Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1921, p. 8

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THE LAKE SHORE XEWSTTRIDAY,, JULY » 1921 Kenilworth Happenings Mrs. E^S. Fentress tnd daughter, Dorothy, of Waco, Tex., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E, C. BJomeyer of 430 Abbott sford road. The BJomeyer* had quite a "Waco House Party" Sunday of last week. at Mrs, John Wood and three chil- dren, and Mia* Dixie Wood spent the day here, en route to New Y ork. These Waco people were lavish in their praise of the beauties of the North Shore, the wonderful shade trees, also bathing in Lake Michigan and the hospitality of the Bio- mcyers. Mr. and Mrs. Blomever have been in our midst ' since May first, coming here from Waco, Tex. Miss Mary Blomcyer, accompanied Mrs, Fentress „aniL Dorothy, to Waco for a month's visit. They left Monday for Texas. Miss Marjorie Burchard was hos- tess at a tea on Sunday evening at her home on Oxford road. Miss Burchard has aa her guest Miss Ol- guita Queeny of St. Louis, Mo. Miss Jane Ridgway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway. and Miss Constance Hannah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hannah. were the guests of Miss Caroline Ev- Waugaioo. Mich., last week. Mr, and Mrs. Loomis Hypes left Friday for West Bay Lake, to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shat- tuck. Mrs. Craig Ketcham and daugh- ters. Peggy and Betty left Tuesday for Ludington, Mich., to spend the ^rcofrth of "August. Mrs. Claude Burnham and, sons, James. David and Philip, returned after a sojourn at Lake Geneva, as the guests of Mrs. Frank Nellis. Mr. and Mrs.-GwfnTRidgway spent last week-end at Twin Lakes. Wis., as the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Robert Those from Kenilworth who at-. Berger. tended a luncheon given by Mrs. | Word has been received that Mrs. Miss Catherine Slater entertained j On Friday evening ,the dAixs. at luncheon on Thursday in honor of j Aliens. Keehns. Woodwards, King- Mrs.. Wendell Clark of Wilmette and ; ways. E. D. Parmclees, Stolps, Mrs. MH< Olguita Queeny of St. Louis,i Conland Ames and Mrs.^ VMlliam Misiouri. Mr. ann* Mr*. Merritt De Ment and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jos. lin and children are at Trout Lake. Wis,, and will not return until the middle of August. Mrs. William B, Kunklc gave a luncheon at the La Salle hotel, on Wednesday last in honor of William W. Colladay of Philadelphia. After luncheon they went to see "Smooth a» Silk". Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Dover of New York are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Smith of Abbottsford road....... ^-^nâ€"We^re^day-larr, the North Jancs Shore Golf club gave a luncheon and â-  Jbridge. Mrs. George Keehn entertained at luncheon Thursday last at her home on Essex road in honor ?i Mrs. Cortland Ames. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Ware ar* rived home Sunday from California. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr., and children, arrived home Monday from Montana where they have been oo a ranch. Before corrtjng home they went through Yellowstone Park Mr. and Mrs. Frank "Rr^^TuTuTaTur daughter. Jane, left Monday for Sleepy Hollow. South Haven. Mich.. to spend the month of August. Taylor, held a picnic at the forest preserve near Wheeling. III. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hanna are leaving August first to spend a fort- night with the William F.nglar fam- ily at Tomahawk Lake. Wis. The "Porch Climbers" left Satur- day for a two weeks' vacation in the north woods. They are Francis Allen. Richard Taylor. Wellington Coolidge. Horatio Chandler, Ogden Cook. Richard Kenyon, John Bellows and Ralph Mills of Oak Park. ,.'_ Mrs. George Keehn was a luncheon hostess on Friday last at Indian Hill in honor of her guest, Mrs. Cortland Tb, «n* •••« Dvmm4W«mi1b Chi<«i* hit. ih«»» Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP 'mtit wtfA y.u'•«. maiititl" Suit* 141* Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 N.rth Sui.CHICAGO II N.rth Quick Efficient Hauling We can do the little======= "hurry up*' jobs freight hauliug and haTiltnfof trunlcs Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holden and children, Barbara, Helen and Ellen, left Sunday for Fori du lac, Wis., where they will spend the month of August. Mrs. Percy Eckhart was a luncheon hostess at Exmoor Thursday in hon- or of her daughter. Charlotte. Mr. Roy Hulbert arrived home Sat- urday after a business trip to St, Louis. __ ' Mr. Hugh Foresman left Sunday for New York where he will remain a week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease en- tertained the Evening Bridge club Monday evening. Mr. Roy Hulbert has as his guest. Mr. P. Backrack of Holmwood, III. Mrs. C. L. Dines wilj entertain the