â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" UIIMIM.L.J4IIIWMWM THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1921 Wilmette and Kenilworth, conducted for the sole purpose of bringing local people into intimate touch with na- tional and world leaders who are bearing the message of present day needs in our national community and home life and speak authoritatively on present day problems. Appeals To Students , The club is a veritable University course and holds a particular appeal to students of economic, religious and social problems. It is especially adapt- ed to the understanding of the stu- dents in the High school who, in connection with their work at school, are privileged to gain knowledge of the "trend of the times", ajnd the ever- changing world about them. These meetings are an education in them- selves. The club may be regarded as a Forum on Social Service Problems where are discussed, freely and candidly, th'e vital problems affecting world, national, community and home life. the meetings begin at 7:30 o'clock and close at 9 o'clock, having been set at the early hour so that the high school students may be permitted the benefit of the programs and still be enabled to be home in time to become thoroughly rested for their school duties. The Sunday Evening club is non- denominational and non-sectarian. While not of the churches it receives the unqualified endorsement and act- ive support of six Wilmette churches and the Union church of Kenilworth. Church doors are closed Sunday even- ings to permit the members to join in the services of the Sunday Evening club. Engineers Interested In Zoning Ordinance Plan to Attend Public Hearing Next Wednesday on Proposed Village Zoning Measure Wilmette engineers and architects associated in the Wilmette Chapter of Engineers A. A. E., are planning to attend in force the public hearing on the Wilmette tentative Zoning or- dinance to be held at Byron C. Stolp school auditorium Wednesday even- ing, October 5. "The passage of the proposed Zon- ing ordinance will assure the pres- ent appearance and character of Wil- mette as a residential suburb and is HEADS GIRLS' GLEE CLUB Mildred Ummach of Wilmette was this week elected president of the Girls' Glee club at New Trier Town- ship High school. Other officers elected included, Eleanor Marks, sec- retary, and Margaret Williams, treas- urer. The club is directed by MrsT Homer Cotton, director of Music at the High school. You can have a NOKOL Heater installed in your home for *1.13 a day after the first small payment NOKOL COMPANY OF ILLINOIS 1463 Sherman Avenue' Telephone Evanston 2355 the biggest thing yet attempted for our village", says secretary W...A. Melchior in a notice of the hearing sent out this week to every member of the Wilmette Engineers. "At the public hearing next Wed- nesday," Mr. Melchior continues, the man with a kick will be sure to be there. If you are satisfied with the ordinance be on hand too and give the ordinance and the Zoning Commis- sion a boost." The engineers last Friday heard an exposition of the proposed Zoning ordinance by Village President Zipf, who is chairman of the Wilmette Zon- ing commission. The engineers were guests at the Zipf home at 925 Lake avenue. James D. Swan, 932 Lake avenue, has entered Princeton university this fall. â- â- â- Now Open m â- Plumbing, Heating, Sewerage Jobbing promptly and expert- ly attended to. m â- â- i â- â- ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN FRED O. NELSEN WILMETTE YOUR CHILDREN SHOULD GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL BECAUSE: It will make for good Citizenship. It will encourage right living. It will promote good character and train the mind in the right direc- tion. St. Augustine's Episcopal Sunday School is planned on the same-principle the graded schools. - We have thirty-one trained teachers. Children who are not already enrolled in some Sunday School are invited to come at 9:45 a. m. to St. Augustine's Sunday School J 1140 Wilmette Avenue 1 WILMETTE : With ©5 jCBOOao WILMETTE STATE BANK has again installed in the Central, Logan and St- Francis Xavier Schools, Wilmette, and the Kenilworth and New Trier High Schools, the MTWUMC im To make it easy and convenient for school children to save something every day, large or small, we have made arrangements to extend our banking service to them through this Automatic Receiving Teller. This machine will receive PENNIES, NICKELS, DIMES AND QUARTERS and issues receipted stamps in exchange, which they can paste on a folder ^uid present at this Bank for interest bearing pass-book credit. It is no longer necessary to wait until they have ac- cumulated a sum sufficient to make a visit to the Bank worth while. Instead, we-invite them to visit the Automatic Receiving Teller orrce a day. They should take advantage of this chance to place their small coins where they will not be tempted to "bor- row it back" and build a SAVINGS ACCOUNT of which they will be proud. BEGIN SAVING TODAY AT YOUR HOME BANK jLvgmsat^titati»mtju^ â- â- Residence 1430 Lake Ave. Phone Wilmette 2548 Office I!22 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 1079 â- « FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Big 50c Jar of Wonderful COMBINATION CREAM JON- TEEL with the purchase together of one 50c box of Face Powder Jonteel and one 50c compact of Rouge JonteeL Three Famous Beautifiers for the Price of Two. We make this exceptional offer so that you may get ac- quainted with this most delightful face cream. .A cream for softening, healing, beautifying the complexion. Simply wonderful as a base for powder. You love to use itâ€"it's so fragrant, cooling and refreshing. Stimulates the tissues and makes you feelâ€"as well as lookâ€"lots younger. FACE POWDER JONTEEL is a soft, invisible powder with a remarkable clinging quality.-You notice the difference at once. ROUGE JONTEEL is so lifelike. Matches your own natural flush perfectly. Comes in convenient compact form to carry in purse or pocket. Renneckar Drug Co. THE REXALL STORE TELEPHONES 28 and 29 m $ ® . _ e **! C |g______®_____â- ____ • â- ______:________<{}_ i c c c c c c c c c c e c c c c i c c c c Our lumber inryour building Assures you of having The best kind and grade 1 S) & Suited for the various structural needs. Your coal order will receive our best attention.} <»il<»O88<lfta&f»4»<M»0808ll£ WINNETKA COAL- LUMBER Pkon.734 COMPANY JWtti^_ EARL L. WEINSTOCK, Manager