Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Apr 1921, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS/FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1921 The Third Division, Mrs. John Emrich chairman, had an all day meeting in the church Thursday of this week, sewing for Lake Bluff Orphanage. Dr. Rapp had twenty-eight in his Bible class last Sunday morning in Jones' hall. Not so bad for a bad morning? Some of the men came to the church looking for the Men's Bible class. Please take notice that the Men's Bible class meets in Jones' hall at 9:45 and the lesson begins at 10. AH men are invited. Several members of the pulpit sup- ply committee were seen in a car being driven at a rapid rate toward Chicago last Sunday evening between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock. Did they get there in time? Did they see him? Did they hear him? Is he coming? Ask them. The subject for the fourth lesson of the Teachers' Training class, Mon- day evening, April 25, is: "The Em- ergence of the Self." This class meets in the church every Monday evening from 7:30 to 8:30. $ The Odd Fellows of Wilmette will attend our church next Sunday, April 24, and Dr. Rapp will preach a spe- cial sermon for their benefit. In the music line we are promised one num- ber,â€"aâ€"male ehorusT â€" - The monthly Sunday School board meeting will be held in the church Tuesday evening, April 26, at 8 o'clock. You are invited to attend the song and Bible exposition service held in the church each Wednesday evening at 8. Bring your friends with you. Th«» service is conducted by Dr. Rapp and is out promptly at 9 o'clock. ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH The women of St. Augustine's make a special effort each year to raise a large fund towards~t4ier-United-Offer- ing of the women of the American church. This offering consists of savings of the women exclusively and the total amount raised is presented to the church at each General Con- vention meeting every three years. This United Offering of the' women of the church is used entirely for mis- sion work by women among women and totals annually a very large sum. After being collected it is presented in church at a service known as the "Dedicatory Service," The Dedicat- ory service for presenting the United Otfering of the women of St. Au- gustine's will be held in the church this (Friday) morning, April 22, at 11 o'clock. TheYe will be a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion and a short address by the rector. It is hoped there will he a large attendance of the women of the church and their friends. bard were appointed along with the rector to represent St. Augustine s on the Wilmette Church Council. The Wilmette Church Council, which consists of three laymen and the clergy from each of the following churches: Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, Presbyterian and St Au- gustine's, is for the purpose of draw- ing together the religious forces of the village for common counsel and co-operation in affairs common to all. The first regular meeting was held last night in the pallors of the Pres- byterian church. The spirit display- ed augured well for the usefulness of this new organization. The regular monthly luncheon given by the women of the Associated Guilds will be held in the Parish house today, Friday, April 22, at 12:15. This luncheon is intended not only for church members but for the gen- eral public. There will be special tables for school children who will be served promptly. Those who wish to return quickly to business or other duties will also be served quickly. These luncheons have become quite a feature of the parish life of St. Au- gustine's and are largely attended. At the last meeting of the Vestry of St. Augustine's Mr. H. B. Wilson. Dr A large deputation of the men and women of St. Augustine's attended the reception and dinner held at the Auditorium hotel Wednesday after- noon and evening. The afternoon session was devoted to a sort of question box and conference on the work of the national church, and also of the church in the Diocese of Chir cago. It was attended by represent- atives from all the parishes in the diocese, consisting of the wardens and vestries, the officers of church societies and leaders in church work. The Rt. Rev. Thomas Gailor of New York was the guest of honor. Bishop Gailor has for two years been acting as the President of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church in the United States and this, his first visit to Chicago, is to enable him to meet the leaders in the diocese to explain to them the plans of the president and council, and to confer with them as to the future. In the evening a dinner attended by one thousand or more was tendered by the church club of Chicago to Bishop Gailor and Bishop Anderson, both of whom gave addresses full of inspira- tion and connsel. ~~~ Thf service next Sunday, the fourth Sunday after Easter, will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M. Church Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. Young