Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Aug 1921, p. 20

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1321 Classified Advertisements rV.ATES-10c par Um for «di WI btbbyW. «d««rtiMm«nt WEEKLY TALK at 4*0 P. if. Rates for LAKE SHORE NEWS, GLENCOE NEWS, 20c -1 ff/^w.F i ppcAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"8 RM. MODERN HOME: convenient to "L" and C. * N. W.; larjre wooded lot; great bargain; $10,100. t room Victoria Colonial stucco; h. w. heat; 3 baths; immense living room; large wooded lot; near lake; $18,500. ' Splendid 7 room home in finest location; Immense living room, S tile baths; Jlaaaed sun and sleeping porches; ouble garage; $20,500. Make Offer; a real bargain. Splendid lot in eastern section; 50x200; $67 ft. Other special lot bargains. M. E. BARKER & CO. Bnd of "L" 408 Linden Are. Tel. Wfl- mette 406. LTQ41-ltc FOR SALEâ€"THE FOLLOWING FINE BAST SIDE HOMES ALL WITHIN TWO BLOCKS OF THE LAKE: 8 room house ...............$15,000 8 room bungalow ........... 80,000 7 room brick bungalow .... 88.500 8 rOom bungalow ............ 18,000 10 room Colonial brick .......48,000 - 10 room house brick ......... 50,000 For sale exclusively by us; sold only by appointment. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. ^ 618 - 4th St. Phone Wll. 1804 LTG41-ltc FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE. SUB8TAN- tial near new, 5 room bungalow; hot water heat; tile bath; heated sleep- ing porch; 50 ft. lot; good west lo- cation near trans.: $8,500. R. M. TOHNSTON & CO. tifl MndMi Ave._______:___Phone Wll 08 L41-ltc WANTED TO HI Vâ€"IIOI Si: WANTEDâ€"WILMETTE OR EVANS- ton, 6 room brick bungalow or house, up to 120.000 cash. Address buyer stating full details and street ad- dress. Send reply to Lake Shore News, J. O. K. .--------*L41-ltp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISH- es day work, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Can furnish references. Phone Douglass 7488, after 8 o'clock. LTG41-tl HELP WABfTEDâ€"MALE WANTEDâ€"HIGH GRADE SPECIALTY salesmen for position on staff of large organisation. Our men work on commission basis, consequently there is no limit placed upon their earning ability. Only a man who can furnish the best of references will be considered. Work will be along the North Shore towns. Ad- dress Lake Shore News, C-83. L41-ltc SITUATION WASTEDâ€"HALE CHAUFFEUR â€" TOUNG MARRIED man living in Wllmette wants posi- tion on north shore; 11 years' ex perlence; 1st class mechanic; high grade cars. Address Lake Shore News C-84. L38-8tp HELP8 WANTEDâ€"MALE o!': FF/IA1.R CLERKS CMEN OR WOMEN). OVER 17. for Postal Mall Service. 8180 a month. Examinations September. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, write J Leonard (former Civil Service examiner) 590 Equitable Bldg.. Washington, D. C. LTG41-8tp FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD <iOODS FOR SALEâ€"SANITARY COUCH AND mattress. library table; mahogany porch furniture. Phone Wll. 710-M. Call evenings. ____________L41-ltp F_jQJR_SAJL4S--------GRAY- ENAMELED^-and breakfast set: 2 brass beds and other furniture. Phone Wll. 988-M. LTG41-ltP FOR RALEâ€"$150 VICTROLA, GOOD AS new. for $90. 322 14th St.. Wilmette. Lll-ltp for s\m:â€"MIM-KI.LAXEOrS WANTED TO HE VI'â€"Fll«\. HOUSE WANTEDâ€"FURNISIID OR TTNFURN- Ished house of seven or nine rooms, from Oct. 1st. to May 1st. A. M. Grain. 925 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wll. 2302. L41-1 tc WANTEDâ€"FURNISHED HOUSE FO'R the month of Sept. or for t,he entire winter from Sent, or Oct. 1st: small family. Phone Wll. 1387. L41 -1 tc WANTED TO RENTâ€"FURNISHED houne for winter; 4 bedrooms: good lo- cation. 724 Forest Ave., Wilmette. LTG41-lte FOR SALE â€" ANTIQUE ORIENTAL r>nn»el's hair rug. 6 .ft. 8 In. by 13 ft $17.r>: navy blue beaded crepe dress, practically brown fur trimmed suit, size 34. Phone Wll. 143S. Public Library Newt BY SUE OSMOTHERLY. LIBRARIAN Library H HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING AT- tachment. works on all sewing ma- chines. $2: personal checks 10c extra. Light's Mail Order House. Rnx 127. Birmingham. Ala. LTG41-6tp WAITED TO REVfâ€"ROOMS WANTEDâ€"2 OR MORE FURNISHED ----rooms with or without hoard;â€"for a family of three. Main 2015. WANTED TO uENT- wlth private bath kitchenette. Phone Wll.-2071. LTG41-ltc Phone Win. 1511 or ,LT41-Hc 2**OR 8 ROOMS and board or ________ FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS â- _______ FOR KENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM IN attractive private home, n. e. loca- tion, for gentleman with good r«>f.s.; $10 p««r wk. Address Lake Shore Nous C91. LTG41-1tc FOR SALEâ€"ATRDALE PUT/PIES; 3 months old: housebroken. Address Alrdale. Lake Shore Publishing Co.. Wilmette - LTQ41-.gtp FOR SALEâ€"MODERN FTRE PROOF safe. 30x45; In splendid condition. First National Rank of Wilmette ______[__________LT041-1t.- FOR SALE â€" WEIL COAL TANK heater, good condition, used onlv one year, $10. Phone Winnetka 1253. LTG41-lte Main Library, 1242 Wilmette ave- nue. Daily, 2 to 5:30 P. M. Wednes- day and Saturday evenings, 7 to v P. M. Branch Library, School Building at 7th and Laurel. Daily, except Satur- day, 2 to 5 P. M. Vacation privileges are extended to any patron: Six books will be issued to anyone for the period between now and September ll . During the summer months when there is no school work to be done the boys and girls have much leisure which may be delightfully occupied by enjoyable reading. The Public Li- brary has books which are suitable to every age and taste of childhood, and any ctuld living in the village may have the use of these books by signing his own name and obtaining the signature of one parent. .Vaca- tion privilege is extended to children the same as to adults. The library is anxious to extend its services to a greater number of Wilmette children and is hoping for the co-operation of the parents. When the children come to the library effort will be made to give them books which they want and ought to have. There follows a list ^jfbooks^ which have been added to the iuvenile section since the first of April. „i Garnett. Muffin shop; Cervantes. Don Quixote: Snedden. Docas; Tis- dale. Three years behind the Runs: Atkinson, Greyfriars Bibby. Hansel GrcteU-Comstock. Tuck-me-tn- stories: Johnston, China; Mempes, India: Jungman. Holland; Cooper, Last of the Mohicans; Maeterlinck. Blue bird for children; McCall. Truth Dexter; Dickens. Charminpr children of Dickens* stories: Yates, More about Hve-dottsr: Kmpslev. Westward- hoi; Brown, Rab and his friends; Jewett, Keorierette » More Bunny stories : Carroll, Reader "on! iHSi: for fourth grade : Heath, Second read- er: Davidson, Blowing away of Mr. Bushy Tail; Carrbll. Alice's adven- tures in Wonderland; Dopp, Later cave men. Early sea people: Blais- dell, Boy Blue and his friends: Per- kins Scotch twins: Grover, Sunbon- net babies* book; Schultz. Quest of the fishâ€"dog skin :#Ames. Under boy scout colors: Quirk, Baby Elton, quar- terback: I.agerlof. Further adven- tures of Nils; Carrington. Boys' book of magic L-BaxrievJPjeier and Wendv; Collodi. Pinocchio: Bannerman. Lit- provided further, that tn^Sjf â„¢_ .vI-iT-j „,.hi„ toot. For the ex- er of tho aforcsa d Mr.