Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1921, p. 13

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, APRIL 29. 1921 13 i '(Church 111 :U i r WJJIMJJ METHODIST t in: x [The Second Division gave their inual Progressive dinner Tuesday rening, April 26. This was a laracteristic Second-Division affair. jis division has a reputation for un- lual social affairs that are a credit those having them in charge. All le officers of the Aid were invited id most of them with the division Embers and their husbands were in ie when the signal was given for first attack at the home of the lainnan of the division, Mrs. E. G. it ley, 804 Elmwood avenue, and ieh the^eompanymoved on a little there was no meat in the Bent- louse,__The homeâ€"ofâ€"Mf. and irs. George W. Slocum, 910 Forest renue, was the scene of a most sue- tssful and satisfactory salad raid the part of this hungry and irious gathering. The end of the ext march brought up at 828 Asli- ind avenue, where dessert and an ccellent program were- enjoyed by I^ m_esibjejL==dOi==^e=-party^as^tw ts of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. TroyA /eryone was satisfied. No one was ingry. That is what we call pro- fess. Mrs. Walter Baldwin, 914 Oakwood remit-, entertained the Fifth Division Friday, April 29. e^udes_JLhe_usual sermon, which is ays unusual, by~Dr7~Rapp^next nday morning), there will be a ecial Baptismal service for both Its and children. Those who are e baptized, and those who have ildren to be baptized will please ify Mr. Bickham by Saturday, ril 30. ~-7 meets every* Sunday morning at 9tf0 in Jones Hall. The lesson begins at 10. All men are invited. The subject for the Teachers' fKh^fiQk "'"How the Child Thinks." This class meets at 7:30. You are invited. The monthly Official Board meeting will be held in the church Tuesday evening, May 3, at 8 o'clock. Dr.* Rapp conducts a song and bible exposition meeting in the church every Wednesday evening from 8 to 9 o'clock.' You are invited. This costs less and is worth more than a movie. and also all others, who may be in- terested in our work. The service last Sunday was at- tended by a large congregation. Rev. F. A. Mil house preached the sermon and Edward P. Uhl, Jr.. sang "Rock of Ages', (by Herbert Johnson). More names were added to charter roll, and our canvass is showing encourag- ing results. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church will nave as its guest next Sunday evening, Miss Emily Messenger. Miss Mes- senger will talk on her work ine suoject tor the Teachers' â- Â«Â»Â«Â«*â-  wm talk on ner work in Training class, next Monday even- Africa where she spent 20 years as The Epworth League counts on hav ___ ing^a_debate next^unday^even4ng-at P^M, their meeting. Mrs. Buck's class of young ladies will give a play in the church Friday evening, May 6. "The Trouble at Satterlees" is the- handle of it. From what we hear it makes a noise like a real laugh, and the girls are modest about-their ^pricef too; besides thi> money will not be spent for powder what is necessary for the;, actresses. a missionary. A very interesting time is assured. Everyone is cordially in- vited to attend the services next Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. The Presbyterian church is located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. Strangers in the community will receive a cordial wel- come. You are a Stranger but once. Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. Church service, 11 A. M. Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 P. M. â„¢Se«ior-Ghri8tian^ndeavor7 6 P. M. Mid-week service, Wednesday 8 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ENGLISH LUTHERAN f )r. Rapp's Bible class for men Sunday morning at 11 a. m. at Woman's club the pastor will preach on the theme, "The Royalty of Chris- tian Service." Special music will be furnished by our musical director. Edward P. Uhl, Jr. • â€" Sunday school will be organized next Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Louis F. Mueller, our superintendent, who has had many years experience in the work, will be glad to welcome all children who belong to the church The Washington Avenue Circle will meet today at the home of Mrs. W. ~5r#unV530 Washingtofl^avenue. Mrs. B. F. Lewis, Jr., and Miss Martha Jenkins will assist. Tomorrowâ€"the opening of the playground;-----All children of the church and Church school are invited- to take part in the games. First games are planned for 1 :M) p. m. and thlT official opening by Rev. S. A. Lloyd, pastor, and men of the church, will take place at 2 o'clock. Every- body should be on hand some time the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Other services during the day aire: Church school, 9:45 a. m.; Morning service, 11 a. m.; story hour, 11:25 a. m.; meeting of the members of the 4th year juniors. 