I THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 - ««WMIWMIMW*MMMMMIMIgtMI^ ^ MHWHHWMIIMtHII v^ Jbckl HappeiMi\6/ byRufKRuley *_ ,R. AND MRS. Will Conrad Braun have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Marjorie, to Weldon Clark Dietrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Dietrich of Winnetka, to take place on Saturday evening, June 18 [JiThome, at 807 Central avenue, at 8:30 o'clock. Miss Braun has chosen as her attendants, Mrs. Gradwell Le [thon Sears of Chicago, who will be matron of honor, her cousin, LMarxFfctej^Cn>cago» as maid of honor, and another cousin, ,s Edith^TelgraXl)ridesmaMr-t^le^ane^1eig, and Dick Hall | serve as flower girl and ringbearer. Mr. Gradwell Sears will mkI the bridegroom as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Day Krolik of Detroit, Mich., have announced engagement-, of'their daughter, Miss Hortense, to Walter Lilien- l son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Lilienfield, 816 Michigan fcnue. ° The marriage of Miss DorotTiy Harriet Bushnell, daughter of and Mrs. Joseph Adelbert Bushnell of Evanston, to Mr. Julian irad Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hess of this village, be solemnized tomorrow evening, at the Evanston hotel, at 8 [lock. Miss Jessie Hess, sister of the groom, will attend Miss Bushnell ma|d of honor, and Miss Marie Groth of Chicago, will be brides- iid. Little Jean Brashears, a cousin of the bride, will act as flower A. Mr. William E. Norris, of Wilmette, will serve Mr. Hess as 1st man, and Mr. Carl O. Tremba, of Chicago, will usher. Following the reception, the young couple will leave on an ex- lded honeymoon, and upon their return will take an apartment in Ibanv Park, where they will be at home after August the first.- • - ', i :;>*' ____,--------------» attractive wedding will take) A wedding attractive for its sim- v tomorrow evening in the home i plicity. was that of Miss Susie Paul- Mrs. Henriette Panushka, 1014 For- son, to Mr. Hugh G. Bersie of Evans avenue, when her granddaughter. \ ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Bersi< iss Margaret Dingee, daughter of jr. and Mrs. Charles S. Dingee, of Lake- avenue, will become the _ e of Lawrence Francis McClure, n of Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Mc- ure of 219 Broadway avenue. \ttending Miss Dingee will be her ,ter, Miss Leonora Dingee, as maid .honor, Mrs. Thorpe L. Edmunds, Wausau. Wis., as matron of honor. iss Katherine McClure, sister of ; groom, and Miss Louise Berry of k Park, a cousin, who will stretch J ribbons, and little Mary Ella aidner, another cousin, who will be wer girl. Mr. Prentiss Courier will rve Mr. McClure at best man. â€"â€"â€" w!S Church School Exhibit, held Dr. Lloyd C Douglass, pastor oft Mrs. Ralph Mood «^J£«!i £' uy ^ in ^he Congre-:the Congregational church of Ann'one of the Tuesday Luncheon and gaonilchurch attracted consider- Arbor, Mich., spent Wednesday of Bridge clubs on Tuesday of next able attention not only locally but1 this week with his sister, Mrs. 6. C.| among church school workers in Caldwell. neighboring towns. Some of the ma- terial exhibited at that time is being shown ni Evanston this week-end. The marriage of Miss Elisabeth Beech, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid- ney F. Beech of Chicago to Mr. Les- ter William Hesse of Chicago, will be solemnized on Saturday, June 11. Miss Beech was one of the kinder- garten teachers at Central school this year.. â€"♦â€" The Kindergarten class at Logan school, under the direction of Miss Davenport, enjoyed an automobile trip to Lincoln Park yesterday morn- ing, where they spent an hour or so, watching the animals, and observing other Interesting features of ' the park.â€"-â€":â€":.,jf ;â- â- *„:•, The Woman's society of the Bap- tist church will hold their June meeting on Friday of next week at the home of Mrs. Edward Mendsen, 531 Eighth street. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Frint George, who are making their home at the Evanston hotel, returned home last Friday from a three week's motor trip to Duluth, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. Mrs. George W. Kibby, 835 Lake avenue, entertained with a matinee party on Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Margaret Dingee. Bridge clubs on week at the Evanston hotel. Miss Juliaette Markens of 120 Dupee place is visiting friends in Cincin- nati and Cleveland this month. ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE? The Washington Avenue Indoor baseball team is on the warpath for some real argument in the baseball line. They have requested The Lake Shore News to make public for them a challenge to any indoor team in the village for Sunday mornings or week-day twilight games. The Wash- ingtonians "bar none". Is there any other thoroughfare in the village that can muster a squad of bait players? Call A. M. Schaefer, Wilmtete 969-W. Ouilmette Country club has issued ie following program of delightful Ivents for.the month of June: , . Saturday. June 4, Cold Buffet. Danc- lg and Bridge. Monday, June 6, Luncheon and fritrgir. -Monday June 6, Men's Night. Wednesday, June 8, Evening Bridge Friday, June 10, Children's ig£!L 10 to 14. Dancing. . Saturday June 11, Children's harden 'arty. Ages 6 to 10. Monday, June 13, Men's Night. Saturday, June 18, Annual Dinner land Meeting. Monday, June ?0 Afternoon Bridge. Monday, June 20, Men's Night. Friday, June 24, Junior Party. Saturday June 25, Bridge. Thursday June 30, Novelty Dinner, Dancing and Cards. ie of Kansas, which took place last Sat- urday evening at the home of the thej bride's parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam B. Paulson, 715 Washington ave- nue. The ceremony was performed at 8:30 o'clock by the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor of the Congrega- tional church. The bride's gown was of cream taffeta, trimmed with tiny rose buds and made with a court train, and she carried a shower bouquet of sweet peas. . Her tulle veil fell from a wreath of orange blossoms aha tulle Miss Virginia Arnold, maid of honor, and Miss Adah Reynolds, wore at- tractive frocks of rose and orchid or- gandie and carried large bouquets of pink and lavendar sweet peas to match their costumes. Little Evelyn Humphrey and Ted Reynolds were ribbons stretchers. Mr. Staver Mould- ing attended the groom as best man, and Mr. Frank W. Bedford, served as usher. Miss Eloise Bedlan played the wedding march, and following Qie ceremony. Mr. William T. Mitchell. Partv ! rendered a group of lovely songs. I Mr. and Mrs. Bersie are spending their honeymoon in Grand • Rapids, Mich., and upon their return early next week, will make their home at 518 Park avenue. â€"♦â€".'.. A number of parties are being giv- en in honor of Miss Marjorie Braun whose marriage is to be an event of this month, among them a by â€"+â€" Messrs; Edwin D. Greiner, son of'.noon Wr. arid Mrs. J. B. Greiner, George Braun, son of^Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Braun. and James Magill, son of Rev; and Mrs. George P. Magill, were members of the commencement class at .Massariutte.n Military academy, at Woodstock, Va., this week. The grad- uation took place on Wednesday. mis- cdi ,kou shower given oy ^the Misses Mary and" Edith Fleig at their home in Chicago, on Saturday after- loon of this week, and a shower to be given on June 11, at the horite of Mrs. Gradwell L. Sears, also in Chicago. Miss Harrlet"Mons; 921 Oakwood avenue, entertained a group of thirty- four school friends at a lawn party on Saturday afternoon, May 21. Miss Florence M. Hendershot Announces the opening of a Branch Studio Hubbard Woods 1407 North Avenue Portraits by appointment in your hom__ or at the Studio Mondays - Tuesdays or Wednesdays Telephone Winnetka 1407 Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Smith, 729 Eighth street, will leave Monday for their old home near Buffalo where they spend__some time with old friends. Later they will go on to Boston, and return home by way of New York and Washington. 'â€"♦â€" On Saturday afternoon last. Mrs. Jacob Brant O.lwin of 820 Lake ave- nue entertained with a surprise handkerchief and tea towel shower in honor of Miss Margaret Dingee, whose wedding is to take place to- morrow evening. â€"•â€" The Misses Grace and Edith Coop- er of 824 Lake avenue will entertain at luncheon today at the Arts club in honor of Miss Margaret Dingee. whose marriage is to take place this week-end. â€"♦â€" Mr. Phil Levy of New York City is the «uest _of_his daughter, Mrs. Elias Markens, 120 Dupee place, for an indefinite stay. Mr. Markens left recently for California on a busi- ness trip of several months. ' â€"•â€" â- On Monday evening, June 6, the members of the Wilmette Post of the American Legion, together with their, mothers, wives, sisters and daughters, will be entertained at din- ner at the Wilmette Woman's club. Mrs. Odenbaugh, mother of Mrs. F of Frank R. Adams, 1511 Forest avenue, returned Tuesday of this week from the St. Francis hospital where she recently underwent a severe opera- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bushnell of Evanston, entertained at dinner in honor of the bridal party last even- ing at flie Evanston hotel. sssssn WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF THE IG STORE KlttlllllMlltMlltllllltltllllMIt......ItDilllltlllltllMltMlllllMIIIIIIIMtltllllllMltllllMIIM......Illl.....IMMMIIMItlllMMIItklMltllltlillllltlllMlllltlllllMIIIIMIt See Adv. Next Week!! •tiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiHiiititiiiiiiiiiiiMiHitiiiiiiiiHtiiiiitiiiitiHHiiifittMiuiiiiitiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiitiiiittiititiniiitiinHtiiiniiigiiiiutiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiittfifitiiiHiin 2*« McAllister-Worthen Co. 1148 Central Avenue Phone 588 Wilmette WILMETTE, ILL. Eleanor Ellis Perkins JUNE 7th 8:30 P. M. PATTEN GYM A spectacler of Midsummer's Eveâ€" a time when faery folk weave their spells as they did in the story told ^y Fergus Fingal to Queen Emer and the Women of the Court of Cachulain centuries ago- portrayed by a cast of 200, June 7th under the auspices-of TWls GIRLS9 LEAGUE OF EVANSTON. Renneckar Drug Co. TICKETS ARE ON SALE AT Wilmette Pharmacy Wilmette, Illinois Wilmette State Bank Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank, Winnetka, HI.