Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1921, p. 5

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pip^i^^ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAYf»APRIL 29, 1921 niiiniiiiiH***â€"»â€"«â€"â€"mm* «««»«««.............».„, JodaJ lj^)peMi\^ Witaette byRufKPlrley nan STATIONS have been issued for the marriage of Miss y Quayle, daughter oOfr. and Mrs. Fred R. Quayle, to Mr. Harold A. Innis of Toronto, Canada, to take place on Tuesday evening, May 10. The ceremony will take place e Quayle home, 38 Crescent place, at eight o'clock, Rev. T. R. luavle, an uncle of the bride, assisted by Dr. George P. Magill of he Presbyterian church, reading the service. â€"jltssQuayle will have as her attendant, Mrs. L. T. Thurber of ioston, as matron of honor. Mr. C. T. Fish of Chicago will be best The young couple are planning to make their home in Toronto. Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Ethel M. Brooks to Mr. Bayard E. Simmons, which took place on Monday, April 11, at the home of the bride's parents in Springfield, 111. Mr. Simmons' >rother, Mr. Donald Simmons, and his bride* who was formerly Miss Madeline Camahan, attended the couple.â€"_â€" Mr. and Mrs. Simmons will be at home after May first at 615 Gilbert street, Danville, 111. A quiet and attractive wedding will be solemnized on Friday evening, May 6, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Edson Mc- Eldowney, 1333 Elm wood avenue, when their daughter, Gervaise, will be united in marriage to Mr. Edmand Findlay of Evanston, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Forrest of Bellingham, Wash. Preceding the annual luncheon of the Wilmette Woman's club, on next Wednesday, there will he a reception to the incoming officers for the ensu- ing year. The hostesses for this oc- casion will be Mrs. Frederick Favor, Mrs. Myron Leckner, Mrs. Charles Adamv Mrs. Leslie Miller and Mrs. William Colvin. Following the .luncheon a delight- ful muskal program has been ar- ranged, to be presented by three young artists. ,-- A group of Wilmette young people The eighth grade class at the Byron C. Stolp school will give an in- formal dance at the school this even- ing, between the hours of eight and eleven o'clock, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the Grammar de- partment benefit. The Cozy Corner circle, Mrs. L. E. Bush, chairman, will meet for an all- day meeting Thursday, May 5, in the Congregational church. The East End circle will meet Mon- are to appear in a harmony recital -d»yy May 2, at the home of Mrs. B. -Many of our north shore childr wj'll appear in the Kiddie Fashion Show whieh-IsUo Be held on Satur- iay of this week at the North Shore rote! in Evanston under the direction of Mildred Brandham Peirce. The roceeds of this affair will be used to furnish a room at the Evanston hos- Following is the order of the pro- Doll Buggy Parade:_ Virginia Tfrgter^farsc i Betty ^koekcHBaby; Marion Ward, Anna Jane Bechtel, Barbara Spencer, Mary Elizabeth Spencer, Betty Jane Pryce, Connie Pease, Winifred Lee Lewis, Betty McDonough, Gertrude Dolese, Wino- ene Nillis. ' Poppy Parade: Mary Kerr, Ruth Ward, Helen Lord, Barbara Bate- man. , . ,_ Bathing Suit Girls: Louise Haynes, Ruby Johnson, Barbara Ann Sargent, Donna Moeri, Charlotte Keator. Fashion Parade: Virginia Todd, Gertrude" Mc^raily; 1*risctlla Feeley, Miriam Lewis, Sylvia Thome, Ruth Thorne, Martha Jane Bliss, Margaret Pease. Marjorie Freer, Frances Cole- man. Dorothy Hoge. School D^ys: Elizabeth McCon- athy. Isabel TTinman Fiske, Joyzell Ray, Lucy Jane Fitzgerald, Helen Mehren, Virginia Smith, Ruth^Rtce, Faith Foyer, Jane Orrr- ~ Little Boy Blue: Betty Locke, Anna Jane Bechtel. Barbara Spencer, Eli- zabeth Spencer. attractive home weridih be solemnized tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. -Cain in Hubbard Woods, when their daughter, Jessie Forrester, will become the bride, of Mr. Addison Bur- bank, son of Mrs. Blanche Burbank of San Francisco, Cal. Rev. Dr. Louis Perkins Cain of Edgewater will read the service at 4:30 o'clock. Miss Cain will have as her atten- dants, Miss Eleanor Burbank, sister" of this afternoon, given under the auspices of-the-€olumbiaJ School"of Music, and by the pupils of Pearl M. Barker, Ruth Ellen Zeisler and Ann Dvorsky, at Brown Hall at 4 o'clock. Among those who will participate are the Misses Charlotte Moody, {Cath- erine Ellis, Jean Hosmer^ Isabelle Mac Alii ster, Margaret Hoot, Pauline McCoy, Eleanor Buckban, Elizabeth Randall, Ruth Rice and Louise Mc- Coy. " â€"•â€" Miss Evelyn Humphrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Humphrey of 112 Woodbine avenue, who is a mem- ber of the freshman class at the Uni- versity of Illinois, recently won the cup given by the Gamma Epsilon Pi sorority, as a trophy to the freshman woman who made the highest scholarship in the School of Com- merce last semester. Miss Humphrey was a member of the graduating class at New Trier High school last June. â€"♦â€" On Monday of this week Mr. and Mrs.~M. E. Barker, who have been^ residing at 1027 Greenwood avenue, moved into the house at 832 Forest avenue, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, and on the Saturday evening preceding they entertained with an tnformal dancing party for forty of their friends at their new home before it was occu- pied. F. Blymyer, 626 Lake avenue. Miss Ruth Ohlendorf, 237 Linden avenue, had as her guest over last week-end, her cousin, Miss Charlotte Wittenberg of Terre Haute, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes, who have been spending the past ten days with friends in the village, en route from their trip to Honolulu this winter, left on Sunday evening for their home in Montclair, N. J. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. W. C Hughes, 1006 Central avenue, on Mon- day, May 2, at two-thirty o'clock. Mrs. I: G. Wooden will speak on "Christian Citizenship." . f Mr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone have moved from 706 Linden avenue, to 1234 Ashland avenue.-----~ Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Whidden have moved from 530 Linden avenue to 925 Greenwood avenue. the groom, as maid of honor,and little Frances Deming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Deming of Highland Park, and Ann Timson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Timson, also of Highland Park, as flower girls. Master Elfred Timson will act as ringbearer, and Mr. Charles Timson will attend Mr. Burbank as best man. Among the out-of-town guests who will be in attendance are Dr. Jessie G. Forrester of Ocean Park, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. George Thorpe and Miss May Louise Thorpe of Sioux City, la., Mr. and Mrsr-August Heuer of Hol- land, TOidCMttr Amelia Phillips of Fond du Lac. Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mond Brodhay of Minneapolis, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strickler of Mil- waukee. ___ Mr. Burbank and his bride will be at home after June 1 at 555 Forest avenue, Highland Park. _♦â€" The children of the public schools from Evanston to Lake Bluff have been making posters for use in the ^^Intermission Program ___ ArH<>n shore^drive which starts next feTTliorne"Wandering- Minstrels \ ~JJJ Bij? and littje from the senior Sylvia Thorne----A Little Lady of cjags af New Trjer> to the little tots Grandma's Day. Martha Bliss ..........Flower Valse Beatrice Miller_____Pickaninny Boy Rainbow Girls: Shirley Randolph Rosalind Ray, Julianna..- Holmes, Jeannezfoason, Agnes Marshall, Lucy Stifler. Sport Girls: Dorothy Hodge, Mar- tha Bliss. Ruth Thorne, Frances Cole- man. Sylvia Thorne, Miriam Lewis, Marjorie Freer, Margaret Pease, Gertrude McBrady, Virginia Todd, Priscilla Feeley. OJ Candlelight Girls: Louise Haynes, Barbara Ann Sargent, Ruby Johnson, Donna Moeri. Charlotte Keator. Dorothv Frock: Rhea Corby, Helen Wilson. Martha Russel, Eunice Schmidt. Gwendolin Heilman, Harriet PostleTTTelihoFTames,Xl6yd Stiffler, Helen ^mesT-Harriet Fenner. Mother Goose Frocks: Mary Boss- art. Bessie Louise Foyer. Peggy Sarg- ent. WinoRene Nillis, Charlotte Kinz- e^ere. Gertrude Dolese. Bridal Party: Bride, Anna Jane Bechtel: Groom, Aubrey WWttemore; Flower Girl, Ruth Sargent; Ring Bearerr~Tvati Shumway. ~ Bridesmaids: Mary E. Spencer, J^rhara <nencer. Betty Jane Pryce. Marion Ward. Connie Pease, Wini- ng Lewis, Betty McDonough. Two houjrs of dancing. Klever Klub- °rchtstra. The dainty and attractive costumes tor this event have been furnished through the courtesy of the Child- ren's Shor> in Evanrston. *jw. William J. Lavery entertained J bridge ather home in Evanston. on' *««day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Carles Summers of Portland, Ore„ ftiest is spending several weeks as the and Mrs. ot her parents, Mr. ra A. Jones, in Winnetka. The Thursday club will be â- "med at luncheon on Thursday of e« week at the home of Mrs. Ed- in the primary grades they have been working to help raise money for the little mothers, and sisters of Chi- cago's congested districts who need -so-hadly the sunshine-and-fresh-air- at Arden Shore. These posters will be displayed in the different villages and it is hoped that a general ex hibition can be arranged later. __ The Publicity committee of the Arden Shore association wishes to thank all the teachers and the stu- dents for their interest and generous co-operation in the camp now. There is a display pf posters at Marshall Fields' this week, made by Mr. Babcock's class at the Art in- stitute for the Arden Shore drive. The prize offered by Mr. John L. Slade of Evanston was won by Miss Marion Wallace of Chicago. The marriage of Miss Beatrice Claudia Mueller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Mueller of 128 Sixth street, to Rev. Frederick A. Mill- house son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mill- house of Murphysboro, 111., took place last evening at the Lutheran Theolo- gical Seminary at May wood. Dr. Y. E. Whitteker, president of the Semi- nary, read the service. Miss Margaret Woodworth of Mil- waukee attended the bride as maid of honor, and Miss Helen M.llhouse of Murphysboro, and Miss Helen Mueller, sister of the bride, served as bridesmaids. Little Miss Edith Franks of Rogers Park and Luther Mueller served as flower girl and *The groom had as his attendants Reverends John Schedler, G. Kempf and F. Gei&winkler. Following the reception the bridal couple left for the south and will be at home after June 1 at Dongola, HL ^ Mr. and Mrs. George K Arnr^f J25 Park avenue announce the birtfc ot a Mrs. Norman W. Harris of Win netka entertained the class of Mr. Howard Wells, the Chicago pianist, at her home. 594 Spruce street, on Monday evening. Members of the class who were on The program were Miss Dorothy Keeley, Ikliss Mable Lyons and Mrs. Agathe Haenel of Chicago, and Mrs. Edwin S. Fletcher and Mrs. Norman W. Harris of Winnetka. The ister-Worthen Co. tl 11 It I It I MI 111 Itttlt II11 Ittl II 111 (I t II ttl.....Ill 111111] 11111II111 Tt MM 11 â-  111 11 til 11111111II..........lit I til......1111 .111 IIII lilt 1.....1 till III It* II t II f I) Ittl r 11II11! ttl I 111 II11 til A Special Sale BEGINNING FRIDAY, APRIL 29 Mrs. Georee Bird. Mrs. Frank Bar- ret, Mrs. Walter Hannah and Mrs. Jacob B. Greiner attended the tea and shower given at the home of Mrs. Oreiner's aunt. MrsT JacoB Baur, 30 Cedar street, Chicago, on Wednesday afternoon, for the benefit of the White Elephant sale, the proceeds of which are to be turned over to the fund for the Children's Memorial Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jenkins of 915 Elm street. Winnetka, formerly of Wilmette, left Tuesday on an ex- tended motor trip through the east, where they will spend entire sum- mer, planning to return early in Sep- tember to make their home-m Wil- mette. â€"•â€" Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Campbell and family, formerly of 626 Gregory ave- nue, now of Evanston, who have been spending the winter in St. Petersburg, Fla., are now making an extended motor trip through the east, nlanning to return home early in July,_________^_^____.â-  - -....._: Mr. and Mrs. James Kendall of Los Angeles. Cal., formerly of Wil- mette, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Yonkers, 911 Sheridan road, on Monday evening. They are returning west at the end of this week, after an extended visit with relatives in Chicago. Jacob Baur Greiner, Jr., 63J Lake avenue, who is attending the Wash- ington and Lee university at Lexing- ton, Va., this year^has been elected captain of the swimming team for the school for next year. ♦ â- *-'â- â- â- ' V ,-â- ';;---------i Mrs. Herbert C. Arms was hostess to one of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clubs this week at her home, 720 Lake avenue. Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases Large size crochet bed-spreads, white only. Formerly sold up to 33.50, at Sheets, 81x90, good quality. Special priced at . . . *:-..â-  . . , â- ; billow cases, 36x42, good quality muslin. Special for this sale . .- . . . . . $£•£<) 29c Curtain Marquisette 36 inches wide, good quality, white only. Regular 35-cent grade. Special for 1A this sale.....ISfC All Linen Crash Stevens P. P. bleached pure Linen Crash. Regular 48-cent grade. Special per OQ^ yard. . . OOC Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Ladies' all linen,plain colored handkerchiefs. Five different colors, formerly sold at 35c. For this sale 25c Many Other BIG VALUES In Everyday Need: iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiHiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiHuinitiiiniiitniiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiniiiiH......tuiiiiiiiitiiittiiiiiiiii.....tutiiiiiiiiHitiniiniiitiiiiiiiiii 1148|Central Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. PLINKER &-FLINKER 1217 Wilmette Avenue Millinery and Dry Goods Will open on or about May 10th mnBBBBBBgnBBBm mnsmmaamm rZZ7Z//Z7/j VM^M^^M^^^MMMM^^^^^^^^^i Be Photographed This Year On Your Birthdayâ€" We make a specialty of Children's and Home Portraiture. EUGENE L RAY PHOTOGRAPHER For Appointment Telephone 2238 Hoyburn Building, EFANSTON V»j»>MMWJM>»»»»^^^^ Fashion .Show NORTH SHORE HOTEL, Evanshm Saturday Evening, April 30th, 1921 AT EIGHT O'CLOCK Proceeds for Furnishing a Room at the Evanston Hospital Direction Mildred Brandham Peirce Costumes Courtesy The Children's Shop Dancing following the Fashion Show Klever Kluh Orchestra

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