Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jul 1921, p. 12

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,""'" 12 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921 Classified Advertisements R ATESâ€"10c per line for firtt insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion. 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Copy mutt be in by Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News. Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News. 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. It E \ I ESTATES REAL BARGAINS IN HOMES Artistic 9 r. stucco home in splen- did east location. H.W. heat. Im- mense living- room. Fireplace. 3 glass pchs. 2 baths. Deep wooded lot. Dble. gar. Reduced to $18,000. Make offer. Splendid brick residence in finest east location, huge liv. r; 3 glass pchs; 3 baths, 4 master bedrooms. Maid's room. Wooded corner. Brick gar. Owner gone; must sell; $27,500. Make offer. New six room colonial; fireplace; fifty foot lot, convenient to both steam and "L." Only $9600â€"less than cost. ' New Ideal Brick Colonial; fine east location. Immense living room, beautiful dining room and sun porch. Three master bedrooms and Elazed sleeping, pch. and tile bath, arge wooded lot. Brick garage. Extra toilet and lav. Reduced to 121,000. Owner must move quickly. Make offer M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L", Wllmette 405 Linden Ave. Tel. WilnWte 4M LTG36-ltC WANTEDâ€"A MAID FOR GENERAL housework. 607 Laurel Ave. Phone Wilmette 1056. LT36-ltc. Announcemen t I take great pleasure in in'ormJ,n5 my patrons that I have opened * fcafr- dresslng parlor at 908 "ngen^avenue. Hubbard Woods, and will be ready^to give them the same care as In me past. I also wish to announce that Madame Marguerite and Madame Dele- becque will be with me. Thanking you for your patronage. Miss Alice FJellman. .Phone Wilt 800. ADv.-LT36-ltC Canary's Voice Big for 8ize. A man's voice could be heard 800 miles away If it had the same carry- ing power in proportion to his weight as that of a canary. Sell Through Want Ads SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE Wanted for a Customer S OR 6 ROOM BUNGALO house in good repair; must have hot water heat; can pay $2,000 cash, $100 per month; prefer within walk- ing distance of "L" station. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Trop. 613 - 4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 ____________________L.T.G.36-ltc. F*OR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, BEAUTI- ful 6 room house, choice location; 2 glazed porches; hot water heat; ex- cellent condition; garage; wonder- ful trees; $13,000. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO., Opposite "L" Terminal. Tel. Wil. 6S _____________L^6-_te. WANTEDâ€"WASHINGS TO BE DONE at home; rough dried or finished. Phone Wilmette 1797. Ask for Mrs. Speredes.____________________L36-2tp. WANTEDâ€"1st CLASS LAUNDRY work; colors and silks a specialty. Highest references. Phone Glencoe 438.__________________________LTG36-3tc. HELP WAXTKDâ€"MALE HINDU WANTS ANY KIND OF work, general housework, lawns or gardenwork. Phone Douglas 1715. .___________________ L36-ltp. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie. 711 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 1115. LTG28-tfc FOR , LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour; men for house- work and building wire fences. Ph. Winnetka 329. LTG24-tfc YARD OR HOUSEMAN. PHONE EV- anston 6608. Ask for W. B. Flagg. ____ LTG35-tfc ___f OR J?S LEâ€"HOITSEHOLJDTttOOn* FOR SALEâ€"BRASS~BED, DRESSER tirelessâ€"cooker,-----bassinet, electric lamp, morris chair, mnitary pnM^. and cover. Phone Glencoe 681. LTG36-ltc. FOR SALE â€" SIMPLEX IR O N I N G machine 42 inches, used 3 mos., $100, time or cash. Phone Glencoe 743. ___________â- :__________________LTG36-ltp. WANTED TO BtTYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUT â€" SECOND-HAND furniture and other household g-oods Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St.. Evanston. 111. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc I BUT HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Clothinsr of all descrintlons. Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. JFelL Ift44_ Maple Ave.â€" â€"â€"L*sr1?-tf<- FOR SALEâ€"VACANT VACANT* BEAUTIFUL LOT ON SPENCER AVE. 50x160 ft.; cheap. L. P. Schafer, 1501 Washington Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wilmette 969-W. L.T.36-ltp. FOR RE XTâ€"HOI SE WILMETTE; FttK KENTâ€"HOUSE, WILMETTE; 6 rooms, sleeping, and living; porch. $125 mo. July and August. Keith, 222 Ninth St., Phone Wil. 1505. LTG34-3tc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT â€" LARGE PLEASANT room for gentleman or couple em- ployed. 1529 Washington Ave., Wil- m*tt*. Phon^ Wil 1924-------L36-ltp FOR SALEâ€"MISCELL AXEOIS FOR. SALE â€" SPEEDY RELIABLE Inner distance, pedigreed and regis- tered homing pigeons. Trained and untrained. Edw. W. Snerber, 1520 TTi-hland *<-e Wilmette. TM. Tp!. Wilmette 966-W.____________LT36-ltp. FOR SALE â€" NEW SPORT SKIRT; turquoise blue evening dress, blue serge dress and other things; sizes ranging from 34 to 37. Phone Ken- ilworth 1206.__________________L36-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"DIRT FOR FILLING! Bernard Meyer. 7 Electric Place, W'lmette 2288._______ i L36-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"CANARY BIRDS. GUAR- anteed good singers. $10 each. Tel. Wilmette 1797. L35-3tc FOR RENT - - DESIRABLE ROOM for gentleman in modern well- equipped home; near transp. Phone Wilmetteâ€"344-J. ______________L36-ltc TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, PLEAS-* ant location; no kitchen privileges.: 727 Park Ave. Wilmette 849-J. _______________________ __L36-ltp. FOR RENTâ€"LARGE COOL FRONT room near transportation, east side. Phone Wil. 1940.______________L36-ltc. WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOM_ WANTEDâ€" FURNISHED ROOM IN Wilmette, by colored man employed in Wilmette; will furnish best references. Phone Wilmette 1438. L36-ltc. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES' All Kinds of Household Help of All Nationalities I Cooks, chamber maids, generai maids, cateresses. governesses. nurses, practical nurses, chauffers, machin- ists, mechanical engineers, janitors, porters, housemen, waiters, wait- resses. Several couples with best refer- ences capable of doing any kind of housework; several good men for all around work. Wayne Employment Agency- Mrs. C. E. McEjroy. Mgr. Tel. Evanston 4889. 1000 Chicago Ave. ____.______________________ LTG36-tfc. WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOMS \ ____________MISCELLANEOUS \VAVTED TO RENTâ€"FOR BALANCE PIANOS TUNED. of summer, large furnished room with two beds; near lake, conven- ient to cafe. Mrs. F. T. Johnson, 810 W Nevada Street. Urbana. 111. ' , /LT03f>-2t*i WANTED TO RENT- furnished rooms by couple. C-50. -3 OR 4 UN- refined young Address Lake Shore News L36-lt.p REGULATED, RE- paired. 35 years experience.â€"Call your home tuner and avoid delays and high prices. Phope Win. r<'»9-J. _____________ LTG34-tfc WANTED TO RENTâ€"3 ROOMS. AND bath; suitable for housekeeping. Phone Wilmette 1446. L36-tfc. V % VTEPâ€"BOOM AND BOARD WANTEDâ€"ROOM AND BOARD LOST AND FOUND FOUNDâ€"WEDNESDAY. IN NORTH Evanston. new tire complete. Owner may have same by identifving. Phone Win._1145.