Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Sep 1921, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1^1 ---------------------------------------- 9 HE WEDDING OF MISS LUCILE ESTHER DRAKE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonothan C. Drake, to Ferdinand Leonard Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Larson of Aus- tin, will take place on Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents, 1226 Lake evenue. The ceremony, at eight o'clock, will be performed by the Rev. A. T. Stephanson of the Olivet Meth- odist church, an uncle of the bride- The bride, who will be .given away by her father, will be attend- ed by one of her sorority sisters, Miss Celeste Geherty, of Evans- ton, formerly of Winnetka, as maid of honor, and little Blanche Lar- son, a niece of the groom, will serve as flower girl. Mrs. Gevilla Colegrove Neukranz will play the wedding march, and Miss Edna Davison will render two groups of songs, preceding and following the service. Mr. Fred Kusse of Chicago, who was with Mr. Larson a great deal of the time in France during the war, will attend the bridegroom as best man. After a short wedding trip, Mr. Larson and his bride will make their home at 373 Oak street, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. An announcement of particular interest in North Shore and University circles is the engagement of Miss Ruth Moulding, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding of 1004 Greenwood ave- nue, to Mr. Robert E. Wooden of Evanston, son of Mr. and Mrs. C R. Wooden of Centerville, Iowa. The announcement was made at an Alpha Phi "cozy", given at the Moulding home on last Sat- urday afternoon. Miss Moulding was a member of the class of 1917 at Northwestern and her fiance was a member of the class of 1913 at Northwestern, and is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fra- ternity. Mr. and Mrs. John Millen of 1128 Greenleaf avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Mary, to Mr. Tack K. Hughes of Wilmette, "son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes of Char- lot tetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Ouilme*te Country club will entertain with a Dinner Dance for its members on Saturday evening of this week, and a new feature of the evening will be the serving of "Hot Dogs" and coffee during the dance. The new monthly calendar, which has just been issued includes a number of interesting af- fairs, among them the following: Monday, October 3, Men's Night Thursday, October 6, Bridge Mr. Joseph Dillon, 209 Woodbine avenue, returned on Saturday last from a three week's business and pleasure trip through the west, stop- ping in Portland, Ore.,Seattle, Van- couver, and various other of the cities of the northwest. During his trip through the Canadian Rockies, the train on which he was riding was snowbound for a day or two, and in Evening many places he found the temperature ' hovering very close to zero. Informal 0Ct°ber * DinnCr DanCC'I The Travel cIass he,d '*»' opening Monday, October 10, Luncheon and ffi&L*J*$. 7rear £n '^t Thursday Rrifltre ,n the nome of Mrs' Horace Drury, 622 Central avenue. After luncheon, the paper for the afternoon on "Norway", was read by Mrs. William Panushka. The Scandinavian peninsula and Ice- land will be studied during the year. '•'delay, October 14; Junior Dance. Saturday. October 15, Formal Din- ner Dance for Senior members. Friday. October 31, Juvenile Dance. Saturday, October 22, Children's Party in Afternoon. Evening, Bridge. Monday, October 31, Hallowe'en Party. Harvest Home Dinner and Dance. Mr7 The Neighborhood Circle of the Congregational church, Mrs. W. G. Glover, chairman, will conduct a Rum- mage Sale, Tuesday, October 4th, at the Economy Shop. Donations will be gratefully received either Monday at the Economy Shop or will be called for, if Mrs. Glover is notified. The Executive Board of the New America Shop will meet Monday, October 3, at 1:30 p. m., in Room 921, Fine Arts building. The Executive Board meets the first and third Mon- day of each month. "The directors meet once in three months. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Nichols an- nounce the birth of a son, John Groves Nichols, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 14. Mrs. Nichols was former- ly Miss Helen Groves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Groves of 1223 Central avenue. Twenty-one members and a few friends of the Young Woman's Au- xiliary of the Woman's club enjoyed a picnic supper held last Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. R. D. Burtner, 810 Oakwood avenue. The Tatapochon Camp Fire Girls will meet at the Congregational church at four o'clock Wednesday for a very important business meeting. Officers for the year will be elected and plans presented. The Central Avenue Circle of the Congregational church, Mrs. E. B. Wheelock. chairman, will hold an all- day meeting Friday, at the home of Mrs. M. R. Venables. 