Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Apr 1921, p. 7

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL IS, 1921 lassified Advertisements ATESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 9 lines* Copy must be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe Mews. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. UKAL ESTATE /innetka Home Bargains ^DERN 5 ROOM STUCCO, DUTCH lontal style, hot water heat, 50 J>t lot, garden, trees, reasonable Fins at $7,250.00 }oom stucco with hot water heat, loom stucco and shingle,' half cash, luctlon for quick sale to $10,500 a mod. 6 room stucco, glased Lnt and sleeping porches, hot water »t fireplace, oak floors, hardwood lm* and; white enamel; east; terms; Abbafd Woods, white frame jsemt- anirnlow, 6 rooms, furnace heat, b locality, $10,500. lod value in Hubbard Woods acco for fall possession, 7 rooms, baths, glased porches, terms at ?6e°list op available homes HIL^ & STONE Tinnetka Office West of Depot.. lone Winnetka 1644. LTG23-ltc Woods, Foxdale avenue, at- lactlve up to date home, 7 large knshiny rooms and porch, 100 foot near transportalon, $16,000. Lbard Woods; Colonial home, 7 |rge. light rooms; nice location; 5.000. m'tka. 7 room frame house, large irtnK room, nice high lot, garage, (1.500. â-  _ _ pi.aril Woods, 8-room frame house; fodern and up-to-date: 6 bedrooms; Wftkaf^lndlan-Hill' section; south English brick and stucco; 5 edrooms; 3 bath rooms; 2 sleep- air porches; large sun Porch; at- fcched garage; bargain; $25,000. if niece of vacant, overlooking In- tan Hill Golf ground, 62^x231 feet, Hth some fine old apple trees, price 10 per foot. . be nice locations on Chestnut, Lln- sn and Ridge avenues, north west hnnetka. . * . FRANK A. REID Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Winnetka 1300 ___________ WANTED TO RENTâ€"MOUSE FURNISHED HoTjSE WANTKD iM in Evanston, Wilmette or Kenil- worth, east of Railroad, four bed rooms; from May 1st or June 1st for summer months or longer; can fur- nish highest references. O. C. Hall, 225 Dupee Place, Wilmette, 111. L23-ltc WANTED â€" FURNISHED HOUSE; three or four bed rooms; four weeks between May 1st and June 15th; Evanston to Qlencoe, Inclusive. W. D. Beymer, North Shore Hotel, Bv- anston. _________________LTQ28-ltp FOR SALE â€" OAK DAVBNPORT with leather cushion seat. .Phone Winnetka 027. L2«-lt| Winnetka 027.__________ L23-ltp iioraBHoLb fUrHIWrb. PracW ally new; first olasS condition. Phone KehllWorth 188. LT28-lte \\W\ sAiLK-LADtKg MAHtktANIf desk; odd chairs; flreless cooker, Tel. Ken. II worth 2200. L2S-ltO & »6r"TaLe-r"uq 60x98. 6ak bifcuNa table. Phone Wilmette 2010. " ± LTG23-ltc FOR SALEâ€"AUTO FOR SALE â€" OHIO ELECTRIC; IN good serviceable condition; Just the car; for university or high school student, or for local shopping. Price $225. Will demonstrate. Call Wil- li a/ _______ LM-tto FOR BALK-IPI* 7 PAS^E^Bk sTU- debaker touring car; splendid condi- tion at Kenllworth Motor Co., or phone owner, Winnetka 725.__. LTQ23-lt FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE â€" USED TYPEWRITERS; Underwood $50. L. C. Smith $55. Remington $62. Also other makes. We do repairing. Patterson Bros.* 828 Davis St., Evanston, UK,., ' . LTQ17-tfc PHONOGRAPHS REPAIREDâ€"WB.RB- palr all makes of talkin* machines. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St., Evans- ton LTO-l«-tfc Vacuum cLBANEks repairkU vVb repair all makes of vacuum cleaners Patterson Bros. 888 Davis 8t.Bv- anstor. LTG-l«-tfc EOUlS 1'ASTI.K. l.ANIWlWI'K <JaK- dener; work by contraot or hour. Phone Win. 648-M LTIO-tfc Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopath.. Physician PfceeFwiLlttt 1150 Wilmette Ate. ftatriTo Garagessnd Summer Homes { * GARAGES FOR ItKXT-UODMJt FOR RENT â€" TWO CONNECTING rooms; furnished for bedroom and sitting room; near cafeteria and transportation. Address Lake Shore News B-48. L28-ltp FOR RENT â€" PRIVATE FAMILY; pleasant room for couple; near cafe- teria. Address Lake Shore News B-49. L23-ltp FOR RENT â€" 3 ROOMS. QLENVIEW Road; $15. Call Wilmette 715-W. L22-2tc FOR RENT â€" WELL FURNISHED steam heated room. Phone Wll. 1080. â-  . . _________Lll-tfo FURNISHED ROOM. niu CENTRAL Ave. Wll. 733-J. L23-ltp FURN. ROOM. PHONE FOR RENT Wll. 343. L22-3to HKI.I' WAWTBD-FEMALE STENOGRAPHERâ€"CATHOLIC. CAP- able of taking charge of office dur- ing manager's absence; excellent op- portunity for girl living , In Wil- mette. Earl Kolb, 526 East Railroad, Wilmette, 111. LTQ23-ltc WHITE COUPLE OR WIDOW WITH adult employed child to occupy mod- ern cottage; woman to do housework in adjoining home. Address 333 Greenwood Ave., Glencoe. LTQ28-:ltc FOR SALE - PRACfiCALLtf , HmW embrolderedd serge dress, slae 86, also new spring hat worn twice. Phone Wilmette 225S.________L23-lto FOll SXCB â€" REED HAHY CAB- rlage, French gray. Phone .Win- netka 287. LTG23-ltp ARE YOU THiMklNO 6Â¥ bUVljjci I phonograph? See Mr. Lee. Phone Wilmette 404. . LTQ23-3tc BICYCLE; o66D . FOR SALtt-BbY'S as new. Phone Wll. 1688. L23-ltc ________FOR RKXT-caHAOH________ FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 21« WOOD court. Phone Wll. 2882. L5-tfo W.%MTjBP TO HI'Yâ€"JKlCBLLAaHBOUf WANTED TO BUT OJUCOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crest Furniture Store. 1004-6 Bmerson it. Evanston 111. Tel. 189. LTGlft-tfc 1 BUY HOUSEHOLD QUODS AND clothing of all descriptions .Phone Evanston 108 and X will call JN. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue LTG17-tfc WANTED RENT OR STY â€" TO pnlittt'r'N ' extension ladders. Tel Wlnaetka Ug,____________l/.v.22-2tf OLD BOOKS NOUGHT.SIMON. 719 $100 up Why pay Oar- age rent? Investigate? Seas' lw Cttalsjss. . B ! Delivered sad srtotsd inifwhouw. DUFFY PORTABLE HOUSECO. â-  eMT-ltW.Mth Place CHICAGO I Phons Lswadale 1877 *â- â- â€"â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ? HwiyWIdnn ISfiS«39 Had« to Ordsjr Oakton street, Evanston. GOOD BUYS )TCR B0 FT. LOT IN WESTERN •tion, deep and well wooded, re- ic'*>d to $26 ft. ^ . ; â-  leen wooded lot in finest N. E. Bee- Ion. $85 ft. j. . j r. stucco home, modern and in srood ImuHtlon. fine wooded lot, $8,250. r. brick and stucco in choice east ration, enamel and ivory flntsn; lupe living room: fireplacer nne Fooded lot; cut to $12,500. mcr gone east; must sell fine 8 r. tucco in finest location; in^splen- (1 condition; glass sun and sleeping jrches; double garage; beautiful rooded lot, $17,500. ieautiful colonial stucco norae_ on fuse wooded corner; 4 master bed- )oms; 2 sleeping porches; 2 tile is; maid's room and bath: 3 ex- â- -â-  lavatories: vacuum vapor neat, louble garage; owner leaving; win lecent offer of $28,500. M... E. BARKER^&Ca of "L" 405 Linden. Tel. Wll. 484 WANTED â€" COMPETENT WHITE maid for general housework; good wages, no washing. 