__________LTG36-ltc NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership of H. E. Beckler â€"- and A. R. Wingerter doing business * as the Wilmette Batterv & Electrical elderly lady refined fairly. Address -Co> ha8 been dissolved and that A R ^fcg^jfoglSj\ews_C_-62. LU,3t,-ltc wingerter is no longer connectec WWTFD TO RFATâ€"MOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE Responsible, reliable party will lease tor 2 or 3 years,, 7 or 8 room modern house, 2 baths, Wilmette or Winnetka. Pos- session Sept. 1st or 15th. Tel. Wilmette 27. LT36-Itc. WANTED TO RENTâ€"SIX, SEVEN OR eight room house for one year or „_. six m.onxhs.4â€"J-urniah-fed or 'inte^ therewith. lected Adv.-L36-ltc J. E. SWIFT TFAL Representative New York Life Insurance Co. 1017 Central Ate., WILMETTE, ILL. Phtne Wilmette 37 ished; occupancy around Sept. first, j - , - â- ',.•• ,LT£136--ltc. WANTED To I5E.NT ^ 5 OR 6 ROOM* I bungalow for Oct. 1st. Address j __Lake Shoiv News C-"»'.»>. L36-ltc. WANTEDâ€"S.MALL COTTAGE OK $ j or 4 unfurnished rooms. Tel. W1I- __mette_l_3m.___________________LT36-ltp. | WAXTKh -TO RENTâ€"S OR* H ROOM bunpalow. preferred east shit- Wil- mette. Tel. Central. ^U'22. L36-ltp, AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor . $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS 2549 Sherman Avenue Evanston 140 WANTFM) â€"MAID F<>1: GENERAL.1 housework; must be "good cook: nf> f Sau'i'i: y: - adults and 3 children: wages >T". to ?n" j>t't- rnoutir; ivf»r- | enc«s required, i* blocks from T/* ,â-  station. phone Mrs. Mather/ Wil- inette 21f»r> or call 500 Lake avc Wjltnette.___________________ -3«-lt«*l SNfcSKA â€"m -jw*xrfit housework FOR launtlry. familv: no laundry. Phone Highland _Park ni. _LTG36-ltc,. WANT EI > â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL ----houro work :â€"I»«'Stâ€"wag< s.----S33 Green- wood ave.. Wilmette. Ihone Wil- mete 2M. WANTED â€" GIRL FOR housework nights. Phone Winnetka 634 i •GENERAL home 1 Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall Board RD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave Evanston, 111. 'â-  Evanston 42 Wilmette 1.12 Cornell Wall Board LT36-ltc. Exclusive Distributors HOYBUR •15 Derki St. Evrastea MATINEES 2 an. 4 Eveninf7and9 A fine Alcazar corn- bin ajion coal and gas stove iised one month for sale at a reasonable price. STORAGE k FURNITURE CO phones te- zz Manstonysn Saturday July 16 "IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW* Based en Balzac's "Meditations On Marriage" Pathe News Roliii Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday Tuesday July 18 July 19 TOM MOORE in "A Divorce of Convenience" Wednesday July 20 "WELCOME CHILDREN" AH Star Cast Thursday Friday July 21 July 22 The Masterpiece of Filmdom "PASSION" Saturday July 23 WILLIAM FARNUM in "The Rainbow's Trail" Majestic fodei^Dimcl Garittge «* 4s Moj-B. Ud â- j^rtj f_iU^ evu jg â- â- ill ill, ean not mi * kT • so-hoiy snd'ed&^f " A HAJISTIC UNDERGR00IB OAIBAGI RECEIVED k w hoof Dof Proof sad Seres Mom IBT US SHOW YOU Angert Wire Iron Works Phone Englewood 7498 €024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO TRAINS IILWAUKEE AVt. (MOON OT. ^?!?R^B^Srr-. Connections for Wisconsin and Michigan Resorts Whether your trip is to or through Milwaukeeâ€"whether for business or pleasureâ€"take^i North Shore Train^A- cool, comfortable ride takes you right into Milwaukee's business center, within easy reach of connections for Waukesha, Watertowh, Oconomowoc, Delafield, Pewaukee Lake, Lake Beul- ah, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls, Port Washington, Plymouth, Crystal Lake. Ajsojl^ily boat line connections North- ern Michigan points. Pere Marquette Line Steamers from Milwaukee to Lud- ington, Manistee, Frankfort and Onek- ema. Learn the luxury of summer travel on the North Shoreâ€"the road of service and satisfaction. Limited trains, leaving Wilmette 5:48 A. M. to 12:48 A. M., take you dirlclig^hejjoiili_Sh^ Station, Milwaukeeâ€"convenient to hotels and transportajion lines. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue

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