Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1921, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921 Mr. anrl Mrs. Lynn of St. Louis, Mo., arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Willi*. Mis*, Harriette Reichmawr enter- tained at bridge on Monday evening in honor of. Miss Olquita Queeny of St, Louis, Mo.â€"â€"------------------:------------ â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. Irving Woodward were dinner hosts last Saturday even- ing in. honor of Mrs. Cortland Ames. Miss Catherine Slater left Monday for RockforrTto be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hugnes for a week.. â€"♦â€" Miss Marjorie Burchard gave a handkerchief shower Thursday last in honor of Miss Dorothy Taylor -whose marriage to Walter B. Gerould will take place September 10. The Evening Bridge club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, Monday evening. TEACH HYGIENE AT CAMP ROOSEVELT Scoutcrafter* Found to be the Chief Sufferers of Bad Teeth; Beys Taught How to Cere for Their Teeth M^uShe direfe of *c PURCHASES EAST SIDE-SITE W» fs^ho, stpr, the congrega- tion has experienced a steady growth ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH â-  I uon nas expci reu».vu â€" -â€" • â€" - AnotW important step tow«* *k^M^S^^^^^^ the growth of the WHrnette **+[%$%£ It^yinZ Wi.meue * .l____-U.....-1, ^fflP tuts week c\ ',__u Lia _ Dental examination reveals the fact that three thousand cavitiesJiave been Mrs. Frank Cheeseman left Monday for Boston and expects to be gone a month. ' â€" â€"♦â€" Miss Dorothy Taylor entertained at tea Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Olquita Queeny. Miss Elizabeth Stolp entertained at tea Sunday evening. â€"♦â€" Miss Virginia Maltby entertained a. few friends at tea Sunday evening in honor of Miss Olquita Queeny. â-  »-- Mrs. Edwin Hedrick entertained Friday afternoon in Honor of Mrs. A. McDougal's sister, Mrs. Brown. Mr. Mark Cresap left MondajrfoY New York to be gone a week. â€"♦â€" ___M^a4KLMrs^Sidney Eastman gave found in the teeth of the six hundred boys at Camp Roosevelt. Mrs. Hax and Ullsted. who are representing the Chicago Dental Society at the camp (known as the West Point of Michigan), stale that the teeth of the Scoutcrafters have been found in the woTst condition. To correct this con- dition, all of the the boys in camp are being given thorough instruction in mouth hygiene. They are being taught how-to brush their teeth prop- erly, and how to keep them in^ a strong, healthy condition. This in- struction is in with the policy of the campto safeguard and improve every phase of the health of the boys. It is the only camp in the country in which such training is given. Teach Self-Defense Boxing is being put on a systematic basis at camp. A boxing tournament will be held the first of the final per- iod of camp. Boxing instruction will be offered to everybody in the camp. Daily boxing classes have been organ- ized. Ribbons, properly inscribed, to be donated by the Camp Roosevelt Y. M. C. A., will be .given to winners in each class. street and- Greenieaf avenue, upon w4hc* it is planned soon to build a _ Welfarrna. modern church edifice. Plans tor he Too MuehWe * building are now under consideration pe,-,p!* Tor <^â„¢J" BKrt "'<* bv the'Church Council and are e£ U^l^lye/l ana^^^^^ p'ected to be submitted soon for j Ration for their welfare The definite action by the members ot the | ^ fe belng Welfared too much. congregation. â-  I Much of the object isr to create jobs The Wilmette. English Lutheran^ welfarers.â€"Portland Oregonian. church is the newest religious organ-' Annual Rainfall. There has been recalculated recent data the amount of raltr Dually falling upon the earth's face. It Is found that It is equ lent to a layer of water of the form depth, for the whole globe, about 35% inches. The amount - Ing ©er the land is equivalent to a jq form depth of 29% inches. C< Ing only the land which is drained] rivers flowing into the sea, it I3 ( culated that only 30 per cent is turned to the ocean, and that tt rest is removed by evaporation. The Happiest Bargains Found In those "Wanted to Buy" 4 "NORMALCY" THEME FOR SUNDAY MORNING SERMON a tea Sunday evening for the Misses Edith and Mabel Harney, guests of Mrs. Henrv RijresJB&ihh^e^ â-  ♦ â-  â-  „ e»-. The Misses Dorothy and Emily Eoresman entertained a few friends on(Friday evening to-steet Miss Eliz- abeth Wisner of Laurel, Miss. Miss Ruth Woodward was a lunch- eon hostess on Tuesday in honor of ^riss^OlquitirQueeny: Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp and daughters. Elizabeth and Catherine, left Saturday on a motor trip through the north woods. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Mark Cresap and daughter, Helen, and Miss Eleanor Eckhart. ar- rived Friday after a two months' trip abroad. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Ellis â€"Mrs. Ellis was formerly Miss Virginia Ridgwayâ€" are receiving congratula- tions upon the birth of a son on Sun- day last. They have named the baby. Leon Thomas Ellis, Jr. â€"*â€" t Mr. Irving Woodward returned Saturday from Minneapolis where he spent the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Nichols left Wednesday on a motor trip through the White Mountains. â€"= _♦_ Mr. Hannah and three daughters, Elizabeth, Constance and Mary, and Jane Ridgway left Thursday for Gla- cier Park to be gone three weeks. â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Pently McCloud lef^ Thursday for Portland. Ore. On their -way home they will come through the Canadian Rockies, stopping at Banff and Lake Louise. â€"♦â€" • Mr. Gilbert Kelly left Sunday night on a six weeks' fishing trip. He will stop for Mrs. Kelly at Battle Creek, Mich., and together they will go to northern Michigan. Mr.