F5 CHICAGO PROTESTS "DISCRIMINATION" Held* Closlnf of Beaches and Parks To Crowds From City la Underao. cratic and la Violation of tho Laws of IIHnoli CLAIM ACTION IS UNJUST North Shoro Officials Doclaro Rulo Enforeod This Summor It Design- ed To Protoet Residents Declaring that the policy of keeping "hicago people off the beaches and >ut of the parks in north shore com- munities was undemocratic, discrimi- natory and in violation of the laws )f the nation and of the state of Illi- nois the Chicago City council this week addressed resolutions to the villages of Wilmette and Winnetka constituting a protest against the alleged practice of barring Chicago people from local recreation places. City Clerk, James T. Igoe, of Chica- go, recently directly a certified copy of the resolutions to the Wilmette Village Board for consideration by that body. â- The resolutions refer in particular to the placing of conspicuous signs n north shore villages calling the at- tention of passing motorists to the act that the bathing beaches and >arks were reserved on Sundays for ocal residents. "The heat of this summer is un- precedented." the resolutions state in part, "and motorists travelling through villages and towns outlying the City of Chicago would be afford- ed relaxation by stopping at the beachesâ€"inâ€"saidâ€"villagesâ€"an4â€"towns and taking advantage of the bathing faciKtfes before proceeding on their trips. Un-American Action "Such restrictions," the statement ontinues, "are discriminatory with- out reason, un-American and un- democratic and clearly violate the Constitution of our State........the streets, parks and beaches located within the limits of the City of Chica- ro have no such unjust discrimina- ion. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921 The resolutions direct the City Clerk of the City of Chicago to re- quest the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners of Cook County "to p[?te*},a,,.gu.cn uni«»t and unreason- able discrimination by villages and towns along the north shore.'7 North shore officials in statements made earlier in the summer pointed out clearly that the alleged "discrim- ination" was not in fact discrimina- tion but rather an endeavor to reserve the beaches and parks of the village for local residents who, by reason of the great influx of people from places outside the village had been actually crowded off the beaches and out of the parks by the throngs of pleasure seekers. These picnickers, it was further ex- plained, were not satisfied to confine their activities to the public beaches and parks but were wantonly tres- passing on private properties and leaving in their trail an ugly litter of waste paper and the residue of lunch- eon and beach parties. Aimed At Undesirables The rule established in these vil- lages, it is said was aimed at a certain irresponsible and undesirable ele- ment which, in its picnicking and rec- reation habits, become a menace and nuisance in any locality. CHURCHES NEED MORE PUBLICITY, SAYS PASTOR Boston.â€""Churches need more pub- licity. "People no longer attend churches from a sense of duty; they must be lured away from golf, and they must pay for sermons as other goods are paid for." So says Rev. Dr. Albert C. Diffen- bach, Unitarian minister of Boston, editor of the Christian Register, who -has-sta^rted-a-campaign-f or-improve^ ing sermons, and making churches more popular. He thinks a good hustling advertising agent in churches would make rich returns. "Ministers should study advertising methods," he says. "With them it would be a matter of application, for they have trained and versatile minds." , A Phone Call and 30c Places a three-line ad *•"*â- -*.«! '* -- The Store For Children __ 1160 Wilmette Avenue Telephone Wilmette 311 Wilmette Now Come the Lates Sty lest of Fall. Run Over, Boys and Girls, and Call! The Days of School Will Sweeter Look With Clothes and Things From KIDDIE NOOK ^- â€" Special Sale Muslin Underwear. Evana-McDonald Meet Brituh Golf Pro* Noted Local Golf Stara, to Compete with Duncan anal Mitchell at Bob O'Link Course Bob O'Link Golf club will be the mecca for north shore golf enthusi- asts Thursday, September 1, when George Duncan and Abe Mitchell, cel- brated British professionals will meet in exhibition match, Chick Ev- ans, National Amateur Champion, and Bob McDonald, Metropolitan Golf Champion. Play will be 26 holes match competition. â- I ,. Play in this important event will begin at 10 o'clock and the second round will begin at 2.30 o'clock. Transportation to the Bob O'Link course is given as follows: By train: Chicago and Northwest- ern Railroad or Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Electric Railroad to Highland Park station. Taxis meet all trains. By auto: Sheridan Road to North avenue, Winnetka (end of cement road), turn left to Green Bay Road (first road east of tracks) to Lincoln avenue, south end of Highland Park, turn left. Luncheon is to be served at the club house throughout the day. WATCH UNDERTAKERS Charging that he buried the bodies of two and three soldiers in the same grave and that he charged for her- metically sealed coffin boxes when none were used, the American Legion of New York City recently caused the arrest of William A. Skahill-, a Man- hattan undertaker. The Legion an- nounced his arrest as the opening of a-crttsaxJe^a^alinTOnTSCllipulous under- takers. _,___________ T* New FEDERAL ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES"^- Sold on Monthly Payments Five Dollar Down C These machines- equipped with swing- ing wringers â€"Take over the biggest job in the house and do it better than human hands. C They charge as wages 5 cents a week for electricity consumed. Demonstrated atâ€"- â€" Our Sales Room Public Service Co. of Northern Ills. We are moving into our new and comodious banking room 1148 Central Ave. where in a few days we shall be pleased to have you inspect a NATIONAL bank with modern service and complete equipment. firs! National Bank â€"â€"gsssOrWiLMETTE â€"» TftejkomeafSayirigs'Deposifors Member of Federal Reserve Bank r CLEAN OUT ATTIC WITH A "FOR SALE" AD qUMtf What You Want, When You Want It The Way You Want it Goal, Solvay Coke, Ice, Feed, Fertilizer, Lawn Seed, Building Material Torpedo Sand, Bank Sand Lake Sand, Gravel, Crushed Limestone, Ground Limestone, Limestone Screenings and Portland Cement (cmsumers (ompany ^B*.*/ Fred W. Ufiiam, Presidtnt ^sasS^ Jft W North Shore Branch lOlflfChurch Street, Evanston W. E. BARBOUR, District Sale. Manager TELEPHONE ***g$g&* 3Mt Clencoe 75 Wilmette 3800 Ice Mot Delivered North of Evantton R. W. BARTELMANN CO^ ___ â- |FOR| Frame*. Sash, Door* and Interior Finish Near North and ClybpurnTSves. tone Lincoln 7012-3 m VERY BEST SIRLOIN STEAK â- 2 Big Stores 1S59 Sherman Ave. Cash Meat Market EVANSTON, ILL. 1526 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Evanston 2720 2 Big Stores WE DRESS OUR OWN CHICKENS, AND DO NOT HANDLE COLD STORAGE POULTRY. IT 3*V»c lb. SWIFTS PREMIUM BACON, Whole Strip FANCY FRESH DRESSED BOILING CHICKENS ............ .............2SV2c lb. MILLER AND HART BACON, By Strip ................. ........ ... &/** lb. HIND QUARTER SPRING LAMB SUGAR CURED BEEF TONGUES ......................•.....-.......\............. 33*/2e lb. FANCY CALFS SWEETBREADS ..........tttttztttttt^TTT.'^7..^7....7............ 56c lb. VERY BEST PORTERHOUSE STEAK .... . :v.T777. 77; .7.. .7/7^... -i7777I~...... 50c lb. DIXIE BACON............................. ."777................^^nmmwT. lt%c lb. STRICTLY FRESH DRESSED BROILERS. VERY BEST POT RQ«^ VERY BEST PEACOCK BRAND HAMS PEACOCK RIB BACON ... .7T77777777. mmâ€"mmâ€"m* 35Vfcc ab.