Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1921, p. 12

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. JULY 29, MM Classified Advertisements K ^TESâ€"10c per line for first insertion. Each__ sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines, Copymust be in by Wednesday. Rates for e«me«dverti»ement to The Lake Shore New., Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, JOc per Jine for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion. 10c per line. «s FOR SALICâ€"REAL B8TATB FOR SALEâ€"VACANT Several snaps In choice vacants; buy it now and double your money. Well â- elected property is sure to advance. Consult us for particulars. - WILMRTTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock. Prop. t â-  â-  Bit - 4th St Phone Wll. 1804 oi» _________---------LTQ38.itc P6ft SALEâ€"4 ACRES IN ACRBTLOT8 on Park Ave, Oross Point, 15 min- utes walk to Wllmette depot $1,000 acre. Phone Wll. â„¢'W. LTQ87.>tp For »ai.i-s-h<h'?»k FOR SALEâ€"HOUSE. 7 ROOMS AND bath; H. W. heat; sleeping porch, SaraKe; lot 55x180. $9,000. Phone WI1m»tW 988-M. LTQ38-UP HKLP W%XTKD-MALE HELP WANTED â€"A BOY WANTED for delivering:; must be steady and agreeable. Papageorge Bros.. 344 Linden Ave.. Wllmette. L88-ltc BITUATlOji WASTEDâ€"FKMAM3 'BABIES' CLOTHWS MADE TO OR- der; also all kinds of crocheting; will call and Show samples. Phone Wll. 825-R. _________________L88-ltc WASHINGS DONE AT HOMK. FIX- Ished or rough dry. Reliable work. Phone Wll. 1403. LT38-ltp WASHING AND IRONING DONE AT home; also rough dry work. Phone Evanston 48KS. LTG38-lct WA^TKO TO HI Vâ€"1HH'*1~ WANTED â€" COUPLE WANT SMALL Wllmette home, east or west side, but must be rasonable. Address TaItp Shore News'C-79. L3K-UC Wanted â€" home on east si wis Wllmette. between $10,000 and $15.- 000 Can .pay $6,000 cash. Address T^kP Shore News C-78. LSS-ltc "WASTED TO HE\Tâ€"HOr*E â€"WANTEDâ€"TO RENT. AT A REASON- able ratel Hubbard Woods or Win- netka preferred; 6 to *â„¢om*%â„¢*2 possession about Sept. 1st.T Address ?^yr'aH»r0 N>w C-67. LTG37-tfc ---------------KOH HE VI'â€"liOOMM__________ NURSE WANTS TO TAKE CARE OF Invalid in own home. Phone Glen- coe 430. __________________LTG38-ltc FOR SALE-CANARY W*^2U$5l* anteed good singers. $10 each. â„¢_ Wllmette 1?»7. ^j' i U FOh SALE - ALASk^W «LaURi3 coat sise 36. Phone Wll. 9J£$38_ltp FOR SALE - STRICTLY^ T" KE S ll iALl-SfRlCTU . Tot WUmetto_U$l. BALE-AtTOl FOR SALEâ€"USED MAXWELL CAR, all In good shape; painted; n«*^ top, will sell for $350. Also automo- biles painted, by George & Manner, 718-13th 8t, Wllmette. Tel. Wll- mette 1046. _____________ LTC.3S-HP FOH SALE-NATIONAL SKMAN. Rl A 10,000 miles; line condition, l°°Kf like new. Very reasonable. Phone Wll. 1433. LTGSS^ltc •yvT%T»:i> TO HIV-AITO _ WANTED-5 PASS, fCRIPPS-BOOTH: Velle. Oakland or Liberty, 18 or 19 mode*. Phone Wllmette 1*^.^ SIT! ATIOIM WAMKD-MAI.K SITUATION .WANTED â€" AS""CHAUF- feur; 1st class mechanic on all cars; 10 years' exp.; best of refs. Address Lake Shore°News C-75. LTG38;1tc SITUATION WANTEDâ€"BY RELIA- ble chauffeur, colored. Willing to do other work. References. Phone Evanston 7067. LTG38-ltp FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour: men for house- work and building wire fences. Ph. Winnetka 32ft •â-  LTG24-tfc YARD OR HOUSEMAN. PHONE EV- anston 6608. Ask for W. B. Flare. LTG35-tfc SITUATION W41WRD â€" MAf.K A\n PKMAIiF.