Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1921, p. 6

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â-  ^««^»V AOTTT 1* 1921 THE t actSHORE NEWS. SRIQAY, AERIL lo, l^V •mimwii.....unmi'iMM.' MMMNMWMMMI Church METHODIST CHURCH u Mrs. A. J. Woodcock, 934 Sheridan road, entertained the Second Division in an all-day meeting, sewing for Lake Bluff Orphanage, Tuesday, April 12. ,v. 1. _J The First Division was entertained Monday afternoon, April 11. at the home of Mrs. A. X. Page, 1023 Ash- «land avenue. Mrs. D. A Stoker represented our church at the quarterly meeting of the Old Peoples' Home auxiliary, at the home on April 13. Some of Dr Rapp's most enthusiast- ic supporters have overlooked the fact that the doctor preaches Jthree sermonF^foT~xmr~pieople each week. His sermon, for men only, is deliver- ed at 10 o'clock Sunday morning in Jones' Hall and all men are invited. His sermon that most of our people have overlooked is delivered in the church on- Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The men of our church should be at Jones' Hal! Sunday morning. Evcrj seal in oui Sunday school room should be filled Wed nesday evening. Parents are,asked to .remember to see- that their children do not forget the Preparatory membership class, which meets in the church every Sun- day evening at 6 o'clock. The Young Woman's Missionary society and The Standard Bearers will be entertained Friday evening, April 15, at- the home of Mrs. E. E. Teal, 1017 Central avenue. If you have not secured your ticket for the Annual Home Missionary luncheon to be given at the Audi- torium hotel on April 20, see Mrs. C. J^JWheeler.â€"â€"â€"------------â€"â€"-^- - The subject for the third session of the Teachers' training class on April 18, is, "Significant Periods in Child Development." This class meets Monday evening from 7:30 to 8:30. The course is free. Teachers from other churches will be welcomed. Mr. Bentley will lead the Epworth league meeting next Sunday even- ing- This church has received_xine hun- dred and twenty-three new members since conference. Only two or three churches in the district have done better. Mr. L. A. Hutchens, 1505 Elmwood avenue, has succeeded Mr. Rollans as teacher of the Woman's Bible class. Women are wanted for this class. ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH The Church School Rally at St. Au- gustine's church last Sunday at 4 was attended by far the largest con- gregation that has ever assembled in the church. The long procession of children formed upstairs and down- stairs in the Parish house and out xui^Wilmette-aveniier^receded- by- the women of the Parish at the Country dub on Wednesday evening last was a most enjoyable occasion 1 here wa> a large number present: the Ambler i orchestra rendered good music ana ! all enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Mrs. Burt A, Crowe entertained at luncheon 22 of the women of bt. Au- gustine's on Tuesday last to meet Mrs. E. J. Randall of Chicago. The â- â- women- entertained were those en- trusted with the collecting ot the Women's United Offering, which is collected once every year by the women of the Episcopal church throughout the United States, and is rposes. Mrs. Randall, who is one of the leaders among the_ church- wpmenoi Chicago, gave an inspiring. address. ,-------- There will be a Rummage sale to- day, Friday, at .St. Augustine's Par- ish house, given- by the Womens guild. Mrs. Hubert Carleton entertained last week at luncheon the wives of the clergy of Chicago diocese who are banded together in a social or- ganization called "The_Chicago Cleri- ca". The Clerica is entertained at the homes of its members in different parts of the diocese monthly. The next public luncheon at St. Au- gustine's will be served next Friday, April 22. The services next Sunday, the third Sunday after Easter, will be Holy Communion 8 A. M. Church Sunday school at 9:45 A. M., Young Men's Bible class 10 A. M. Morning Prayer and address atll A. M. regular Boy choir of St. Augustine's and the surpliced Girls' choir, the children formed a long procession in- to the church. Here well known hymns were sung. The amounts rais- ed by the children during Lent were announced from the Chancel, amount- ing altogether to $1,290, which is be- tween five and six hundred dollars more than last year. The rector gave the children a short address, illus- trated by a postage stamp, showing the good news it could carry all over ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Four hundred years ago, on the 18th of April, 1521, Luther delivered his immortal address before the Im- perial Diet at Worms. This event, so far-reaching in its effects on the world to this day, is to be fittingly commemorated at St. John's on Sun- day, April 17. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. The pastor has taken as the subject of his sermon: ,..., ...