy, hard, perfect fruit. 10 lbs........................Me Box. Over 40 lbs. net......$3.15 GREENING APPLESâ€" For cooking or baking. Fancy quality. 10 lbs...............65c CALIFORNIA LEMONSâ€" Large. 300 size. Doz.........27c PRUNESâ€"The finest quality- of â- (-, sweet Santa Clara. 70-80 size ; lb...............12*£c 4CU6XUize; lb. ...'.^.^_^.lie 40-50 size; lb................ .21c 20-30 size; lb.................3Sc APRICOTS-^-Fancy Blenheim. Lb...........................42c PREMIUM SODA CRACKERSâ€" National Biscuit Co.'s finest salt wafer. Buy crackers in hulk. They are half the price of package crackers. Lb.... ttt22c~ Ay2 lb. caddy............___95c BROOMSâ€"Little Tom.....Each Fine Corn, well made......,75c CANDLESâ€"Rayo, self fitting, 12 to a lb,; lb.....U1+i^ 1J1U.. .30c SKINNER'S MACARONI AND SPAGHETTIâ€"7 oz. pkg.....10c RICHELIEU MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI â€" Extra large 12 " uz. pkg. liiuctr cheaper^TFarr^ 7 oz. pkg. at 10c. Pkg.......14c MONSOON ASSORTED CHOCO- LATESâ€"* 1 lb. box .................... 45c MARSHMALLOWSâ€"Bulk, lb 35c SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAPâ€"1.0D 8 oz. bars in box. Box .....-.,................$4.25 10 bars....................., ,43c DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDERSâ€"12 oz. can......20c RYZON BAKING POWDERâ€" 1 lb. can.....................30c LARDâ€"Pure bulk, lb.........18c CRISCOâ€" 3 lb. can 69c; V/2 lb. can..... .35c 1 lb. can.....................24c YELLOW CORN MEALâ€" 3 lbs................77.......fOc BUCKWHEAT" FLOURâ€" Pound'......................7%c NAVY BEANSâ€"lb...... .....7%c LIMA BEANSâ€"Dried, lb......12c PJU BELLE CONCORD GRAPE â€"JUICEâ€"Qt^32 oz. bottle.....SSc- Jtfo^dUcount AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP-------- 66814 oz. bars in box......$5.15 10 bars .................*"... .79 ~~' No discount ^RED WING CONCORD GRAPE JUICEâ€"Pint bottle ..........30c RANDOLPH CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVESâ€"Large quart can, not in pint cans ..................35c MONSOON CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVESâ€"Pint can .........20c COLLEGE SPANISH QUEEN OLIVESâ€"No. 20. Large olives, 14J4 oz.......................55c DEL MONTE LOGANBERRY JAMâ€"Sugar and fruit only. Large No. 2 caan. Doz.....$4.20 Can.........................35c No discount DEL MONTE PURE PRE SERVES â€" Strawberry, Rasp- .=-. iifjxy^f^o^fibsrry, Bl ac koerr y r- 15oz. jar 35c; dozen...____.$4.00 No Discount. OLD STYLE MINCE MEATâ€" s Fine quality. Large 21b. jar. .48c GORDON & DILLWORTH'S OR- ANGE_MARMALADE-^^ HELMET PEACHESâ€" Armour's fancy quality at a snap price. Large No. 2*/2 carf.; heavy syrup. Doz. $3.45; Can .....29c RICHELIEU PEARSâ€"California Bartlett, No. 2 can. " Dozen ......................$3.51 ~€anâ€"7T..................... 3»r EASTER APRICOTSâ€" ^ A. bargain. Large No. 2'A cans» fancy quality, heavy syrup. Doz. $3.20; Can .................;.27c MONSOON PEELED APRICOTS Extra fancy, No. 1 can. Dozen......................$2J| Can ..........:..;.. ""'[ 2lc 35c 16 oz. jar- RICHELIEU BITTER"ORANGE MARMALADEâ€" _ 8 oz. jar ...^^ RlCHELJEU^^CQCO^A^Dtrtc^ process,- -f4- lb. can../.... .27%c RICHELIEU RED KIDNEY BEANSâ€"No. 2 can. Dozen. $1.75; Can...........ifc GOLDEN EAGLE WHITE CHER RIESâ€"Superior quality. Large No. 2% can. Dozen .................r,, .$4.51 Can..............'.'.'.'.!'.". ".".â- '. 3fe RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINE* APPLEâ€"The quality cannot be 1 improved. Doz. Can cNo.2 Can, sliced .....$4.15 35e No. 2y2 can, sliced ... 5.00 42e No. 2 canf grated ..... AM 3fc MONSOON ASPARGUS POINTSâ€"Fancy, white, No. 1 can. Doz. $525; Cana........45e RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORNâ€"The finest quality packed Doz. $2.40; Cana.:........... ' PEACE EARLY^tUNB PEAS Remarkably fine at a very low price. Doz. $1,210; can.......VU DEARBORN CLUB SIFTED SWEET PEAS â€"Small, tender, sweet. Doz. $2.40; Can......2* mour's finest quality, No. 2 c|Sr Dozen $1.50; 2 MONSOON TOMATOES â€" Large No. 3 can, dozen .. ....$2^ Can covo siLAJrokc-- Pint can 3Sc x 1111 1,3.11................... •*"â- ANTON IN I OLIVE OILâ€"Pfl?? t*«t:___. ___... * 1 <• Italian; quart ML