___________ FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman or lady employed, with private family, one block from trans- portation and cafeteria. Phone Wll- ___mette 2270. __________LT38-ltp FOR RENTâ€"3 OR 4 ROOMS PU-RN- isher or unfurnished. $40. $ blocks from N. W. depot. Phone Wllmette 1209, ______ Uaa-Xip FOR RENTâ€"2 ROOMS WITH HAT" and kitchen; reasonable to reliable people for 30 or 60 days. Phone' WU- â€"Tnette^l^OOr Mlsr Patterson. k38-W F6R REN* â€" DESIRABLE K 0 u M for gentleman, in modern home, near FOR RENT â€" TWO CONNECTING rooms, nicely furnished; Pleasant lo- cation. 727 Park Ave., Wllmette 849-J. L88-ltp FOR RENTâ€"FOUR ROOMS & HATH; partly furnished If desired. Adults inly. Address Box 95. Wllmette ,r Shone Wllmette 569.__________L88-lto FOR RENTâ€"4 FURNISHED ROOMS and sun. parlor; all conveniences Call 1410 Hill St.. or phone Wllmette 883. L38-ltC ^OR RENTâ€"CHOICE FRONT ROOMS In good east side hdme. near trans- All Kinds of Household Help of All Nationalities Cooks, chamber maids, general maids, cateresses, governesses, nurses, Iiractlcal nurses, chauffers, machin- sts. mechanical engineers, janitors, porters, housemen, waiters, wait- resses, .ii/'"^ M Several couples with best refer- ences capable of doing any kind of housework; several good men far' all around worte------ Wayne Employment Agency for gentleman, in modern h°me'-neaTr Mrs. C. E. McBlroy. Mgr. , â€"transportation.-----Phone Wll. 844-J.. Tel. Evanston 4889. 1000 Chicago Ave. L.3S-HP D __________ LTG36-tfC â- _____STTSrSSm nmrn f.i >N7 VVPTT Mfl ______ â- _________SSTSS mZSSTSSZ â- ^^mm-miy MAN AND WIPE WISH POSITION together as maid and houseman, or odd. Jobs for either one; temporary oi* permanent. Tel. Win. 759. Ask for Mrs. Younker. LTQ37-3tc FOB SALKâ€"HOUSKHOLU <iOOP» " pnrtRtlon Phone Wllmette 1940 ___________________L38-ltc FOR RENT â€"2 FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Phone Wll 1080. ______________ L37-tfc WA XTKP'TO'REKTâ€"ROOMjj__ WANTED TO RENTâ€"3 ROOMS ANT* bath; suitable for husekeeplng. Phone Wllmette 1446._________L36-tfc FOR HK\T-PAW Mil-'. 2 CAR GARAGE. FOR RENT â€"2 CAR GARAGE. 1404 Hill St., Wllmette. Phone WM. 17«». 11*» N • 1 to FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE. 914~FOREST avenue. Wllmette. Phone Wll. 1072. L38-ltp HF.l.r %y..%\TF.n-~FF.M%I.K J Wantedâ€" experienced laund- ress, good worker, two days a week. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: $4: steady work. Call 540 Washington or phone Glen- coe 52. ________ LTG3S-1tc WANTEDâ€"EXPERIENCED LAUN D - for 2 days ironing: white: reference required. Phone Wll. 1389 or annlv 333 Washington Ave. L38-ltc FOR SALEâ€"USED ELECTRIC WA8H- ing machines, overhauled. Thor, $40; Eden, $75: Hoge. $80; Geyser, $65; Blue Bird. $95. 