Ml^^^^^^^^^â„¢ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1921 <IIMIIIIHIIINHIIMIIIIMIIIMilllHHIimilllM........IIHIlmillMMIIll Jbcial Happemw VMkette ^Kenilv)ortK by Rufk Rijley x^ • â- •MMMMMtto? *"â€"iu ISS MINERVA FOUTS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fouts, has chosen Tuesday, August 9, as the date for her marriage to Mr. A. Leal Bibbins of Lansing, Mich. B The ceremony will be performed at eight-thirty o'clock J^h^vening, at the home of the bride's parents, 530 Greenleaf venue, Rev. Francis C. Stifler, pastor of the Wilmette Baptist â- hiirch. reading the service. Both Miss Fouts and Mr. Bibbins have been members of the acuity at Michigan Agricultural college during the past two years, md Mr. Bibbins will return to the college this fall. They will make heir home in Lansing.________. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Rennolds, 711 Central avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Adah, to Henry F. Griswold, son of Mrs. Harry Griswold of 618 Seventh street. Youngsters along the shore are waiting with much anticipation and Enthusiasm the Children's Carnival, an annual affair at Ravinia Park, which is to be held this year on next Thursday afternoon, the twenty- eighth of July, beginning at 3:15 o'clock. This year the carnival is to take the form of a Story Book Pa- geant, with the setting in Fairyland, on the day of the Queen of Hearts' Birthday. Old King Cole has invited all Fairyland to come to the Queen's Carnival. • - . The pageant is given under the di- rection of Miss Bertha lies, and the various characterizations of Mother Goose, Cinderella, and the Fairy God- mother as well as all of the attend- ants, will be portrayed by north shore children. , ; - - - Ireâ€"foltowingrâ€"Episodesâ€"w«Hae presented: â- Episode 1 â€" King's Attendants, Bookworms and Jestors; Queen's r Claude F. Burbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Burbach of 1020 Linden avenue, entered as cadet in the Unit- ed States Military Academy at West Point, July 1: During the past sev- eral years he has been active in mil- itary work, was a member of Com- pany K," and Sergeant Bugler of the Eleventh Regiment, later re-enlisted in the Second Regiment, I. N. G., of which he was ao member at the time of his appointment. He graduated from New Trier High school in the year 1920. Attendants, Mistress Mary and Gard- Flowers; King and Queen; Maypole Dance; Contest of the Winds: Ken- ilworth and Lake Bluff.____â- _+ Episode 2, Old King Cole â€"Enter Fiddlers Three; Old King Cole; At- tendants with Bowl and Pipe; Black- bird Pie: Wilmette. Episode 3, Queen of Heartsâ€"En- ter Trumpeters; Queen's Attendants; King and Queen; Cook; Knave; Children of the Court: Glencoe. ..Episode-4, The Beggars Pave Come Mrs. C. C. Prescott, 1019 Linden av- enue, is leaving today for Mead City, located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, where she will spend the coming two months. Her. sons, Messrs John and-Chase_-Prescottv_are_ spending the summer in Los Angeles, Miss Minnie Mae Schmidt enter- tained at bridge on Tuesday after- noon at her home, 827 Elmwood aye- nue, in honor of her house-guest, At the annual meeting of the Ouil-( motte Country Club held recently, the following new officers were elect- ed: J Edwin. Middleton, president; Charles W. Triggs, vice president; Frank J. Scheidenhelm, treasurer, Albert G. Frost, secretary; directors, Clyde T. Hayes, Byron H. Knapp, W. Frank McClure Harold Spinney, Ker- ry C. Meagher, Harry G. Clark and Fred D. Buckman Chairmen of com- mittees, who were also elected at this time include the following: Clyde T. Hayes, finance; Harold E. Spin- ney, House; Byron H. Knapp, En- tertainment; W. Frank McClure, Special Entertainment; H. W. Algjer, Dancing; Harry G. Clark, Evening Cards; Mrs. Ira A. Jones, Afternoon Cards; Dudley W. Lester, Junior Auxiliary; Mrs. W. D. Lawrence, Ju- venile Auxiliary; Harry Gi Clark, Bowling; W. Riley Harvey, Tennis; Charles E. Hastings, Men's Night; Fred D. Buckman, Membership; Burt A. Crowe. Reception; Byron H. Knapp, Rentals; W. J. Spillane, Bil- liards. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gould and son, Hebert Gould, of 1130 Lake avenue, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Al- bertson, are spending several weeks on Spider Lake, Manitowish, Wis. Miss Elizabeth Pope, 910 Lake av- enue, is spending the month of July with her sister, Mrs. Edwin Badger of Evanston, at her summer cottage on Big Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes McKinney of 815 Linden avenue, left Wednesday of this week for a month's sojourn at Horseshoe Inn, Estes Park, Colo. Mrs. Clare C. Hosmer and three children have returned to their Jiome at 1232 Forest avenue, after a three weeks' outing in northern Wiscon- sin. Miss Margaret Gallagher, 1233 Forr est avenue, is spending a fortnight as the guest of her roommate at the University of Wisconsin last year, at her summer home in Saugatuck, Mich. ENCOURAGING PROGRESS Building of the second floor of the Village Hall is progressing rapdily under supervision of Charles H. Brethold, the contractor. The upper floor of the structure is expected to be ready for occupancy early in the fall. A new heating system is to be installed in the building. THREE WEEKS OF PLAY Sam Hoth, assistant chief of police, is enjoying a three weeks' vacation. A trip to Wisconsin by automobile is scheduled to help pass the time. . VACATION PREACHER Rev. Harry L. Meyers, "vacation pastor" of the First Congregational church, will preach the sermon and conduct the services at the church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. LOSES VALUABLE PET E. A. Rich, Jr., 1204 Ashland avenue, has reported to the police the loss of a valuable Collie dog. Want to Buy a Home? Use a Classified Ail Miss Helen Pancoast will enter- tain Informally at "one of a serie's_oj bridge^arties on "Tuesday afternoon of next week at her home, 1301 Greenwood avenue â€"Mi. and MTST-fr-Bdwrn-MRflgleton The McAllister-Worthen^Co. Special Sale Friday and Saturday July 22 and 23 Ladies'Slip on Jumper Dresses Popular Jumper dresses made from good grade Linen, trimmed with fancy braid, buttoned belt, colors; Rose Tan, Green and Copen Blue all Sizes, Specially priced at - - - - Another shipment of Bungalow Aprons Tie-back style, made from good grade percales variety of colors and patterns at - - - - - - • -' - â- *i» ^148 Wilmette^A**, Wilmette, 111. Miss Ruth Woody of Martinsville, Indiana Miss Eleanor Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Smith, 1211 Ashland avenue, is the guest of Mr. Roy O. West and family, at their sumnler home, Lake Placid, in Essex Courjty, New York. M&s Sarah Gallagher, 1233 Forest avenue, is leaving this week for Camp Meeuahga, at Fish Creek, Wis., where she has accepted a position as one of the camp councillors for the remainder of the summer. Mr. G. A. Reinhardt, formerly of Wilmette, has returned to the village, with his tamily, from Brooklyn, where they have been residing of late. They expect to locate here permanently. Miss Marie Brauer, niece of Rev. Herman Meyer,, is stopping with Mr. Meyer and his family tor a few days on her way to Hankow, China, to vis- it the foreign Lutheran mission field. On Tuesday afternoon of last week, Miss Sarah Murdock entertained at bridge at her home, 1010 Central ave- nue, in honor of Miss Stella Riggs of Portland, Oregon. Mrs. A. E. Cronk returned to her Mrs. Elisha Cookgave "No~Sabe" and | home in Oregon Wis. on Sunday, "The Philosopher". Among those, after being the guest of Mr. O. W. present were Mr. and Mrs. Howard to Townâ€"Enter Beggars of low and high degree: Highland Park. Episode 5, Children of Mother Goose Landâ€"Enter The Shoe; The Children. Winnetka and Hubbard Woods. 0 ' r..« Episode 6. Cinderella and the Sil- ver Slipperâ€"Enter Fairies; Step Sis- ters: Guests of the Ball; Cinderella . Raps; Fairy Godmother; Fairy Godmother waves wand, transforms Cinderella; Cinderella tries on Sil- ver slipper and is carried away by Prince in Fairy Coach : Ravinia. Episode 7, The Grand Marchâ€"Mu- sic furnished by the Great Lakes Band. ~^~ ,M,r. Benjamin H. Marshall had an evening of plays at his studio on the lake shore Tuesday evening. Mr. and of 725 Chestnut avenue, are enter taming a number of guests from St. Paul, Minn., this week. Mrs. Marion Beal of Eldora, la., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Burbach, 1020 Linden avenue, for the month of July. Mr. and Mrs. Rob W. Webber "have returned home after a two weeks' va* cation, spent in Michigan and Cham- paign, Illinois. Van Doren Shaw, Mr and Mrs. John T. McCutcheon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ~\V. KoIair~M^^ntrMrsr^rich Ger- stenherg, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Affleck, Miss Olga Menn, Miss Laura Wil- liams, Mr. Thomas E. Tallmadge, Mr. Lionel Robertson, Mr. Guy Hardy ~aiKl"Mr. Andre N, Rebori. Mr. Francis W, Parker, Jr„ of Win- netka. assisted by Mrs. Willoughby Walling and Mrs. Gayle Aiken, Jr., will give a garden party from three to six o'clock; Thursday. July 26, at her new home on Ardsley road near West Pine street, for the benefit of fund. There will be a musical pro- gram at 4 o'clock, furnished by Mrs, Norman S. Parker, violin, Mrs. E. L. Harris, accompanist, and by Mrs. William G. McAdams, pianist. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Baker â- ml family of 347 Maple avenue, are leaving on August 1, for Frankfort, Mich., where they will spend the month of August at the Congrega- tion^ J^Assembly. Mrs. George Gal- Jahe'r "and her daughter of Redlahds, Calif, will arrive at the Baker home early next week, and will accompany -them, on their trip to Frankfort. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. McClure have returned from their wedding trip through the east, and are now occupying their new house at 500 Keeney street, Evanston. Mrs. Mc- Clnrc. was formerly Miss Margaret Dingee; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dingee of 912 Lake avenue, Mrs. Henry C Cooper and two __daughters,__the Misses Grace__and Edith Cooper, of 824 Lake avenue, returned Monday from a fortnight's J'Plo Estes Park and Colorado Springs, Colorado. - Elmwood Mrs. J. j. Ball,' 621 Eleventh street, ^*s as herguestirer niece, Miss Vel- nette Han Qf Dayton, Ky. _; Russell and, family, 1009 avenue, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Melville Brown, 738 Eleventh streets are returning next week from Frankfort* Mich,, where they have ,been spending sev- eral weeks. ,. Messrs. Charles Hastings of 503 Central avenue, and W. E. Rennolds of 1025 Linden avenue, have gone to Wawausee Lake, Ind., to attend a house party this week-end. Mr. Ernest Burkett, formerly a res- ident of Wifinetka, and who has many friends along the north shore, is convalescing from a serious oper- ation at St. Mary's hospital in Rochester, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Herrmann of the Boulevard Apartments, will have as their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Reese of Milwaukee. Miss Stella Riggs has returned to Her home in Portland, Oregon, after spending a week as the guest of Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher, 716 Central ave- nue, en routeTroflnan extended east- ern trip. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ostrom of 1025 Linden avenue, had as their guests last week-end, Mr. T. D. Cram of Toledo, Ohio, and his,, son, Mr. Kenneth Cram of Alonquin, 111. » William Stattman, 1039 Linden av- enue, who is attending summer school at St John's Military academy, Delafield, Wis., spent last week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh North, 1402 Chicago avenue, Evanston, formerly Wilmette. announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Harriet, on Fri- day, July 15. Mr. and Mrs/Alexander N. McCal- lum, who Have been residing in Evan- ston since April, are building a new , ftoiae^sn^Cheslmrti^yeimerthe^raund^s for which is to be broken this week The Misses Winifred ReTnboth and Dorothy Butz were guests of Mrs. Benja'min Gordon in Whiting, Ind., on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Werden of 1015 Wilmette avenue, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, July 3. Miss Amy Kletzing, 1025 Elmwood avenue, has returned from an outing at Douglas, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Gould of Chi- cago, announce the birth of a son, on April 30. Mr. Frank B. King, 825 Greenleaf avenue, will return this week from a fortnight's business nrip in the east. Dr. Charles Bailey Blake motored down to Kewanee, 111., to spend last week-end with his parents. $5 FOR MISCONDUCT William O'Toole, Chicago, was fined $5 and costs in Magistrate Mickey's police-court this week on a "chargeâ€"ofâ„¢ disorderly conduct. O'Toole was arrested early Tuesday upon complaint of Richard E. Bruns, 731 Michigan avenue, who charged O'Toole with creating a disturbance near the Bruns home, driving about in an unlighted and noisy automo- bile. _______ __ AUTO COLLISION Sheridan Road and Seventh street was the scene of an automobile acci- dent Saturday, in wbich no one was injured. An auto driven byMrs. b. W. Calhoun, of Glencoe, collided with one driven by Mrs. L. R. Collins, of Wilmette. The running board and one fender _oMhe_Calhoun- cat -were damaged. ^ Motion Pictures for Private Entertainment Outdoor or Interior Showings A wicfe Variety of the best of films suitable for every â€"-.â€"^occasion. i m c c m m We Now Deliver Ml Mwortfr m Always the Finest Fruits and Vegeta- bles at Lowest Prices. Lulias Bros. Fruit and Vegetable Market 621 R. R. Ave. Wilmette 159 WILMETTE, ILL. * o c €2 c c o o c c i o c I i « W :â- â- :..: IKS EXPRESSING, MOVING AND TAXI SERVICE t *r n$ ^WltMETTE EXPRESS CO. "-v: 1225 Central Avenue â- Phone Wilmette 40 For Appointment Phone Winnetka 295 Sidney M. Spiegel, Jr. i â- WijMUUIIJUM^^ LATE SUMMER MODELS IN MILLINERY Your Choice See our window* FLINKER & FLINKER 1217 Wilmette Ave. Ju»t we»t of the tracks