730 Ashland „Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 1506. __________ LTG23-1 WANTED â€" GIKL FOR GENERAL office work in public school; book- keeping exp. necessary. Phone Wln- netka 850. LTQ23-ltc WANTEDâ€"SALESGIRL WITH SOME knowledge of retail shoes: perma- nent position; gobd pay. Lord's Store. Evanston. LTG23-ltp LTQ20-4tp LOST AND FOUND LOST â€" BETWEEN WASHINGTON avenue and ML" station, on Fourth or Fifth street. Wednesday, March 30; blistered pearl, oval shaped pin; reward. Telephone Wll. 2167. L23-ltc CO-OPERATION WINS ON THE NORTH SHORE lfiO. Co-Operative Stores now open; 40 more lAier lesse in- cluding Winnetka, Wilmette and Highwood. Store* Open in Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Ubertyville, Waukegan and Evanston. These stores are owned and op- erated by the peopte and for the people, each member shar- ~in|riirthe-profit»^f tfeis^figattt- LOSTâ€"AIREDALE DOG, 8 MONTHS old; Sunday. April 3: collar no li- cense: name Bill; liberal reward. Wll. 282. -________________L23-ltc WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family. Phone Ken 11 worth 240. LTG23-ltc SITUATION WA NTBD^FEM ALB SITUATIONâ€"WANT-- dress for Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; can furnish excellent ref- erences. Phone Oakland 6R»t after 6 o'clock. LT23-ltp MUCELLANEOUS BY FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS FOR Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs- days; can furnish best of references. Phone Boulevard 1987 after 6 o'clock. L28-ltp YOUNG LADY WISHES ENGAGE- ments; plain sewing: and mending. Address Lake Shore News, â-  5ra»-lto DHR.^SMAKINO HY THE DAY. PHONE Highland Park S22-VT after 6 n.-m; SALEâ€"BARGAIN FOR. HOME ind investment; 2 family house In Ine location near transportation and bath and very large enclosed porch >n first floor; 4 rooms, enclosed porch hchool In Winnetka: 5 rooms and ind bath on second floor; well bu"t md in splendid condition. Owner eaving Winnetka will eacrlAce for 19.300. Inquire 877 Elm street., Wln- k tka or phone Wln^-t€8$7 SALEâ€"ATTRACTIVE 8-ROOM rick and shingle home in _Ke»": ^rorth; large living room; glassed >r*akfast room: 50 ft. lot; garage, i bargain at $13,500. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO., J40 Linden Avenue. Phone WS^M* )R SALEâ€"MODERN EXTRA WHiudu >uilt 7-room and recpt. han. stone isementr^franre dwellingsâ€"*tJ,^*"°V lie Ave., Winnetka. Ftoa"* S*^,1,' |Wbat am I offered? MyMM mer, 175 Jackson Blvd. Phone Tabash 3620.____________LTG23-ltp BARGAINS IN VACANT ine lot, N. E.; wooded; $431 per toot M. L. MOODY & CO. me Wll. 2248. 511 Fou£*J_g{; WAMTOP TO BUYâ€"HOME pLL PAY CASH FOR SMALL buum. near lake in best location; give low- Ut price. P. O. Box 23, WHmeU, FOR BElfT*â€"HaUgB r)R 3EK'Tâ€"HOUSE, 9 ROOMS AnD sleeping porch: modern; poss. sayj. Uisk for B J. Smith, 1012 Grenleaf avenue, Wilmett*.'. Call after 6:3o t'. |M. • LTG23-ltc 1»I: RENT â€" FURNISHED HOUSE; seven rooms; two baths; sun parlor. 