Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1921, p. 10

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10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 25,1921 4B* 'Qnmk fllftm Ti ------------ Rouland, Frances Stiles, Virginia Ward. Exerciseâ€""A Wagon Load of Hap- piness", Lucile Boyajian, Emily Darst, Janice Fisher, Lucinda Hardman, El- dora Hopkins, Lola Kurz, Sarah Page, Lenora Palmer, Eloise Smifh. Recitation â€" "Fear Not",. Mary Mack. Proclamationâ€""An Easter Herald", Marion Page. 'Exercise â€" wThe^EasT«r Story'V Catherine Bickham, Camille Coffey, Alice James, Marjorie Mason, Harriet Mens A number of our W. F. M. S. wom- en attended the District meeting held at Irvine Park church on Tuesday, March 22. Mrs. H. W .Mons, 921 Oakwood avenue, entertainedjtlieJjfth division -in an all-day --meetingFriday,â€"--------- The Queen Esther Standard Bear- ers will have an Easter sale of can- dies, cakes and cookies on Saturday, March 26, at the Wilmette Grocery and Market,, on ^entral avenue. , The Monthly Sunday school board meeting will be held in the church at 8: o'clock Tuesday evening .March 29. Do not forget to set your clock ahead one hour Saturday night or you will be one hour late for Sunday school or church services on Easter morning;;----*----------------â€"--------------â€" Sermon, Rapp. Anthem, Choir. Baptismal Service. Reception of Members. Prayer. Doxology. Apostolic Benediction. Musical Monologue, Esther Steinke. Recessional. The regular session of the Sunday school will be held as usual at 9:45 Easter morning. Do not stay home because it is Easter, but come because it is Ea^ster morning. The order of service at 41 o'clock, Easter morning, will be as folows : Organ Voluntary, Miss Watt. Hymn, Choir and Congregation. Apostles' Creed. Prayer. Anthem, "As Christ Upon the Cross," Chorus Choir. Scripture Reading. Offertory, Miss Watt. •. Anthem, "They Have Taken Away My Lord," Mixed Quartetâ€"Mrs. Bur- rows, Miss Stafford, Mr. Schuster ^uul Mr. Long. __Annoucements. Hymn, Choir and Congregation. The Sunday school Easter services will be held at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoonj when the following pro- gram will be given by the Sunday school children. Processional. Recitationâ€""I'm a Little Beginner", Richard Routson. Recitationâ€""The Ttaster Smile," Harold Palmer. > Songâ€""Easter Bells", Beginners' Department. Recitationâ€""The Spring Gossip". Gayle Baker. | Recitationâ€""I Won't Forget". ' Frank Hooper. Recitation â€" "Easter Happiness". Emma Bickham, Harold Bullard, j John Moore. E1 eanor Moulding. Recitationâ€""As~TBis Lily", Betty I Paddock. .•â€" Recitationâ€""Easter Gifts", Mildred Anderson. Corrinne Bullard, Dora Burrows, Ramona Ley. Songâ€""What the Lilies Say", Prim- ary department. Recitationâ€""The Heart of the Lily", Imogene Paddock. Recitation â€" "Let the Children Sing". Primary department. Recitationâ€""His Soldier", Howard Barker. Offertory. Chorusâ€""Christ Lives", Junior de- partment. ;J . „ ' Exerciseâ€""The Graves of the Bible", Robert Burrows, Robert Mar- tin, Albert Moore, George Pattison, Earl Poronto, George Stone, Charles Troy, Cornelius Van Schaack. Recitationâ€""A Cluster of Lilies", Dorothy, BraaseJu Myrtle Carlson, Helen Frimand, Ruth Miller. Mary BAPTIST CHURCH The officials of the church had a very stimulating supper-session last Monday evening in the Presbyterian dining rooms, with Dr. Fred A. Agar, one of the secretaries of the General Board of Promotion, from New York, who laid before the group a principle and method of financing the church and all of its departments as it enters into the new building. Dr. Agar is the apostle of better methods of church management-,-and a higher spiritual interpretation of Christian steward- ship, and is in great, demand from coast to coast. His visit this week will prove very beneficial to the church,-as-it-pla-ns for the making of its budget for the new year, which will be adopted during the month of April. urc On Sunday morning a unique ser- 44ceâ€"ofâ€"Easter:â€"worshipâ€"__has__ planned, which will commence promptly at 11. The musical program will consist of two solos by Mrs. Roy F. France. "Open the Gates of the Temple"... "^TTTrrrrrr......,'............ Knapp "Hosanna".................. Gramer There will be two anthems by the church double male quartet, as fol- lows : "He Is Risen".................Nevin "The Strife Is O'er"........... Salter A brief sermon by the pastor will be followed by the giving of the hand of fellowship to a large number of new members who are coming into the church at this time. A baptismal service was held last .Sunday afternoon at the Evanston church, and is to be followed by an- -oiher such seryice aJL3.o'clock..Sun-, day; TKe pastor's mid-week Bible class at 7:30, Wednesday, will be resumed next week after a lapse of two weeks, during the special Lenten services of the church. The topic for considera- tion at the mid-week meeting, March 30. will be "After Easter, What?" and at this meeting the nominating com- mittee for the year will be elected by the church. The Bible-school established a new record for promptness at the session last Sunday morning, when 92 jSer cent of those in attendance were in thehrpTaces before ~the~ opening hour had arrived. This is the result of a continued campaign for promptness which has quite revolutionized the spirit of the school. Mr. Stifler goes to Bay City, Mich., Wednesday evening to conduct con- ferences on Young People's Work at the annual Convention of Sunday School and Young People's workers of Michigan. During his former pastor- ate at Saginaw Mr. Stifler was for a time the chairman of this convention. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH We are anticipating an unusually appropriate and interesting observ.- ance of Easter Sunday. The first order of the day will be an early morningâ€"serviceâ€"beginningL_at_7 o'clock, under the direction of the Christian Endeavor society. Attend- ance is not limited to the younger people, but all who may be inclined tcTthus appropriately begin the day been!wilLbe_ welcome. Sunday school as usual at the reg- ular hour, 9:30 a. m. .... The special program for the church will be at 11 o'clock, the time of the regular Sunday morning service. The subject of the sermon for the morn- ing will be, "The Easter Message, Then and Now." The Easter chorus choir will sing two favorite selections entitled, "Awake, Thou that Sleep- est," by Stainer, and "Festival Te Deum" by Dudley Buck. The concluding program of the day will be presented by the Sunday school at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. This program will consist of selec- tions from the Easter cantatas "An Easter Vision" and "Victory Through Christ" under the direction of Mrs. C. C. Henderson. There will be reci- tations and special exercises by sevr eral of the classes. Every cordially invited. <*t Presbyterian church, corner Ninth street and Greenleaf avenie. ST. JOHFTS LUTHERAN Holy Communion will be celebrihi on Good Friday evening, in JS service the newly confirmed willT among those communing for the fir time. The preparatory service f communicants begins at 7:Jo Z regular service at 7:45. The sibi2 of the sermon: "The Victory of5 Cross". John 19, 30. A particularly attractive servfe has been arranged for Easter Da» Mr. G. Schroeder, baritone, will i the soloist. Mr. J. Arth Koss £ charge of the organ numbers. tfc* pastor will speak on, "The Glory of the Resurrection." Col. 3,1. - St. John's very much regrets tint so many people had to be turnel away last Sunday morning, for lack of room. Don't become discouraged but come again, and we shall see to it that you are accommodated. Remember I Sunday's services o dayljght saving time, the new time. The young people of the Baptist church will meet with those of the Congregational church~~ih a uniol Good Friday service, at which Ralph! D. frowns of Northwestern Univenl ify will be the speafceT^The meeting will be held at 4 o'clock in Pilgrim! hall and young people ot all ages a«| cordially invited. The last of the Pre-Easter meetind will^be held Friday evening at 11 o'clock in Pilgrim hall, Hhe memben) of the Baptist church aiding in mak-[ ing these extremely enjoyable meet*| ings. The service Easter morning nil be a beautiful one. A quartet, com sisting of Mrs. Herdien, Mrs. Claudtl Smith, Mr. A. C. Colby, and Mtl Stanley Deacon, will sing special Easter numbers, and Mrs. Herdiet will render a solo. Besides these Mrs] Von Ritter has arranged for sped QUESTIONS-TWO ANSWERS AND ONE EVASION ' / ^Qoming home on the 5;14rtrain we z$k%& W Mkr business man Jhree questions: TTjGot any hootch at home ? 2. Do you ever take a drink? __ 3. Are you a Christian? To the first question the reply was prompt and po< sitivc: "No, and booze burgtorr^don't worry me."___ His ready response to the.second question was: "I usc^ 1° (lrink several yeanragorbut I cut it out and never regfetted it since then." * • * But to the third question he made evasive reply. He said, "T think T am as good a citfren as thfnext fellow. lo to church with the~ wife pretty regular^ I heltt support the churchâ€"guess I pay as much as anybody- bay, what s your definition of a Christian ?" ^ We answered, "One who'believes in Christ and fol^ lows His precepts." "Well," he said, "it's strange, but I am past fifty ^ear^oi^agpuuLyoiiarejth&iirst to ask me that qucs - uon. ^fmriarow-we-soTrorgo along imagining we are all right on this matter of religion, but when the ques- tion is put up to us it'sâ€"ah, well you know a fellow just don t know the answer light off." Why should it be embarrasing td a man to be asked it he is aXhristian ? The Wilmette Baptist Church utheran c * a , ar-rEa HeTWWngregatioiiaf Church it Augustine s Epwcopal^hurch T4e first Methodist Church

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