THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1921 iately fpH°wi,l« the mor,l",l« hder the new pl»n each member It church, aside from the pledges hChave already made to the . " ry purposes and the church d?ngfumi, Which pledges wiU be in force, will make a single ce covering all the expenses, not , of the church, but of the organ- ;«n« within the church, such as Sunday school, the Woman's so- v and the Young People's Union. anv who have made no pledge ntssions or the building fund an ortunity wilt also be given on Uayno-mafce-such subscriptions^ r Acar is regarded as one of the [J church leaders of the nation side his own denomination and the al church is very fortunate to have with them. He requests that v member of the church and con- ation attend the service Sunday mine and remain at home on bun- afternoon until the canvassers e paid them a visit. Kenilworth Happenings he wedding of Miss Catherine de daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark- in 'B Orde of Glencoe, to Mr. N. mlon Hoyt, Jr., son of Mr. and â- N. Landon Hoyt of Winnetka, take place tomorrow evening in . Glencoe Union church. Miss Any Orde, a sister of the bride. 11 be maid of honor, Miss Josephine >vt sister of the bridegroom. Miss l'lie Faxon of Kansas City, Miss jQthy^ Taylor, Miss Ruth; Wood- rj and Miss Margaret Orde. an- er sister of the bride, will be jejsmaids. \r William Hoyt will be best man r liis brother, and Messrs. David thercot, Stanley Clague, Walter r(Mild. Scott Eiler and Ralph Bol- der of Pittsburgh, will serve as ers. Rev. Douglas Cornell, pas- of the Union church, will read service at eight-thirty o'clock, reception will follow the cere- mony at the home of the brides' par- ents on Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. John Nash Ott of Winnetka was a luncheon hostess at her resi- dence on Wednesday for Miss Orde, and Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt entertained with a dancing party at their resi- dence on Thursday evening. Mrs. Orde entertained for her daughter on Sunday evening last with an infor- mal supper party and Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt will give the bridal dinner this evening. Mr. George Stuart has sold his home on Abbotts ford road and has taken an apartment in the city. Mr. Stuart^and-his-daughters. Miss Har-" riette and Miss Elizabeth, intend to spend the greater part of their, time in Switzerland. Miss Ruth Woodward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William I. Woodward, gave a shower on Tuesday at her home for Miss Catherine Orde, who is to be married to N. Landon Hoyt, Jr.. on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Maltby have sold their home and will stay at the Hyde Park hotel until the first of June, when they will move into the home of Mr. and Mrs" O. M. Ruth, which they have rented for the sum- mer. Miss Helen Osgood of Lowell. In- diana, formerly of Wilmette, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. King of Glencoe. Miss Osgood's engage- ment to Mr. John King was ah* nounced several months ago. Mr. Arthur F. Poole has gone to New York for an indefinite stay. Mrs. Poole and the children will re- main here until after school is closed. Mr. and Mrs. John Rathbone en- tertained at dinner on last Tues- day evening in honor of their house guest, Mrs. Ned Rathbone. Miss Hellen Reeves, who has been home from school because of illness, returned on Wednesday to Ferry Hall. The Young People's Bridge club met with Miss Miriam Shattuck on Tuesday evening. Mr. Russell Stearns of Boston, Mass., was the guest of Mr. Dwinell Slater over last week-end. Miss Virgene Maltby will leave on May first for an extended visit with friends in the east Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Jarrett left on Thursday for Cleveland to be gone about a week. Mr. Richard Taylor left for New York on Monday on an extended bus- iness trip. ~3Tr.. Hovey Tinsman IFconfined to his home with a case of the "mumps/' Mr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp en- tertained the Evening Bridge club with a dinner party on Monday eve- ning last. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen returned on Monday from California, where they have been spending the past month. Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy returned home from Asheville, N. C. last Sunday and are making their home with Mr. McCarthy's parents in Evanston, temporarily. Mrs. Ned Rathbone of California, formerly of Wilmette, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Rathbone. JoinThis Conspiracy 'â- Mothers9 Day Club ^OWLEr .â€",i^*JWW3ni\2 m*®* W»i Summer Camp and School Informatioi WITHOUT CHARGE LAURA MAE HAY WARD 1721 Stevens Bldg., Chicago Offers the benefit of her per- sonal investigation and inspec- tion in placing Children and older Boys and Girls in the Schools_and_Camps adapted to CO-OPERATION WINS ON THE NORTH SHORE 160 Co-Operative Stores now open; 40 more under lease in* eluding Winnetka, Wilmette and Highwood. Stores Open in Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Ubertyville, Waukegan and Evanston. These stores are owned and op- erated by the people and for the people, each member shar- ing in the profits of this gigant- ic business besides receiving a discount of 5% on purchases* Our stores are open to all and we solicit your patronage and invite you to become a Co-Op- erator with us: Following are the names of all local authorized organizers. See one of them now. J. L. HOLBROOK, Highland Park. ^their individual requirements. GEORGE F. MALM, Glencoe. RALPH PATE, Glencoe. L. C. CONRAD, ___Glencoe. MRS. A. N. THREADGILL. Wilmette, 322 Greenleaf Ave. MRS. P. F. LOBANOFF, Wilmette, 1118 Greenleaf Ave. F. P. WHEELER District Supt. Co-Operativ Sociaty Surprise Your Mother on May 8thâ€"Mothers' Day â€" with a Brunswick For 26 Years STANLEY CARS Have been entirely controlled by _one thtottle lever, without any starter, any dutch, or any gears to shift. That is simpli- Get your NEW STANLEY steam car ii •inn at ion from a dealer only. -----The Easiest Car to Drive and Understand. PRICES RANGE FROM $1500 UP WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER HUBBARD WOODS. ILL. Tel. Winnetka, 956 mm Th.Sm.rf.t and Be.t Dr.M«4 W.aen in Chief • hav. tUfc Sport and Week ^d Skirts^ 5 MADE AT â- THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP Suite 1418 Steven* Building Randolph 3219 |7N«fta Stala CHICAGO 1* fbrlfc Wa... Estimates Furnished gladly without any obliga- tion to you._______ EDWARD H1NES LUMBER CO. "TliircK St. and Maple Are. Evanston, I1L Evanston 42 Wilmette 18 Cornell Wall Beard We have a secret we want to share with you â€" but we can't publish the details here. We have a wonderful plan for you to Use in honoring your- Mother on the day that's for her. *~ - name We call it our Mothers* Day Club. All the details we explain personally, but not in print. But it's a splendid idea, conceived by Brunswick, and one which you'll appreciate. This part we can teir â€"on Mothers' Day your Mother will be given a tremendous surprise. Wre deliver to her a Brunswick Phonograph (Model 112) and a special collection of Bruns- wick Records, andâ€"but the rest is part of the secret. The Mothers' Day Club â€"irrakes4t^a^yrfoF^ouJtoJioiLQr_ her in this delightful manner. It affords her a perma- nent reminder, a con- stant pleasure. Come in at once and let us tell you the plans personally/Never has such an offer been made before. The time is short â€" so come in at once. EASY PA YMENTS PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis Street Telephone Evanston 654 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS_____________^ Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Money and Time v Saved By taking advantage of the "station to station" long distance telephone rate out of town calls can be made more quickly and at less expense. For instance, the day "stationtestation" rate for a three-minute conversation between Chicago and Cleveland is $2.05. The same call can be made in the evening, 8:30 p. m. to midnight, for $1.05. From midnight to 4:30 a. nv the cost is but 55 cents. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY