Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1921, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. APRIL 22. 1921 JbcidJt1^pei\ii\^ ] VXhivett^ fc§ byRufKRlfley i |N atttac4;iw home^ed^gr Js^^^ on Saturday afternoon of next week, at the home of Mr. anTMrsTFred-' erick F. Cain in Hubbard Woods, when their daughter, Jessie Forrester, will become the bride of Mr. Addison Bur- son of Mrs. Blanche Burbank of San Francisco, Cal. Rev. Dr. Perkins Cain of Edgewater will read the service at 4:30 rhave as her attendants, Miss Eleanor Burbank, of the groom* as maid of honor, and little Frances Deming, filter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Deming of Highland Park, and Timson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Timson, also of iland Park, as flower girls. Master Elf red Timson will act as >earer, and Mr. Charles Timson will attend Mr. Burbank as man. j Members of the Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Woman's are busily engaged in selling tickets this week for the two ; which are to be staged this evening at the clubhouse, entitled, Aunt from California", and "The Flower Shop". Following program there will be informal dancing. Mrs. William Henry Lawton of 230 Laurel avenue, announces .•ngagement of her daughter, Lilla Carlton, to Russell Whitford ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter of Bay City, Mich. »w officers for the coming year o Wiimette WomanVctafcrelect- |n Wednesday at the annual meet- arc: President, Mrs. John C. inenid: first vice president. Mrs. lk J. Scheidenhelm; second vice Ifdent, Mrs. Ralph Potter; third president. Mrs. Charles Etd- ;: corresponding secretary, Mrs. »ph J. Siddall: recording secre- M'rs. Hayes McKinney: Chair- of Departments: Art and Liter- >. Mrs. Leslie F. Gates: Child and ic Mrs. A. H. Howard; Civics Legislation, Mi«s Martha Ten- ; Mmic,'Mr«. R. E. Pattison le: Young Woman's Auxiliary, R. D. Burtner; Philanthropy, Charles P. Evans; Program, H. B. Mulford; Social, Mrs. jodore J. Moreau; House, Mrs. In R. Adkins. • [receding the regular business yion, Mrs George W. Plummer of igo. Corresponding Secretary of General Federation, gave a most kresting and appealing talk on Immunity Service". Mrs. Plummer jmmends that the Comumnity fvice movement be started in a ill way, by entertaining one's rhbors in the block with informal fties in our backyards. talon Bellamy, a senior student at Trier High school, spoke for a r moments about the North Shore [yers, a new organization of young )ple interested in dramatics, who to make their first of a series of mentations on the evenings of May ind 7. At the Woman's club. The )ceeds are to be devoted to the ir East Relief fund. In the con- ution of this organization there three excellent purposes; (a) to lpfit cr>m«» wnrthy cause: (b) to in exoerience foj themselves; and to give to the community the best ssible in dramatics, by unifying efforts. The annual luncheon of the club ill be held on Wednesday, May 4, he followed by a musicale. 'he annual meeting of the Public ioo! Art league will be held on lursday, April 28, at 3 o'clock, in ie'Stolp gymnasium. An interesting hfjram will be provided consisting * music by the sixth grade pupils; >me vocal selections by Miss Helen nth and a talk on some of the re ly purcha sed pictures,: also re >rts of the year's work^jSOr iditure of funds. The^nar^iage-~^^-Mifta_^Beatf,!ce laudia Mueller, daughter of Mr. and Trs. Louis F. Mueller of 128 Sixth treet. to Rev. Frederick A. Mill >use. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mill- ise of Murphysboro. 