Mww'mmmmwwmmm^^^ 'wmwmww^ THB ^AKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1921 HACKERS'SESSION SUCCESSFUL EVENT Miuic Is Vital Part Pageant Kltrim T. tion Meet at Evanston _ ^"* Mu.ic for the great Pilgrim Tor- With what w« said to be the big- £fnten*ry P**eant to be staged on tendance in years, the Lake v£» % „and £! itl g« auditorium of last session tate^ir^e^^eritooTt^rtHSfe?^^1111011 of a1! "Prth-*horc residents. t.i.y of tli. .P«?k.r.. ...e r..ron,- ™«,£«*• "j***â„¢*> «-d **â- est coil__ ciation, were all a part of the day's successful program which lasted from rarfv morning until late afternoon. At the general morning session. sever*! snlendid addresses were made. one of the most important ..of which was that, of* Prof. O. Rug*â€"of fh* Columbia university teachers' college. Generation of Thinkers He told of the responsibility which lav with-the'nubile schools in train- in^n generation of men and women wlio coitM think inMMf»enttv. pnd d's- rtt««ed the more efficient methods by the routine things (spelling, reading, vritin». etr.) are nov bel**"' tnn"ht. "Ow b'" iob is to trail* cit»- *»ns who. will think ffbotit th»« fnir* and render critical judgement n nrii'tirs; religion and industry." tajtt Professor Rug", He showed vWr the validity of some of the ns«umntions uoon which a reoresent- _d*mocracy have been based is nmw being ouestioned by thoughtful pHu^tors. on# of which is that peo- ple have sufficient intelligence to or- ganize their "affairs efficientlv with- out trainincr. "We have teamed in the nnst 50 vears to ouestion this as- sumption." he explained in bringing out the point that the everv day man and woman_Tl«rnhot carefu!1>rTbin1< about what thev are going to do. but respond On influence and not after pronor deliberation. He endeavored to show that the American public system is, in part re«nrmsib1e for this and; by discourse ntiH illustration demonstrated where- in lay certain means of correcting the f'isorenancies. Upon great' teacher's ftppinds the future of American thought, is his belief. Other Excellent Speakers Other sneakers of the morning were Sunt. W. W. Lewton, chairman of the 4e*4*4m4veâ€"committee/ who discussed- schnol appropriations, state and local. »nd explained different bills which have been placed before the legis- lature in an effort to secure a greater «tnte distributable fund. President Livingston C. Lord of the Eastern Illinois state normal school, took up educational subjects which should be included on the public school curri- culums and dwelt on the raising of remarkable success, this arduous task. Accompaniments must be suited, for instance, to the portrayal of Pil- grim days, the Civil war, and out of the mass of present-day material, ap- propriate and really representative music selected for the scenes depict- ing the modern age. Neither of the Boys' nor Girls' Glee clubs will appear in the pageant as a unit, but in scenes where sing-' ing assumes a prominent part, care' has been taken to have the school's best vocal talent cast in the roles. FORMER WILMETTE MAN KILLED IN AUTO CRASH unloading and transferring several carloads of material to the Sheridan road location where great caisson* !2f* b£ln* ,unk to * depth of more than 120 feet. Edinger and Company has been in business in Wiltnette for 15 years and this stupendous task is testimony to its reputation for prompt and con- scientious business methods. CLASSIFIED ADS ARE AN EXCHANGE MEDIUM Carl, 26 years of age, son of Mrs. Adele Doose, 9\7]/i Greenleaf avenue*, was instantly killed Thurs- day evening. April 21. in Shermefville when an automobile in which he was riding, was wrecked at the Skokic road crossing of the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul railroad. Doose was thrown from the car when the driver suddenly applied the emergency brake to avoid collision with the locomotive of an approach- ing freight.train. Doose was thrown directly in the path of the train which passed over his body, The body was taken to Shermerville Village where an inquest was held Saturday. John Anderson, driver of the death car, clung to the steering wheel and was seriously injured when the machine; struck a rail and turned completely over clear of the tracks, a total wreck. He is in a Highland Park hospital. Doose leaves a wife and one year old daughter, Josephine, who live .in DeerfieUl. He was on his way to visit his mother in Wilmette at the time of the fatal accident, it was said. HJ.SHFERT Landscape Gardener Floriculture Horticulture Agriculture THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED First-Class. Work. I am taking Work by Contract. 2151 Sherman Ait. EVANSTON Telephone Evanston 4736 The marriage of Miss Helen Steen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Steen, to Mr. C. Earle Palmer of Columbus. O., will be solemnized to- morrow evening at the Steen home in Winnetka. The last meeting of the year of the PaVent-Teacher's association of the Central school will be held on Tues- day afternoon at 3 o'clock in the gymnasium. First grade mothers will be hostesses. €4 Your Beans 9f One for the mouse, one for the crowf One to rot and one to grow. " This quaint old seeding lore does not ap- ply to the dollars when they are planted in our savings department. None are for the "mouse," or the "crow." Everyone sprouts and grows and comes back to you with accumulated interest. Such is the record here. This is planting time. Start your savings aecount today and watch it grow. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE The Home of Savings Depositors IT'S SOME JOB JUST TO HAUL ALL THAT MATERIAL One^jf^tlre-btg^jobs^ in-eonnect ion^ with the foundation work on the Bahai Temple, under construction at Sheridan road and Linden avenue, is the transportation of the many tons of building material, cement. Grocery Telephones 610* 511* 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 . .. SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Wi Imette-Central Ave. and 12th St. % CASH DISCOUNT Cash and Curry - - 5% Discount Cash and Delivered - • • -2* Discount On orders of II 00 or more of normal These de net apery le Meat Department. Profit Goods. Credit and Delivered, one order delivered free our educational standards. Between j gravel, etc., a task which has been the addresses musical numbers were essayed by Edinger and Company, present by north shore talent, and fuel and building material dealers of thr choice work of the A Capella Wilmette. . . choir was well received. At present the company is busy 5 SFECTATSArETtAT 2nd to MAY 7th Granulated Sugar I^Sgfg^*^^ Vonrrkon's CnaJe Are the *,eit* ' nave * ,ar*e variety in stock, and can sell you anything T aUgUaU 5 UCCUJ that you may want in Vaughan's catalogue* at the catalogue price...... FLOUR PilUbury, Washburn and Ceresota. £ 1 97 PRUNES JctJSP*Sw"f Smntm â€" 18c • *^ ^^ • ' *â- " â- ** rer round..........................^............................................. • ww {*{\L"IV17p My own blend. I have sold this coffee for years with unvarying success. UJs* COFFEEâ€" Roast Santos. A splendid, mild coffee; lb. . .24c TEAâ€" English May 12,13 and 14 next issue of this paper -------for details Breakfast. L. F. GOc quality; lb. ..................45c Oolong Strawberry: No. 25; 75c quality; lb. ..................tic PRUNESâ€"Santa Clara. 70-80 size; lb.................lie APRICOTSâ€"Fancy Blenheim. Lb...........:..........r.....3«e REIN A PURE OLIVE OILâ€" Ottart can $125; pint........65c WESSON SALAD AND COOKING Oilâ€"y* gall...........^^ttJS BEECHNUT PEANUT BUTTERâ€" Large size. 10 oz.............28c ORANGE MARBIALADE- Gordon & Dill worth. 16 oz. Jar .....^.-^^rr-frTrrw-^^^^^SC OLD MANSE MAPLE AND CANE SYRUPâ€"No. l'-£ can........«5c COCKTAIL SALMON- Fine quality, at a very low price. No. */z can............He PEANUTS IN SHELL- Fresh roasted: lb............Me JUMBO SALTED PEANUTSâ€" Lb............................Me SHELLED ENGLISH WALNUTS Lb........................â€"Me ENGLISH WALNUTSâ€" Fancy. Xo. 1 soft shell; lb. . .M* RICHELIEU RAISINS- Seeded and cleaned; 15 oz. package......................3** RICHELIEU SULTANA SEED- LES RAISINSâ€" 15 ox. pkg. 3Sc AMERICAN FAMILY SOAPâ€" 66 S'/j oz. bars in box......$4.75 10 bars -7V7vri^rrTVÂ¥-i^^.-^...lle Charter Oak; extra Urge 11K can CLOTHES UNESâ€" Cotton ; braided 50 feet Sash CoeeX M feet ^^ â- No Cash Discount STUMPF'S ANT PAPERâ€" ^-This is a positive remedy for ants. They will not stay where it is. Sheet................2fc BROOMSâ€"Utile Tom. â- Well made; fine broom corn. Kach........................ .75c LUSTRE SANITARY OIL MOPS Kach............r.___.....$L4f COTTON MOPSâ€"1 lb.Each....4Se GOLD DUSTâ€"Xo 4; large pack- age.......................... Me Xo. 1 small package..........Se OLD DUTCH CLEANSERâ€" Package......................12c KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" Large package ...»;... ^*^^.lc SCOURENEâ€" For scouring, cake............Se BRltl.O Aluminum polish.------- Larke pkg....................Me LIQUID VENEERâ€" 4 oct. bottle..................2$e 12 oz. bottle ........... .....Me LUSTRE FLOOR POLISHâ€" 6 oz. bottle.......... .......Me OCEDAR OIL- 12 o*. bottle .4ne CANDLESâ€" Rayo self-fitting; 12 in lb. ..Me TOBEY FURNITURE POLISHâ€" 4 oz. bottle..................2Sr. 12 oz. bottle..... ...........Me esmm mmxotasm- Bnrnham & Morrilfs celebrated Main succotash at a bargain price; doe. $1.90; can ........Me, :______ Xo Diseoomt___________* RICHELIEU LIMA Fancy; doe. $?J0; can MONSOON APRICOTSâ€" Peeled; extra-fancy; heavy syr- up. No. 1 can; doz |225j can lie DEL MONTE APRICOTSâ€" Peeled; extra, fancy; heavy syr- up ; large No. 2# can; doz. $320 can..........................27e SUNICAL PEACHES-------â€"---- Yellow cling; fancy; No. 2 can; doz. $3.00; can .,;............25c DEL MONTE PEACHES- Yellow free; large No. 2y2 can; Doz. $375; can ........ .....22c GOLDEN EAGLE WHITE CHER. RIESâ€"Royal Anne. Large No. 2*/2 can; doz. $420; can......Me RICHELIEU BARTLETT PEARS The finest quality packed. No. 2 can; doz. $3.15; can___......27e RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINE- APPLEâ€"There is no finer grade packed. » No. 1 sbeejaXdoz. $2.50; can. .21e No. 2 sliced; doz. $375; can..Me -^oc-2-gratcd; doz. $375; can. .22c MONSOON- ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€" No. 1 square can; doz. ..$4LM Can..........................3tc PLYMOUTH ROCK CORNâ€" Extra standard; fine for soup ~ and fritters; doz. ___......|UI No discount. 2 cans for......Me RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL Doe. $240; can ..........___20c RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET These ate eqnal lo the finest fresh peas. Doz. $325; can Large No. 3 can; eery fine; doz. $L»; can....................Me