1 -mMMmimmmmmmiBili***** . "'*......","WI"1""mMJU" ' m""""......"' THE I<AKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1921 iWNSHIP ROAD WORK IMPORTANT SERVICE (Continued from Fogo 1) oermanent work on mil township .5, a step which ipon may be Ind to be advisable as an economy Cure in view of the constant- increasin* heavy traffic over the iuntry roads. pitch CIâ€"aiag Uoeorway Ditch cTeanhWIi another JmpOTOnt iure of road work in New Trier ivnship This work has been pro- C,i„ff satisfactorily and the end of U working season will find all the â- maize ditches recleaned and in [ape for the winter season of "snow nd rain. , IToo much importance cannot be at- Ued to the patrol work on Town- Lin hiRhways. This# work alone Ikes the greater,portion of the road Inds and is essential to insure havr L the highways in permanent re- Tlie Highway Commissioner this ear struck a good bargain in obtain- ic the use of two automobile trucks, ntcd from the state at $100 each for TlMiaartMtaaJ BmI CUmi* ha?• tlMk Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "madt milk ytur mm mattfUl" Suits 1418 St*vons Building Randolph 3219 17 North Stit.CHICAGO II North Wibath a period of one year. These trucks have been utiliaed in the hauling of gravel and other material and Save served to materially curtail expenses! Iinances in the Highways depart- r^?iith? T*WMS,P government are reported in excellent condition by «SmffiMi0l\er ^ft€r.er. wno i8 of the opinion that, while it is expected road tanel wlU %? ,owered nSt year? g will be possible for the road work to »e carried on as usual. ACES IN FLYING CIRCUS Altitude trials, parachute drops and a spectacular aerial derby, participat- ed in by Eddie Rickenbacher, William J urlow, Edgar Tobin and other famous aviators, will be included in a flying circus to be held during the third annual convention of the Am- erican Legion at Kansas City October 31 to November 2. 35% SAVING ON YOUR FURS Buy Direct From the Manufacturer Wrap§ of Squirrel, Seal, Mink and all the Newest Creations in Furs We Specialty in Remodeling and Repairing GLASS & GLASS 8th Floor, 32 S. Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. EST. 30 YEARS Holland Furnace Company Branches are Permanent During the war, a Tory few of the smaller Holland Branches were tempor- arily closed because of the absence of some of our Experts. But, except for the time of our National Emergency, all Branches have operated continu- ously. The local Holland Branch is in no way separate from the Holland Organisation of Heating Experts, and is permanent in every respect. Holland Furnace Men in this city are your citizens. They are just as much of Winnetka as any other men. If, at any time the subject of permanency is to be debated, let it be understood that Holland Men are placed where they can give Heating Service most, advantageously. And Holland Service is Standard. If, for any reason it becomes necessary for one Holland Man to take up the duties of another, you'll appreciate that such a change dots not injure the service that you depend upon. Necessarily ordinary dealers must go out of business every now and then, and the policy of the old dealer is wiped out by the new. For you, this is a vital way in which the Holland Men differs from the dealer. Holland pol- icies are alike in over 220 Branches, both larger and smaller than the Win- netka Branch, and they are permanent to the fullest extent. Holland Furnace Company Largest Installers of Furnaces in the World Branch office Carlton Building, No. 2 and 3, Prouty Court Telephone Winnetka 1039 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS E. G. BROCHU, Manager North Shore District HOLLAND FURNACES MAKE WARM FRIENDS ^M^^^MM^WM^M^M^^;MM^^ '//////////////, ' . rffofyfivifc REPAIRS You may bring your car here for any needed repair, sure that it will be done well. An expert electrical and ignition man forms a <fepartment in itself. TIRES A full line of tires, all sizes and makes, with the HYD- RO-TORON as a leader, This tire is guaranteed for 10,000 miles against blow- out or rim cut. LOAN SERVICE We have installed a system whereby you may have the use of an OVER- LAND FOUR while your own car is in the shop being repaired or painted. GENERAL ACCESSORIES PAINT AH our accessories, and our stock is a complete one, are of standard grade and price, The list is headed by the wonderful AUTOMATIC STEAM CARBURETOR, a device that simultaneously increases power and speed and decreases gasoline consumption. C^i STORAGE Our storage space is clean and con- venient. When you drive in your fenders are safe, and your car is safe from fire and thieves. A^complete paint shop, as efficient as any in Chicago is here at your service. Re- varnishing, renickeling, or entire repainting jobs are quickly done, done right. BATTERY SERVICE We charge batteries, and loan them. Our charging machine is well watched and the batteries are re- turned to you in the best possible condition. MOTORCARS Roadster, Coupe, Touring and Sedan, small payment down with the balance on easy payments. â€",-----.â€"_^_ MOTOR CARS .Thecar with the sleeve vaiVe motor.â€"Small down with deferred fu- â€"----------WM. T. WEHR3TEDT, Proprietor ------~ SfZ Lincoln Avenue. Tot Winnetka 165 ture payments easily ar- ranged^_______ '• ___ 3 m