Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jul 1921, p. 5

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pump wmmmmmm mmmmm THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921 M FfV Jqcial Happerviivdj VXkette ^KewlvtortK byRufKRijley it LANS are well under way for the Children's Carnival to be held at Ravinia Park on Thursday afternoon, July 28, and it is the earnest hope of the Ravinia Club that the North Shore towns will take an active interest in the affair, a ITnecessary thing, in order to make the day as great a success Bast year. It is to be a Mother Goose Story Book Carnival, un- r the direction of Miss Bertha Isles, and each town is to repit- .it some particular story or rhyme from Mother Goose. See your wn chairman, Mrs. J. Melville Brown, immediately for any and j information regarding this delightful carnival, and the sort of Brumes which wiH~be~neededr~-â€"------- The program for the Children's Concert next Thursday after- jn will include an Interpretation of the Instrumental Numbers - Mr. and Mrs. Marx Oberndorfer, and several numbers by the ficago Symphony orchestra, followed by Mr. Harry K. McEvoy, inagician of note, who is certain to highly amuse the youngsters. If you have any unused tickets to dispose of, notify Mrs. Brown Id she will see that your tickets are given to folks who will use [em, such as members of the Young Woman's Christian Associa- )n, the Y. M. C. A. soldiers, and college or music students. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Brown of Highland Park, formerly Wilmette, announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Hen, to Mr. George H. White, U. S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs J , White of Portland, Maine. Mrs.JWhite_js_ai^resenJL residing ith her parents while her husband is on an extended cruise. he North Shore is intensely in- ested in the success of the rld's championship cowboy con- which will he held in Grant rk from July 16 to ?4. The show Ininir organized by groups^of [cago and north shore society^ the coffers of the Honie and Aid >men to swell linois Children's fciety. The charity to be benefited ono of the most appealing in the late, aiming to provide homes for lildriii in need of such. The Jciety has three homesâ€"one in fcquoin, III., to take care of the lildren in the extreme southern »rt of the state, a training school kr older uirls at Patomac and a re- living home right here in Evanston. lie past year more than 3,000 chil- ren who would otherwise have ben deprived of proper homes have Approximately forty people at- cnded the third reunion of the Hiatt amily, held at the Iliff and Mann esidences on Greenwood avenue on uly 4. Most of the living descend- antt of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Hiatt were presejit_Avitkâ€"their~4amiliea. Luncheon was served on the lawn, followed in the evening by a fire- vvorks display. Stereoptican views )f former reunions and family pic- tures were also shown. Those present from the North Shore included: Dr. and Mrs. William A. Mann and family, Mr. nd Mrs. John W. Iliff and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bur«:e and family, all of V^ilmlette; Mr. and Mrs.^George. Ili-ff and family, of Ken- ilworth :*»^Mr. and Mrs. William H. Iliff anwYamily, of, Rogers Park. Among the others present were' Rev. C. W. Hiatt and family, and Mr. Alfred Hiatt and family, all of Peoria; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. George F. Cram, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Linneus Hiatt, of Wheaton; and Mr. Luther Hiatt and family, of Glen Ellyn._______ â€"*â€" â- 'Anions; the- affairs which were given in honor of Miss Mildred Mc- Cullough, of Washington, D. C, who is the guest of Miss Ruth Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue, during the past week, were a luncheon on Wednesday of last week, given at the North Shore hotel, by Miss Eleanor Blake; and a luncheon on the day preceding at the^ home of Mrs. Charles* N, Roberts, -.1014 Lake avenue. Mrs. Keith Roberts and Miss Clementine Eastman enter- tained informally last Friday aftert. noon at the home of Mrs. Roberts, and on the following afternoon, Miss Dorothy Brown played hostess at her home in Highland Park, in Miss McCullough's honor. â€"♦â€" Announcement is made of the mar- iage of Miss Adele Block of Water- own, Wis., to Mr. Fred E. Witt, son naku.t was , ! ai tin I ne oT^ Mrs. Anna K-.WJH of /WJwdfth be*"'bride's venue, Mr. and Mrs. Dechandre are resid- '« at 7433 Mercy avenue, Rogers ten served. In some cases where need is only temporary the child returned to the parents, in other tses a permanent home is provided, His preserving the child from be- Jfoing "institutionalized." The so- ty is greatly in need of funds to irry on the work of the homeâ€"ami- at could be more thrilling than a fesUuuu- cowboy engaged in his Lvorite .'pastime. Remember any or evening next week if >u go to Grant Park you will get )ur money's worth of excitment <\ aid a worthy cause. â€"*â€" Announcement is mad# of the arr1;u'e of Miss Barbara Conrad, filter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Con- "I i - Mr. Math Dechandre of oirers Park, which took place on londay morning. July 4, at 9:30 clock, at St. Frances Xavier's nurcli The service was read by ather Vfagner.„ In the bridal party ere Miss Josephine Dechandre. as aid of Honor. Miss Elizabeth Con- d. :is bridesmaid, and little Mar- ti Conrad, as flower girl, and Mr. pseph Dechandre and Mr. Peter fOnrad, who served the groom as ttend nits. A large reception and »arMit« U28 Wilmette Street, which took place on Saturday parents, 1328 Wilmette afternoon> July 0; at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Block. Miss Block attended her ister as maid of honor, and the Miss- es Louise Block and Bessie Weiss of .. _ , * , , . Wilmette, were bridesmtids. Mr. nday, July 22. one of the an- Rjchard Witt served his brother as ^Umeheons will be held at best man more, the ~ camp at Lake ^fter a honeymoon trip through ' Wiseonsin. Mr. andâ€"Mrs. WitUjyi" i.iake their home in Wilmette. fork. On ual J rden J"ff ;;'lK'rc five hundred •id i'!'TT<Tren from Chicago's congest d di uicts are having the time of ives. splashing in the lake, i >â-  • r la ....... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bostwick and n,, and resting in the shade, en-j on Robert> jn< of Seattle. Washing- hr cool breezes and all the] on> formeriy of Wilmette, are tour- il o Vis ut • L"g by auto, the Campbell river country of Vancouver Island and s at this most wonderful of air camps. a>e wejjrome at any time^J*^"J^nfe portions & British Co the twenty-second of this jumbja; They have as their guest. of 832 na!L '} a ure is a special invitation Mjss Marj0fje Newbun?h -ne. old and young, big and Greenwood_axfinue.- JjiiUtake your lunch and... en- atjthjs beautiful place that r>u arc 'ulpingf to support. The Mil ai,t-.... r.'i .__..• â- _. • .. _â- . *___ _aâ€"zt Miss Verna Tucker, daughter^ Mr,~and Mrs. William A. Tucker. J*»k, F.lcctric has a station at the ; ^ Lake avenue. has >»tr,tt'((- to the camp, whicir-is on' signed her position as bacteriologist , at the Muirdale Sanitarium, in Wau- wautosa, Wis,â€" â€"-,---------------â€"â€" e^to-spend the-remainder of fluff r°a ' a llttLe-8LOJ^1 of Uke; thtr snmmerâ€"havms^eefntlr â€"•â€" Mr and Mrs. Weldon Clark Diet- felTh;l4t. returned from their faoney- °?" 7ip' .and are ma^»ng tJ1,c'r ?»'-trir; s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will »• Kraun. 807 Central avenue.________ Madame Eda Goedecke is leaving lext 1 ucsday to spend the summer Mrs. Charles R. Noff"a">JLja' f"ffT' tainiHg=at=a Dirthday laWTrf^riy llna afternoon at her home, 618 Green- leaf aveune, in honor of her son, Robert. There will be twelve guests. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Drake n Pasadena', Los~Angeles~aiid San of 1226 Uke avenue, are in New •rancisca. I York this week. Mr, and Mrs, Frank-Hr Gallagher and family, who have been residing at the North Shore hotel since last fall, have returned to their home at 1233 Forest avenue, for the summer. â€"♦â€" Mrs. David H. Goodwillie of ToTedo, Ohio, and Mrs. Harry L, Nash of Detroit, Mich., were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Friir S. Harman, 1011 Chestnut avenue, â€"♦â€" Mr. B. W. Thurtell, 201 ' Sixth street, Wilmette. is off on a six week's motor-cruising, fishing and relative-visiting trip in Canada. _♦_ Mr, Albert Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue, who is attending summer school at the University of Wisconr sin, was at home over the Fourth of July week-end. Westmoreland Country club an- nounces a dinner dance to be held at the clubhouse Saturday evening of this week, for the purpose of enter- taining visiting golfers and their friends. â€"♦â€" Mr. Norman Betts and family were camping in the Forest Preserve near the banks of the Des Plaines river last week, and this week they moved into their new home at 815 Madison street, Evanston. â€"*â€" W. Hampton McLaughlin of Haverhill, Mass., has accepted a position with the Mager-Gougelman Artificial Eyes Co. in Chicago, and will make his home with his mother, at 623 Central avenue. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Fred E. Harwood will enter- tain^ informally^ this afternoon witk a birthday party in honor of her son, Stephen, at her home 606 Green- leaf avenue. Miss Adelaide Favor hat left for a six week's stay at Glacier Park, Montana. ^With her is Miss Naomi Pulton, who wijl afterwards vish friends in Washington and Cali- fornia. • â€"*â€" Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall, 1040 Elmwood tvenue, entertained the members of her Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club at the North Shore Golf club this' week. HIGHLAND PARK RIDING STABLES Party rides by appointment E. V. MEYERFELD INSTRUCTOR 217 N. St. Johns Ave. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Phone Highland Park 125 Open for Business Wiring for Light and Power a Specie!ty Remodeling Repairing ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Your Patronage Solicited E. R. Electric Construction Co. 840 Canter St., near North Aye. Winnetka, - Illinois CLEAN OUT ATTIC WITH A "FOR SALE" AD cAllister-Worthen Co. July Clearance of all Ladies9 Summer Dresses and Waists Ladies' Dresses Summer Dress Goods All Vcrlainc voiles, a variety of colors and patterns, sold at 60c Clearance price, AC* Yard...........-----...W$ Diana Voiles, silk stripe Voiles, Plaid Klaxons, beauti- .fubpatterns that sold at $1.35. Clearance price, Yard..............-» A lot of Verlaine ^Voiie.v light and dark colors that sold at 50c and 60c.â€"â€"t To close out at. yard 39c Ladies' dresses, newest styles in Voiles, Ginghams, Organdies, etc. ^ vlTfiefy otTcolor^^nd dresses^that sold up to $17.50. Priced to close ,..... ..... ....... out at Ladies' Gingham Dresses Ladies' checked gingham dresses, over-skirt effect, braid and button trimmed, colors, pink, blue -andâ€" black and white. These clresses sold regularly* at $8.95. Clearance price $11.75 $5.75 Ladies 'Georgette and Crepe de Chine __ Ladies' georgette-and Crepe de July - Clearance of all sum- "~S: Snappy mer Styles in all the new shades. 1^^3.95,...JUS The new stvlish Garden Hats in henna, blue, black, etc. Your choice at ...... green, $5.95 Chine waists in handsome styles, newest shades. Sold up to $10.00. Clearance price.................. Ladies9 Batiste â€"Ladies' batiste, white or colored in a variety of new styles that sold at $O0^ Clearance price $4.95 $2.95 Men Y Union Suits Men's union suits, B. V. D. style, good qual- hack; all sizes from 36 to 44. Have sold up to $1.25. ance sale, suit 79c

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