mmvfmr.-i'. 10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. APRIL 29, 1921 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS 1H1 with which Is < ILMETTE LOCAL Eatabllah«d lltl HPIED FRIDAY OF EACH by LAKE 8HOHE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1SSS Central Av«.. WllmstU. I1L Ull â- iii*< iuptio* in their opportunities for success than they have ever been before. An- other decade will tell a new story of the retative power of mind of men and women and establish an explana- tion for their superior scholarship in college that may inspire the men to new effort. A YEAR All communications roust be ac- companied by the name and address of the wrlt«r. Articles for publication should reach thla office by Wednesday afternoon to insure appearance la current Issuer . Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry, "otleM of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged for at rearular advertising- rates. _____ Entered at the postoffloe at Wllmette. Illinola. as mall matter of j the Mcond class, under the act of March 3. IITS. FRIDAY. APRIL 29. 1921 Fourteen to Four Again the women at Northwestern Tiave shown a superior degree of in- tellect or a greater application to work than the men, according to the scholastic records that have been made during their college careers. Fourteen of the eighteen who have earned the Phi Beta Kappa key are worn eh; another instance of the reasonableness of the fear that has been exhibited by the men of the or- ganization that the women within it arc becoming so numerous as to Explanation of .the better scholar- ship of. the women of all colleges is offered in the closer application that they give to their books. The young men, themselves, salve their self- esteem with the consideration that they have a field of interest so much broader than that within the horizon ithe^women^-thatitheyjnuii_Ql_nc OUILMETTE K. OF C. TO BANQUET THURSDAY, MAY 12 D. F. Kelly, president of Mandel Bros, of Chicago, will be the toast- master at the banquet to be given Thursday evening, May 12. at the Winnetka Woman's club by Ouil- In order to avoid »«^â„¢l&£ and confusion to members of the WBj mette Woman's club paymgthe,r dues at the annual luncheon, W^nesday, May 4. the treasurer, Donna v. Bowes, wishes to call mention to a change in the by-laws making the annul? dues *» instead of $6 as last year. Dr. MUler Osteopattj. fjoetallsi «» •tfrnach end nervous «wrjsra. North Shore HoUL Phone Jj^gl^gttf. Authorised Agents for HOOVER and SWEEPER VAC CLEANERS LECTR â- jasjBJBJSJ iaa^ mette Council, Knights of Columbus. Rev. George McCarthy, chaplain who -served overseas, will deliver the prin- cipal address.__________ The Ouilmette Council bowling tournament schedule starts Tuesday night at Leffingwell's. . y • „ The next meeting of the councitf will take place Tuesday evening. May 10. The event will be "deputysV" night. Harry Mitchell o\V M.L,. â- JPISBVa^B B^S* ^B*B ^â- rBsei EDEN AND EASY VACUUM WASHERS â- vcrvrtiln* Mfit Class HAQRY Hit CHILL 16 EAST JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE CO. Designers and Manufacturers Special Automobile Bodies, Tops, Etc. Body Rebuilding. General Repairing and Painting Chicago 1223-31 South Michigan Ave. Telephone Calumet 424-5-6 cessity spread their attention over so much territory that their studies have to suffer. They are banking upon the records that have been made in the past, when the men have without much difficulty overcome their handi- cap of lower records in college to out- class the women in the real work of life after the campus career has been left behind. Whether or not that is a safe reliance remains now to be seen, for the emancipation of women from the restrictions that have HeW theliriiaW_Tn~Th^^exercJse ot their intellectual talents has brought them more nearly to the level of men Spring Rug Cleaning ftashianffros. 1145 Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmelte . Telephone Wilaette 1200 LORD'S-ow_CORSET DEPARTMENT. SERVICE quick delivery and the right lumber EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, 111. â€"â€" Evanaton^ ^Wilmetta 132 Cornell Wall Board £££;.,. Present*â€" Number 3000 Illustrated above is Number 3010 Illustrated above is .00 = mm 1921 MODELS HARLEY- DAVIDSON. Cat Iandi tiwa or Mnd for cats log Oft new or used ma- chines. LANG, 1T04 d.chif." »'•• CHICAGO. ILL. The brassier is of heavy, flesh colored wash satin. Garters are attached to the embroidered pink coutil \vfuch â€"extends down the front over the hips and down the side back in two strips. The waist line isâ€"ejastie webbing. Morning \Veaf~ Motoring Riding Bathing Dancing all Sports Wear. -.-^â€" This one is made entirely of flesh colored fancy tricot. The style isT identical, ex- cepting the elastic belt. Two pairs of garters hold one's stockings firmly and serve as an adjustment i the entire garment.