THE LAKE SH<5rE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, KSl SHORE Established 1912 with which Is combined THE WILNETTE LOCAL NEWS Established 189S ISSUED EACH FRIDAY OF by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave.. Wilmette. III. Telephone .Wilmette 1920 SUBSCRIPTION. .S2.00 A YEAR ac AH communications must be _- companied by the name and address or Krateful shade, the writer. Articles for publication k^*"^"1 »"•««• snould reach this office by Wednesda> afternoon to Insure appearance Ik •--I-rent issue. ..evolutions 'of condolence, cards ot *««anks. obituary poetry, notices ov wutertainments or other affairs whei•*n admittance charge will be made 01 t% collection taken, will be charged foi dt regular advertising rates. Entered at the postofflce at Wilmette, Illinois, as mail matter of the second class, under the act of March 2, 1878, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1921 Industrial Progress Some social reformers are convinc- ed that modern industrial progress is largely ficticious. They look at the crowded slums in cities, and say that people are not so well off in these conditions as they were back 50 years ago when most folks lived in small towns and were employed in little workshops or earned their living at farming. Yet the people who live In "these slums seem to think they are better off than they would be in better con- ditions.â€"Countless efforts 4iave been made to get these slum dwellers to move out into wholesome country towns. But usually they do not want to go. They Jike the life of the crowd, and would rather put up with some discomforts there than go else- where. Modern industrial progress can not as a rule be blamed for slum condi- tions. The majority of the people living in extreme poverty, are doing so from_th_eir_..own choice or fault. Many aYe immigrants, who do not know the language and who persist in settling in the big cities, rather than go out into the country. Some are the victims of their own vices and imprudence or laziness. Many of them have such large families that they can not possibly support- them all in comfortable homes. They are entitled to credit for their courage in raising their big broods, but it was their own deliberate act and was not caused by the industrial system. The majority of factory workers the have far more in the way of com- forts and advantages than the people of 50 years ago had when the in- dustrial system was in its infancy. The community should do every- thing it can to improve congested kept cleaned up. Everything possible clined to do so. should be done to persuade parents to keep their" children in school, so that they shall have more favorable opportunities for development. Shade Trees Students of chemistry will tefTyou that shade trees remove impurities in the air, and the civic improvement folks will show you how their beauty â- makes a town more attractive. Even then they have not told you all of the benefits that accure to a tree planted city. It is astonishing what a change there will be in the temperature and feeling when you come out from sun baked territory, and enter-some town where years ago people planted shade trees liberally. On a hot day there would frequently seem to he ten de- grees of difference in temperature. A life giving breath of cooler air sur- rounds you on coming under these restful trees, and you honor the memory of the men who created the EXPECT $500,000 IN ILLINOIS AUTO FEES State Investigators Authorised by Last General Assembly Said to Be Effectively Enforcing Motor Laws An unshaded street on a hot day does not seem like a home street. It appears like a desert place where man was not meant by nature to dwell. But enterprising people effect a wonder- ful transformation in such a place by planting shade trees. Even in a few years quick growing varieties pro- duce quite a little foliage. In some towns people seem to have no conception of the value of shade. 'If an old tree was so planted that it grows into the sidewalk a little and slightly obstructs passing, some modern "improvers" will rip out the ancient landmark. They can cut down in an hour what it took 50 years to grow. In more intelligent communities they frequently leave a fine tree right in the middle of the walk, even though pedestrians do have to turn /out for it. Anyone who appreciates the beauty and comfort given by a tree is willing enough to do this de- ference to its dignity. -Some Jolks^argue that it will be 15 or 20 years before newly planted trees amount to much, and they think they may be^dead~them But people~wfid can not plan ahead that length of time do not deserve the comforts of life. Anyway a tree planted place keeps growing in value every year the little trees climb up. $1,500 REWARD Willful and malicious cutting . of telephone cables will be a precarious occupation in the future, according to an announcement made by the Illinois Bell Telephone Company this week in ^which the corporation offers a $1,500 reward to any person for the "ajprest and conviction of any person or per- sons guilty of willfully and malicious- ly cutting this company's- cables." This offer, it is explained, will remain in effect only until February, 1922. In- formation in this regard is to be tele- phoned to the company by calling Official 9300, extension 863. .Frequent instances of malicious cable cutting in the past several weeks led telephone officials to issue the reward notice, it is said. FORGOTTEN FIGHTERS Alleged failure of the Federal Board for Vocational Education to provide equipment for the summer camp it established on Fire Island, N. Y., for disabled service men will be gone into at the state convention of the Amer- ican Legion at Jamestown. N. Y., in :I in „„,„,„, ,lll,v.lI September The Legion charges that _â€"-j- .