THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRDAY, APRIL 1, 1921 it p Activities s, orth JKore Chihs by RutK Ririey^^ INNETKA, on Saturday evening, Aprils, is to be privi- leged to hear, at her Community House, one of the fore- most choral societies in-the-countryr^in^the-concert-of the Haydn Choral society. This society was organized teen years ago by Prof. H. W. Owens, who, up to last year, con- ducted it, but, owing to ill health, has relinquished the baton to his son, Haydn Owens. Haydn is reported as an ac- complished musician, and as .well known in New -Xofk as he is in Chicago. â- â- I personated by the Misses Eunice Wright, Norreh Lyons, Marcia I,au- er, Gladys Kuclzow, Marion Boyden and Winifred Reinboth; The fashion show of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, -of Northwest- ern University, which will be held at the Evanyton Woman's club Wednes- day, April 6. is for the benefit of their sorority house fund. About fifty gowns will be displayed from the shop of Mme. Ripley. The members of the active chapter of the sorority will act as models/ ""The WomaiTarXhristian Temper- ance union will meet with Mrs. I. G. Moody, 921 Greenwood avenue, on Monday, April -4, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. M. H. Landon of Chicago will speak on Sabbath Observance. NEW TRIER IN SUBURBAN LEAGUE BASEBALL CLASSIC New Trier High schoot will attempt , to add further laurels this spring to The society s greatest her already large collection garnered achievement was the securing | ^urinsr the oresent school year. She of first honors at the Panama- }>*» entered a nine in the Suburban matMi - -MWaaama mm Pacific Exposition at San Fran- cisco. Several other first prizes have been won at inter- -national contests. The work of the society has been lauded by the most exacting critics, including the music critics of the various Chicago dailies. Richard Proud, president of thcHaydn Choral society, says 4ie- is planning^-t© nnakeâ€"4hc^ Winnetka concert one of the best in their career. There will probably be two or three soloists of national repute and a chorus of some seventy-five voices. Haydn Owens The annual meeting and luncheon of the Winnetka Woman's club will be held on Thursday, April 21. Res- ervations for the luncheon must be made to Mrs. Barret Conway, 387 Linden street^ Winnetka, notJater than April 18. The nominating com- mittee, which consists of Mrs. Mau- rice H. Lieber, chairman; Mrs. Hey- liger A. de Windt, Mrs. John Ifc Mont- gomery, Mrs. Allan Wolff and Mrs. William R. English, has presented the following ticket for officers for the ensuing year: President^ Mrs. George W. Gordon; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Willoughby G. Walling; second vice-president, Mrs. Leon H. Winne; recording secretary, Mrs. Taliaferro Milton; corresponding sec- retary, Miss Ruth Matz; treasurer, Mrs. Alfred G. Freeman; member at large, Mrs. Arthur S. Coffin; chair- man of committees. Art and litera- ture, Mrs. William B. Moulton; Edu^ cation, Mrs. Wallace W. Chickering; league baseball circuit, which will be Turned bv Srivder, pilot of the foot- ball squad, which made such a won- r erful showing in last autumn's race for suburban honors.- â€"-----â€"â€"< Not much can be said at present repprMing the diamond outfit, but it is thought by many that New Trier will finish close to the lead although competition is bound Jo be strong. The first league game is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, with the op- posing team as yet unannounced. â€"This year's- team-is_the_ntat^entered in the league for-several years by the north shore school. f£ A RUG WlXhLTHE SHEEN OF GEMS The late war has played havoc with the rug weavers, reducing them seventy-five per cent. Therefore there is a shortage of Oriental Run and Carpets which are worth many timet their former value. Your rugs might be priceless, so take good care of them. Have them cleaned or re- paired by a native workman. Our up-to-date methods in cleaning, removes dirt, grit, moth eggs, etc., and rertores their color and brightness. Let us take care of your rugs and carpets by phoning our representative. Civics and Philanthropy, Mrs. Stephen A. Foster; House, Mrs. William A. Otis; Social, Mrs. William R. Eng- lish ; Music, Mrs. Emory C. Andrews; Finance, Mrs. M. L. H. Odea. The election will take place on this date. A delightful program in charge of the Young Woman's auxiliary has been arranged for the next meeting of the Wilmette Woman's club to be held on the evening of Tuesday, April 5, at the clubhouse, in the form of two short plays. "The Flower Shop." one of a group of Harvard plays, has a cast made of some excellent amateur talent in the Misses Marjorie Crabbr-Helen Bell, Nettie Smith, Dorothy Lyons and Dorothy Golden. The second playlet entited "Our Aunt from California," by Madeline Demarest Bar num. sounds very much like a good old comedy, and the - various character parts will be im- -â- .i^armvafri-i?!! Circle Tour. April Records Just Oat PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis Street EVANSTON Phone Evanston 654 Drawn from metuat photograph of building Zovarid with BUttiom Tlie Road to Happiness Leads to the Home MAKE that home you plan to build worthy of your ambitions. Put into it material that te fireproof, crackproof and waterproofed. Build it with Elastica. Ait Investmentâ€"Not an Expense Elastica is an tovestmem^not an expense. Its element- resisting qualities defy deterioration, its fire proof qualities lower insurance rates. Elastica may be satis- factorily applied in extremes ^^"^^^S^ or summer. Find out about Elastica. Write today. WISCONSIN LIME & CEMENT CO. Chamber of Commerce Building, Chicago AMERICA. ^ LOW»TONS &XSSL _r* Aram X7 Mestjian Native Cleaning and Repairing of Oriental Rugs and Carpets Phone Wilmette 1949 607 W. Railroad Ave., Wilmette. 111. ------ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ^^^1* * «, v Cwtfy oMUfwtjfOwiaji -r"â€"mS^SSSSm HAYNE8 America's First Car Phones: Evanston 4250-0020 Motor Cars of abundant power, so sound mechanically and of such refinement as to give the owner the constant, satisfying service to which his Investment entitles him. Jans-Lamke Motor Co. OLDSMOBILE 23rd Year 1018-1017 OAVISaTHlIT Willys-Knight, 7 pass, touring, $1550 Overland, 5 passenger, 3275 Chevrolet, 5 passenger touring, 2500 Chevrolet, 5 passenger touring, £300 Ford, 5 passenger touring, 3200 Oldsmobile, 7 pass, touring, 31100 Overland,,5 passenger, 3175 Overland, 2 passenger roadster, 375 Buick, 5 passenger touring, 3450 American, 2 passenger roadster, 3350 • These cars were taken in trade on Willys-Knight and Over- land cars. Some of them are rebuilt and refinished. Twelve y^rriirbusinessin^he same place is your guarantee and safeguard. Consider this carefully before buying away from home. â€" ~ -iâ€"_"â€"_. v» ^HWE'Brj Wm. T. Wehratedf, Proprietor.