THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST % 1921 â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- 9 â- â- â- â- â- • News of the North Shore Golf Clubs b* *-"" ***»""" CADDIES from the Chicago District Golf association will be entertained at the Evanston Golf Club Monday, August 29, This organization, which includes most of the North Shore clubs, is to be congratulated on this step. Many of the best known professional and amateur golf players in this and other countries started in as caddies. As caddies the young boys are enabled to study faults and good points of the players with whom they come in contact. Golf has long threatened to become a rival of baseball for the title of "National Game". An organization which encour- ages future stars, and gives them a chance to prove their worth and develop confidence, is truly doing a great service not only to the sport but to the boys themselves. lie fair with your caddy, he will learn, if he hasn't already, and some day he will be able to show you up. The Illinois State Tennis Cham- Sionships are being held this week at kokie. A large field of cup aspir- ants, thirty some in number, played first round matches. There were no surprising upsets in the first rounds of play. Several local players stayed in the running.â€"Jerry Webber, Walter Hayes, and Preston Boyden (Winrict- ka) are among the favorites. Bar- ring rain the playing will be finished by Saturday afternoon. Skokie is not scheduling any golf features for the week on account <>t the tennis tournament. Last week the second round of the club cham- pionship was the feature, with but one match being of the close variety. K. D. Steerc eliminated Walter Paep- cke on the home green. H. R. Walter defeated C. B. Field, 5 to 4; G, F. Sib- ley defeated H. B. Williams, 3 to 2; S. L. Williams, Jr., defeated H. Meyer, 6 to 5. v The Woman's Western Golf Cham- fu'onship jaX_WeJtinoxeland is octfupy^ ng the middle ring this week. Rain marred the opening play of the qual- ifying round but the course is in fine •hape for the remaining matches. Mrs. Mel vin Jones of the- Olympia Fiel.ds club won the gold medal for low qual- fying score with a card of 89. Among the qualifycrs were a score of women from local clubs, several of whom are conceded a good chance to gain custody of the trophy. To assure the finishing of the wo- men's tournament, there will be no club program. Last Saturday was Nichols day, "R. J." winning the Fel- lowship cup and first prize in the ifying round, but the course is in fine sweepstakes with 84-^8--70, and also defeating J. F. Welter, 2 and 1, in the first round of the club championship tournament. In the blind bogey. A. K. Rodgers. %â€"10â€"86, and R. G. Mc- Kay, 104â€"18â€"86, tied. T. C. Mould- ing, with 88â€"10â€"78. won second prize in the sweepstakes. J. D. W. Archer advanced one notch further toward a third win in the club title contest by a margin of 2 and 1 over J. X\ Reynolds. The Silver Tassv! tournament is before the eyes of all North Shore Golf club members. An enjoyable so- cial time and some first rate golf filled the two days. Unanimous thanks are to lie voted to Alec Brown. the father of the Silver Tassel. The third round of the President's trophy is scheduled for Saturday, along with the Frank J. Seng trophy. Winnetka Playfield Association an- nounces the first round if the Martin challenge cup for Saturday. Sixteen qualified for this event last week and there are eight to be eliminated in this round. The final round of the. August class tournament will be played in ESS^ESBSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSS Saturday or Sunday. The September tournament wll start next week. Indian Hill staged a novel event for women on Wednesday. A nine hole event for women, to be won by the fair player whose card contained the greatest number of sixes, was on the program for the afternoon. Next Wednesday there will be a match play against par for women. Saturday, a handicap medal play, eighteen holes, for men is carded. Last week J. C. Harding, H. V. O'Brien and G. H. Les- lie finished 1, 2 and 4 down, respec- tively, in the par event. Club Championship finals will be played at Bob-O'-Link this week. The Sualifying round of the Lucian M. Wil- ams trophy event also is to be play- ed. Sixteen will qualify, with prizes for the contestants finishing first, second, tenth, or twenty-first in the Qualifying round. Last week in the handicap, C. P. Williams won low gross with 78. and C. E. Karstron was second with 90. J. H. Rumbaugh and C. L. Harder tied for low net with 74. In the ball sweepstakes in Class "A" and "B" the following placed in the re- spective order: C. F. Williams, 72; J. H. Rumbaugh, 74: A. V. Konsberg,76; R. Wolfe, 76: and C. E. Karstron,77. A Phone Call and 30c Places a three-line ad â- â- • â- â- 9/l^DISCOUNT glVTO °* •» <â- * " 70 framing during August Gairing's 1613 Orrington Av. Evanston, flj â- â- â- â- â- â- I WESTERN UNDERTAKING^ ___-_= 0. J. 3ATTLKK, Prm: _____ The unmistakable mark of distinction to be found in funerals conducted by us is a Guarantee of the Higher Character of our SERVICE. CASKETS ma LOW as $38. No charge for distance == H. F. UNSER 1022 Davit St. manager th&uu E?tnitw Evanston, HI. t* Wilmette 2N %&%* UOYBURfJ 1 I IIS Davis S».. F*.nst.n I W MATINEES t and 4 Evnini 7 and 9 Saturday August 2? BUCK JONES in "Get Your Man" Path* New* Rolin Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday Tuesday August 29 August 30 {CATHERINE MacDONALD in "Stranger Than Fiction" •»t 31 BEBE DANIELS in "The March Hare" Thursday Friday September 1 September 2 PAULINE STARKE in "Salvation NejP Saturday September 3 BRYANT WASHBURN in "The Road to London Automaticâ€"Cleanâ€"Odorlessâ€"Practic- allyâ€" Noiselessâ€"Efficientâ€"Unvaring! To those thousands of harried home-owners who are chained each winter to the nuisance and annoyance of "tending" coal burning heating plants, this newest and most efficient oil burning appliance comes as a gift of gold. Controlled from the living room by a thermostat KLEEN-HKKT RE- QUIRKS NO ATTENTION whateverâ€"IT PERFORMS AUTOMATICALLY from season to season radiating a constant flow of CLEAN HEAT at any temperature you desire. It is quickly and simply installed in any home heat- ing plantâ€"eliminating entirely the many objectionable disadvantages of coal fuel. Consider the manifold conveniences of 'no labor"â€"no coalâ€"no ashesâ€"no dirt"â€"then ask us to tell you in greater detail of the things that KLEFN- HEET can do for YOU. TIME FLIESâ€"WINTER IS COMING Write or phone TODAY for the full story of KLEEN-HEETâ€" its use installation and convenience. We will have our engineer inspect your heating .plant iromâ€"a-sundpoint of its adaptability to KLEEN-HEETâ€"without obligation._____________â- -â- â- - COMING POLA NEGRI in "Gypsy Blood" DOROTHY PHILLIPS in "Man, Woman _____aâ€"J Marriage" Small Cash Paymentâ€"Balance in convenient terms if desired. Winslow Boiler & Engineering Company 65 East Van Buren Street Phone: Harrison 5853------ WM CHICAGO, ILLINOIS â- i