111., will tak^ ice^next^Thnrsday evening, April at the Lutheran Theological Sem- lary at Maywood. Dr. P. E. Whit- her, president of the Seminary, read the service. fiss Margaret Woodworth of Mil- uikec. will attend the bride as maid honor, and Miss Helen Millhouse Murphysboro. and Miss Helen Fueller. sister of the bride, will serve bridesmaids. Little Miss Edith ranks of Rogers Park and Luther Itieller will serve as flower girl and »ge. The groom will have as his attend- its. Reverends John Schedler, G. >mnf and F. Geiswinkler. rollowing the reception the bridal >le will leave for the south and be at home after June 1 at Don- , Ill rs. Frank J. Baker and small rhter. Xona Gavle. returned on sday to their home at 507 Lake renue. after spending the winter Miths in Los Angeles, Cat Northwestern chapter of Alpha Phi sorority-played^ hostess^jmJTue^sdax and Wednesday of this week at "The Pantry," < a new tearoom recently opened in Evanston, at the corner of Church and Sherman avenues, for the benefit of the building fund for their new home on the campus. North shore active members include the Misses Margaret Paterson, Mar- garet Couffer, Frances and Elizabeth Cutler, Clara Gage, Mildred Manne- rud and Norma McMillen. Alpha Phi recently won the con- test for gaining the largest number of subscriptions to the new college magazine, "The Purple Parrot," and as a prize won a handsome mantel clock, which is to be placed in their new home as soon as it is completed. At the annual meeting of the Toung Woman's Auxiliary of the Wiimette Woman's club on Monday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President. Miss Frances Kilbourn; vice-presi- dent, Miss Elizabeth Lyons; secre- tary, Miss Dorothy-Lyons; treasurer. Miss Elizabeth Thelen; chairman of Program committee, Miss Jessie Gay; chairman Philanthropy committee. Miss Norreh Lyons; chairman of So- cial committee, Miss Bernice Deyo. The nominating committee was composed of Miss Esther Hoffman, chairman, and the Misses Marion Boyden and Norreh Lyonsr Ouilmette Country club will enter- tain with a Juvenile party tomorrow afternoon, between the hours of 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. D. Law- rence is chairman of the Juvenile Auxiliary and will be assisted by Mrs. D. R. Brown, Mrs. J. N. Macalister^ and Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng. In the evening there will be bridge for the seniors, in charge of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Richter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Crain, Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Braun and Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates. Among the affairs being given in honor of Miss Jessie Cain, whose marriage is to take place on April 30, to Mr. Addison Burbank. was a kitchen shower on Saturday. April 9. given by Miss Lucille Drs>ke and Mrs. Arthur Taylor Jr.. at the Drake home, 1226 Lake avenue. Yesterday Miss Dorothy Brown was hostess at a handkerchief shower at her home in Highland Parle Jn_JiOJlojL_ofZMiss Ca1nr~ - ^~ * Mr. and Mrs. Roy Malcolm Mc- Kerchar entertained with a dinner dance on Wednesday in their home, f 1109 Central avenue, in honor of Mr. Allen Denton of Chicago, who is leaving within a few days to make his home in Kentucky. There were covert for fourteen guests. Mrs. Frank Planner and son, Ed- I ward, who have been spending the past ten days with Mrs. Flanner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Patch, 611 Washington avenue, re- turned' to their home in Blackwell, Wis., on Sunday. Mrs. S. M. Dingee, and her daugh- ter. Miss Anna Dingce . of 92l» Lake avenue, accompanied by Mrs. Edward Mendsen of 531 Eighth street, are re- turning on Thursday of next week after a six month's sojourn in Cali- fornia. Mrs. S. ATWheelock will entertain the Travel club on next Tuesday afternoon at her home, 822 Central avenue. A paper on "Killarney. Dub- lin and Belfast" will be read by Mrs. David S. Betts. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholas and their small son, Dick, of 816 Forest avenue, accompanied by.Mrs. Amelia Meyers, are motoring to Centerville, la., to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Llewelyn Lodwick, Jr. Mrs. Ira A. Jones of Winnetka entertained at luncheon on Wednes- day in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Summers of Portland, Ore., -Who is spending several weeks as her house-guest. . Mr. Edwin Stevenson, who is a junior at the University of Wiscon- sin this year, spent several days of his vacation with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Drake, 1226 Lake avenue. After a fortnight's sojourn at Vir- ginia Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Clark