15 used vacuum cleaners, $5 to $15; one shop worn mangle. Easy payments. Patter- son Bros.. 828 Davis St.. Evanston. III. Tel. Evanston 654. LTG38-2tc FOR SALE" â€" UHED PIANOS, oayments, Webber. $96: Shults, $85; Lyon and Heaiy. $50: Kimball, $100. Patterson Bros.. 828 Davis St., Ev- anston, 111. Phone Evanston 654. LTG38-ltc FOR SALE â€" ENGLANDER COUCH, practically new; Simmons' bed springs; mahogany sun porch seat and pad; 2 kitchen chairs; 2 large galvanized tubs; and an electric Iron. Pnotte Wil. 138. LTO$8-ltc FOR SALEâ€"HEAVY OAK DINING room set and bed davenport; must be sold by Saturday night. Call Wil. 1675 after 9:30 p.m. or before 8:30 a.m. LT38-ltc FOR SALEâ€" EARLY ENGLISH D_N- ing table, six chairs, and buffet loo*) oak wood Ave., Wllmette. Tel. Wllmette 1705. _________ L38-ltp Foit s * i.fâ€" MisrrettA XKovn FOR SALEâ€"SQUAB PIGEONS FOR tab1»> or market: also fancy white Kings or .Fan-tails; cheap to reduce larg«« flock. P. T. Bradstreet. Tel. Winnetka 827. LTG3S-ltc WANTED â€" MAID FOR GENERAL ! FOR SALE â€" ONE HAMMOND TYPE house work- experienced: white;: writer: 1 B-flat clarinet; 1 violin; Jo^walesr'Ph?n?WlL*207^ and a kltchn cabinet also^vacuum LTG38-ltc cleaner. Phone Wll. 19T0: L,3S-itc â€"â€" BSSBBBBBBBBBSSSBBS Announcement WITH the increase in our own production by the acquisition of The Producer* Material Com- pany, we have greatly augmented our facilities for Service. We are in a position at the present time to deliver Concrete Aggregates, Sand, Gravel, Stone and Cement, regardless of Railroad Transportation. Torpedo Sand, Gravel Crushed Limestone Limestone Screenings and Portland Cement tor Every Kind of Concrete Construction also ik Sand and Lake Sand Boat, Carload or Truck Deliveries Quality and satisfactory is bast and laast tipemi»e W* are prepared to |i»e you both Sand, Crushed iC^r.ontfcejob Gravel, Limestone Also Portland Cement Coal, Coke, Ice, Feed Lawn Seed, Fertilizer ~ttnt+*mam* sssaf s/ Esfsaasi) ©nsumers (ompany Far© W. UrsuM. Presideor ^*a*S * ** NORTH SHORE BRANCH W E Barbour. DisUill jsh s lianai,r r, 1015 Church Street. Evanstc QfcjIBp 75 â€"" TELEPHONES â€" "AND re" guaranteed 711 Linden Aye. LT02S-tfc A 30c ad works wonders TH FOOD SHOP 530 Railroad Ave. _ JL coot com£oitAhle_.placfiâ€" to eat with good food served well: Sunday and Holiday dinner 12:30 to 2:30. Breakfast Luncheon Dinner 7:00 to 8:30 11:30 to 2:30 530 to 7:00 DELICATESSEN 1133 Greenleaf Are Delicious bread baked the home way, fresh every day. Everything for the light lunches, Open Sundays 7 to 11 3 to 9 TELEPHONE WILMETTE 2433 (Same phone for both shops.) Majestic 4 sUJUTIC UNDEROtOOIB QAIBAGI RBOTVll Odor Pise! FV Proof DsfProof sad Sevsi Ma*. 1ST UB SHOW YOU Angert Wire and Iron Works Phone Englewood 74N 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO Pageant of Progress 1^^ ^:- > 30 to Aug. 14 On the $5,000,000 • S II ier Swept by Cool Breezes 3 h Miles^of Exhibits 25 Shows in One Baby Show Flower Show Health and Sanitation Show â€" Scisncs Show^â€"~^ $10,000,000 Fur Exhi- bition Food Show Furniture Show Hydroplanes and Areoplanes Textile and Clothing Show Automobile Show Business Show Stock Yards Exhibit Jewelry Show Electric Show Footwear Show Dairy Show Chemical Show 1#21 Style Show Agricultural Jhojri__ Housing and Building Show Paper Products Show Musical Instrument* Show Advertising Shew Lumber Exhibit ___ Speed Boat Rsces Sham Battles Submarine Chasers and Gunboats Nautical Events Venetian Nights Naval Maneuvers NORTH SHORE >A^ leaving Wiilmette 6:39 A. M. » 1:45 A. M, take yon ©SrecLto»the Chicago business district just s short distance from the Municipal J3er-and the Pageant of ^*rogresv CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office Wilmette Avenue

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