410 Hill St. Phone 883. LTQ23.ltp • R RENTâ€"3^ ROOM FURNISHED i house. Wilmette 930-M. L23-ltc LTQ23-ltp 8ITUAT1Q1V WANTEDâ€"MALE ODD JOBS AND TRIMMING OFTREES and shrubbery a specialty. Tel. B. F. Forbes. Phone La Fayette MS. LSS-ltp FOR WALEâ€"HOrWEHOLP «OOPa FOR SALEâ€"ELEGANT DINING ROOM set, Ellzabethlan style; In perfect conditlan; disposing of this set be- cause of moving away: tnis set w»« Purchased from Scholle's Furniture house in Chicago and Is fccomplete throughout; also other housenoia a-oodef Phone Wll. 708-W. LTOSS-lte FOR SALE-RUGS. STOVES TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, hathtub. sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook etoye. WsJ^m" and exchange. 80S Oak »t™«{i1w»B.; netka. Phone Win. 1212. LTQ14-tfc 'OR SALE-REASONABLE "Kâ„¢|{*: erator; gas stoverillnlng^oomHtabief six chairs, flne condition; fumed oak library table, good as new: two fumed oak chairs. 1134 Oak wood. Phone Wilmette 915-J. LS4-ltp BABY'S WHITE ENAMEL BED CTOM- plete; hair mattress; nursery chair; 2 pair green velour portieres; leather arm chair with mahogany trim; ffi?d-s park stroller. Tel.^WUmette FOR SALE "- NEARIA CMjMPLblfc. furnishings of house at 721 ff^ Ave.; 9x15 rug In good condition. Included; moderate prices through- out. Call 849-J after « p. *L2,.Up ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING WILL HbLL Ne\£ Englander bungalow bed; sev Stewart^jas LTG24-ltc NORTH SHORE CEMETERY â€" ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual 1or»_entire area; special Individ" ual lot development; accessible Steam, Electric and Auto roads. For Information call Owen Tenant Smith, U57 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office, Wll. 640; residence, V[}A'Q\V:Â¥ ie business besides receiving a discount of 5% on purchases. Our stores are open to all and we solicit your patronage and invite you to become a Co-Op- erator with us. Following are the names of all local authorized organisers. See one of them now. J. L. HOLBROOK, Highland Park. GEORGE F. MALM, Glencoe. RALPH PATE, Glencoe. L. C. CONRAD, Glencoe., MRS. A. N. THREADGILL. Wilmette, 322 Greenleaf Ave. MRS. P. F. LOBANOFF, Wilmette, ll 18 Greenleaf Ave. F. P. WHEELER District Supt. Co-Operative Society of America FRANKLIN _^ Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. PhoneT700 1639 Orrinfton Art* Eranitoo â- v«ry»hlng rinl Clan HABBY NlfCHILL 16 EAST JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO &0' in inn mm When You Buy Used Car .Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.J'.itiiiiiimiiiiiiiii'fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii from us the sale is not com] on delivery to you. Our greatest concern is your satisfaction. _^_ pairs of net curtain. range: mahogany day bed Kenilworth 507. '//////////////////////////////////////J â- ////////////////""'/l Dodge S^lanâ€" / 920 Model A car that has h-T^S^g^f tirta^dK care. Equipped with a practically "^^bawcal condition, all extras. > Beautiful gray velour ^S22S^aS5?We believe this to WINMETKA MOTOR COMPANY 6 A. HOSTNICK i MePhone W'nnetka 16S 5^»WEM K^fflii is»^: Wm. T. Wmhrtttdt, ProprUtor. 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Ser465

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