^i _*' Section 1 That eectlon 40 = tlon 41 In Chapter IS of the WUmotte Code of ItiT (beta* »e«Uon» IS* and 1J« of aatd Code) a. heretofore. •»«*; ed by Ordinances Moa. lilt and ISM of said Village be and the aame are here- by amended to road as follow.: 1S5â€"Section 40. For aU water eup* piled by the Village, the consumer or water taker shall he «£•**£*•** JO* as follows: For the first 20,000 cubic feet, or part thereof, consumed or tk~ EST In any aeml^nual pe^od, atttto rate of two dollars and thirty cent- ner thousand cubic feet. For the ex cess consumed or token owlMJJ cubic feet up to S7.000 cubic feet, at the rate of two dollars per thousand cubic feet. For the excess consumed or taken over 17.000 cubic feet up to 33,000 cubic feet, at the rate of one dollar and flfty-flve cento Perthous- and cubic feet. For all excess consum- ed or taken over 13,000 cubic feet at the rate of one dollaf and forty five cents per thousand cubic feet. And in any event each and every water taker or consumer shall pay a semi-annual minimum water rate of^«ve dollars, payable semi-annually: Provided that for all water supplied by the village to a consumer or consumers or water ta- kers upon premises situated outside of the limits of the village of Wllmette. said consumer or consumers or water takers shall be charged and pay as follows: For the nrst 10.000 cubic feet or part thereof, consumed or to- ken In any semi-annual period, at the rate of three dollars and seventy fiye cents per thousand cubic feet. For the excess consumed or taken over 10,000 cubic feet up to 17.000 cubic feet at the rate of two dollars and ninety-five cents per thousand cubic feet For the excess consumed or taken over 17,000 cubic feet up to 33,000 cubic feet, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per thousand cubic feet. For all excess consumed or taken over 33.000 cubic .feet at the rate of two dollars and twentv cents per thousand cubic feet And in any event each and every wa- ter taker Or consumer residing outside of the limits of the village of Wilmette shall pay a semi-annual minimum wa- ter rate of seven dollars and fifty cents, payable semi-annually. 136â€"Section 41. RATES â€" HANKER c â€"SUPERINTENDENT ~- BILLSâ€" DISCOUNT - AU water rates or chu. and the first day of NoveSS year for the water consu during the six months prSJi*1 oays respectively. ProvldSi shall be due and navahi. . snail be due and payabuTL* ?®rth,e *n»ulr* aemUanmli t, '*t>ty*j! er of th<» aforesaid stmUi..; lods, he shall bs charg^J V2 advance a minimum ratr0f!J for each month or frnctio«.i a month for the time to SSL' the commencement of th«lS2 annual period. e IP It shall be the duty of th. tendent of public works, or cer appointed by said vlliaa eurpose. to send to all watW Ills for water rates on the 3* foresaid. If paid on or heiw teenth day of the n.onth In *i bills are due and passable, a « Ave per cent shall be allowed on or before the first day of neJ^ w?°.1,owlnf the m°nth i such bills are due and nnvabi* tor will be shut off without % ttee and will not be turned until the arrearages and an sum of two dollars are paid. Section 1. This Ordinance t force from and after its nasi approval and publication asreo law. ~ PASSED by the President and m of Trustees of the Village of Wll. on the 16th day of August I9»i' â„¢ EARL E. ORNSf APPROVED by the PreT&J lage of Wllmette this K'.th day of ust, A. D. 1911. Printed and EDWARD 2IPP President of «L Village of *$ Published AunJ 1911, by authority and by order ol President and Board of