Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1921, p. 12

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â- pup* â-  â-  12 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FJUDAY, APRIL 22,1921 Classified Advertisements EVA ,TESâ€"10c per fine for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion. Sc per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday. Races for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per Una for first insertion. Each succeeding .insertion, 10c per line. Call tor Aaswera Lake Shore New*. ' B-ITâ€"H-XTâ€"ll-4«l. HKtli ESTATE GENUINE BARGAINS SEVEN ROOM STUCCO HOME OK splendid wooded corner.; large living room; glazed sun porch; garage; re- duced from $12,500 to $11,000. 10 room brick and stuccrf in finest X. E. location; dining and sleeping porches; 2 tile baths; 4 master bed- roomsr~ maid'sâ€"room- and bat ht -lot- 80x200: double garage;-1 reduced for immediate sale to $20,000. LOT SPECIALS 60 or 100 ft. in choicest section; well wooded; will take offer of $80 ft. Another extra good value also N. E. 50 ft. as good as others quoted at $100 ft; for quick sale $85. Some real buys in Western section. M. E. BARKER^ST CO. End of "L." 405 Linden Tel. Wll. 484 LTG24-1tc JFCtn SAT.Kâ€"ATTRACTIVE 8-ROOM brick and shingle home in Kenil- worth; large living room; glassed breakfast room; 50 ft. lot; garage; a bargain at $13,500, R. M. JOHNSTON & CO., 340 Linden Avenue. Phone Wll. 88. L22-3te SITOATlOy WAHTEP-MALE THE BE8T KNOWN NORTH SHORE auto repair man will now cair at your own garage and do any kind of work on your car at lowest price; satisfaction guaranteed. Bruce At- kinson. 813 Foster St.. Evanston. Tel. Evanston 4702 between 6 and 7. -__,TG24-ltc WANTEDâ€"BY HOUR OR DAY. WORK as gardener or houseman: also can do painting and calsomining; refer- ences. "Phone Evanston 3293-J. ~ L24-ltn TOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour;jneii^fOr housework and building wire fences. Phone Winnetka 329. LTG24-tfc BARGAINS IN VACANT Fine lot. N. E.; wooded; $43 per foot. M. L. MOODY & CO. Phone Wil. 2248. 511 Fourth St.! L20-tfc WANTED â€" GENERAL CONTRACT .work: estimates cheerfully given and nlans furnished. Phone Winnetka 514-W after 6 p. m. LTG24-4tp FOR ItKVTâ€"(iAlt AGES FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE AT 216 WOOD court. Phone W1L_ 2332. L5-tfc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"BRASS HALL TREE, $8: walnut dresser with marble top. $15: 2 walnut double beds. $12.50 each Including springs; mattress, $5: dress form, slse 3fi. $2; ebony clock, $4; book rack, $2; pasteur "filter. $10: several chairs. 397 Palos Road. Phone Glencoe 397. LTG24-ltc fED-TO-»l?Yâ€"HOUSEâ€"^~ WILL PAY CASH FOR SMALL HOUSE near lake in best location; give low- est price.â€"R_0.--.Box. 23, Wilmette, 111. LT22-4tp WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED â€" FURNISHED HOUSE with six or seven rooms, near North Western trans, for three or four months: 2 adults, between Wllmet.te and Highland Park. E. R. Hart. 4640 Ellis avenue, Chicago. - L24-ltc WANTED TO RENTâ€"5 ROOM HOUSE or bungalow; furnished or unfur- nished; adults. Phone Edgewater 1225. _________LTG24-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT â€" WELL FURNISHED steam heated room. Phone Wll. 1080. LU-tfc FOR RENT â€" FUR. Wll. 348. ROOM. PHONE L22-3tc WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS, WANTBD-TWO OR THREE *BED- rooms with board or furnished house ~for~HSfayy~01e_coe to _3vanston. irr- cluslve. "W. D. Beymer, North Shore Hotel. Evanston. LTG24-1tp WANTEDâ€"JUNE 1ST, A COMFORT- able