Men's Bible class at 10 A. M. Morn- ing prayer and address .at 11 A. M. "The Lutheran church, its Doctrin- al Position, and its Customs and Usages." is the title of a icnei of lectures to be held every Wednesday evening at St. John's beginning April 27, at 8 o'clock. The <«" lec- ture will deal with an historical in- troduction and with the subject:: The Bible and the Lutheran church. AH who are interested, are cordially in- vited. The lectures are designd to be in character informative for those who do not know, refreshing for those who once knew, and of gener- al bene^t7to?a1t-^ha*-h€ar_- ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class at Library-Hall^ ~ll-o!clock- ser- vice at the church. Everyone is in- vited, particularly those who have no church affiliation, to hear the same ,............. old message of the Savior's love for D. R. Brower and Mr. CM.JHub-1 sinners. The pastor's sermon next Sundav should benefit all **° he**"What Jesus enjoins upon tne in- dividual," John 21, 19-33. ________ Have you^eht your child to be en- rolled in St. John's week-day classes for religious instruction? Now is the time. Instruction is free to all. Bible history and catechism memory work are the course given. Why deprive your children of this opportunity to learn these greatest truths of life when they are so easily to obtain? Every Monday and Friday at 4 o'clock. ; OlT Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock a special meeting of the congregation will be held at the church. It is of great importance that every member should attend. 1 \ ~~ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sunday is the opening day of "Chil- dren's Week" and the morning serv- ice will be in keeping with the oc- casion. , Rev. S. A. Lloyd, pastor, will have as his subject, "The Re-Valua- tion of Childhood." Mr. Harold M. Gilmore, the new Director of Religi- ous Education, will speak briefly on "The Church School as a Field of Service." Parents will be particu- larly interested and will make no mistake if they bring their children to this service which Jiegins at 11 o'clock. High school students are especially invited. ^The North End Circle, Mrs. J. W. -membe Cullen, chairman, will meet Monday, April 25, at the home of Miss Ida Nourser 1137 Greenwood avenue, at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. H. C. Tqeppen will assist the hostess. Box luncheon. called for if Mrs. J. W. Fisher is notified. parlor. Rev. C. WtL ton, pastor of the Lincoln ]f<* church (colored) and well kno* Congregational circles and else*! will be the speaker and will' his subject, "The Race Pro Related to Industry." Mr. 1 never fails to interest his at and there is a rare treat in stoi those who can attend the VV< day night meeting. Theâ€"Washingtonâ€"Avenue will meet Friday, April 29, at home of Mrs. W. E. Duff. 530 \\ington avenue, Mrs. B. F. Lewis, and Miss Jenkins assisting. Have you noticed the action on Playground? Looks like bast now, all right. And the weather, hasn't complete control this time he simply can't send rain all time! Watch for next week's nouncement. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Frederick A. Agar, of York City, secretary of the partment of Prayer and Stewa ship of the General Board of P motion of the Northern B tist Convention, . will be preacher at the morning service 11 o'clock at Brown Hall. He speak in the interest of the new p of financing the church which is be adopted for the new fiscal year mencing May 1. Dr. Agar was the church officers on Marcli 21..... he outlined to them the plans whii have since been adopted, calling a unified budget of the church all its departments. A group of forty members of church have been studying the tails of the plan for the past mi... and are planning to conduct, nodi Dr. Agar's generalship, an whet day afternoon. On Saturday evening at 7:30 at residence Of Mr. and Mrs. f Beach, 1227 Ashland avenue, Dr. will meet with this special j», where the details of the work be thoroughly discussed, and aj The Hast End Circle will hold a uc muruuguiy uibvubsch, aim Rummage sale at the Economy Shop.' at 12:30 on Sunday he will meet Tuesday, April 26. Articles will be them for luncheon in Brown " The Church Needs Your Presence C OME^otks, who willingly and generously contribute of their ^ financial resources to the support of the physical mainten- ance and operating expenses of their Church, do not, however, 4end4©4t4he helpfulness -oftheir ^iresence. They do not seem to have sensed that the Church is in vastly greater need/ of their personal influence. Of what avail is an imposing edifice, an earnest pastor and ample working funds if there be lacking in church attendance those to employ these moral resources to their fuHesf? ~~ .'."'.• ~r~ ~~~:~ ~~ The First Congregational Church The First Methodist Church st i First Presbyterian Church^ Augustine's Episcopal Church St John's Lutheran Church

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