THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 27,1921 13 iflE LAKE SHORE NEWS BetabUeaed lilt with wMo*l» WMMi thb wiumm local Mnws Bete.bll.hed 1SS8 -*KE tBOMB PUBMSHIWO COMPANY ^1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. l^lee*â€" »«»»« gppicRirrioH 1 communication* must be ae- ,empanied by the name and address of gyVrlfar. Article, for publication Sould reach this offlce by Wednesday afternoon to Insure »«»«*»â- •»««* »« current leeue.________ appearance In Resolutions of condolence, cards of thinks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where in admittance charge> will' be mad, or i collection taken, will be charged for st regular advertising ratea Entered at the postofflce at Wllmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second class, under the act of March I. 1ST*. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921 Weighed in the Balance) The only possibility of the success- ful outcome of the attempt of the Chicago city hall machine to get un- der its control the judges of the cir- cuit courts, lies in the indifference of the public to the election on June 6. If everybody who believes tliat the courts should be kept entirely inde- pendent of political influence of whatâ€" ever nature would make it a point to go to the polls to express that sentiment in marking the ballot for the coalition ticket, there would be only one possible result. But there- is so much in the experience of the past to show that there is little con cern on the part of the element that we are wont to call "decent" for pub- lic affairs that rabsoiute dependence^ may be put upon it to turn the elec- tion to the Thompson ticket, in the opinion of those who are interested in its success. North shore people belong, for the most part, to the "decent" element, hey believe that this and every at- fempt to gain control of the judiciary should be defeated, but the question whether they will go to the polls, Or whether they will leave the defeat- ing of the Thompson itcket to other voters a little less inclined to vote. Jpon the quality of the justice that administered in the courts depends le security of the^people served: hy leni. It is only the part of selfish oncern for one's own safety to do what one may to see that the quality justice in the courts of Cook county does not suffer in the approaching ectiou. Every voter should go to e polls, every voter should accept e obligation that is his, and hers, make sure of one vote against the judges whose names are sanctioned y the city hall machine in Chicagov A great deal has been said about e elevating influence of the wo- man's ballot in politics. Never will the omen of the north shore have a bet- r opportunity to show that they ean to make their endowment with e suffrage count for something, to emselves and to the community an by going to the polls to sup- ort the ticket that has been organi- d as a proteat. against the methods the Chicago political organization. ere is here-a challenge toy their it ir-' mi ship,, a test of their^pprccia- ion of the obligatiorilT^that accom- >any the privilege of the ballot, that |Qnien should make it a point of ionnr"to meet with credit to them- lives and to their sex. They are being weighed in the bal- B&e and they should not wish to be umi wanting. eh th th th >f hi Ne w Price on Hupmobile Think Of It uction on open $200 on closed models Now you can buy that new Hup! IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. ~r~^ Orrington Avenue Phone 5700 NEW FACTORY PRICES Touring and Roadster $1485 Coupe Sedan $2485 Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician Phone Wil. 2052 1150 Wilmette Ave. RESIDENCE PHONE 537 Th.Smartesl and Bait Dragged Women in Chicago ha»e theii Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "n.cdr Uftk your cun materiel" Suite MlP'St v«r» Building Randolph 3219 17 Norlh Stat* CHICAGO 16 North Wabash 0 INNESOTA CHURCH BANS * BERRY PICKING ON SUNDAY puluh, Minn.â€"The Swedish Tab- rha,;(. Mission church has adopted ?s"!uuons making as sufficient 'puiiil, for dismissal from me'mbef- *P in the church the following oi- n>c : ' Pi§hingf hunting or berry-pitking .-nday. , iJoin^ work around home, joy rid '& or savingâ€"nnvthincr atraingtâ€"thi n saying anything against the gor on Sunday. <tv John J. Daniels, pastor, intro- f» the resolntifinc' 8C€ *^yer,s in almost every church in ^ ^ate Began the service and metn- gsmp campaign of the American, SHon m Idaho. Americanism meet* ft*\n every city will be a featurej â„¢e rlrive. ' STANLEY steam cars are just as nat- urally endowed with perfect road perfor- mance as a horse is. STANLEY steam cars are just as easily driven and are easier to take care of. STANLEY cars are [therefore the saf- est automobiles. _TM luw no rtartart, dettfcw «â- g««" g Mh. WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER STANLEY tales, & service â€"â€" HUBBARD WOODS. ILL. Tel. Winn«tka, 956 Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall -----â€" Boardâ€"â€"-â€"-â€"'â€" EDWARD H1NES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave Evanston, III. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board _____Exclusive North Shore Bath NORTH SHOHf PH0NI f VA Majestic Underground iaiiw&?Iteceiver . _auU«" aoaerground â€" is win the Majestic Garbage Receiver. Dogs can't upset it as they do the ordinary unsightly garbage can. FBes and vermin ean not get to it It ts aanitary and odor preei A MAJESTIC UNDERGROUND GARBAGE RECEIVER Iron Work* - â- -- - -i 7JOS EJIfMwOM I wo 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO CONSULT^ R. W. BARTELMANN CO. |FOR| Frames, Sash, Doors and Interior Finish 910-912 Weed Street. CHICAGO - * Near North and Clybourn Aves. Phone Lincoln 7012-3 WESTERN UNDERTAKING CO. , . , == D. S. SATTLER, Frm: ..... / ----- The unmistakable mark of distinction to be found in funerals conducted by us is a Guarantee of the Higher .Characterof our SERVICE^ CASKETS as LOW as $35. No charge for distance 1022 Davia St. EVANSTON. ILL. H. F. UNSER MANAGER PHONES j^a^M CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE CO. Designers and Manufacturer* Special Automobile Bodies, Tops, Etc. Body Rebuilding, General Repairing â€"â€" __ and Painting Uâ€" 1223-31 South Michigan Ave. Telephone Calumet 424-5-6 Chicago