Trust*, the Village of Wllmette. EARL E. ORNER, Villa* (J Hi $20: both Lil-ltc WANTED TO IHVâ€"MISCBM.AMF.Ol'S WANTED TO RUT â€" SECOND-HAND furniture and other household (roods Highest^ prices paid for same. Croat Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St RvnnstoTi. Til. Tel. 1 «9. T/rrjia.t fr tie Mack Sambo; Potter. Talc of Ben- Early cave-men: T.ucia. Peter and ianiin Bunny: Wheeler, Boy with the U. S. Inventors: Carpenter, Australia: Perkins. Dutch twins; Paine, Boys' life of Mark Twain. W^'VTRD TO HEVI'â€"GARAGE. WANTED TO RENT â€" A OARAGE near the Library. Phone WH. 2144. , _____________I,41-1tc HELP WA X'l'Rl)â€"PKWAl.R WANTEDâ€"A COMPETENT WHITE maid for general housework: no laundry. Mrs. Collyec. 730-«th St. T'hone Wll. 1423._______________L,41-1te WAVTRD â€" MA TO OR MOTHER'S helper; 2 children; good wages. Rhone Winnetka "i2i-w LTOil-ttc I TiVY HOTTSEHOT^D OOODS AND Clothlnitr of all descriptions. Phom- Evnnston 103 and I will call. N. FflV 1«4 4 Manle Ave. LT017-tfe MI9CELLAME01TS to REFTN'TSHtNO. POLISHING. VARN- Nhin'tt" pianos, talking machines, etc. Sneeial Inducement this month. Pat- terson Pros.. S2S Davis St.. Evans- ton. - I/P".41-fiic PIANOS TUNED, paired: expert. REOTLATED. RE- Phone Win. r.oft-j. LTC3(»-tfc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE Ordinance \«.. 127K I>'VKST1HR\T WTjJATIOjj WA VTRDâ€"PRM \ I.F JUMPER DRESSES: PLAiN SEWING done at reasonable prices. Phone Winnetka 614-W after 7 P. M.. T~ ____________________________T,TQ41-lt«' WANTED â€"WASHING. ROUGH DRIED Or finished. Photie Wilmette ?S0S. L41-lte S PEP CENT FTRST MORTGAGE; DE- homlnatlnn $1.000; lonir or short t"rni. Address Lake Shore \'c\vs C- 92. T.TG41-tte low A\n Ffl^Xn S'i'(»T.EVâ€"FROM S21 FOREST AVE. 1 white evnress lawn chair; reward for information Jeartlnaf to its re- covery. Phone Wll. 954-J. 1^41-1t<; POSTIVE EFFORT Real estate brokers find it easy to accept houses for saleâ€"but it is the broker who makes the effort to sell them that turns the deals. We are offering a 5 room stucco bungalow, glassed sleeping porch, hot water heating, conveniently located, for $8,500.00. An 8 room stucco, east on Elmwood Avenue. ^atconditio»rinside^nd out, lot 50x188, for $15,000.00. â€" ~â€"â€"â€"â€"=^__ Many other desirable homes and some ex- cellent vacant property. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmette Wilmette, Illinois ________ AN ORDINANCE amend Sections 40 and 41 Chapter 12 of the Wilmette Code of 1917 as said sections are heretofore amended by Ordinances Nos. 1219 and 1238 of the Yill&ge of Wilmette. Said sections having: reference to water rates and being- sections 13T. and 136 of said code. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: Food and Service THESE DAYS THEY ARE BOTH IMPORTANT. HERE THE SERVICE IS THE BEST, FOR YOU SERVE YOURSELF â€"AND THE FOOD IS THE BEST THAT ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY COULD BUY â€"ANY- WHERE. Welch's Cafeteria Central Ave. at 11th Street Wilmette, III. Phone 2420 or Does your family enjoy all you can afford of life's pleasures? Is life a hum-drum routine of Work-Sltcp-Eai, or do they have diversified pleasures offered in A FORD CAR We lite but once on earth and life is short at best. Make the most of itâ€"get all the enjoyment possibleâ€"cut out foolish waste, and buy a FORD. It eliminates doctor bills and makes the family happy. Most everyone buys on terms. May ice explain? Phone Evanston 4884. R. D. CUNNINGHAM Exclusive Dealer M. P. LOUEN Sales Mgr. Phone Evanston 4884 81© Church St Rsss

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