uiuim..*pMiuii in in .mi mmmmmmmmmm mmmm THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921 mmmmrnmm^mmmmm ,9 2 â- â- â- News of the North Shore • aj Golf Clubs **&fU WiUon 1 ............. â- •1 â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ; -.(,|j.'0-LINK GOLF CLUB Was the host to the Woman's Wrest- le ern Golf association last Wednesday in a one-day tournament. IP A large number of woman golfers from the middle west were enteral. The qualifying round of the golf club championship for Cornell was held on the preceding day. The second round of the CIU1> Championship Clock trophy will be completed Saturday. A ,natdi play eventâ€"eighteen holes, ?4 handicap â€" will conclude the week's program. TlieTirst round of the President's ♦rnnliv is scheduled for Saturday at IK North Shore Golf club. This un- usually fine trophy will be hard to win in view of the keen competition which has featurd recent events at the Vortli Sliore club. The E. B. Shapker trophy will be knocked down to the {trongest bidder on the same day. The final round of the Park .Board cup will probably be played on Satur- day or Sunday of this week at the Wimictka Flayfield Association. The second round of the August class Tournament will be held on Saturday and Sunday. A large entry is expect- ed for the. Martin Challenge cup on August 20. ____^ The sixrlT^AnrnnrliPamâ€"*0 Shanter event was held this week at West- moreland. Fully thirty foursomes startid out in the qualifying round which was held on Wednesday. Qualifiers will be divided into flights •Tnd the winners in each flight will be awarded appropriate prizes of golf equipment. On Saturday there will he the weekly fellowship cup in addi- Seat Sale Heavy For Tennis Matches Big Gallery to Witness Jap. India Matches at Onwentsia Turf Court* at Lako Forest tion to the St. Andrew's Trophy and the second round of the Angus cup. The Angus cup was won last year by J. D. W. Archer. The Sunset Tournament will be held at Skokic on Friday, August 12. This event is played over the second nine holes with one-half of three quarters deducted from the combined handicaps of each team of two play- ers. The first round of the Club Championship tournament will be played on Saturday; Match play, holes, no handicap, five fliglits. "TWO PERCENT AMERICANS" After reviewing a* parade in Cleve- land, Ohio, recently in which the United States flag was carried, John G. Emery, national commander of the American Legion, made a statement in which he scored "the two-per-cent Americans" who fail to remove their hats when the colors are passing. ' 35% SAVING ON YOUR FURS Buy Direct From the Manufacturer Wraps of Squirrel, Seal, Mink and all the Newest Creations in Furs We Specialize in Remodeling and Repairing GLASS & GLASS 8th Floor, 32 S. Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. EST. 30 YEARS •HER. tNFOG/WtON - WRlTEPHONE OR CALL TheT j*s tours comr\ny ^â€" "TRAVEL ARCHITECTS- «â€"* 103 WJACKSON BLVD-Phcnr:HARRISON 3566 -3350 TOJjJ^afisSiEiaeMwaaaaiBaaaaaaaaai With the big event a week off, more than half of the accommodations of about 4,000 seats have been disposed of for the Japan-India semi-final round match of the Davis cup tennis series, which will be held on the turf courts of the Onwentsia club, Lake Forest, Aug. 18 to 20. Both the two Japanese aces, Zenzo Shimidzu and Schiyi Ku- mauae. and the India team are in Chicago. Zenzo Shimidzu fell ill with a touch of ptomaine poisoning in New Eng land last week, but last reports de- scribed him as almost in shape, and sure to be at his best in the matches ith India. The seat sale for the Japan-India western Davis cup headquarters, 1506 matches is being conducted by the Mailers building, 5 South Wabash av- nue, Chicago. The series seats are transformable, and can be used by a different person each day. mmmmmmsmsmsmm Majestic UndcrtoMiiid Garba^lteceiv* w* 4* Majotfk Gajfceat ReoeWar. Dtp teal epa^fcaafceydoteenaMty •»a*4r antes* earn. Flss â- aleeaala eea Dot t*t to a. a A MAJESTIC UNDERGROUND GARBAGE RECEIVER VOPC IrOOC H* Proof . Dot Proof ud Saras Don't assume the worry of added dirt and labor. There's a BETTER WAY to heat your home. Use KLEEN-HEET No labor â€"No Coal Ashes LET US SHOW YOU rWireani Iron Works Phone Englewood 7498 6024-32 Grove Avsnus CHICAGO __the latest and best oil-burning appliance. It creates and radiates pure, clean heat without the need of a bit of attention. It's absolutely safe, too __approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters â€" and it's cheaper than coal-burning. BREAK THE SHACKLES that have chained you each winter to the drudgery of furnace care. For- get your troubles â€" save yourself or your women folks the nuisance of furnace tending â€" get in line with Progress and heat your home the easy and correct way. AUTOMATIC CONTROL KLEEN - HEET is as easy to control as the electric light. Just turn the thermostat indicator to the degree of temperature you desire and that heat will be constantly maintained for days or weeks or months. It operates ENTIRELY AUTOMATICALLY ! If you operate your own heating plant end are "fed up" on the dirt and labor of e coal burning equipmentâ€"write us for the story of KLEEN-HEET. Winter will soon be hereâ€"call, write or phone TODAY. riailow {Jfotfer jfc Enjtoeermg Company 65 East Van Buren Street - Chicago Phone: Harrison 5853