room for lady within walking distance of cafeteria; best of refer- ences. Phone Wilmette 1129. ------- L24-ltc WANTEDâ€"2 FURNISHED ROOMS With bath, by adults; best references. Address Lake Shore News B-62. L24-ltp FOR RENTâ€"STORES FOR RENTâ€"STORE. COR. PRAIRIE and Wilmette avenues: good business location. Phone Wil. 1879 or call at residence, 1245 Wilmette avenue. LTG24-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR housework; no launflry: 3 in family; good homfe and wages, Peffefi 614 Cherry street, Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 405. LTG24-ltc WAMfed â€" Experienced b66k- keeper; permanent position; good salary for right party. Phone Wil- mette 2313 after 6 p. m. LTG24-ltc HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE OR FEMALE WANTEDâ€"YOUNG MAN OR YOUNG lady about 18-20 years old to work ' -in drug store and wait on soda foun- tain; must be neat and come well recommended; ncne other need ap- ply. Hubbard ' Woods Pharmacy, Hubbard Woods. 111.____ L24-ltc SITUATION W %NTEPâ€"FEMALE YOUNG LADY WISHES ENGAGE- ments in plain sewing, mending children's clothes. Address Lake Shore News B-70. _________LT24-ltp FOR SALEâ€"UNUSUALLY BEAUTIFUL dark mahogany* Adam dining room set: side"board alone worth price of whole set; will sacrifice, if sold by- May 1; also other household goods.- 918 Vernon avenue. Glencoe. LTG24-ltc(- MAHOGANY BOOK CASE. TELE- phone table and chair, hieh chair, child's swing, oriole go-basket, mat- tress and springs, oak hall seat, music cabinet, firegrate, etc. Phone Win. 133. „ LTG24-ltc WANTED TO BUY- WANTfcD TO bUx __v^, furniture and other househota' Highest prices paid for 8as__' Furniture Store. 1004.6 EnwL_ Evanston 111. Tel. 189. jZ WANTED TO BUY - ltli^ lady'a closed writing desk: fSb1 dition. Phone Wilmette 980-w ' MISCELLANEOUS SHORE NORTH SHORE CEMETERYâ€" Green Bay road and Ei»ht_ street. North Chicago; a hi*hi, veloped modern necropolis; pei care for entire area; special i ual lot development; act Steam. Electric and Auto road* TnTormatlon call Owen Tenant FOR SALEâ€"1 WILTON VELVET RUG size 9x12: very reasonable. Apply 1332 Washington avenue. Wilmette; also mahogany desk, six large draw- ers, place for typewriter. LT24-lto FOR SALEâ€"2 FINE OLD ROYAL Satsuma vases. 2 ft. 6 in. high. 1.4 in. greatest diameter; valued $5"0 each. Address Lake Shore Ne^-s B-65. LTG24-ltc FOT? S4LEâ€"FTNK, KIMBALL PIANO; excellent condition and tone; ro â€"reasonable offer refused. ,04s Fox- dale avenue. Phone Win. 1349. ' ______________LTG24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"BARONIAL OAK BOOK case. 60 inches hiirli. 45 inches wld«. 15 Inches deen; excellent pon«ll*io«: $20. Phone Win.- 581-J. . LTG24-ltc FOR SALE â€" MAHOGANY PIANO, high grade, fine tone: very reason- able; small payments or cash. Tele- phone Wilmette 840-W. LTG24-3*c FOR SALE----HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. Inc. stove, bedroom furniture, kitchen cabinet. Call Wll 1634. ________________________ LTG24-ltn FOR SALEâ€"IDEAL LAUNDRY AND hot water stove, coal heat: good con- dition. Phone Wilmette 2275 L24-ltc FOR SALE â€" HOUSEHOLDl___T_B__[_ ture: 1st class condition: reasonably priced. Phone Win. 171. LTQ24-ltn FOR SALEâ€"EDEN WASHING MA- chine. in good condition: will sell for $50. Phone Wilmette 581. LTG24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE invalid's chair. Phone Wil. 319. L24-ltc FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"RUGS. STOVER TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination , cook stove. We buy, sell and exchange. 