THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1921 fiawciiios lings J Miss Jane Greiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Creiner, 631 Lake ave- nue, left Saturday for Terre Haute, Ind.. to visit her' grandparents for two weeks. Mrs. George Springer. 724 Forest avenue, returned Thursday after spending the summer at Crystal Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart. 206 ! Cumberland avenue. Kenilworth, left .Tuesday for Boston to be gone about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Brophy, for- merly of Kenilworth. now of Lake Forest, left Saturday last for Xew York and sailed on Monday for a two months' trip abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Roth, and sons of 1124 Forest avenue, have returned from Glacier Park where they spent their vacation. \ Mrs. George Arns and Miss Ruth Ohlendorf entertained at Bunco and MrsTVincent Taylor. 1UT Maple avenue, Evanston. gave a "notion shower Thursday last in honor of Miss Dorothy Taylor. % Mrs. Cleveland Norse. 7210 Paulina street, Chicago, entertained ai: Bndpe Wednesdav in honor of Mrs. \\ endeil ^Clark. â- .... . Winifred Townsend, violinist, and Marguerite Fitzgerald, pianist, an- nounce that commencing with Sep- tember 7. they will be at their \\ il- mette studio on- Wednesday after- noons and Saturday mornings. ' „ »•_„ p,.!,^.â€"frnr dancing at the latter*s home Saturday Mrs. Henry Riggs_ Rathbone, 312 . . f . { xf. charlotte Sheridan road, Kenilworth, gave a tea at her home Tuesday in honor of Miss Harriette Reichmann. Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopkins. 904 Michigan avenue, gave a dinner Wed- nesday last in honor of Miss Dorothy Taylor and Mr. Walter B. Gerould. Miss Elizabeth Hannah was a dinner hostess Tuesday evening at the Chw cago Yacht club. The North End Circle oithe Con- gregational church held its monthly meeting with Mrs. Charles Eldridge of Lake avenue. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Lynn of St. Louis, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Willis, 322 Warwick road, Kenilworth, left Tuesday night for St. Louis. Miss Helen Pancoast, 1301 Green- wood avenue, gave a Bridge party Wednesday afternoon for twenty girl friends. Mrs. George Jones, 318 Oxford road, has as her gueit Mrs. Archibald Wil- m-tbe-Hnd^on. New York. â- , Mrs. Oliver Barrett. 623 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. arrived home Thursday after four months abroad. Miss Dorothy Taylor, 431 Essex road. Kenilworth, gave a handkerchief â€"s.UoAver Monday evening in" honor of . Miss Hariette Reichmann. Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. George Jones. 318 Oxford road. Kenilworth. gave a tea in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Hastings of Hastings-on- the-Hudson; New York night in honor of Miss Charlotte Wittenberg whose engagement to Frank Kutten was recently announced and Miss Marie Spreyer of Louisville. Kentucky. Miss Sfaruraret Korrady. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Korrady. spent a few -days last week at Lakeside. Mich. --------- Miss Catherine Slater is the guest of Miss Ruth Woodward. 537 Abbotts* ford road, Kenilworth. Mr. James Paterson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Paterson, 925 Chestnut avenue, returned home Saturday af- ter spending the summer in Canada. Mrs. Harold White. 631 Central ave- nue, was a luncheon hostess Wednes- day lasf. Mrs. William Maynard, 731 Cen- tral... avenue, entertained at Bridgeport Friday. â- â- •â- • Mrs. Clark Parsons of Hollywood. Cal.. is the guest of Mrs. C. C. Car- nahan. 700 Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson and family of 811 Ashland avenue, return- ed this week from Watersmeet, Wis. One of the feature Labor Day events at the North Shore Golf club will be a Card party at the club house at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone of Kenilworth gave a tea Tuesday af- ternoon for Miss Harriet Reichmann and Miss Dorothy Taylor, both of Kenilworth. who will be September brides. On Monday, evening last the Camp Fire Girls left for South Haven, Mjch.. with Miss Ford as chaperoned The group included the Misses Ana Mar- garet Kennedy, Phyllis Ruff, Tressa Backus, Emily Durj^m^JErajicgsl Ol- s^rrr^^Ty^ouise^Owen, Estell Far^ ley, Bernice Bully a,nd Mary Harlan. Miss Virginia Little, 517 Essex road. Kenilworth, entertained at Bridge Monday last in honor of Miss Dorothy Taylor and Miss Harriette Reich- mann. Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers. 711 Lake avenue, have returned from a trip through Yellowstone and Glacier Parks. Mr. and Mrs. George Bird and daughter Henrietta, 1010 Chestnut avenue+_haiLC_^rje.tuuied home from California. Miss Patty Foresman, daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, Kenilworth, returned Saturday after a month at Waukazoo, Mich., as the guest of Miss Carolyn Everett. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS Established 1912 with which is combined . THE WILNETTE LOCAL. NEWS Established 189% ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by LAKE SHORE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, III. Telephone . . Wilmette ISM SUBSCRIPTION. $2.00 A YEAR FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1921 Dr. CharlesJL^leisse Osteopathic Physician * Wil.2052 1150 Wilmttte At*. RESIDENCE FHONF5S7 Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Uwns Grading Sawn Fertilizer Land and Grave! FILLING- Cinders Building Material General Teaming We Build Driveways REASONABLE 733W.RaiIroad|Afe. Phone WU. 53 William Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ~ ESTIMATES cheerf ullyf urnished on New or Repair Work 964 Spruce St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 WHAT DO YOU KNOW I About Business Procedure? Do you under- stand stenography, typewriting, secretarial work? The business world is searching for young men and women who understand these things. Every year a great many date their success to the special training obtained here. Begin Sept. 6! EVANSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 634 Davis St. W. HfTaTiovvTPropr. â- ea &â- «<•* mat 8t«* Dressed Women in Chk»je hat« their Sport And Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP -mad* Bit* yen' MM mauncl" Suite 3 418 St vena Building Randolph 3219 N.r.hSt... CHICAGO 1« N.rth Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall Board EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, 111. Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board Excluaive Diatributora We Apologize If you have ever experienced "moving" in your homo or your beamâ€"a, you muat knew all about the grief, worry and disturbance incident to such procedure. For the past week wo have boas in the throes of "moving". If during this period you or your friends have suffered inconveniences by reason of the confusion and impaired ser- viceâ€"humblyâ€"we apologize. First National Bank .â€"s= of Wilmette =&- Member of Federal Reeerve Bank jr-TiT" 1......... 1~rr ......mumm CONSULT R. W. BARTELMANN CO FOR| Frames, Sash, Poors and Interior Finisii 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO Near North and Clybourn Aves Lincoln 7012-3 Van Deuseri SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 812 A 513 Meat Telephone 514 5% CASH CsditadCwf, DISCOUNT Wilmette--CentralAve.andl2thSt, . . . 5' • Discount Cash and Delivered • • • . 2*> Diicoa'l On orders of $1.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Meal Department Profit Goods. SPECIAL SALE Sept. 2nd to Sept. lOtH OUR DELIVERY SYSTEM is running like a clock. Every delivery on time. No mistake*] Courteous drivers. Watch how regularly and how often our wagons pass your house. DON'T LET THIS GO IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER. All those who know say . canned goods must be higher. Buyers have not placed contracts and manufacturers have not up the goods. Buy now. All kinds of canned fruit and vegetables in my stock are cheap. LABOR DAY. MONDAY, SEPT. 5th. This store will be closed all day. We will be open audi liver all day. Wednesday. Sept. 7th. ______________ SUGAR is cheapâ€" JARS are cheapâ€" FRUIT is reasonableâ€" Why don't you put up preserves and jelly? Peaches. Bartlett Pears, Seckle Pears, Plums, Crab- apples, Green Grapes, Tomatoes, Plum Tomatoes. FLOURâ€"Pillsbury, Washburn and Ccresota; #hhl............ $1.25 COFFEEâ€"ROAST SANTOS. Very fine; very cheap; lb..........23c COFFEEâ€"My own blend. There is no coffee on the market that will make a finer, smoother drink than this; lb.................36c MASON PRESERVE JARSâ€" Quarts, doz...................95c " Pints, doz...................85c ATLAS E. Z. SEAL PRESERVE JARSâ€"Glass top; Qts.. doz. ..