4 p. m.; and Sunday Evening club, 7:45 p. m. The annual meeting of the Chi- cago Association of Congregational churches will be held Tuesday, May 3, at the New First Congregational church, corner Ashland and Washing- ton boulevards. Meetings begin at 10. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 for 75 Cents. Reservations should be *ent to Church Office, Wilmeffe 1204, immediately. Wednesday evening, May 4, at 8 o'clock the mid-week service will be held in the church parlor. This prom- ises to be a very interesting meeting for the Commission on Church ex- tension has planned a brief review of the work carried on by the Congrega- tional boards. All those who have been asking what the denomination is doing will have this opportunity to see for themselves. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN A short course of lectures on "The Doctrinal Position of the Lutheran tices" wilt be held at St. John's each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, he- ginning Wednesday, April 27. The matterwill be presented under the following headings: 1. The Holy Bible, its Autorship, Purpose and Power. 2. The Law and the Gospel, Sinner and-Sav4oPi= class at Library Hall at 9:15; first service and Holy Communion at 9:45, confessional service at 9 JO: second service at 11. The pastor will preach on the words, James 1: 26, 'This man's religion is vain."--------- â€"â€" Thursday evening. May 5, at 7:45, a special service will be held in com- memoration of the Ascension of Christ. Sermon, "Christ's Parting Lesson to His Children." The Ladies' Aid meets on Thurs- day afternoon at 2 at Library Hall. The meeting of the "Builders" Young People's society has been postponed to Thursday, May 12, at 8 o'clock. On Thursday evening, May 12, the Ladies' Aid will give a supper for the benefit of St. John's Building Fund at Library Hall. Supper will be served from 5:30 to 8:30. Come /and be served.' It will please you The Stewardship campaign, under Dr. F. A. Agar, of New York City, was very auspiciously opened lastâ€" Sunday morning, when Dr. Agar ad- dressed one of the largest audiences « in the history of the local church. At the close of the morning service, Church, and its Customs and Prac-- -luncheon was served by-the Commti- of the program is the baseball game between the "Dads" and the "Boys" teams. pecial feature ^each lecture to 30 minutes- Sunday morning at the morning service, Mr. Lloyd will use as his sermon subject, "The Inner Circle." There will also be the celebration 3. The Articles of the Christian Faith. 4. The Sacraments, Holy Baptism and the Lord's'Supper. 5. The Church, its Office, Power and Work. , 6. Lutheran Customs and Practices made plain. These lectures are not designed to be controversial in nature, but merely informative and constructive. It hthe purpose of the speaker", to confine No offerings will be taken up. Every- one is invited. Place, St. John's church, Prairie and Linden avenues. Time, every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. nity Service department, and Dr. Agar conducted a brief Devotional service with the canvassers. A most enthusiastic gathering was held at 5 o'clock, when the visitors returned with their pledges, and it is confi- dently expected that when all of the visits have been made in the-follow-.' up work, that the budget of thk church will scribed. be generously pver-sub- The pastor begins a series of ser- mons on Sunday morning, May 1, on great Texts of the Bii)le, using for the first sermon the text in Romans 1: 16, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God and the Salvation to everyone who believ- eth." ££ JThe_s^rvicejL_next Sunday-_areâ€"as^ follows: Sunday school and Bible Two special offerings taken re- cently at St. Augustine's resulted in a total of nearly $500 for Foreign mis- sions. These special offerings by the " When the meaning of life has been dis- covered it will be found to justify all that its experience involves. Toil, sacrifice, pain, disappointment, lossâ€"these take their un- derstandable place, and derive values ines-^ timably precious from the realization of life's relationship to the whole, to the finished product of God's purpose. For the only idea that will give life a mean- ing sufficient to justify it is the idea of God. Leave God out and the whole scheme of life falls into disorder, and your own small portion of it is merely a fragment of anarchy â€"a blind servility or a blind insurgence. Give God His place and you have the pos- sibility for a plan, the means of synthesis for seemingly unrelated phenomena. God ties up the loose ends of life for us. The sense of relationship to Him fills with signi- ficance every other relationship. The most trifling duty becomes an essential duty, and we see that to shirk or to slack, or to in co-operation, is to be disloyal." â€"Fnm mEJitmial in Ik fh»L Methodist Church tette Baptist Church Presbvterian Church St Augustine's Episcopal Church St John's Lutheran Church The First Congregational Church English Lutheran Church

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