908 Greenleaf avenue*-,â€" The East End Circle of the Congre- gational church, Mrs. J. W. Fisher, Jr., chairman, will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. H. A. Whitman, 932 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. A. C. Ohlendorf, 237 Linden avenue, has gone to Terre Haute, Ind., to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Charlotte Wittenberg to Frank Kutten of Wilmette, which will take place Tuesday, October 4. Mr. and Mrs. Louis. F. Mueller. 128 Sixth streetsâ€"have returned fronT^a ten-day trip to Cairo and Dongola, 111., visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Mill- house at DongolaT Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Eastman, who have been residing at 1014 Lake ave- nue, have rented^he H. J. Burt house at 1027 Elmwood avenue, for the com- ing year. Mr. and Mrs. Burt and family are leaving shortly for New Orleans to make their home for the next year. Mrs. Alvin Butz and her daughter, who have rented their home to Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Page and family, have taken, a home in 'San Diego, Cal., for the winter. g Miss Marion Seng was hostess at a luncheon at th'e North Shore Golf club on Thursday in honor of Miss Margaret Millen. whose engagement announcement to Jack K. Hughes, was recently made. After an extended visit in Cobourg | and Toronto, Canada, Mrs. Albert E, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flanner and small son, Edward, of Black well*1 Wis., are moving to Wilmette, to locate permanently. Temporarily they will be at the home of Mrs. Planner's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 Washington avenue. Miss Naomi Mueller, 128 Sixth street, has returned to Carthage academy, Cathage, 111. Mrs. L. Edwin Youngquist, 211 Fourth street, will return this week- end from a month's outing at Camp Kechuwa, Michigami, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Widden and small son, of Chicago, are moving in* to their new home recently construct* ed at the corner of Forest avenue and Tenth street, on Saturday** The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs. L. E. Blunt, 1008 Oakwood avenue, on Mon- day, October 3, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. L. F. Gates and her daughter, Helen, 723 Eighth street, have return- ed from their farm in Indiana, where they spent the summer months. on Tuesday. October 11, at the church. Albert Hawkes of Montclair, ^h^r^-w411^e-^ew|fig-4iv-the morning. X. I. who has just returned from an | Everyone is cordially invited as a extended trip abroad, is leaving Sat- I Program of special interest has been urday for Kansas City, where she will arran&ed. be the guest of her mother for sev- Mr. Adam Emory Albright of Hub- era] days, before going on to Cin- bard Woods will open his home and cinnati, Ohio, to join Mr. Hawkes. She studio to his Wilmette* friends on has been visiting at the home of Mr. Sunday, October 2. between the and Mrs. Benjamin Hawkes in Ken- hours of two and six o'clock. Mr. ilworth, during the past week. On.! Albright's friends of the Woman's Tuesday Mrs. S. L. Williams, 618 j club will remember the jnost delight- Washington avenue, entertained at I ful visits of years past, luncheon at Skokie Country club in honor of Mrs. Hawkes. Among the numerous delightful af- fairs Which have been given recently tor Miss Lucile Drake, whose mar-j riage to Ferdinand L. Larson, is to take place this week-end, were the -foiTowing: a personal shower .given by Miss Jessie Gay, on Saturday, ^the entire summer September 17, at her home, 929 The Women's Home Missionary So- ! Barber returned to her home at 621 ciety of the Wilmette Methodist! Linden avenue, last Thursday. church will hold an all-day meeting Miss Dorothy Yonkers, 911 Sheri- dan road, who is attending Northwes- tern university thisâ€"year, has-been | ♦ pledged to the Alpha Phi sorority. Mrs. G. M. Hubbard, 823 fifteenth street, has as her guest this, week, Mrs. Charles A. Granger of Milwau- kee. Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, 711 Lake avenue, entertained at a dinner party at Bob O' Link Golf club on last Saturday evening. There were covers for twenty guests. ,. , Mrs. Richard D. Allen, who recent- Mrs. George Barry, after an ab- jy sold her home at 1137 Ashland av- sence of three months has returned enue/is moving to 1611 Ridge avenue, to the village to be with her daugh- i Evanston, on Saturday. ter, Mrs. J. A. MacLean, at 924 Green- ' wood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. MacLean and their family have just recen from jfotfeg g>horr ofcrrar? Here are two ; reasons that we are enjoying an excellent patronage. When the people find a place that they may get good food, served well, at fair pricesâ€"that place is popular. WEEK DAY Special Service pinner, In- cluding Bread and Butter, Coffee or Tea, 65c per cover. MONDAY Pot Roast, Potato Pancakes* TUESDAY Berkshire Ham Steak, Sauce Cider WEDNESDAY Lamb Chops, a rilled, Beech- nut Bacon THURSDAY Filet Mignon, a la Terrace FRIDAY Lake Trout Maltre d* Hotel SATURDAY Farm Sausage, Gastronome SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1921 Menu 12-3 P. M. $1.25 Green Olives Celery Fruit Cocktail Puree of Split Peas Roast Fresh Ham,____ Sweet Potatoes Half Fried Chicken, Country Style Asparagus Tips Cream Sauce Bavarian Cabbage Waldor.f Salad Vanilla Ice Cream or Hot Apple Fie or Herkimer Country Cheese with Wafers Tee or Coffee Chestnut Ave. and Sheridan Road. Phone Wilmette 2148-2293 Fred A. Miller, Prop. nn^mMBmBBmzMB&EzmmzMmazzmzBZMmamMmzBmmBBBm MARTINE School of DANCING Re-Opens October 7th OUILMETTE COUNTRY CLUB Ballroom and Aesthetic Dancing for Children Classes open to non-members Address Edgewater Beach. Hotel Phone Edgewater 8380 *****.