-^ â€" £ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL a 1SZ1 " -g TRAVELING COiHMB IN FIRST RUN HERE Village by C F. 5tark of Wilwlto, Chas. i:. .Stark. 22/ Ninth strast. ont of thfâ- fJMsfwttrâ€"^notion picture • mrti. through the ""courtesy, of Mau- ,igrt- Suarr. oi the Village Theater, jfave the patrons who * attended the -heater last Friday and Saturday night*. March 25 and 2li, a complete _ surprise Those who attended on either xiiirht were gives the privilege of witnessing the first of a series of ten traveling comedies, entitled "So This - is J^inericax" _jproduced under Mr. Stark's personal direction. These pictures made iheir first public. appearance on these nights. The titles were written by 1:he ia- tnoit* King W. Lardner, and the series featured the well-known musical com- -jedy-J&ar, Jack Gardner. This series of pictures was in production for the past year, and Mr. Stark believes that he is presenting to the public a brand new and novel idea in mo- tion picture circles. Education in Pictures Mr. Stark is a firm believer in clean pictures and his activities have been Miss Helen Evans. 61© Gregory avenue, has resumed ^jfcer work at the University of Illmop after spend- ing the Easter holidays with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. C. ft Evans. T>r. and Mrs. Walton-Ball have sold their ftwiner residence at WW Ehn- wood avenue, and have. purchused4a bungalow at 754 Fir street, Winnet- ka. ;';'; â- " Friends "pf %&*>. Benjamin Gage of Evanston, a., former .resident of tlus village, will regret iO learn that .vhe is ^seriously ill at the Evanston hos- pital. Mrs George C. Murdoch. 1010 Cm tral avenue, returned on Saturday 'from an expended trip through Flor- ida. Mrs. Wendeiin F. Seng, 401 Lake avenue, left on Tuesday to spend ten days at West Baden. lnd„ Mr. -Seng is leading today to join ~hcr*-----râ€"^_: The A-CMCi-Ya Camp Fire group held a work meeting on Thursday of last week with Miss Dorothy Hub- bard at the Wilmette itm. Mrs, Bertha Schell of 1211 Wilmcne avenue, is spending three wreks tn St. Louis, with- net duugher. Mrs. J. S, I>inkelkamp. Dr. Walton-Ball has retumed^rom a trip to Canada, where he attended the funeral services of his uncle, Nyndert Gardiner Harris. Rev. S. A. Lloyd will speak this evening to the Parent ^Teacher asso- ciation j>f Libertyville, 111. ------LJ| jSti Mr. and Mrs. O. H.Wills of Hart- land. Wis., are the guests for a few days this week of Mr, and MrsHfc-} a business trip, Howard Mus'son, 635 Park avenue. Miss Laura Wilson, -who has been along the lines of combining amuse- the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ._____._____i . .i____.*:„.. u.. i...i,.,.„i <ln.« ( ilu-itt K"'/i 1.nt-»> in ••Tin** r»«ritrn»«rl tn ment and education. He believes that in combining comedy with education a great step is taken forward in mo- tion picture production. They are called traveling comedies due to the fact that each one of the series of ten are produced in differ- lent localities, suclr"ai^Â¥etlowRtone National park. Vosemite valley. Pike's Peak. etc. Owing to the fact that they were so thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who. attended the show^ arrangement's will -undoubtedly be. made to fun the entire series of ten in Wilmette be- fore they are shown ^elsewhere throughout the country. PROMINENT IL OF C. SPEAKER AT LOCAL COUNCIL MEETING Jerome Crowley, Master of the fourth degree, will be the speaker at the regular meeting of the Ouilmette council Knights i^bdGoiutnbus Tues- day evening at Jones' Lodge hall. Mrâ€" Crowley is heralded as one of the most convincing- speakers in The state. Arrsngem«fi's fcavie ;beeB" made ior the council banquet which will be held Thursday, May 12. at the Win- netka Woman's club. The event will be the most important from a so- cial standpoint ever held by the local Xti igh t s. '-... . -The singles and doubles bowling tournament "for Ouilmette nwmj>ers_ only" will be "held during the week of April 1#, it, is planned. METHODIST CHURCH The Home Missionary society is collecting wearable clothing for boys from four to fifteen years, to be sent, to rtiitiTsters on mission charges where comfort counts for more than style. Send what you have to Mrs. George PaJ0ii»uJtLj&2XA^&la^ or to Mrs. C. A. Wheeler. 