THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1921 11 j* Activities o> PortK Jhore CKibs by Rutk Rirley^it Some FACTS About FORD The Universal Car Ifree one-act plays, written [s:ir alumnae, and acted by *ar Players, four seniors statute an advance class in tic Production, will be given by the who Dra- un HE North Shore Catholic Woman's league hel& its annual meeting and election o! officers at the Winnetka Woman's j-thibrThnrsclayv^April 14. The following officers were^elected: I president, Mrs. A. E. Tilroe of Winnetka; first vice president, Kobert Merritt of Winnetka; second vice president, Mrs. John cook of Wilmette; third vice president, Mrs. H. E. Mills of High- Park; recording secretary, Mrs. Thomas Bossort of Hubbard ids*:- corresponding secretary, Mrs. B. T. McGivern of Winnetka; ial secretary, Mrs. Charles Ryan of Winnetka; treasurer, Mrs. lesFahey of Winnetka. The chairmen of the various com- tees will be announced at some future date. The annual luncheon of the league will take place at the amtrhotel, Highland Park on Thursday, May 12, at 1 o'clock. F. L. Maloney is chairman of the luncheon committee. Credit for presiding over the best conference of the second annual con- vention of the. National League of Women Voters, held in Cleveland last week, was given to Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCulloch, of Evanston, who returned home yesterday. In referr- ing to the success of the convention as a whole Mrs. McCulloch said, "It pleases me to use the words of Rev. Rowena Morse Mann, my roommate, who said that this convention touched the high water mark." Mrs. Mc- Culloch was particularly impressed with the altruistic attitude of the members in attendance and in dis- cussing the subject said. "There did not seem to be any striving after offices." ..... :.. ioi7 unanimously approved. Tennessee and West Virginia have passed joint guardianship laws recently, bringing the total up to 27 states, and it is ex- pected that before the last of May when all the legislatures will ad- journ, there will be still more states added to the list of those which now recognize the parents' equality in the matter of guardianship. Here are authentic figures from the Ford factory at Detroit. They show vou just how many Ford cars and trucks have been built each month since {anuary'1. 1921 and how manjr have been sold to retail customers, in the Jnited States. . Produced JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH 29.883 57.208 35,305 63.603 6!,886~"~ 8732t 127.074 Retail Sales 208.032 the auspices of the Chicago ch of Vassar alumnae on Friday ling, April 29, at the studio of s Grace Hickox, and on Satur- afternoon, April 30, at the Aryan tto This is the first time that er-Rraduates have carried their sroom dramatic work beyond the "pus and the venture has already ven a huge success by the enthu- m with which the plays were re- ed in New York, Boston, Detroit, Haveji, Hartford, Philadelphia Washington. is her graduation in 1917, been acting in her own play with Provincetown Players in New She has published several ics of poems and is ranked by critics as one of the three fore- st contemporary American poets, hie third. play, "Jezebel," is the \k of Dorothy Stockbridge, '19, who iow presenting her own plays un- hcr own management in New rk. hiring the intermission on Satur- a musical program will be given Martha Milinowski, '07. head of UniversityiSchqol of Music in Forest, artd Robert Tmandt, the ions French violinist. The fund raised will be used by the licaffo branch of Alumnae toward shate in the new Vassar Salary downient Fund Drive. â- ,â- •, .;â- 'atronesses from the north shore hide Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of en cue. M r g._ C^fl Erwin of: Kenil- yrth. and Mrs. H»r Evans-ton. Miss Ediths Aishton lard. 112 Green Bay road, Hubbard bods, is a member of the ticket â- nmittce. Total Production 127.074 showing that actual sales for the first three months of 1921 exceeded produc- tion by 80.958 Ford cars. April requisitions already specify 107.719 actional cars, while the estimated April output of the factory calls for only 90.000! These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford products is grow- ing much faster than manufacturing facilities to