mm *M*M22MMHHMMMmmmmmmmm •MNHMHM â€" •" MMll Jbciol HappeiMixdi* byRutKRuley ? ordid 'ear fnue, buqo* loSprj] ••â- â- AND. MRS. CHARLES S. DINGER of 912 Lake avenue have issued invitations for the marriage of their daugh- ter, Margaret, to Lawrence Francis McClure. son of Mr and Mm W. Frank McClure, of 219 Broadway avenue* TTto take place on the evening of Saturday. June 4. at eiHit- oVlock, in the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs Henri- anushka, 1041 Forest avenue-. Jiding Miss Dingee will be her sister, Miss Leonora Dtnuec d „f honor, Mrs. 1 horpe L. Edmunds of V\'auwu. Wis as ma- i honor. Miss Katherine McClure, litter'of the groom and Louise Berry of Oak Park, a cousin, who will stretch the rib- and little Mary Ella Waidner, another cousin^who will be jvirL Mr. Prentiss Couffer will serve-McrMcClure as best .umber of prenuptial affairs are being given in honor of Miss e. among them, a luncheon, bridge and kitchen shower given Saturday by Miss Virginia Thompson at her home on 'Forest iu; a bridge and miscellaneous shower for tvventv guests mven luesday evening by Miss Margaret Couflfer, 903'Lake avenue* Wednesday afternoon, Miss Frances Cutler and Miss Norma filkn entertained the senior members of Alpha Phi at North- cnuat bridge in honor of the bride-to-be, at the fonneVhoinc: John ITNjcTOIton, formerly Miss Virginia Ohvin, entertained a Jelly and Jam shower on Thursday afternoon, at her home iranston; on Wednesday afternoon of next week, Mrs George ;ihhy. of 835 Lake avenue, is giving a matinee party, and on the wing afternoon Mrs. Charles Dingee will entertain at her home jnor of her daughter. On Friday. June 3, the Misses Grace and I, Coper of 824^ake avenue.-are givmg a hmeheon-for-Miss ee, at the Arts Club. ^On Tuesday evening of this week, Mim Maye S. Roettcher entertained fourteen of her student* and friend* at her studio. 1200 Central avenue. The musical program was rendered by Ethel Sturgeon, Bessie Weiss, Hel- en Hayes. Teresa Backus and Ruth- elle Morse. Helen Hayes and Cath- erine Bunte accompanied Miss Boett- cher in two vocal selections. Miss Roberta Skinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Skinner. 723 Central avenue, is a member of the graduating class at Miss VVbeel- ock*s Kindergarten college, in Bos- ton, Mass.. this year. Commencement will take place on June 6, and after a rather extended visit with several friends in the cast, she will return home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flanner of Blackwcll. Wis., who have been •pending the past week with Mrs. Manner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Patch, 611 Washington avenue, left Wednesday '.'vetting for a three weeks' outing at French I.ick Springs, Ind. Their son, Edward, will remain with bis grandparents, "during Mrs. David J. Davis will entertain the Comanci Club at luncheon on Tuesday of next week at her home. 721 Elmwood avenue. The Luncheon Club was entertain- ed in formally .on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Andrew A. I.euer, 620 Prairie avenue. William Russell, of 1009 Elmwood avenue, left last evening to spend the week-end and Decoration Day, in Or- egon and Brooklyn, Wis. Mr. Frank B. King, 825 Greenleaf avenue, is in Milwaukee on business, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Virdia Maxey of 424 Prairie avenue, have moved to 1729 Carman avenue. Chicago. here their absence. .