265 Wood court. . tea Thp ^ntniujjdinrierâ€"^i the Wortuin^- Home Mis sipnary society ta> metsber^-j and friends will be given in the church tonight, April 8, at 6:30. o'clock. The debate at the' Epworth League, meeting luM Sunday-was- decided in favor'-of the negative'represented by Mr. WilHanfTarrerit. Mr. Grambling.._who joined our church by letter on East er Sun day will lead the Epwordh league meeting xxext Sunday. . •â€". The subject for Dr. Rapp's sermon next Sunday mortrng is : "Work" The classes in preparatory member-1 *hip meet m the charch Sunday even-1 ing at 6 o'clock. .All those young people who joined the church-Easter Sunday should a*tend these classes Parents are asked-to keep this in mind. Social f>appcMiRg$ A group of r.orth shore members of the Ch: Orriegi sorority attended the annual Fotn^dters' Day banquet held on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Helen Savory in Birch wood. Roberts. 10*4 Like Miss Gertrude Winn will return to her home. 510 Lake avenue, on Sun- day from the Evanston hospital where she under went an operation. Olwin, 820 Lake avenue, returned to Northampton, Mass.. on Tuesdayrrr: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bergman have sold their home at 1318 Forest avenue, and have moved to-Locke. N, • Y. Mr. and Mrs1. John Gillies of 735 Eighth street, left yesterday for a sojourn at Ashe ville. K. C. Mrs. A. J.Coburn was eallei consin early this week, owing to tihe serious illness of her father. Mr. Frank E. Kutledge, 1320 Elm- wood avenue, went to Minneapolis, Minn., on Tuesday, for a short busi- ness trip. ,.'" r '. ^â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wrenban of 900 L^ake ^r»'ehue, are^leaving c»n Saturday of this week foTa forfnighfs stay at Tryon, N. CT~ J uclson Thompson entertained a group of friends at an itiformal danc- ing party on Saturday evening last at his home-on Ashland avenue. Mrs. Charles Hastings will enter- tain the members of one of the Tues- day Luncheotr-and~ Bridge rbjrbsâ€"at her home, 503 Central avenue, on Tuesday of next week. House !?^ashian^ros. 1145 Green) i»f Avenue, Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 1200 Mis'- Dorothy Yo-nkers of 911 Sheridan road, returned to school in ^a-t this week, with a group of sdteoi friends a»4 chaperones. Mrs. C J. Brcmghton's mother, Mrs. Gluck,* is convalescing after a fall which resulted in a broken hip. .Mrs. Mason, mother of Mrs. L. A. Bower, 1041 Ashyand avenue, ia visit- ing her sister in f'lalm-ille. ffl. Mr. Glenn H. Pickard. 1036 Forest avenue, has gone to New Orleans on Mr. Charles BraUtigan is con- valescing at his home. 725 Prairie avenue, from a recent illness. fP KENILW0RTH HAND LAUNDRY ROUGH DRY 25 Pounds $3.00 WE^ALL AND DELIVER Phrae Kenilworth 222 APRIL COAL PRICES Are in effect, and make it worth while to order now mm euaJM«Ta it mi vnwr wtummv the xSaMrv Full Weight ai»d aaUnfaeiory- Mhmv ttf anv and at! Guarantwd Pn»dutn.H. nudemg It a part iif ttie Trattaatit4on to ehwitully remove the mbm ar th«ir uwn eauMise and refund lour Money if Tuu An- JCot Haiiwtied. â€"â€" < WORK BRANCH: CALL president. _^__ NORTH SHORt •WANCW:JyAN^Ttt0^^SoMt,.EV*,,^n, WILMETTE 1300 GLEMCOE 75 ROGERS RARK 3800 tm^mmmwamJi mwmsr___-j.___ Coal, Coke, Ice, Feed, Fertilisers, Building Material it* at Evanston Branch Only. (opip ^^^ GENERAL OFriCEB; 111 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO TELERHONE FRANKLIN «400 wnmu»3nmm»nUi»mmuuw3J333n33>»3»iJj»Mmn*m ILLIAM TAYLOR TORE*^ NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS We respectfully solicit your patron- age and invite you to visit and in- spect our new store. 1125-27 Central Ave. WI1 i Wilmette 1914 \»W»m»lt»»m»Mmmum»M»l>u>mt3mim>mm»nu,,mmiH>i*mM3n»mm*». ADVERTISE IN YOUR LOCAL PAPER Electric Appl lances They lighten labor. They lengthen hours of leisure. iey mcreaae com- fort and convenience. fjfcsj family oftâ€" is m Wgj Ur f« •»• mpd • T«r»« tile You know m*Bjrâ€" waskiag »aclun»s, iron*. â-¼â€¢.cuwb cleaner*, toasters, rriiis. coffee percolator*. **n*. ornanecU) lamp*. We »eil toen> MONTHLY PAYMENTS SC£NE WITH OTIS SKINNBR in K/SMBT 806 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON - Tuesday -Wednesday •f Northern APRIL 11, 12, 13 and 14 CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE