Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Apr 1921, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRDAY, APRIL 1, 1921 ;C gifts and asked the rector to fesent the gifts on behalf of the )ir. ^he children's special Easter serv- on Sunday afternoon at four was ell attended, there being a good any friends of the children in ad- tio'n to the church Sunday school, special program of Easter music fas rendered by the Girls' church ioir with Miss Louise Robinson in large and Miss Winnifred Mickey organist. A large cross was placed -theâ€"en*rance-to-thc chancel - and le children, one by one, brought up ieir Lenten savings and deposited tern at the foot of the cross. The .enten savings of the children of the Episcopal church amounted to over quarter of a million dollars last ear, and this year they hope to reach "0,000. The savings of the children re used entirely for foreign mis- Ions. The rector gave a short ad- ress to the children on the meaning "• Caster.------<-?â€"â- â€"â€"â€"â€" The members of Mrs. Wachs' Bible lass for women, which has been tak- hg a special course of Bible study luring Lent, preceded in each case % a celebration of the Holy Com- junion, presented Mrs. Wachs after ^st ThursdayVsessionf with a copy If the new work by Dr. 'Pattexaon. Imyth on the "Life and Times of thrist." Plans are being carried through for Choir Boys' camp to be held in Wisconsin on one of the Wisconsin tkes shortly after school ends. The women of the Associated guilds will meet this afternoon at 1:30 for their regular weekly session. Although the weather on Good Fri- day was so unpropitious. the services ^tTSt. Auflrusttne*s were largely at- tended, ,The Three Hour services. lasting from 12 to 3. consisted of seven short addresses bv the rector on the seven last "Words" or "Sav- ings of our Lord on the Cross. In between the addresses there were de- votional periods with times for silent prayerr-The~service was"tfevbJionat throughout and most helpful. At the evening services the choir .rendered parts of Stainer's "Crucifixion." PUPILS' RECITAL APRIL 7 AT WILMETTE WOMAN'S CLUB Piano pupils of Myrtle May Hop- kin s. assisted by Rosemond Chad- wick, artist voice pupil of Sebastian Burnetti and Madame Sofia Stephali. will appear in recital at the Wil- mette Woman's club Thursday eve- ning, April 7. at 7:45 o'clock. The following pupils will appear on the program: _- Dorothy Brown, Dana Wheeler, Marjory Smith, Virginia Skinner, Ar- thur Kelley, Marie Nostrum, Evelyn Waddell, Robert Goddard, jean TCew- -kirkr-€ecH Kerr, Hazel Kraft, Janet Shepard, Nathan Pancoast, Ruth Shepard, Junior Moore, Robert Kline, May Elizabeth Townsend, Ethel Ros- berg, Jane Anderson, Eldora Eloine Hopkins, Gordon Buck, Minerva Kraft, Donald Boice and Loraine Dittman. -BLUE SUNDAYS- For motorists are sometimes caused by defec- tive auto tires^ Before-takfng that next-^ week-end trip followers of the open high- ways and boulevards are asked to bring the tire that needs vulcanizing to the DEPENDABLE AUTO SUPPLY STATION Lake and Rids* Avenues Gross Point Telephone Wilmette 2359 N. B.â€"We tread your tire with the "ONE HEAT TREAD," the modern economical method, and guarantee you at least 8000 additional miles usage SCHOOL BENEFIT SALE St. Francis Xavier church school fund will benefit by a Rummage sale to be held Wednesday, April 6, at 1225 Wilmette avenue under auspices of the Wilmette Woman's Catholic club. Painting and Paperhanging Call WILMETTE 796- J ^H^J. MILLER alt Prairie Avenue GEORGE STUMP < TENOR Teacher of Singing Awietent to Frantz Prose ho w*Jty 718 Fin* Art* B!dC. CHICAGO T«Whone: Harrison 4031 MAN'S Have Yoti Selected Your Spring Hat? It is no longer necessary to go out of town to find hats in correct style. BURNS' TOGGERY Have you looked over oar new line of Spring Shirts Opposite C. & N. W. Station WILMETTE. ILLINOIS Greenleaf Delicatessen Home-made Bread and Rolls Our Specialty. Home-made Cakes and Salads. Some- thing different and goad everyday. 1133 2433 urtviocJWediAiya, 1M to t. HOURS* (Sunday, 7:30 to 11. 1 to *. BEST AGE A man is as old ss his organs; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in tuurfitnmitMr ♦!â- Â»*»!•• CnnMinne lTaan your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL PRESSING, MOVING AUJX TAXI SERVICE * * * WILMETTE 1225 .Central Avenue CO. Phone Wilmette 40 MiWIW The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles since 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on .vary bor Parties and luncheons are again the vogue after a 7-week j cessation during the season of Lent. Candy and ice cream to please the most discriminating tastes are always available at Wm. P. Parks Confectioner "Everything Sweet to Eat" Ridge and Lake Aves. WILMETTE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1410 We can furnish you with black dirt for vour lawns e* and shrubbery. Phone Evanston829 or Central (27 ImntOafM 30 East Randolph St. Fleer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Tuesday, the nineteenth day of April next, at the Village Hall in the first precinct; at the Village Hall in the second precinct; at the Fire Station, No. 829 W. Railroad Avenue, in the third precinct; at the Free Public Library, north east corner of Wilmette and Park Avenues, in the fourth pre- cinct; at the Blaisdell Barber Shop, No. 505 Fourth Street* in the fifth precinct; in the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, an election will be held for the following Village Officers, viz.: ONE VILLAGE PRESIDENT ONE VILLAGE TREASURER THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEES TWO DIRECTORS OF THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY which election will be opened at 7:00 o'clock in the morn- ing, and will continue open until 5:00 o'clock in the after- noon of the same day. Given under my hand at Wilmette, Illinois, the Eighteenth day of March, A. D. |0217~~^~ ~â€"~' EARLE.ORNER, â€" Village Clerk.

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