IPffPliH mpp -itstxtt swsre -sews tm&ruK&a*:im_ fttSSIa^m S COSTS $W TO LEARN WE HAVE A SPEEDERS LAW REAL ESTATE ASSUMES BOOM P R OPO* TI ON S IN VILLAGE. WStawwe'a **a3 enate i* teaming li o®* vtnay jodf* by ihe following x*- j port of tatea driver- to it repre*«rt»iive of The Lake,-Sbcatt New* tni*.w**k Wednesday *nd Saturday art tefj j,T â- _*.,,__. Baftcer and Company. aVide in Witatm police court a* oc- '^ w;t 0f ]S44eei of property at â- dUkiRiiari^w^^'Ead other motor i r,urh:b_jHreef.' »_«&..Ortenle** Hlfiie Wi» Ti»a *• 3a» Uolator*' ^4i^ in coon &»*eq»e«t!y Folic* -Magi mat*1 "lickey wm«h » cwp3t of. furly t§y "afternoon* twice wfckfe to near rondry exc«*e*. alibi*', denial* ano what no**, of tat overly baste naotorirt. / Oe Saturday lull, Magistrate ' Mickey 4i*«»**ed at ~ con*iderabl* ta>h' the speed law* of tail. *or- â€"â€"â€"'-ePHfpa state to one Mi**-A. C. Jewctt. of the PI*** Hotel, Chicago, who^wra* baled into court l»y motorcyclist George Scnaefer. for driving at a 32- tm3e clip along peaee-fal-Liadea ava> ooa. •------- ' ^^WH Defendant said *he not only lacked knowledge governing operation and ~<Srivirig~of motor vehicle*, bnt al*o was unacquainted vita the intri- cacies of court procedure. Magistrate Mickey, in addition to â€" aâ€"ctftttjg-a fine of $30 and costs, re- tigiously reviewed the statutes -and told the young personâ€"as how she from~EbjU-ftedeTT- to Friat George,, •fifty feet of this was refold to R. : Kirkftagjek of Chicago and another fifty feet frap the satce property to ; A. W. Robert*, of Chicago. ; TfcejaJ*. of the JontTD. Finch res- idence at 2?14 Taayer street. Evas- ion, to F. E. Whiting of Chicago: the 6 room bungalow at 3436 Forest ave- nue, to L. W. Scbnitter of Chicago: H. E. Got4er"*-lt-room house at 2/45 "Woodbine avenue, to Glenn O. Pear- son of Wiimette. The new 9 room stucco home at "536Hbaore} avenue, the property of .1. E. Orth, to .lames §L Helm: the 7 room frame bouse of A. E. Westman to E. A. Christensen, of Chicago; tiO foot lot on Tenth street near Forest avenue, to J. E. Erngle of Chicago, former owner S. Kata. didnt' hare* to worry about court pro cedure since.-ktiowledge of it could not possibly have any effect on the ultimate judicial decisicm. Another who accepted a fine . on Saturday on speeding charges, was Cla>ton*Markâ€"Jr..cf Evanston. $3(1 and costs. - Wednesday"- grist, occasjoned GIRLS! COMMUNITY HOUSE TEACHES HAT FESTOONING I | Trial yoatc .feat*! 3**** JM» â- ffliiifiri I •<iass mam. being organized aj Wil- imette Coroanunity House by placing Ivoor application with Mis* Church. (â- direct****, Phone Wiimette 2434. The new o»iUinery class is but one of :he many useful departments of ac- I tivirr at tbe Gosnaauaity-center. The i rious groups atsd dhaVa, in eluding tie Wiimette Post of the American Le- ririoa.-. tbe Wiimette Pby^4cia«'» club, • the Wiimette Athletic club and the Bovs' club. On Thursday Mrs. John Boddre en- tertained the Board of Infant Welfare sooetv at luncheon • at Community •House. -^ t The program of classes and meet- ings for the coming week- are as fol- lows: Sundayâ€"Finnish clatt. with EFFICIENCY â€".Quick â- work of. the. Village 3>epart- mem of Public Works was evidenced Mondayâ€"Dres*makj Miss Marr. 4 to 6 o'clock- Tuesdayâ€"Cooking class two classes arranged for April 5. -----.- Wednesdayâ€"Sewing by thropy department of Wilaaette Cath olic Woman's clubf Tl'iursdayâ€"Finnish society.- Fri.dayâ€""Miss Marsh's dressmaking LADIES' CAR* CLWl*EEfr~ Mrs. Xkfcolas Bleser wfl! be host- ess to the Ladies' Card club next Thursday afternoon at her home oo Ridge avenue. Gross Point. VISITING RELATIVES '• Mrs. P. J. Kiviand of Lockport.TlX, is visjting her sister^Mrs. William P. Parks. Lake and Ridge avenue, tht* week. ' ttADY FOR ACTION The Dependable Auto Supply St tion, Lake and Ridge avennet, l announced ha readiness for bast* with north short motorists, -p carrying a high grade "fine of « sories a "free air and Jtarat er acS has been installed as well a!t ijj process of vulcanizing. GBT HOr AD Butns Bandage the npot with plenty of aootning ilf^n^. Coolf and heaia, and antiaeptically omitted: Tuesday, Philan- this w-eek in, the prompt installation of a street Ijffet on Greenwot»d arclt, i vThe lamp was ms.tailed, and in op*r»j a#oa. six days following the request j made to the Village Board. class. Saturdayâ€"Vic>lin class BUILDS NEW HOME â€"John Schaefgen is building a new residence on Kemwaldt avenue. Gross Point.- :"7'- motorcvclisr Peter Shaefer, ia-cjlsd?* Henry Yly,, of Witinetka. $1® andn costs'; Georjge Doe (he disclaims rela- tionship to the celebrated John) of Miles Center. $5 and costs; GL W. Thatcher, 179- La&do, a venue,, $10 and costs; H. O. King. .Chicfigo-. 