__.. n . . tbtrihsaWed men -virtually, would have Landlords should not^e been abandoned had not the state provided tents and cooking utensils districts permitted to maintain unsanitary con- r , , t ................._ ditions, streets and yards should be after the War Department had de- Advertise In Your Home Paper Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician 1150 Wilmette Are. RESIDENCE PHONE 537 Our Fall Suits and Dresses â- are here, better looking and much lower in price than l^NIQUE STYLJ^SI B. Coplaa, Proprietor e* 112S Central A 1 Wilmette Phone WO. 2403 I I I One of the main re- quisites of safe storage is positive safety from fire. Goods are always safe here. Reports of the work done by the automobile investigators during the month and a half since they were ap- pointed under the new law passed by the last Illinois General Assembly, in- dicate that nearly half a million dol- lars in license fees which has been escaping in the past will be brought into the State treasury through this agencyT In every community visited by the investigators up to this time, according to the Automobile depart- ment of the Secretary of State, Louis L. Emerson's omce.-the number of ap- plications for chauffeurs* licenses has increased 100 per cent and there has been a large increase also in the ap- plications for duplicate plates where license plates have been lost and for additional license plates where one owner operates more than one car. When the new law was passed, giv- ing Secretary of State Emerson power to appoint investigators with author- ity to make arrests for the violation of automobile laws, it was estimated that collections from automobile and chauffeur licenses would be increased by thjs means to the extent of $250,000. Indications now are, it is claimed, that this figure will be greatly-exceed- ed. The State good roads law will benefit, as a result, for all money collected from this source goes di- rectly into this fund. Find Chauffeurs Lax Investigators are finding, it is said, that the law relative to chauffeurs licensee Jiasbeen^jer^JaxJ^-obserxe^tL in practically every community in the state. Under the law no boy under 18 years ot age is^ perfflifted^to^drive a car or truck for hire, and every person who drives a car or truck for hire or compensation of any kinds must have a chauffeur's license. This applies to the delivery boy, to the clerk in the store who occasionally drives the de- livery truck, or to the taxi driver, the service car driver, and to all truck drivers who operate for hire. "Another provision of the automo- bile laws which is not fully observed," Walter W. Miller of the automobile department said, "is the section relat- ive to the use of dealers' licenses. These licenses are issued for the con- venience of automobile dealers, and can legally be used only on cars of- Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Lswns Grading Lawn Fertilizer Sand and Gravel Cinders Buildmg Material We Build Drivswsy. FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE 733W.Railrosd|Ave. Phone Wil. 53 fered for sale or for <te^i*"tlon purpose. A great many dealers.n- iestigators find, are using leaders licenses on service cars and cars jet out for hire. This is clearly a viota- tion of the law. Cars used in this way must have individual license P * CS* Get After Drivers "The investigators also are after drivers who have but one license plate oh their cars. Some persons who own two cars have avoided buying two sets of plates by using one plate on each car. The law requires a license plate both on the front and on the rear of every car, and if one of the plates is lost, application for a dup- licate must be made at once to the Secretary of State." MAIDS AND HOUSEMEN USE "CLASSIFIED ADS" ANNOUNCE EARLY OPEND* OF SPECIAL GIRLS- The Holy Child High School Oaks", 988 North Sheri*ui i Waukegan, will open fall ±j September 12, according to scho ficials. The buildings on the estate it* ing remodeled to render them 2 for school purposes. The locart ideal and the magnificent ground?1 well adapted for all school snort?* Day pupils and a limited numL„i weekly boarders will be recri^ This High School for girUwShI under the care of the Sisters of, Holy Child Jesus who also cc such a school at 6585 Sheridan Chicago. WOULD YOU SPEND 30c TO GET A GOOD BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE • WILMETTE 2 APARTMENT HOUSEâ€"5 rooms each-. Hardwood floors, very good condition. Cor. lot 50x120. 2 blocks from steam and electric Possession immediately. Must sell at once. , $3250.00 for Equity. Cash or Terms. Address " Owner*' c/o Lake Shore News !.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I FALL HATS and CAPS Are Now Coming Fast. Every Style BURNS TOGGERTF Right Across From The Nortl >♦•* Our Expert Milliners Are making hats to your order, as well as remodeling and rebuilding of your old frames and shapes Flintier and Flinker 9 The Store of Personal Service MILLINERY and DRYGOODS 1217 Wilmette Ave. Just west of the tracks Phone WiL 2271 v//////////////////^^^^ , <////////////////////y////////y////////^^^ â- Holland Furnace Company Branches are Permanentâ€" ZL The users of the^Holland Furnace with their whole-hearted appreciation and praise, deserve most credit for the continued increase of Holland Sales. This mouth to mouth comment is significant of Holland value as well as highly pleasing. v Nearly everyone talks about the Holland. The talking that competitors do might be called "knocking", at tunes, but thai too, for we know that if we were to knock a competing product, it would be taken as a sure sign that we recognized it to be superior to our own. How clearly a salesman shows bis weakness and fear of competition when he knocks! How plainly he points to the furnace he knocks as the furnace he fears and wishes he was selling! Yes, we feel that the Holland is a recognized leader. We enjoy all that is being said about the Holland Warm Air Circulating System, ourselves, and urge you to give careful attention to whatever you may learn by word of mouth, no matter who should do the speaking. Well gladly leave it to your sense of fairness to be judge. _______. . Whenever we can be of service, or should you wish information without being obligated in the least, call phone number, Winnetka 1030. Holland Furnace Company Largest Installers of Furnaces in the World Branch office Carlton Building, No. 2 and 3, Prouty Court Winnetka 1030 E. G. BROCHU, Manager North Shore District WINNETKA, ILLINOIS r*^ jnwnrv a HOLLAND FURNACES MAKE WARM FRIENDS 3£ io*v?3rf HiliUfliMifi