wipppipffpf wmm^mm^mwm iPBPIiipiilP' U'» Uiiniiip«MUiuP.WWl>l.ililUHIPiVi.<4>« . i>...W4mW»hVh>19<W-'hw!W ....... THEXAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY 15.1921 ARK ON RIGHT SIDE OF STREETS: SIEBER WARNS niZZLE THE CANINES! DOC DAYS ARE AT HAND e Men*!** Selmite imm Or- to Dog Owners to Observe Drivers of vehicles, motor and .orse drawn, were given a warning his week by chief of police E. G. et canine to pfmgf streets, fieber requesting strict observance *«iin«e Manager Schultz in the f the law reauirinflr oarWincr «« *w- C:all. Attention of Vehicle Driver* to Lew Regarding Parking; Tref- fic Frees on Increase , Muzzle your dog I That . is the ISS to every dog owner in Wil- ette accustomed to permitting the , Village Manager Lcompanying notice calUT attention K the proclamation regarding the luizling of dogs issued by Village Resident Zipf. requiring parking on the Jgnt side of streets in the village. • he constant increase in traffic nakes it imperative to enforce this rovision of the traffic laws, it is ointed out. The official order reads: Warning To drivers of automobiles, ice wagons, milk wagons, etc., please park on the right hand side of street. This is a universal rule and must be obeyed. The ever in- creasing traffic makes it neces- sary that this rule be enforced. E. G. SIEBER, Chief of Police. WEEK-END BEACH CROWDS TOO LARGE, SAYS MOORE Attention Of Dog Owners i A Proclamation issued by the President of the Village of Wil- mette and posted conspicuously throughout the entire Village re- Harding' the muzzling of dogs up to October 1st, »s not being ob- served by some owners of dogs. __a-Humberâ€"crf-peoplfe-have been bitten by dogs recently and nu- merous complaints have been made to our Police Department regarding unmuzzled dogs run- ning at^arge. . _ Please muzzle your dog as re-1 nuired by Village Ordinance. | The Wilmette Blthing Beach, q C. C. SCHULTZ, , closed two days last week by order Village Manager, of Health Commissioner Moore, who ___--------------:----- iby test found the water unsanitary Mliuirr»« HOME LATE* and unfit for bathing purposed, is *S£7• RUT VALID EXCUSE' win-open with the water reported NOVEL BUT VALID EXCUSE comparatively free from bacteria. A , « - test showed conditions were satjs- Elevcn of the twelve cars-of a factory following the heavy rain of iorth bound Chicago and North- jast week and an accornpanying shift western suburban train were left of the wind jehind at Dempster street station^ More_than 3,000 people utilized the Thursday evening, when a coup- beach on Saturday and Sunday of pin broke-and disconnectetttfte this weefr accordlngt^Dn Moore. tars from the front car and tfte en-, «xhat number of bathers is alto- rine. A half hour was spent in gether too large for our beach", said jropping the car with the broken Dn Moore. "Steps should be taken, pin andpicking up the other cars. immediately, to reserve the beach for -------------'•----------- I Wilmette residents, exclusively. An Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Boylston of overcrowded beach will seriously 715 Laurel avenue ,are summering endanger the health of the commun- n Betilah, Mich. , ity." OUR HOT WEATHER SUIT HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? ROSOURCES Loans and Discounts ............... ................"7f. .$296,064.33 Overdrafts................................ ............. 1,053.64 U. S. Government Securities ............................ 65,076.47 XUh«iL^J>dj-JM*dSeciirltiee.......................â- .....203,582.69 S â- - m __:----:---; , ,-â€"g---: â€" e « c c â€" 3 c m o c c e c S __________*l_ ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft_ of Die ft ft &* IS* ft ft ft ft HP ft wf A. « ♦ c e e o c c ft There is contained in properly pas- turized milk about all the necessary ials of a balanced diet. Com- bined with dextri maltos, to make and develope ^^jtiilu^^^^ui- 4y;J! ft ft 8* sively in the diet of bottle fed babies. In its natural state it carries grow- ing children through ^he critical c c c c c c c c c c ft ft m ft ft 1& period of their youngest child hood, supplementing a sensible diet of solids. In adolesehce, and right on through a useful man or womanhood it carr- ies its health giving, nourshing pro- clivities^--------â€"-----__â€"_____â€"â€" Federal Reserve Bank Stock.................... ....... 1,800.00 Lawful Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ............ 32,348.30 Furniture and Fixtures^___^........ 7. .â- "....,,....,----... 2850.17 Interest earned (uncollected) ........................... 2,813.01 CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS ................. ...... 88,248.32 Total.............................Tirrn .... ^693,836.93 LIABILITIES Capital Stck^.............................. ..............$ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided-Profits.......................... 20,684.81 Discount Collected (Unearned) ............. ........... 2,967.19 Reserved for Taxes and Interest........................ 908.68 Dividend Account ............................... 742.50 Bills Payable with Federal Reserve Bank .......... 37,500.06 DEPOSITS . .............. ............. 581,033.75 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft "••'. 'â- :â- ;'- Total . $693336 J3 The milk that we deliver, fresh and clean, to your door every morning is strictly a product of this immed- iate vicinity^ It comes in from the farms surrounding Wilmette on the west aad-is bottled and in your ice box the next morning. _, The above is e copy of statement in condensed form ren< dered to the Comptroller of the Currency. Member of Federal Reserve Bank First National Ba of Wilmette We are eqiupped to handle new customers, and will be glad to have a man call upon you, or will start deliveries upon your telephone order efll£XomeafSariqgseDeposifofs M«^ THE GREEN LEAF FOOD SHOP 530 Railroad Ate. A cool, comfortable place lo eat with good food served well Sunday and Holiday dinner 2:30io2:3Qr DELICATESSEN 1133 Greenleaf Ave Delicious bread baked the home way, fresh every day. Everything for the light lunches, TELEPIIONE^WILMETTE 2433 (Same phone for both shops.) m c o m "S3 « m m ^ o c o c c c c i c c m «â- c c m c fe c o m LEO DEAN, Proprietor c o m m TJf IIIIIIIISaai^^ll^^^^^^^SSSSSd8eS8SSSS^SS6S