510 and C0*t*i TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT - SOLD - RENTED - REPAIRED - All Makes CHANDLER'S PHONE It. 123 Public Library News and Reviews BY THE LIBRAXUN Are you going to !have a good garden. Knowing how will brine the desired results and' your public library will provide you with books waich wilf give you the experience) of experts and tell. youNwhat they be- lieve to he the better way. Htrrt are some of the books now available Dtincanâ€"Joyous • 'at% of gardening. The beginner will..'find in this book clear directions 'for the cultivation "and. care of Bowers and shrubs. Especially helpful are tfie suggestions as how the yarden may best be suited --toalready existing surroundings. â€""author .tells' in - graphic-.fash tonâ€"alt about planning the home garden. When and how to plant all common â- vegetables, how small fruits and ber- ' ries should be cultivated and bow to .keep, an orchard btaring to its f.u_U capacity. â€" . - Fullertonâ€"Book of the Home Garr 'â- 4***- "A guide to all forms Gf garden- -- ing written clearly and simply. 3t is aâ€"bookâ€"for tfceâ€"amateur, cover- ing vegetable, flower and fruit gar- dening. â- '___~ : ___.__ â- Davis-Garden • Book. Treats' the question regarding soils, ' fertilizer.-. manures, /irrigation, T^ect enemies and -funV'-ous' diseases, construction of hot beds and cold frames. Taborâ€"Suburban- ..•-^Qar-dens. â€" Pe-g> -l_feaisjroU_ire_ ichoking ~ot information about vine*. Mr. Tafeoi te'b yon- wfe'ere and now?" to- plant certain varietiei. Shrubbery and trees are -_.-disctts.std. P^ns a'rt^--^tye-n-/sh-ow.. n g- stiitat.'e arrangement of walk'-, pathi- asd garden entraoceji - t.. fit. Ba .awthority .'.on agriculture and fruit sgrowing. The horary has h« prin- ciples of vegeiabl«rgJardening and his principles of .fru_:t. gr- mi % _____ HE_*t4ierâ€" book s on gardeningf are : f Rtxfordâ€"Indoor Gardening? â€"Hendersons-Gardening ,iorâ€"Ple-ts- ure. " â- ""Elyâ€"Woman's. Hardy Garden. Rcxfordâ€"/Four Seasons m the G__r- den. Blanchanâ€"American Flower Gar den. Hemen way School Gar den S- Be^nett-â€"Fx?wer Gardening, Bestâ€"Back-yard Gardening. *~ COLLECT $4§».#tt IN TAXES Approximately $4BS9$Q& wa_f col- lected in general taxes this ye-ir • > New Trier Township Cr'%CTr"/ H^v King who recently closed." h~- oo-.k*- at headquarters at the First National Bank of Wiimette. The total collec- tion tb1s"year exceed$~that of 1920 by more than %3O0J), Collector King re- ports SELLS TWO PROPERTIES M. L. Moody and C-ompary, real- tors, announces the sale of the F A! Hutchinson property at 1717 High- land avenue, to Fred J. Dettman. The sale-of the property of Mr*. â- â- }.â€"Gr- Tyasowtkiat 163Q Walnat avenue to E^Fi Angfeback wa» also negotiated by M. L. Moody and Company. Buying a car that thirsts moie thanit travels is like hiring a cook who eats more than she earns^ ^ndlhti*&fc~for too many cooks and cars that answer to that description. What you want is a car that doesn't have to stop at every gasoline tank for refreshment. And that is the achievemen t of the Light alloy steels and the Suspension Triplex Spring are the mainspring of Overland economy.^ Overland with its Suspension Triplex Spring" and light alloy steels. It has solved one of the most perplexing riddles of automobile design. It has lengthened the mileage of a gal- Bur quality still plays the role of Ham- let in the drama of Overland production. Quality in the steels, selected at the source, checked in the rolling, and in- spected at the plant. Quality in the various parts, built by Overland themselves, and not billed to Overland bv othersJ____u___________- Quality in every process of manufacture and assembling, done by Overland and not_by_uroxy»^ ion pfngas by burning up distance in- rv^Kw «w;™»^7~»sV- i„kâ„¢ ~t '*k- ctM^fh„.n;«0„n^v Quality.animating the labors of the stead of burning up money. *ntire^Overiand bfganizatibn^ and pro- It has reconciled light alloy steels with ducing^ unalloyed comfort and set luxury and economy on the road together. - A LIGHT-WEIGHT, LOW-PRICED, tod yetj great as it is, die Suspension Triplex Spring is only one ot many Overland advantages. ^he-world regards it^a^^rneir^poch^ in automobile construction^ and it is. EASY - RIDING, SLOW.- BURNING, MILE-E.ATING PIECE OF. MECH- ANISM, COSTING LITTLE TO BUY, iiST> MIGHTT LITTLE TO RUN! But enthusiasm for this marvelous mechanisrn should_nbtx)bscure the solid claims of Overland quality. In winning the Los Angeles-Vosemite Valley Test,, the Overland Touring Car gave 35 mrles per gallonâ€"Tne Overland Sedan gave 27 miles per gallon. i EATS UP MILEAGE BUT HAS A POOR APPETITE FOR GASt W INN^^ET^iTTirotOKrCOr __3^M. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. "J562 Lincoln Avenue Phone Win net ka 163 WINNETKA i The Cconomy