~and Mrs. Loomis Hypes re- turned last week from Donaldson, Wis, where they have been the guests of Miss Miriam Shattuck. Everyone who is thinking seriously and sincerely of present day condi- tions wonders as to what should be done to improve the situation. From every quarter we hear the hope ex- pressed that we may soon get back to "normalcy*;â€" In his discussion of "Timely Topics", Rev. George P. Magill, pastor, will consider the "above question fh~fiis sermon Sunday morning. August 14, at the Wilmette Presbyterian church. The sermon subject is "Getting Back to Normalcy". The church is situat- ed at Ninth street and Greenleaf av- enue, and the morning service begins promptly at 11 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:30 o'clock. mas'ter mind TALK ABOUT dime novels. ». • • THEY 8ENT Jim down. • • • TO TEXAS to investigate. • • • SOME OIL wells there. • • • WHICH THEY might buy. • • • if Jim said 0.::. • • • AND HE was to report. • • •*• BY WIRE in secret code. • • • NOWâ€"ENTER the villain. • • • A SLIPPERY crook. • • • -QOT-WWPof It • • •â-  AND TRAILED Jim down. HERMAN MEYER, INJURED GATEMAN, "DOING NICELY' Though attending physicians enter- tained little hope that he would be hack at his place of duty within-^hree months, Herman Meyer, gateman at the Central avenue crossing of the Northwestern railroad, injured when struck by an automobile which crash- ed through the gates early Monday evening, August 1, was said to be "do- ing nicely", under the terrible circum- stance of a dislocated and fractured hip, a fractured knee and several broken ribs sustained in the accident. Meyer is at the Evanston hospital and Patrick N. Balmes, 1722 Lake av- enue, driver of the automobile at lib- erty under bond charged with as- sault. COPIED OFF his Code. AND BRIBED a boob. • • • IN" THE telegraph branch. • • • SO THE crook could get. • • • THE EARLIEST word. • * # AND CORNER stock. AND WORK a hold-up. â€"â€" # * • • IT LOOKED like easy coin. • » • BUT JIM got wise. AND THREW away his coda • • • AND WHEN he sent. • • • THE FINAL dope. • â-  • • HE FOILED the villain. • • • THE MESSAGE just said. • # * "CHESTERFIELD." • • • AND HIS directors knew. • • • THAT ALL was welL • • # WITH TH08E oil wells. • • • FOR OIL men know. THAT "CHE8TEBFlCLP,Lineans.â€" "THEY SATISFY." • • • YOU'LL know you've •'struck it rich" when you discover Chesterfields. You'll say "they satisfy." A wonderful blendâ€" the pick of Turkish and Do- mestic tobaccosâ€"put together in the Chesterfield way â€" that's why "they satisfy." And the Chesterfield blend can not be copied! Did you know about the Chesterfield package of 10? Mrs. Charles Mock left Monday for Tomahawk to be the guest of Mrs. William Englar. â€"+â€" Mr. and Mrs. Weston are spending a few days in Michigan. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp entertained the Duplicate Bridge club Tuesday last. STANLEY The dealer in any line of merchandise it the logical source of information about t â-  goods he is handling. Do you want to know somthing about the Safest car in the world? The easiest to drive? Has only 37 moving Parts. WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER STANLEY sales & service HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. Tel. Winnetka,956 «s" RANDOLPH « â„¢ MARKET „ Market PHONE12S1 Next to Rosenberg's 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7340 Big Saturday Sale of Fruit, Vegetables, Fancy Meats EXPRESSING, MOVING AND =____1 TAXI SERVICE Jg..-'^g -fil 20 SPECIAL Beef Tongue, Pickled and Fresh. .35 E8 lamb........___....35 Lamb shoulder Lamb patties Veal roast.................... .27 Pot roast......................15 Lamb chops....................25 Rib roast......... ...........32 Beef Plate Corn Beef___....... *5 Plate Beef ....................1* Corn beef, boneless.............27 Rump corn beef............... .23 No. 1 hams......... .....33 Armours Shield bacon___ .....35 Brisket bacon............... • -20 We dress our own chickens fresh every day. Vegetables. Fruits, Etc. ^qyviETTE EXPRESS CCt 1225 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 40 Special Sweet Yellow Bantam Corn. .25c doz. Honey Dew Melons ----- ......20c and up Osage Melons-----•................... 10c up Canteloupes...................,-----3 for 25 Watermelons......................55c up Peaches.............. ..........25c basket Harriett Peart. â- .......â- ___. â-  25c basket 29c, 40c, 50c, 60c doz. Oranges ...... .W Grape Fruit...... ....... ----- .. .2 for 25c Cooking Apples -,.....,-»........ .4 lbs, for 25c Bananas.....................25c and 35c *J Lemons ....................-.*'.....V " 5 Green Peppers......................S forJg Beats and Carrots ............3 bunches^g Fresh Lima Beans, home grown-----30c Ibas» Sweet Potatoes.................3 lbs for Cucumbers .... Kalamazoo Home lettuce Tomatoes BUYING HERE KE A SAVING FOR YOU

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