produce. It will be only a matter of weeks until a big surplus of orders will prevent anything like prompt deliveries. If yoii would be sure of having your Ford caroMruck when you want it. you^ should place your order now. Don t delay. Phone us or drop us a card. R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer m. p. louen *^?55S^_ 910 Church St. Sales Mgr. .': Phone Evanston 4884 EVANSTON J ^^B0d\JQMCIWUB"» Popular Prices. BeaudryFrench Shop Novt Showing the Newest and Latest Creations SUITS-WRAPS â- Springy Summer Many Beautiful Materials and Shades Florence Beaudry is in charge to give titty persona! attention INTERIOR DECORATORS Draperies, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY SUBMITTED Phone Wil. 249i * 1215 Wilmette Ave., WILMETTE, ILL. Vfore 4lian one hundred Parent- acher associations of Chicapo and :initv were represented at the. rin/convention of the council of! nt-Teacher associations held on day in -the cluhroom of the Art «titutc. The mornint? session was given rcr to reports of delegates and_to svmposiutrj conducted by Mrs. liarUs A. Clarlr-vice^president. Gm- ro district, on "How We Can Make Hir Work More Efficient." Carlcton W. Washburne, suoenn- tndent of the Winnetka Public :!ionK addressed the meeting at | •ck on "The Individual System of 'roniotions." and Mrs. Ira Couch wl save a nutrition demonstra- lon. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy of Win- Jet krr. chairman of the council, pre- lidfd. . -7â€" â€" At the annual meeting and luncheon If the Neighbors of Kenilworth. the following ticket will be presented for flection: , Vice-president, Mrs. John Howard (ones. _,. Recording Secretary, Mrs. F. W. Mivdacker. â- Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. 'TTP. Ross. Treasurer, Mrs. Arthur W. Km. irst Director, Philanthropy, Mrs. I P.ulley. ' econd Director, Art- and Litera- Mrs. P. B. Eckhart. ANNUAL BAHAI CONGRESS and CONVENTION __ April 23-27 All Sessions Banquet Hall {Ninth Fhot) ____ AUDITORIUM HOTEL Public Cordially Incited_____ "Smart froekt without mart ikoptv IF YOU would like to have charming one-piece funv tner frocks all made and delivered to you at the very r inimum of cost, write to us now. One of the clever- est designers in this country creates our models. They frc made to order in standard sizes. Fashionable slip- over types. Neither fabrics nor modes are found in shoos There are ricely shown in the simple folder we will send ycu. Organdie m Glnzhztr.3 *22 50 Linens Dotted Swiss AcSis workmanship is very finished Detachable collar a-d cuffs. French hand-made flowerettes Ample hems. No rwo frocks ever alike. Write at once for our unique t^le folder and nuindei v&cS maU it«,yfar you to order. Address pROCKS HUPMOBIIE Sales and Service A very Sensible Car for Sensible People GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston Telephone Evanston 5700 Arlington Heights Sales and Service Telephone Arlington Heights 9 Room 515. 225 North Michigan Blvd.. Chicago „ ^antageous to informally rtpreunt ut in tVcwill bt glad to hear from those inttrttitd. nZZZSSStm. ^£^~te"""'"urHwy- CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE CO. Designers and Manufacturers ,,,„>>>»»»»W77777. >MW»»»»»»W< CONSULT â€" „^ R. W. BARTELMANN CO. FOR Frames. Sa»h. Poort and Interior Fim»h 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO â- -..'. "" .;â- ;• Near North and Clyboum Aves. Special Automobile Bodies, Tope, Etc. Body Rebuilding, General Repairing and Painting 1223-31 South Michigan Ave. Telephone Calumet 424-5-6 Phone Lincoln 7012-3 WESTERN UNDERTAKING COMPANY Acting along our usual progressive Knes^and m order VomoVed&i«.tlyest^ ^ patrons are justly entitled, we have ^ecuredj^^ -â€", ^rSon^TtTCIJnWaaiiiaiiagerolourW and Evanston establishments. WILMETTE PHONE WILMETTE 2*» EVANSTON. Ittt-Dmt PHONE EVANSTON 98 DIRECTION OF MR. ALBERT. Have you dined *t The Sovereign? For sea foods, chafing dishes^ and fine seasonable specialties The Sovereign is be- coming far-famed. Doyou+now of its delightful dinner dances every Thursday and Saturday evening? Here you may enjoy the best zef^music ^tnd Naming without motoringonIt^tp town BYT&EfHONE SHELDRAKE 1600 KENMORE AVENUE AT GRANVILLE ____Ju»t two blocks south of Devoo r:â€" 6200 block north