â€"»â€" . ^7â„¢*^^ crew in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Paulson, 715 Washing hvenuerwhen their daughter, Susie, will be united'in marriage tr. I high G. Rerste of Evanston, son of Mr. and Mrs H H Ber- m Kansas The service will be read at eight-thirty o'clock by Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor of the Congregational church iss Paulson will have as her attendants, Miss Virginia & iss rauison win nave as ner attendants, Miss Virginia Arnold imago, as maid of honor, and Miss Adah Reynolds of this vil- w!k> will be bridesmaid. Little Evelyn and Ted Reynolds stretch the ribbons. The groom will be attendee! by Staven Moulding as best man, and Mr. Frank W. Bedford bit ston. I he wedding march will be played by Miss Eloise Bed- following the ceremony, Mr. William t. Mitchell of Chi- vv.'ll render a group and r>, a tenor, well known on the north shore lOlli'-S. Tuesday afternoon the Associa- <>t Moihcrs of the Delta Gamma at Northwestern University met c home >f the president. Mrs. T. H. dock. 1005 Greenleaf avenue, Wil- i-. to sew for "Anchor Inn". Jmr Fun is the new name for the [auraht which was formerly in the Kvanslon Golf club and which is known as the Community Golf at Rtdge and Sheridan roads, Ev- en. Jfe cafe is being conducted by the niii of Delta Gamma assisted by tivc chapter for tlfe purpose of mu funds for a sorority liome. are served from noon until 8:30 p., and a speciaj_dmner on Sunday tli< cooking is all home-madeT P arc taking an active interest in mulct-taking are !\frs. Thomas K. â- rmipson. who is in charge of the fckly. subscription dances held on lhe\sday evenings, Mrs. G. Ross h\art. Mrs. J. Barret Scarborough, i* Ruth Gates, Miss Gertrude !i< let. Mrs. Edward C. Austin and s. Ralph Huff. â€"<♦â€" )' and Mrs. Charles Dwight Budd i»K tirqc, announce theffengagement their dautrhtcrrMaTTtra Stuart, to • John William Warner of New |rk; Miss Budd served as a dicti- on in the army medical corns dur- the war and was stationed at the f-*rf embarkation. Dr. Warner is {member of the staffs of Roosevelt New York Nursery and Chil- " s- hospitals. He served as a maj- th the fifth division, U. S. A. in [aiv (. \o date for the Wedding "has Kn announced. Among the affairs given in honor of Mrs. Roy K. Bowers, who has re- cently returned to her home in Lake- wood. Ohio, after being the guest of Mrs. Edward Anderson, 1123 Kim- wood avenue, for several days, jwas a luncheon given by Mrs. C. E. Ren- neckar, 935 Elmwood avenue; a lun- cheon given by Mrs. J. D. Roth, 1124 Forest avenue; as well as several small dinner and theatre parties given by friends. â€"♦â€" The Misses Elizabeth Wells and Dorothy Loan, who have been ntak- in«4b«hLJ,°in«_Jn_WHmette during the late ^winter and spring, are re- turning to their homes in the east, on Sunday evening. ^They are both members of the cast of "East is West", which is leaving the city this week- end. Miss Loan is a cousin of Mrs. Roy F. Best, 1121 Lake avenue. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stevens of Highland Park, formerly of Glencoe. and very well known on the north shore, announce tl*e engagement of their daughter, Kathryn Louise, to ebster N. Stafford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Stafford of Glencoe. No date has as yet been.set for the weddtngiâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Alfred HTGross of Evanston recently announced the en- gagement of their daughter, Theresa Rew, to Benjamin Morris Thomas, son of Morris St. P. Thomas of Chi- cago. Miss Gross, who is a graduate of the Bennett school in New York, made her debut last October. Mr. Thomas was graduated from Yale in 1917. _4â€" Dr. M. C. Hecht and Dr. Charles B. Blake will leave next Tuesday for Eagle River, Wiscu wjncre_ they will pick up their canoe, which halTTVeen shipped on ahead, and paddle down the Wisconsin river to Manitowish, and thence down the Manitowish river. They will be gone about three week*;â€" ;-â€" Friday afternoon of last week on Northwestern University campus. Miss Helen Beman, a junior, and a member of Chi Omega sorority, was crowned the Queen of the May. Many attractive dances and ceremonies were staged by the students at this time. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kibby, 835 Lake avenue, have returned from a trip to Wausau, and Antigo, Wis. While in Wausau, they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Din- gee. Mr. and Mrs. John Gray Rhind of Remington. Ind., announce the birth of a son, John Bradley.Rhind, on AprtJ 13. Mrs. Rhind was formerly Miss Eleanor BradJcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. D. Bradley. â€"♦â€" Mrs. William D. Hamilton of 835 Sixteenth street, is leaving this week- end for a three weeks' visit with rel- atives and friends in Indianapolis. Ind. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. John D. Greig arriv- ed Monday from St. Petersburg, Fla., to spend the summer with Mr. Greig's <laughter, Mrs. Sumner Mason, 607 Seventh street. â€"*â€" ** McAllister-Worthen Co. lilHIHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIMlllltMIHIIIIItllllllllllttllllllllltlllltlllllllllllllllinillMIIIIMII.....UIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIMMIIIMIIIIIIIIlinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Children V Muslin Combinations Waist and drawers, full cut, good grader material, just the thing for summer at the special price 50c Men's Union Suits B. V. D. style, good grade checked Dimity all sizes 36 to 44 a splendid value while they last 95c Children's Sox Good grade colors, white, brown, blue, or white with 0 â€" colored tops. Priced at ZotC Children* • "Sealpax* Matting Suit Cases 24 in size well made, metal corners. A bargain at $1.95 .9* Union suits made from fine grade check dimity in sealed packages at $1.00 WE DELIVER liiiiliimiiMiiillllliiiiiijiiiiiiiiliiiiiiimiiiiinim.....iiiiiiitiiuiiiii>iiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiill<MiiiiiiiitilliimiimiiiiiiiiiilirtiiiiitiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiillllHni 1148 Central Avenue Phone 588 Wilmettc WILMETTE, ILL. XzoodrFoodt Well Cooked! The Baptist Woman's Society will hold an informal tea this afternoon in the home of Mrs. Frank France aTRTt Mrs. M. E. Rcid. 1030 Ashland ave- nue. â- . â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Karle F. Hartley of Chicago, announce the arrival of a daughter, Mary Loretto, on May 12. Mrs. Hartley was formerly. Miss Gertrude Herres of this village. It is not always easy to get the best of things to eat at a price that is suitable. With our self service plan we cut off a goodly part of the cost of putting the food be fore you and this sav- ing is reflected in our prices. Welch's Cafeteria ^Central Ave. at 11th Street ~-=Wf/mettc, ///. ~â€" Phone 2420 Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Wiggles- worth and family returned on Tuesday to their home at 426 Central avenue, after spending the winter in Buena Vista and Miami, Fla. â- v, v iiiup! recently locating in Wil- rvepilwortn and Gross Point JEiajd to learn that New Trier Child Welfare station. F.very 'lay afternoon from 2:30 to '"<k. Dr. M. C. Hecht and the Miss Queen, are at the station eh and treasure children under • ire and to give advice in case* "trition. The station is located 'â- ayenue near Wilmette ave- !"»Mte Hoffman's store, and is as the Grosse Point Health' 'Hately following tne com- 'menr-ai Xational Parlr Semin- xt month, Miss Dorothv -who is a memberâ€"o^-the ttTntr class, will accompanv h<»r E"r Mrs. E. H. Yonkers. of 911 road. : trip. on an extended Eu- III Miss Florence M. Hendershot Announces the opening of a Branch Studio For portrait photography automobile insurance recently gone up and th< coverage has gone down ? The reason is that ordinary insur- ance has to bear the burden of careless, inexperienced or criminal driving. American Automobile Underwriters insurance can be secured only by preferred risks, I£ you can satisfy our requirements Hubbard Woods at at 1407 North Atenut Portraits by appointment in your home or at the Studio ->• . Mondays - Tuesdays or Wednesdays Telephone Winnetka 1401 you can secure full coverage on your carâ€"and for about 20% less than ordinary insurance would cost. american automobile ©nbertoriters Chicago â- â- ^.,.-------------------...,.„ ...w^,«^^^tl^_.