i nil in h.mimmmmmmm* THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAV, AUGUST. 26, 1921 JbciaJ Happemi\dj £ by RufKRuley **, N INTERESTING WEDDING that will take place Satur- day, September 3, is that of Miss Harriette Reich maun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reichmann, and Mr. Malsby Forrest, son of Mr. ana" Mrs. Forrest of Highland 'Miss Reichmann has chosen for her matron of honor Mrs. Iliam McCoo of Toronto, Canada. The bridesmaids will be the tiges Dorothy and Emily Foresman of Kenilworth. Louise San- fo of Chicago, Margaret Bunnel and Jean Forrest of Highland rk. Little Eleanor Berger is to be the flower girl. William ichmann, brother of the bride, will serve as best man and the iers will include William C. Cregier, Burton Gray Stubbs, Ro- » Melville Cobbs, William C. Lauderback, and Lyman H. Barr, lof Highland Park. After a two weeks' honeymoon the couple will make their home St. Louis, Mo. __ ' ;. There will be dinner and Bridge at the North Shore Golf club Satur- day evening. August 27. Dinner is served at 7 o'clock and Bridge will commence at 8:30 o'clock. On Wed P* Watkins, Jr., surprised many his friends in Wilmette by going Denver and returning with a xming young bride. The wedding k place at the home of the bride's ents, Mr. and Mrs. Braukman of- nesday, August 31, there will be for." The ceremony was perform- luncheon at 1 o'clock and cards at by the Rev. J. W. Bailey, president 2.30 o'clock. the Colorado Woman's college and yarm personal friend of the family. e bride is a talented young woman, rraduate of the Colorado Woman's lege, and leaves many warm â- nds in Denver. The groom is a ,'hly respected young man of Wil- tte gaining his education at Dako- Wesleyan university and at pres- t is employed as Wisconsin sales- iI1_forthe Bankers' Supply Com- n7~oTnChlc^O"^nid^l5enver; Xfc ung couple will spend a few days Mr. and Mrs. Bentley McCloud re- cently took a motor trip through Gla- cier Park with Mr. Hannah and daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, Con- stance, and Miss Jane Ridgway. â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dement and daughter, Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Joslin and sons, Robert and Richard, returned Wednesday from frourtaker-Wis^- â€"♦â€" jth their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. ; Wafskins, Sr., 1322 Greenwood ave- |e, before continuing their honey- son on a camping trip in sorthern [ichigan. Mrs. Mary A. Jones spent last eek-end at the home of "her brother, E. Ambrose and family, 1222 Central renue, enroute to her home hr West- ville, Ohio, from Riverside, Colo., lere she spent the winter. She was [companied by her granddaughter, [iss Mary May Jones of Riversider io will enter Otterbein University Westerville. JMiss LaBerne Ambrose, 1222 Cen- [al avenue, and Miss Helene Pheles, 14 Central avenue, left Tuesday [ornint? to spend their vacations at ake Geneva as delegates from the /estminster Guild of the Wilmette fresbyterian church. They will re- lrn next Tuesday. â€"♦â€" Mr. Gilbert Osgood, son of Mr. and Irs. Roy Osgood, and Norman Mil- ;r, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos C. Miller, formerly of Kenilworth, now |f Evanston, are enjoying a camping rip through Estes Park. They have leen working with Government sur- (eyors and helped to make the Estes ^ark trail, a new Government trail |hrough the park. Miss Dorothy Bennett, Miss Clara luThBennett and Mrs. Inslee Adrian Jennett gave a tea party Friday af- ternoon in honor of Miss Elizabeth [lotz whose marriage to Mr. Robert lennett will take place September 1. â€"♦â€" Miss Margaret Taylor, daughter of lfr._.and Mrs. Henry Taylor, left Thursday for Green Lake, Wis., to >e with Mr. and Mrs. David Evans, formerly of Kenilworth, now of Ev- inston. Mrs. Hugh Foresman and daugh- ter, Dorothy, returned Monday af- ter spending the week-end with Pat- ty Foresman at Waukazoo, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bew of At- lantic City