Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Sep 1921, p. 12

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1921 Classified Advertisements R ATESâ€"10c per line lor aach inMrtion. Minimum 3 Hnss. Ow murt^ta, by W^UMt 4*0 PM. Rates^fer tha uma advartlsamant in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK and CLENCOE NEWS. 20c Una. Black faoa type charged double price. V FOR hali^rkai, kutatb POR BALB, Wll.MKTTKâ€"l'PTonATF. 5 room bungalow In convenient w««st location; life bath; hot water heat; Klass.-.i porch: fir*>nlncc; .an excellent small home for $s.r>oo. ... Substantial « room hrlck anil frann- on beautiful corner lot: well located for school* ami transportation; *«. Ideal 8 room homo In choice *«a»t loca- tion; extra tar*« bright living room; heated sun room: sleeping porch; 4 bed rooms: 2 hathsij^ted trara^e attached to house, flfi.oho, reason- able terms; make offer. We are ex- clusive agents. ... . Attractive new « room white colonial tn central location; hot water heat; tile bath: breakfast room; many ex- centioniQ features; garage and drive- way; *S 7.000, Beautiful 7 room home near lake, built 2 years; sun room; breakfast nook: 3 master bed rooms; tile bath with shower: maid's room and bath j>n third floor; Vapor heat; heated gar- age. Owner urointr to California of- at $85,000. property In all sections WrriATIQX WASTHP^rig«*I.H FIKST CI«At*8 1»KRH8MAKIN<« DWH at home, fall at 1410 HUI St.. after « o'clock evenings, Mrs, Weherg. as â€"M \\ \ > SAl.F.SMF.N â-  - MANl'FAO- turers^of rt.oao mile guaranteed tires wants man in this territory with car. Large amount of business .possible on account of low prices; Will pay I7&.00 per week with extra commis- sions. Wolverine Tire and Rubber Company, grand Rapids. I.4t-ite j*m"\Tio>"\v\ vri:»â€">i %i.f. SITFATIO.V WANTK1WMAN WANTS work Inside or outside, or furnaces: experienced and can furnish best of. references. Call Wll. 2S5s. T.T47-lto south front. $1K> per ft fers for sab Choice vacant of town: Chestnut Av.. Maple avenue at $*?». Oreenleaf avenue $»sr>. Highland avenue $112. Also a few line wooded lots on Green- wood ami Ashland. See us for prices ,and locations. 1^7M7lOIINSTO.\ &<A>; 840 Linden Ave l'hone Wllmette tls 1.47-lte OWXBR NEEDING MoXKV OFFERS 6 r. nr, new stucco home: II. W. bent: heated breakfast porch; sun and sip. pens,; well planned and In most excellent condition. Genuine bar- gain at $14,500. Idenl Colonial 7 r. home In very finest loc: h. w._h^ili-M41e-t>a44K-d>-ep wo«>d-- . .'ed .lot; owner must sell: $1 ft.000 Ideal 8 r. stucco In splendid eastern section: h. w. beat; Nokol; 2 batbr.; 8 glass pchs.: all large light rooms; dbl. gnr.: a wonderful buy at $ New Colonial s r.. overlooking lake;. 2 baths; 3 glass pchs.; garage; beauti- ful lot: cut to $22.r»oo. Lot f»0 ft. or wider. l!*o ft. deep: about 1 block from lake. A wonderful buy at $70 ft. Let us submit our other bent offerings In North Shore homes. WE HAVM SOMK SPLENDID LOT HARGAINH. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L". 407 Linden. Tel. Wll. 407 LTQ47-ltc REMOVAL NOTICE MISS ABBY KINO has moved her res- idence and real estate headquarters from 730 Central avenue, to the Col« ton home, $00 Central avenue, keep- ing the same phone. Wllmette 215. She left last week for a vacation In the Cumberland mountaiiiH of Ken- tucky. Ht'i- sister. 'MIms Katherlne King, now associated with her. will have charm- of her business in her absence. Call her up If you are in- terested in a bargain In an old house, cast sid.-; well constructed; on a beautiful" wooded lot. 64x200. for $10,000. Also, big opportunity for Choice bungalow sitt- in excellent section 'northeast, near lake and L. for $6,000. MISS KING. l'hone Wilnuti.- '2\:>.____________1.17-He FOR SALK •'• H. -.STI'iVi •; II W.-HT; 4 bed rooms; cast side; $10,750 6 R. Stucco; garage; sun parlor; :i bed- rooms: $12,000. 6 R. Fratne. II. W. ht.. bkfst, porch. 3 bedrooms. slj»g porch, only $13.0.00.. 7 R. Solid brick, fine location; reduced to $17.0(io. SEE US sFOR BARGAINS IN VACANT. KXFKItlKNTKIi MAN WOULD LIKE ])osltion as gardner or will do house- work. Tel. Wll. 78R-W. , _ foh H\i.i:--Horii)Mot,n ijoodx FOR SALK OAK DINING 1JOOM SKT: In good condition; 4s i»». round table; chairs ami buffet. Phone Win. 044. LTG4T-UC FOR SALEâ€"DARK OAK DINING SKT: table, chairs \- buffet: verv cheap. s Phone Win. 481. LT47-Up Full SALK - SEWTNG MACHINE; 8 V,â€"T.â€"Gross." L47-lte rockers:â€"smallâ€"table. Tel. Wllmette iMl-.M. MHCKM, W'KOrs Foil SAI»K GIULS" Sl'KDK COATv oppossum collar and cuffs: sl/.e is; reasonable, l'hone Wll. ton-M. LT47-UC WWTKll TO III" Vâ€"MlgCKI.I. %XKOI'W WA^NTErTTb lifV â€" furniture and other --4JHirrrcxr^THfTces paid ror same Furniture Store, looi-fi Emerson St.. Kvanston. 111. Tel. ls{». LTGlO-tfc SECOND HAND household good; Orost 5137 Nokol Heaters Over 25$000 people â€"in5137homesin 25 States and 6 for- eign countriesâ€"are using Nokol today. NOKOL COMPANY OF ILLINOIS 1463 Sherman Avenue---- Telephone Evanston2i55 £°pi£L ?iLi£* »r°lM»»ed owi^ be furnished on request afkfc*^ In the ofhee of cTc. &fiB.^ tendent of Public Works JPV of Wllmette, In tKe VtlSnUfeg Village; said public heaSSi29 Journed from time to tlm* ***] *JMSL W"tt* "An WILMETTE fONlNG C0]f] ^ward zipj1 Earl E. Orgfi Wm. H.-Kuii" â-  Judsou F. Ston. W. C. 8hu?t8Sf Henry Fowl«? Payette \v. r^ Lyman It, DmSJ I BUY IIOFSKHOLD GOODS AND Clothing* of .nil descrli>tlt)ns. Phone Kvnnston 108 and I will call. N, Fell. â-  1 »»44 Mnple Avenue.- LTGT7-tfc WANTKD _- tJBASSTNET <>R TIAMVS crll»: In ^noil condition. CsTI Win. 531-M. Aj y LTQ47-UC FOR <*\i,r-\iTimniHii> BARGAINS 1020 7-PASSENGKR lil'U'K TOFR- Iiik'. with demountable winter top. This ear Is in exceptionally fine con- dition: equipment Is complete In ev- ery respect. It has .*> excellent tires, heater, spot] white Hrrensi cup system. Gabriel unubbers, bump- er, sheet co.vers. moior-meter, special radiator can. Don't nvtss seeing this car. Price Sl.f.nn. 1B10 OVERLAND 'M\ 5 PASSKNGKP, touiliiir, with- winter ton conch. |n irood mechanical condition: set of fine tires. Thin car has been owned bv private party. It hail exceptional- ly (rood care. Wlnneikn Motor Co. l'hone win 165; LTG47-ltc lovr \M> I'OI Ml LOSTâ€"CHILD'S TAX COAT. REWARD. Phone Wll 22S2. Mrs. Sklllln. 