alumnae association of Alpha Gam- ma Delta at the home of her mother. Mrs. Henry Everett on Saturday. Mrs. Edward Parmelee entertained the Duplicate Whist club last Tues- day. Mrs. Charles Baxter of Oeveland. who has been the guest of Mrs. Roy Hulbert left Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith and four oldest children, John, Cornelia, Mar- garet and Elbridge, left Monday for Alaska. They expect to be gone about six weeks. Miss Eliaabetb Stolp, who hi, i attending summer school at Rft Colo., returned home Mondavi Stolp will return to school J fall. * Dr. Calvin Case is at home undergoing an operation Lukes hospital. at Dr. Charles E. Geiise Osteopathic Physician Phon. Wil. 2052 1150 Wilmettt Aft. RESIDENCE PHONE MT FRANKLIN Sales and Service The ear everyone would Ilka to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Orrington Ave.. Evsnston GEORGE STUMP TENOR T.«ch.r of Sing tag Assistant to Frants Pro$chow$ky TlSFIn«Art.Bldg. CHIC T«l«ohon«i Harriaon 40S1 Ants! Ants! Ants! Ants! Hundreds of ants crawling up .through' cracks in the wall to your pantry. What a nuisance! Get rid of the pests today by using Nichols Ant Powde Ask Your Druggist for A Package WHATTOEATTi PHYSICIAN TILLS HOW IRON-CONTAINING VEGETABLES SUCH AS LENTlli SPINACH APPLES, ETC. WHEN REGULARLY TAKEN WITH ORGANIC I IRON BUILD GREAT STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor SlefS P. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evsnston 140 1S4S Sherman Avtnut iron. Metallic Iron is Iron )ust u It ccmwfroj the action of strong* acids on iron fllinftwlils organic iron is a true red blood food, like thi iron in your blood itself and like the ironinspio. arh, lentils and apples. In fact if yon win ^J a pint or two of spinach, half a pint of hs3 and three or four baked apples each dayyoj win pmbahly not need to take any olherfom of organic iron; but most people prefer to*t|l smaller quantity of iron-containing vecetabiet and take organic iron, like Nuxated Iroo.slih them. It Is like taking extract of beef Instetdl of eating pounds of meat. To prove to yoondJ what Nuxated ^ron can do for you, get |J dot tor to take a specimen of your Wood At] in . make a "blood count" of your red blood corp»| Is iron-organic Iron to remove the cause ^U»s; th"n take Ni:\ntcd Iron for smooth At their own doorsâ€"In the very gardens of those who are weak, nervous and ailing all the while Is one of the most valuable tunics and strength^bullders known to medical science, said Dr. James Sullivan, formerly physl< »un of BeUevue Hospital (Outdoor Dcpt.) the Westchester County Hospital, New Vcrk, when consulted recently. Dr. Sullivan further said:-"If your dallydiet contains an abundant amount of Iron you are giving your body the red blood food it craves. But if your blood lacks iron and is thin, pale and watery you cannot expcci to be " even. On4hecontraryryouHierveth become weakened and you become IrrltaMc. fussy and easl'y upset. In such coses, what y;.u ef year trouble, and the moment organic I. on » •applied It is often wonderful how quick; /your multitude of symptoms will disappear aud how strong and vigorous you will become." But be careful todlstlnguisb between ordinary metallic iron which people usually take and true organic NUXATED IRON have a new "blood count" made and seel your red blood corpuscles have increased t how much stronger and better you feel; i how the color has come back to your cb how steed:* and strong your nerves have I At all druggists. ENRICHES THE BLOOD-GIVES YOU NEW STRENGTH AND ENERG and bags to and from thelstatiunr Taxi Service -The lowest rates and most efficient drivers in Wilmette re Milk bottles cost the dairy seven cents each, and. make an average of thirty-two trips before they are broken or lost. Milk dealers are endeavoring to keep breakage and loss as low as possible* Patrons should re- port negligence of drivers in not picking bottles up regularly. There is no doubt that if the loss and breakage continues, milk must advance, as necessarily the consumer pays the cost of the bottles in the price of the milk. Wilmette Express Co. 1225 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 40 ^ your part by putting out your empty bottles daily instead of allowing them to accumulate for a week or more. If every one saved them until there were many to return, as happens often, drivers would be unable to find room in their wagons for them. A great deal of the breakage is occasioned by these overloaded wagons. HELP US KEEP JX)WiJHEJ^^ Milk is more than likely to advance in price in the near future, but I shall try to keep the price as low as possible and maintain the highest standard of quality and service. WILMETTE DAIRY LEO DEAN, Proprietor 1819 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette 224

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