returned on Wednesday evening to their home at 716 Lake avenue. Dr. Donald M. Gallic, 1115 Elm wood avenue, has returned from Wichita. Kan., where he was called by the death of his brother, Mr. John Gallic, which occurred last week. Mrs. H. H. Kirkpatrick and small daughter, Mary Lou, of Fox Lake, Wis., were the guests of Miss Helen Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. C Percy Skillen en- tertained with a dinner-bridge on Saturday evening last in their home, 1019 Sixth street. There were twen- ty-four guests. Wiimette Chapter Number 753 O. E. S. will hold their annual party at the Wiimette Woman'j club on Sat- urday evening of this week. Mrs. M. J. P. Barrett, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Mary Barrett of 533 Forest avenue, and her small granddaughter, Nancy Andrews, re- turned on Monday from an extended sojourn in California. ,v ' Mr. and Mrs. Haines of Chicago who recently purchased the home at 823 Greenleaf avenue, formerly occu- pied by the Polachek family, are moving in this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng of 401 Lake avenue, returned Tuesday evening by motor from French Lick Springs, Ind., where they have been spending the past ten days. Mr. Emil Nord left yesterday for ^Jew~Â¥orlrto meet Mrs. Nord who is arriving on Saturday from an extend- ed visit in Sweden. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Edwin Drury, 1116 Greenwood avenue, this week. v/aaaaxm. m&Bmszzzmmi^sEBzmazBBmzBzmmmam SPECIAL SPRING OFFER FOR APRIL ONLY One Dozen, 6x10 Silvertone Portraits (Regular Price ?14) Remember Your Mother on Mother $ Day With Your Photograph EUGENE L. RAY PHOTOGRAPHER Hoy burn Building EVANSTON For Appointment Phone 2238 The McAllister-Worthen Company Special Value In Ladies9 Dresses Ladies' Percale Dresses in polka dots, checks, plaids, etc.; light or dark color; rick-rack or braid trimmed. This is a sample line of dresses placed on sale for one week at $1.65 Ladies' Gingham Dresses Checks and plaids, pink, blue and lavender, square neck, rick-rack trimmed, value at ....... . A great $1.95 Ladies9 Nainsook Bloomers Flesh color; double sheared knee with emb. (JA edge. Sizes 27 and 29. While they last at DUC Boys' Felt Pompadour Caps ASSORTED COLORS; A 25 CENT VALUE AT New Ginghams *j?Se a"0"™™ gf -.; , ^**â„¢Sâ„¢â€"iâ„¢* newGin^hamiin pink, blue and lavender plaids. Specially ^twk^ priced per yard...... Xc/C 1148 Central Avenue WILMETTE, ILLINOIS A Different Brand of Service The A-O-Ki-Ya chapter of Camp Fire held a business meeting .on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Miss Ruth Rice at the. Wiimette Inn. New officers elected for the ensuing year »are: president, Miss Roberta Hope: treasurer, Miss Jane Cornell: secretary* Miss Jean fevers. Mrs. Alfred Herrmann is the guardian for this enthusiastic group. Mrs, George H. Bird of 1010 Chest- nut avenue, entertained at luncheon on Thursday of this week in honor of Mrs. E. B. Rathbone of Pasadena. CaU and Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes of II Montclair, N. J., who are both spend- i ing some time^withrvarious-friends m the village. There were covers for a thirty-two guests. Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart Knight | of Dallas. Tex^ announce the birth I of a daughter on-Monday, ^pril 4.|| Mrs. Knight was formerly Miss 11 Dorothy Weedon. daughter_of_.Mf.I1 and Mrs. John F. Weedon, 204 Fifth M street. Mrs. William C. Affeld. who has! been spending a week as the guest 1 of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. I Braon»»old. 911 Greenwood avenue, is 11 I [lEpiTay to her home in Minneapolis | I this week-end. Our store is running on a basis of service to the cus- tomer. Pricesâ€"while not the lowest, are the fairest for they apply to highest class foot *(ujfi~jmty.~ Nothing eke is found here. A real service, delivery of your groceries to your door, when you want them there, is at your disposal. Our credit system is a solicitation of your pat' ronage, and prices ere the same whether for cash or with the use of this credit.

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