1010 ♦ith St. L47-ltc LOST~ON CHFRCH STREET WEST <>f i\v. cmal small black nut tease. com ifflf outfit. Henry A. Knott. 112 W. AibiiHs St.. Chicago. L47-1tc A Want Adâ€"A Phone Call â€"A POSITION WILMETTE REALTY CO.â€" A. J. Woodcock. Plfop. 613 - 4th /St. Phone Wll. 1304 _______________________________LTG4Wtc FQR SALK W I NSFTKA H O M K. new; 7 rooms: - enclosed porches: - bath.«; large attic; coloitiTal type: cor- ner lot; convenient to • schools, and transp.. Will consider rental Phone Evanston »."«.:', l/f'147-ltc FOR SALK i:il KLMW<»<»1» AVE. new 7 v.: cun par.; sl-eepini; porch; hot wafer heat;'2 show, •«•»â-  ': toilets: Inst. gaA heater. Phone Wll " 'â- ',,> â-  •- L47-2tc fom hi:\tâ€"1101 •*>: FOR RENT 1 NEW FIVE "bungalow complete!? furnish* location; ttaraye: linTiii-dtati Slon. Tel. \ â- 'â- ">â- 'â-  Hiirbfarid i'ark FOB It E^Tâ€" ROOM9 â- ' HTM tine POR RENT > V.' CVR. CENTRAL Ave. and Ilth. - unCut»i*h<«d r«iom* fr.r studio or sl-enir.u rooms:« al»< ' sr:arau'e*-it; rear Photo VVil. ;""'• '• . â-  â-  _ L *T- 21 i F?7Tt pent h" ' â- 'â- â- â- â-  !:\"*T.i:"'.Vv ...... .... • 1 . atj/V "ia- • no: roOtoj* fivrâ€"t^usi •-~ ! •:â-  ' â€"• Tn,.- r. T rf " 'â-  un<t \'<r .-'t'TV.. " p",..;. Wil ' • %*lz** Y< "-â- â-  <' â- â€¢ V. F<^P R f-'VT ave.. Wi'.nv V 'NT«ti El* â€"ROOMS • I: M : Fhy W â-  ••" - _:. (" • j • ""!:â-  " 'MS7 ?' id v: FOP. persons »ph «Fit*'* V"P-=^ .1 Wil. :•<••-" T.T< t.T4T_ttf-' »-MS T< » f47-ttc I I I I I I I I II : 1 1 1 1 1 1 ]â-  1 .â-  ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 â-  1 1 i 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 â-  â-  Millions of Electric Irons are in daily use In this Land Upholstering, renhishing, repairing, of furnittire very satisfactorily done by ex- ports in this line. Hig re- ductions in prices on this kind of .work. Estimates gladly furnished. VMAREI STORAGE h FURNITURE CO Pisaslstefe* IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES Moving Packing Shipping of HOUSEHOI 1721-23-25-27 BENSON AVE. T«Uphont»i Ev.ntton 955; Wllmstts 1332 Evanston, 111. New Modern Furniture Storage Private Rooms Rug and Trunk Rooms Winnetka House now being constructed â€" Ready for occupancy November 1st, 1921. 520-822 CENTER STREET TrUphonsMi Winristks-----. WllmstU 133S Winnetka, 111. WAVTRO - T.AT»r KVTHV «'T.F mu(»t h*> plain t>» nruan audiacrwrw** at ffeur»«' «t» .ulv T>o*iti'»n: nn»--half dav h wf.-k fitf. 'A. 9. Van T>^m-. n^ Wtlmttte. Vh-<nr - -10 T.T';4T-1tt{ •r. 441? I â-  â-  Wilni*-tt»- F^r Elra-w ,1 Hr>nw» _t/r 4 t - • • • ; w»'TTf: > LT*7*J-ltp That would not be the fact if the implement failed to make good. Once ufed it becomes immediately an indis- pensable unit in the house equipment for ir- oning the family wash- ing, for the pressing of the something or other that is necessary every day. ELECTRIC IRONS Sold on Monthly Payments All Types and Weights Works from any !amp%ofcket Piiblic Service Co. of Northern Ills. """""""â- ggg** Ford - - Overland -- Maxwell and Brisco Mason Non-Skid Fabric Tires x3 Regular Price $13.50 For Two Weeks Only Braun Brothers WINNETKA TIRE SHOP Carlton Bldg. Phone 1565 Vulcanizii WINNETKA Gas and Oil Oil and Accessories 4-,

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