are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter, Saturday list. Mrs. Cortland Ames of New Ro- chelle, New York, who has been the guest of Mrs. George Keehn, left last Miss Eloise Bcdlan, 711 Washing- ton avenue, has returned from an ex- tended Chautauqua tour in the east, and will resume her teaching the third week in September. Mrs. Stanley K. Gage. 1428 Sheridan road, entertained the Command club at her home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Lacklin Maclean gave a kitch- en shower Tuesday in honor of Miss Harriette Reichmann. Miss Joy Scheidenhelm was a din- ner hostess on Friday, evening. Mrs. Karl Korrady spent last week at Geneva, 111. Mrs. Edwin Hedric returned Thurs- day from Ghost Lake, Wis. Mrs. Charles Baird of Akron, Ohio, is the guest of Mrs. J. V. Rath bone. Mr. Richmond Kenyon spent last week-end at South Haven, Mich. .Mr. Roy Osgood is in the east this week on a business trip. A New Missouri Version. Charity may cover a multitude of sins, bat cariosity uncovers a lot more.â€"Warrensburg Stn r-Journal. TTTTm FREE RING-WEDDING GRATIS Following the announcement" of the Rev. John W. Inzer, Baptist minister of Chattanooga, Tenn., that he would marry free of charge alt service men attending the third annual convention of the American Legion at Kansas, City this fall, provided they furnish the bride, a Kansas City jeweler has announced that he will furnish wed- ding rings for the couples, "even if there are 1,000 of them.** ILLINOIS FIRST TELEPHONE The first telephone in Illinois was installed in Chicago in 1877, a year af- ter Alexander Graham Bell exhibited his model at the Centennial Exposi- tion. There are over 590,000 tele- phones in service in Chicago today. Canary's Voice Big for else. A man** vole* could bo beard 809 â- riles away If It had the same carry* tag power to proportion to his weight as that off a canary. Th« Smartest md â- *•* Jp- Sport andWeek End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP "mmit with »••» mm maHrial" Suite 1418 St-vens Building Randolph 321S N*rth 3ULCHKAG0 UN~.bW.fc.th FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Otrington Aw., Evanston &&â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- 35% SAVING ON TOUR FURS Buy Direct From the Manufacturer Wrap* of Squirrel, Seal, Mink and aii the Newest Creation* in furs We Specialize'^ Remodeling mi Repairing GLASS & GLASS 8th Floor, 38 S. Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. EST. 30 YEARS m â- â- â- WHAT DO YOU KNOW About business procedure? Do you under- stand assets, liabilities, gains, losses, billing, Stenography, typewriting, secretarial work? The business world is searching for young men and women who understand these things. Every year a great many date their success to the special training obtained here. Begin Sept. 1. Day and evening. EVANSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE W. H. Callow, Propr. 634 Davis Street IOBTO1 Mr. Bruce Hulbert. son of Mr. and |Mr<. Roy Hulbert, returned Saturday Ifrom Camp Minocqua where he has |been for the past ten weeks. Mrs. Edward D. Lilienfield left Wednesday for Portland, Me. After a visit there she will motor to New York City and wil1 remain there for [a time before returning home. The Misses Alice Kins. Ruth Shell- rnan and Florence Branson returned this week from a vacation spent at Hil! Camp Lake, "Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starret return- ed home after a week's sojourn at ^gte~RiveTr Wis. Mr. Charles Chandler and son Ho- ratio left Saturday for Woodruff, Wis., to be gone for three weeks. â€"•â€". The Evening Bridge cjub met Sat- urday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dement. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blymeyer and son. _ ed Tuesday from a three weeks' ca- noeing trip at Mercer, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie and Dr and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, Jr„ returned Sunday after a motor trip to Green Bay, Wis. ' | - Mrs. Louis Clark was a luncheon i'»tess at Exmoor Country club Fri- day last in honor-of Mrs.-Wendell Clark. Mrs. Alexander 'Rcichmaun ga*e * •am" shower on Saturday in honor °f Miss Dorothy Taylor who will be married September 10L------------------= Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ball and chjl- ~ visiting in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Frederick White entertained at dinner Wednesday evening m hon- or of Mrs. Mable Parsons of Holly- wood, Cal. , â€"♦_ Mrs. Charles Ware was a luncheon hostess at Indian Hill Friday last, in honor of Miss Harriette Reich- mann. »\0 . Miss Louisa Sanborn gave a dinner party Thursday evening for Miss Harriette Reichmann and Mr. Malsby Forrest. â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. John V. Rathbone gave a supper party Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. Mable Parsons of Hollywood, Cal. . â€"*â€" S. P. Watkins, Sr.. of 1329 Green- wood avenue, left this morning for Mitchell. S. D. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. M. Anderson, 809 Lake avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, on Friday, August 19. Karl D. King, 614 Greenwood ave- nue, and son Karl, Jr.. are vacationing at Lake Temagmi. Canada. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kunkle left Sunday for Canada to be gone six weeks. Robert Osgood left Saturday for the New Trier Camp in northern Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hulbert enter- nd Mr. George Hannah return- tained at bridge on Thursday even- mg. Miss Harriette Ridgway entertained at bridge on Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Glen Codding. â€"*â€" Miss Helen Sears has returned to her home after undergoing an oper- ation at St.-Luke's hospital. ♦ - Mrs. .?. B. Olwin left Wednesday for northern Wisconsin io spend tf week-end. Mr. Leon Ballen spent part of last week in Minneapolis. Mr. W. Irving Woodward left Wed- nesday to spend a week in Detroit, Ifirh. ister-Wbrthen Co. frirriitfiriiMriitititirifiiiritiiMiMMiiMiMMMirifiMiitiMiiiiiiiiittiiiiiifMiiiiifiiiiiiuiiMiiiMiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiriii.......iiiiJiiiiMiitMitirin......iiiiiiiiiiMiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitMit.....iiiiiMiiitiiiiiiMiiiiiiMtiitiiiiiiiutiiiMiiiu........iitiiuifiiiniiii All of the Hosiery in this sale measures up to our usual standard of quality. All thor- oughly high grade. No imperfections. A SALE OF HOSIERY Beginning tomorrow we will place on sale large quantities of Children's fjjj Infant's Hosiery at an cpliniiBlly low prices. This is a special event which we have planned for a long lime. The assortments are made op of special groups that we have been able to purchase at marked advantages throughout the season. Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hosiery is included. Serviceable Hosiery for every-day wear, for dress, for school. The savings are of such importance that you can afford to buy in quantities. o Children's hose, fine ribbed medium m g^ weight cotton, black only, hose that J tl£ sold up to 35c; for this sale........* ^ *" Boy's "Rawhide" hose, Poney brand, «r) m heavv ribbed, made for rough wear, -C â- %£ black only, sold up to 50c ;f or this sale W^^ Children's sox plain white or colored j* j* tops including mercerized lisle that /*%£ ^~ia „^w *^ ^JV • for thU sale......Mmlr%* sold up to 50c; for this sale Reductions on all Children's Children's extra quality, fine ribbed cotton hose, the celebrated "Poney" brand, medium weight, colors black, white and cor- r|r) dovan brown, full range of sizes, % «_â- > sold at 40c and 45c; for this sale.... «*«**» One lot of girl's extra fine ribbed, mercerized lisle hoseâ€"dressy hose that will give the ^wcarâ€"colors-bktckrwhtte or brown, Aftfâ€" sizes only from 5 34 to 8, sold up to X~W* 60c; for this sale NOTICEâ€"We w3! carry a full li early and avoid the first day's line of School Books and School Sunplks. Buy MiiiiiimimiiHiiitiMiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiinii e McAllister-Worthen Co. 1148 Wilmette Ave. WILMETTE