*******************************++**+*******♦****# "" Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Miller, 1708 I j Washington avenue^ announce the . y j birth of a daughter, Katherine Marie, returned from Indian Point, Fox i c , "_«: "iY t? u lake, where they have been spending | ^September 13, at St, Franc* Hos* f^e entire summer. p ' M-<. t~u„ f»„ u 4. ja wi Mr and Mrs. William Sturtevant rs. John Day has returned to Wil-! ^r an urAi.:,^^. „..«,„,.„__„ «,«„, Twelfth street; a pantry shower given mette. after spending the spring in I ?f 4J* -Washington avenue, are mov- by Miss Celeste Geherty of Evanston, I Florida and Georgia, and the summer \c&*°™0rr0W t0 the Dd Prad° h°tel on Saturday afternoon of last week; wjth her daughter. Mrs. Howard " , ' , „ ,.' and another pantry shower and Morgan in Philipse Manor on the I Mr- M,lton Hosking, organist at luncheon-on Tuesday at the home of Hudson. This winter Mrs. Day will!the v,Hage theater. Is leaving Sunday >be With her daughter. Mrs. G. M. \ £°r. a fortnight's outing at Mineral Hubbard, at 823 Fifteenth street. j Po,nt> W,s- The first meeting of the year of the I Mr; a"d Mrs- Edward J. Schager Infant Welfare Board of Wijmette,! and was held, in the home of Mrs. E. Mrs. Gevilla Colegrove Neukranz, 735 T-nth street. ___-â€"-__.,/„ Mrs. Hathaway Watson, of Indian Hill club, president of the Women's Western Golf association, has^au^ nounced that the team tp represent the west again<FMhe east on Saturday if Hollywood, M. A, will be composed of Miss AlefcKT Stirling of Atlanta, Mrs, Melvin Jones of Olympia, Mrs. R C Letts, Jr., of Onwentsia, Mrs. D. Gaul-of Memphis, Miss J. Kinney of Cleveland, Miss E. Pearce of Skokie, Miss F. Holloran of Salt Lake City, Miss D. Klotz of Indian Hill, and Mrs. Howard Linn of Onwentsia. â€"M4s^Rutrr MouWtngr^lGO+^lmwood avenue, who was, recently appointed v' itig delegate of the Alph Phi soror- jty, is leaving today to visit the soror- ity chapters *t thf tlfU^jyjYj^Wjg- consin, the University of Minnesota, and the University of North Dakota, returning home late in October, in llmS, to attend the Pan-Hellenic con- ference at Indianapolis, before going south for the greater part of the winr ter. M iss Cornelia Keith, 222 Ninth street, is attending^. school at Troyyj^y. who have been residing p jin Lake Forest this summer, have Bartlett, 1324 Elmwood avenue, on ;moved jf10 the house at 1141 Sheri- Thursday of last week. Luncheon:da" road- . - .was served, and many garments sew- I â„¢e F- A ^e ufam,ly; former,y M ed and finished for the New Trier j Wilmette. who have been making Baby Station. i the,r ho!"e f Nutle^ §• h (or *?y*Tm ,, n , ... , ,, . i a I months, have moved to Montclair. Mr. Paul Watson, son of Mr. and I ^ t Mrs. James Watson, 1007 Linden av-j ' .___?-------- enue, was ittafrried Wednesday, Sep- |-------------------. tember £1, to Miss Doris Ambrose, ot.j ^rrftrHfiifiifitiftniiMiiiiiifffitiitifiiiiitittiiiiffiiifiiiiftiiiifiiifnttiiifiiiitfifttifiif*^ Nevada, Iowa. They will make their .§ home in Cincinnati, Ohio, where Mr.; | Wat son~is-supermtend*nt^of-the~Cin-4â„¢| Announcing the cinnati branch of the Beatrice Cream- ! | ery Co. « The "H. and W." club will be enter- ( | tained next Tuesday evening at the ;_!_ home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J.J | Taylor, 835 Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Snider of 730 I § Washington avenue, left Wednesday j § for a month's stay at Boston and Cape Cod. Montgomery Major, 215 Ninth %KHa«fHtreet, left Saturdav to enter=Harvard university."-~^;~ '"_Z11 OPENING OF A NEW ^AN^TA4t^ BARBER SHOP Room 2, Brown Building Wilmette /* § H. H. Wheeler, Proprietor | Overcoats 'v First showing of Hart, Shaftner & Marx fine overcoats in the newest styles, colors and cloths. BURNS TOGGERY _ Across from Northwestern Depot Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings ^ * ♦ ♦ * : ♦ *********+**********++***************+*•+*.***********â-  m lllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll 3&ri&rP> 'S^^^^^^^^^m How Completely Are You Protected? * The great increase in automobiles, with the even greater increase of loss by theft, etc., has caused insurance rates to go up and the degree of protection to go down. Are you completely protected? We offer policies with complete pro- tection, and because we insure only the highest class of risks, our premiums are about 20% less than those ordinarily charged. It wtlTtaIce~but a mimir*~tcHieartJtnr complete story. It will save you a great deal of money. American Automobile ©nbertonters 209 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago Telephone: Wabash «27t - OttaSi**aU*M»> __ Advisory Board - J.«.DICKINSON Vie* P-«~ -Or^t ~ _ rSB£9 =

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