10 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1921 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Batabltahau lilt with which la combined THE WILMBTTB LOCAL NBWS Established 1SS8 ISSUED FRIDAY OF BACH by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY liSI Central Ave.. Wtlmette. 111. Telepheae SUBSCRIPTION .93.00 A YEAR All communications muet ba ac- companied by tha name and addresa. of the writer. Articles for publication ahould reach thta office by Wedneaday afternoon to lnaura . appearance In current laaua. ject, the North American Review for July contains a powerful bit of fiction by Katherine Mayo, entitled "Quick as God will let you" which in the guise of a story is really a remarkable argument for a state police. Miss Mayo's trenchant pen has never put down more significant or striking words than those which emphasize this contemporaneous need. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary poetry* notieee of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will bo made or a collection taken, will ba charged for at resrular advertising* ratea. Entered at the postofflce at Wilmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second class, under the act Of March t, 1879. FRIDAY, AUGUST S, 1921 Tha Business Library When the questionnaire to which Thomas Edison subjects prospective employes iti his plant was made pub- lic, the general impression produced was that Mr. Edison expected young men entering his service to know something about everything. The best informed in a general way became humble when he read the list of questions and realized how few of them he could answer. It is, there- fore, interesting to know that the Edi- son company maintains one of the most valuable private special libraries in the United States, books aCCUfflU- lated- with the utmost pains to pro- vide-forâ€" those-4n-4he^mpjoy^Mte companyexplicit:. and scientific in- formation upon any question that is likely to arise. TlicjE^s^^jcornpany is not aloneTrTthe possession of ex tensive private and special libraries. Indeed, it is one of the most con- spicuous evidences of the progress of the policy of efficiency in business ad- ministration that almost every great plant has its own private„ccdJccJion_pi books. It was reported in the recent convention of the American Library 0. OF I. MEN ASKED TO GET ROOMS NOW Student Advisors Predict Housing Congaation at Opening of Fall Term in State Univer- •Ity "Living conditions at the univer- sity will he somewhat congested this fall, and I suggest that during the summer, or at least before college opens, all new students visit the uni- versity and make some arrangements for room and board. This cannot be done satisfactorily by mail. Every day I get scores of letters asking that my office engage a room. Inasmuch as a large majority of the students come from comparatively short dis- tances, it is far better that they come and make their arrangements in per- son." Champaign, 111.â€"With indications that living conditions will be con- gested in the university town next fall, Dean Thomas Arkle Clark is urging all students who live with- in moderate distance to come to Champaign and arrange for their liv- ing quarters. Scores of letters are reaching the dean's office daily asking that he en- gage quarters for them, but lie is reti- cent to do so in the belief that meiij know their own tastes and might be dissatisfied with his selections. "I,would just about as soon pick out a wife for a man and send her by parcel post as to pick out a room for a student" said Dean Clark in a statement today. "Not that I am not willing to do so if the student insists, but men's tastes are so different, and conditions are often so unlike those at home, that it is a hard thing to please a very large percentage. PROBE JOHNSON WELCOME Formal demand has been made to Mayor Thompson of Chicago by The- odore Roosevelt Post of the Amer- icanâ€"Legion for, an investigation of the conduct of city officials who serv- ed on a reception committee to wel- come Jack Johnson, the negro pugil- ist, back to Chicago from the Federal penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth. SCRATCH KILLS BATTLE HERO Clifford A. Laflin, winner of a Croix de Guerre, who survived several maj- or engagements in France as a first lieutenant of the 17th Field Artillery, died recently in a St.Paul.Minn.,hos- pital from a pin scratch. The funer- al was conducted by tht American Legion. The Happiest Bargains Found In those "Wanted to Buy" ads Swarm* of Ants breed betw and pantry of the pest he walls of your kitchen summertimerâ€"Get rig ay* Use Ant Powder Ask Your Efrugght^or A Package STANLEY The dealer in any line of merchandise is the logical source of information ahout t â- goods he is handling. Do you want to know somthing about the Saffaat car in the world? The easiest to drive? Has only 37 moving Parts. WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER STANLEY sales a service â- HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. Tel.Wlanetka,9M> TaefcMritiiaaigM Cek«c*amSt Sport and Weil EndSkirti MADE AT THE WILSON 5KIKTSH0P ' • tit uilk year em neUrnl» Suite 41" St vent Buildlni Randolph 3219 ' IT Noilh SuuCHICAGO If Norlh WiUth Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall Board ' EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, 111. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board ____ Exclusive Distributora--------â- - ESTABLISHED 1884 C.H. JORDAN & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS 612 WlS STREET, EVANSTON, ILL. PHONE EVANSTON 441 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1346-1847 m association tharTnT^Unlted States now has more than five hundred spe- cial business libraries, demanding the care of trained librarians. To supply the demand a special library course to prepare librarians for such posi- tions is offered by Simmons Col- lege. JThis whole business of pro- viding scientific information for the liscof tliose engaged in the business of„the firm is in line with the trend in colleges today to give special, technic- al training in every branch of com- mercial activity. It is in harmony with such schools as that for the training of executive secretaries at Northwestern University this sum- mer. WATCH FOR VftN"i MOULS. An Encouraging Sign The readiness of Wilmette citizens to co-operate with the Village gov- ernment in relieving the traffic con- gestion in the vicinity of the bathing .beach is most gratifying evidence of that most highly prized quality com- monly known as "community spirit." Wilmette is willing and ready to help the Village President and his associates at all times if those offi- cials only make known the whats and whys of their just requests. Village President Zipf, the Village Board, Village Manager Schultz and the Police DeparAmeni^merit-p***8* for their timely action in preserving the Wilmette beach, in so far as pos- =fesidents, without; at the same time, dealing unfairly with bathers from other vicinities. -~â€"Watch youtlVillage officials! They are working in your interest tor the betterment of conditipjwjEeneratty, in _jyouf ^communityj^^^ For A State Police ________ Ever growing "in its insistency is the demand in Illinois for a state police. The remarkable success in New York and Pennsylvania of this plan to safeguard and protect the peo- yUr ami property-of those common- wealths commends it to our own legis- lators. It is astonishing that Illinois has -not heretofore adopted this not- able method of dealing with crime and crimiaais.^Apropos-ol-the *ub- Upholstering Refinishing and Repairing of Furniture at Reduced Prices during August STORAGES FURNITURE CO PJ!2!!£«fe3iW v ' '^ â- £&w 0'.' a# OYBUR â- IIS Davie St., Evanstan MATINEES 2 ana 4 Evening 7 and 9 Friday and Saturday, Aug. 5â€"6 Jackie Coogan "The Kid" in "PECK'S BAD BOY" Five Great Reala of Fun Friday Burton Holme* Trnv«>l»Kue Saturday Path* %>»vaâ€"Holln Comedy Both Peyw - - Chrlmtte Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 8â€"• A First National Attraction "NOBODY" With an All-Star Cast Wedneaday August 10 ALICE CALHOUN i in "Closed Doors" Thursdayâ€"Friday, Aug. 11â€"12 "THE MASK" An All-Star Cast Saturday August 13 ALICE JOYCE in "Scarab Ring" COMING MARY MILES MINTER e "Don't Call Me Little Girl" CHARLES RAY 'Scrap Iron" in Sa-vry Vegetable Soup Meat arc the detired quantity of Sa-vry Soup Vegetable* into a kettie and cover with cold water. Bring to • boil over s alow fire, adding water â- • needed. Add aoup bono or meat Mock if dmirnl. Season to tmtte with aalt and pepper. Continue ateady boiling until tender. One beaping tabletpoonful of Sa-vry Vegetable* to each pint of liquid make* •wo average portion*. OTHER RECIPES IN PACKAGE No Soaking Required VEGETABLES An h if droits: Proc Prrli'ttodlh'ht/drtiti'M l|ijc\|j iiii ANiivimot" r'OOM PIMIHIM IS<" SOUP VEGETABIJES H OW many days in the year can you go into the market and get all of those eight vegetables freshâ€"just out of the garden? Potatoes, cariota, eelery, omonpy parsley, cabbage, parsnips and turnips. YET here they areâ€"in packagesâ€"as fresh and fresh flavor, aroma and colorâ€"and all the _^onng and tender^as-you will fin^~i^enT^TT|ionoffre8hvegetables. anywhere. Already cleaned and peeled and cut up. Ready to make soup. Or stews. Or salad. Or a dozen other appetizing dishes. Sa-vry Soup Vegetables are a most appetizing and nutritious blend of potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, parsley, cabbage, parsnips and turnips. Each taken fresh from the garden just at its prime. Carefully cleaned, peeled and sliced, just as you do it in your kitchen at home. And thenâ€"only the water removed by this new scientific Anhydrous Process. Nothing added. No soaking required. You replace the water whep making the soup;â€"~~ â€" No waste, no peeling, no pr«panii|. Just the quantity of soup you want. Any time you want it. Sa-vry Soup Vegetables keep indefinitely' Buy a package of Sa-vry Soup Vegetable* today. Tab it home. Make the sonp. Above statements refer only to product* bearing the Sa-vry label. Regular Package 8 ounces Makes 30 to 50 portions of delicious soup- according to the consistency you desireâ€" 'y_ 50 cents - -â€"â€" Trial Package 4 ounces Makes 15 to 25 portkmaâ€" 30centa . potables an; pure von- ^chare authorized your dealer to return your »«â- £ enbles, retailing all the natural gooAe,., ,& ^^CSSSTb^SS^^^**5 THE ANHYDROUS FOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY-CHIGAGO, HXIN^ aaaa