80S Oak street. Win- tka. ,PJ_____W_n._12J_L___LTQ14-tfc FOR SALE â€" USED TYPEWRITERS; Underwood $50. L. C, Smith $55. Remington $62. Also other makes. We do repairing. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evanston, 111. LTG17-tfc FOR SALEâ€"EGGS FROM OUR PEDI- greed S. C. W. Leghorns; winners of cups, ribbons and sweepstakes: $3 for setting of 15; guaranteed. Phone Wilmette 708-M. LT24-4tc FOR SALE â€" BLACK REED BABY buggy, practically new; call after 7:3ft at nicht or Sundays. Phone Wilmette 2209. LTG24-ltc Grading Excavating Sidewalks and Driveways Constructed Trees, Shrubs and Flowers of All Varieties Work Done by the Hour or Contract AD Work Guaranteed LOUIS PANTLE Telephone Winnetka 549-M 886 Pine Street WINNETKA, ILLINOIS FOR SALE â€" BABY CRIB AND MAT- tress, $3.50; walker. $1.50; nursery chair, $1. Phone Wilmette 1209. L24-ltp FOR SALEâ€"MOTORCYCLE; CHEAP. Inquire Leo Serkowski, 1072 Sher- idan road, Glencoe. LTG24-2tc Phone WilmeUe ___________________________________L24-UC ARE YOU THINKING OF BUYING A phonograph? Wilmette 494. Mr. Lee. Phone LTG23-3tc FOR SALE â€" RELIABLE SADDLE horse, saddle and bridle. Phone Win- netka 171. __________ LTG24-ltp FOR SALE â€" REED BABY BUGGY, gray, $15. Phone Wilmette 974-R. B V * *,;.., XTG24-ltc 1157 Wilmette avenue, WUraettTL office. Wil. «40; Residence, WO/nfl â€"1-_----------------------------- Uffft^ I HIT HOUSEHOLD tit.,.DS- clothing .of all descriptions, e. Evanston 103 and I will call, x p, 1644 Maple avenue. , __tt'i»| VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED*? repair all makes of vacuum clean Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St anston.LTG.l$ PHONOGRAPHS REPAIKKD-WeT,... pair all makes or talking msefi£| Patterson Bros. 828 Davis StTJWJ ton LTQ.i_ta LOUIS PANTLE. LANDSCAPE GAT <U-ner; work by contract or ho» Phone Win. 549-_T_________ LTJO-S LOST AND FOUND LOST-----NEW LEATHER IIAtTwiR elderly lady's clot hen, Sunday, \M 17th. on Railroad or Elmvrooi «JJ" noes. Finder please return to in Went Railroad avenue. RewsH. REWARD FOR INFORMATION LlSB ing to recovery of boy's Ranger i cycle, taken from Central school 02 April 1st. Phone Wilmette 1520. __________________________________L24-1H SOCCER CLUB DANCE The North Shore Soccer club an hounces a dance to be given at Win netka Community House, Frida; evening. May 13, at 8 o'clock. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX • 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F.',0. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS; Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue Via Leave Wilmette TRAINS FOR THE BUSINESS MAN 6:39 a. m. 7:09 a. m. 7:39 a. m. 8:09 a. m. 8:52 a. m. 9:09 a* m* Arrive in Chicago 7i25"iTSir" 7:55 a. m. 8:25 a. m. 8:55 a. m. 9:38 p. m. 9:55 a. m. And every half hour thereafter until: FOR THE LUNCHEON, MATINEE, OR SHOP1 11:09 a. m. 11:39 a. m. 12:09 p. m. TRIP 1:39 p. m. 1:09 p. m* __1:39 p* m* Z>09 p* m« 2:39 p. m. Every 30 minutes thereafter until: DOWNTOWN TO DINNER OR TO THE THEATRE 5:09 p. m> 5:39 p. n_> 6:09 p. m, 6:45 p. m, 7:09 p. m. 11:55 a. m. 12:25 p. m. 12:55 p. m. 1:25 p. m. 1:55 p. m. 2:25 p. m. 2:55 p. m. 3:25 p. m. 5:55 p. m. 6:25 p. m. 6:55 p. m, 7:31 p. m. 7:55 p. m. Thereafter express trains continue to run every half hour until 12:09 a. then 12:45 a. m. and 1:45 a. m. Ask for time-table at the ticket office. This schedule is operated on Central Standard Time, which -------- is one hour earlier than daylight saving time. L - CHICAGO NORTH SHORE _mWA An DA f.i i n Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue

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