$120 Pints, doz................. .$1.00 JELLY TUMBLERSâ€" Squat, fjxjz;. doz. ... rrrv-TTTTSle^ Tall, 1-3 pint, doz............48c MASON JAR TOPSâ€"Doz.....38c jar rubbers- Go. >d Luck, red., doz..........18c White, verv heavv, 3 doz. Sor 25c MASON IMPROVED JAR RUBBERSâ€"Doz............... 15c PARAFFINE WAXâ€" i lb. cake ...... -----.......12*2C LENOX LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" Proctor & Gamble's; 120 7-oz. â- bars in box ......'...........$420 10 7-oz. liaar*..................35c No cash discount.' AMERICAN FAMILY SOAPâ€" o6 8rj-oz. bars in box ......$4.45 10 8T.-oz. bar<.......... .....88c -----No cash 'discount.---------------------â€" 'PRY SOAPâ€" :0 10-oz. bars..............$138 tB 6-oz. bars..............* â- > 85c FAIRY WHITE FLOATING BATH SOAPâ€" 10 bars.................. ___80c GOLD DUSTâ€" ;.arse. No. 4 pkg;............32c LINNâ€"It Clean*...Made by Geo. R. & 0>. Superior to any oap: contains essence of lem- otrand cpcoarrmt-C AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP CHIPSâ€" ..I lb. pkg. ...:.....22c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER- KITCHEN KLENZER- !0 l^rge cans ....-------- :ncr . 65c MEAT DEPARTMENT Native Pot Roast of Beef; lb. 24c Boneless Rump Corned Beef; Lb...........................28c Hamburger Steak; lb.......23c Breast of Lamb; lb..........8c Dixie Bacon, squares; whole piece; lb......^^^^-^^..... .22c LIBBY CORNED BEEFâ€" Very cheap; No. 1 can ......23c LIBERTY KIPPERED HERRINGâ€" Verv fine and a wonderful bar- gainHarge 10J4 oz. can; 2 cans ......................25c RED WING CONCORD GRAPE JUICEâ€" Pint bottle ___.............35c PINEBROSIA- The pure concentrated juice of Golden ripe Hawaiian Pineap- ples with cane sugar; Pint bottle .................42c SPARKLING ROCK GINGER ALE and ROOT BEERâ€" Splendid quality; large bottles r 5 to a gallon, doz............$125 Charge for bottles and case. 80c BAKER'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATEâ€"Has been reduced in price. Lb.......... .......48c COMB HONEYâ€"Comb .. ......33c Fancv. white, clover honev. ANTON INI OLIVE OILâ€"â€" The finest, most perfect quality of pure Italian olive oil: Qt. can..........:..........:.$1.58 PRUNESâ€"Fancv. Santa Clara: â€"40-50 <h:e. lb.,.*..'......' * <.. .^ZZWz 20 30 f.izc. lb. r22«T RICHELIEU MAPLE SYRUPâ€" This is no: .ordinary maple syrup. but is except tonally- fine, pure and- deliciously ftavored. It is also down to a price wheh will enable yo« to use it. Qt. can 88c CIDER VINEGARâ€"Uncle Hiram: 1-5 -at. bottle...............18c CIDER VINEGARâ€"StetySen Co. *mjt0 40 er. Gallon........ 35c SUNBEAM SPANISH QUEEN OLIVESâ€" Extra -fancy, very large: 13T.-oz. bottle ."............35c RANDOLPH CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVESâ€" â€"Large qt. can REPUBLIC PRESERVES- Pure sugar and fruit only, Strii berry and Raspberry, which wai very scarce this year. At a grc bargain price; 15-oz jar; Doz. $3.35; jar ........... SUNBEAM JELLYâ€" .Crabapple. Grape, Red Currtitjj Large 10-oz. jar; doz. Jar......................... SUNIBAY APRICOTS- Fancy; heavy syrup; large 2l/2 can; doz. $2.75; can____. MONSOON PEELED APRI Fancy; No. 1 can; doz. ., Can.................... RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€" Without doubt the finest pia apple packed, and is much duced in price. _ No. 1 can, doz. $2.45; can ..... â€"NcL2 can. doz. $3.50: can ....J No. ZYi can. doz. $425; can., RICHELIEU BARTLETT PI The finest; No. 2 can; doz. Can ......................., PLYMOUTH ROCK PEAC \ellow Cling: fine quality; No.. can: doz. $3.15: can DEL MONTE WHITE CHERRIESâ€"Extra fancy: Na can: doz. $420: can ..... MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€" Fancy, large stalk: No^I sqt can: doz. $4.4$: can ..... RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNtt CORNâ€"The finest quality of si tender corn produced: _ Doz. $2.50: can ....... PLYMOUTH ROCK CORW~ Fancy grade of standard Q« ty: doz. $t.90: can ..... BABY STUART SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEASâ€" Tender, sweet, excellent Doz. $1.65; can........• RICHELIEU SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEASâ€" Tender, sweet, just like <fo«. $320; can PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMAl Nov 2 can; doz. $125; can VERIBEST TOMATOES- Armoor^s best quality: No*2 ..3Sc I ^o«7$L50; caa...........