„,.. ,, ..... "The Holy Scriptures, the only Rule the world. Then showing the chil-j of the Christian Faith and Life.â€" dren the Lenten Savings' Box he told I Heb.^ 13: 8-9. The service begins at of the good news the money deposit- ' H o'clock. , « ed by the children in these boxes a ^general invitation IsZextended earned all over the world. to the people of Wilmette to be pres- The dance for the members and ent at the dedication of the newly friends of St. Augustine's given un- erected chapel of Immanuel Lutheran der the management of some of the church, Greenwood and Hawthorne avenues, Glencoe. This congregation is the oldest Lutheran church on the "or* shore, having «*£^*g about the year 185a Scâ„¢c" .^'J.1 iJe held in the a ternoon £loc£C,°Ck and in the evening at 8 o clock. The Ladies' Aid of St. John ^an- nouncesa supper for the benefit of ?he BuihUng Fund to be.given on Thursday, May 5, at Library Hall, Wilmette. The Agar campaign by which the Baptist church is standardizing and unifving all of its financial operation^ is absorbing the life of the church during this month of April. Last Sundav morning the pastor spoke on the theme, "Investing in Jesus Christ." At the close of the service the trustees presented the unified budget for the year ending Ann) 30, 1922. which the church officially adapted. On Monday evening the group of special workers spent an hour in the study of the principles of Christian Stewardship which was also the general theme on Wednesday eve- ning at the midweek meeting. The Workers' group will meet again next Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Reid, 1030 Ashland avenue, and Dr. Agar will meet with them later in the week personally, and will occupy the pulpit April 24. The Reading Circle of the Wom- an's societv will meet this afternoon at % o'clock with Mrs. L. D. Bond, 1210 Lake avenue. and financially, but we failed that the church has this w paid every obligation agauuT* is now entirely free from tat every financial debt. This i only true of the church, as considered, but is equally every department of the^ With air bur facilities taxed , utmost, the question of a new' ing is being earnestly consi When the time is opportune, thing worth while will be r« The subject of Dr. MagilPs s< next Sunday morning will be "S time in Nature and in the H« The church is located at street and Greenleaf avenue. CONGREGATIONAL CI SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Bible school, 9:30 a. m. Sunday morning church service, 11 o'clock. Junior Christian Endeavor, . Senior Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m. We omitted to mention in last week's items a matter that has been very gratifying to our people. Since it is suggestive of the splendid achievement of this church during its brief history since the organization. we believe it should be noted. Attention was called to the re- markable growth both numerically Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor, take as the subject for his set next Sunday morning, "Religion Changing World," continuing series on religion begun last Suni The Child Psychology lectures be resumed next Wednesday eve., Mr. Lloyd will use as the subject!j the evening, the two subjects nounced for March and April, Parting of the Wavs" arid the X and the Crowd." These two letf were discussions of the child beh the ages of twelve and sixteen can. therefore, very easily be i bined in one. AH parents and tea. ers are cordially invited to atte Meeting is held in Pilgrim Hall 7:45 o'clock, Wednesday, April 8 Immediately following the Psychologylecture,Wednesday_. ning, the teacTiers and Officers of, 'hurch ^chooL will meet for-a monij ly business meeting. All teache and officers of the Congregatio Church school are urged to att< this meeting.L_____. On Thursday afternoon, the Corner Circle will hold a me Place of meeting will be announce later. ___ EasfEnd Circle will hold Rummage sale Tuesday, April 26, the Economy Shop. Notify Mrs. W. Fisher, Jr., telephone Wilmet 2079, and rummage will be called r Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Donaldson wl have been wintering at West Pai Beach; are now registered at Florida Country club, in Ortega, â€" Try going to church to give as well as to The character of a community is the ex- receive inspiration: If your church, in your panded influence of its rhiirdie&^_Ari4^h^ belief, is not doing all that it might and should in promoting the moral welfare of ^the^aommunity, then why not contribute your personal effort to the development of your ideas? ^ "^ influence of any church is the measure of the inspiration for personal service on the part of those who compose its membership.-- Try church-going to give i n s p i rati o n to others. i St. John's Lutheran Church The First Congregational Church The First Methodist Church The Wilmette Baptist Church The First Presbyterian Church StrAugi^

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