THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1921 1 BAPTISTS PLAN XMAS FOR NEEDY EUROPEANS Prepare Gifts of Clothing and Other Useful Articles To Be Sent by De- nomination in November 3 The largest audience of the season gathered for the Rally Day services of the Wilmette Baptist church> in the new building last Sunday. Work on the building has progressed so far that from now on all the services will be "held in the various rooms. On Sunday. October 2, Rev. Francis C. Stifler, the pastor, will commence a series of sermons entitled "Studies in Personal Religion". The sermons will be based on the gospel's records of Jesus' contacts with his contem- poraries and will include such per- sonages as John the Baptist, the re- former ; Zacchaeus, the man of affairs; Mary and Martha, the housewives, and Pilate, the politician. A feature of Rally Day was the bringing of gifts by the Bible school children for the Christmas cheer of the needy of Central Europe. Cloth- ing and other useful articles are to be shipped by Baptist churches in November under the slogan "Fill a Ship in Fellowship". The local church plans to aid materially in this con- nection. The Women's society meets weekly to sew on new garments. One ©i^thest meetings -is to be held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. George E. Reid/921 Twelfth street. * The Junior congregation, known as the "Go-To-Church club", begins its activities at the church Sunday.* The Mid-week meetings are open- ing up with great promise. The gen- eral theme for these meetings is "Gettine Acquainted with the Bible". The Bible school cabinet will meet at 8 o'clock this evening" to formulate plans for the work in the new church -quarters.-------------------â€"â€"----------------â€" INAUGURATE DRAMATIC SEASON 0CU4 AND 15 North Shore Players Now in Re- hearsal For Three One-Act Per- formances To Be Given On Those Days BILLIARDS DROP LOOSE GAME TO INDIAN HILL Sunday, September 25, the Pierce Billiards traveled to New Trier High school field and attempted to break the loner winning streak which the Indian Hill Speed Boys have maintained up for four years. Their attempt ended in disaster. The Indian Hill lads do not play the regulation game of outdoor in- door but use a 12-inch playground ball, which the Billiards had never used, consequently the Billiards were placed at a great disadvantage throughout the game. Eight innings was sufficient to convince the Billiards that they were wasting time trying to hit the offerings of Dick Jones, the star Indian HU1 twirler, whose curves and speed allowed the Billiards but five hits and two runs. Duke Runtz and Eddie Moore did theâ€"twirling for the Wilmette lads but the ball proved to be too small for them to control and the Indian Hill lads had quite a bit of practice running bases. The Billiards, entirely new at this sort of game, admit thev were outclassed, but on October 16 the Indian Hill crew will play a re- turn game at Wilmette. said game to be° played with a regulation ball and bases/ This promises to be a tight game, and the Billiards are determined to- reverse the decision. The Billiards wish to announce that the game with St. Michaels L. A., the Chicago opponents of the locals, will be played Sunday, October 2. at the Wilmette baseball field at 17th street and Wilmette avenue, at 3 o'clock.' The Wilmette Woman's club will be the scene, Friday and Saturday, October 14 and 15, the time of the formal opening of the amateur dramatic season on the north shore when the North Shore Players will present three one-act plays which promise to be of exceptional interest to New Trier play-goers. "Where But in America?", "The Storm", and "The Potboilers" are the vehicles to be offered by the amateur stars in the opening performance re- hearsals for which are now well un- derway. The players, headed by Ralph Bell- amy, celebrated amateur star, are in- terested in the so-called Little Theater Movement which has as its purpose the presentation of wholesome, worth- while plays designed to offset the modern tendency in the theaters to- ward cheap, trashy shows which have turned the play-going public from its former attachment to genuine drama- tic art. Cast of Artists Every member of the players cast is an artist in his own name, all having achieved distinction in amateur dramatic circles, and several having won renown in the ranks of the pro- fessionals. __Under the expert direction of Ells- ' worth Taylor, who recently completed a course in that special work, the fol- lowing artists are appearing in the casts: Miss Gloria Chandler. Miss Eli- zabeth Duffy. Miss Catherine Crush, Miss Mary Ricksen. Ralph Bellamy. Gordon Canning, Harlan Ware, Jack Gibsonâ€"and Everett Fox Victoria Reopens With Stock Plays i" -.'....-â- The beautiful Victoria theater on Chicago's North Side, located at Bel- mont and Sheffield avenues, under the management of Frank A. P. Gazzolo, will be the home this season of a per- manent resident stock company, an institution which has regained fts old time favor. Only the latest "Loop" successes will be presented with a weekly change of play. Admission prices have been reduced to pre-war levels. Sunday, Thursday and Saturday mat- inees afe on the program. Starting Sunday matinee, October 2, the Victoria theater resident stock company will be seen in "Adam and Eva", a new comedy of American home life that had its Chicago pre- miere at the La Salle theater last sea- son. The company includes Jack Stuard, Rose Dean. Arline Althoff, Eugene McDonald, Milton Kibbee, Margaret Leonard, Harry Dickeson, Williard Kentf* Elma Cornell Hall, Fannie Stanlev, Ovah Fox. Bob Jones, and Willis Hall. A few of the plays to be presented are "Smilin' Through", "Turn to the Right". "The Passion Flower", "The Sign on the Door," "Transplanting Jean", "The Tiger Rose", "Mama's Affair", "Smooth as Silk". "May Time", "Up in Mabel's Room", "The Guest of Honor", "Experience". Jark Budinger,. Northwestern Uni- versity student, is attending to the business resnonsibilities. He is a res- ident of Wilmette and has had valu- able-experience in that important de- partment of the work. Better reserve one of the evenings! It is certain to be worthwhile! LOGAN P.-T. SESSION The Logan school Parent-Teacher association will hold its first meeting of the new school year on Monday afternoon, October 3, at 3 o'clock, in the Kindergarten room of the Logan school. Superintendent Harper of theo Village Public schools will ad- dress the meeting. It is hoped that every irjother having children in the school will be present and a special invitation is extended to the mothers of new school children. SCOUTS' ATTENTION Meetings of the Wilmette Bay Scouts, Troop Xo. 1, will be resumed Saturday, October 1. at the Byron C. Stolp school. The Misses Clara and Helen Braun entertained at their home, 629 Prairie avenue, on Tuesday evening, in honor of the latter's birthday anniversary. â€"*^_ Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Clifford of 803 Lake avenue, have as their guest for a fortnight or so, Mrs. M. L. Clifford, of Tacoma, Wash. DUBRUEIL'S NEWEST EATING HOUSE ON THE NORTH SHORE What is perhaps the north shore's most dainty and elaborate eating place opened this week at 620 Davis street, Evanston, under the very satisfacory name DuBrueil's. Of elaborate appointment DuBreu- il's possess that desireable quality sought by restaurant habitues but which is, sad to relate, are too often entirely lacking. Reference is to that something called "atmosphere". There is atmosphere about the place that holds one and inevitably calls one back for another taste. Coupled with the "atmosphere" is some real wholesome food coming from a cuisine presided over by Rupert Stark, formerly pastry chef at Theobold's, and Henry Ellerbee, xhef of the Chicago Beach hotel. Leon. J. and W. A. DuBreuil are the proprietors. The former was man- ager of the catering department » the Cooper- Carlton Hotel and the latter a leader in the candy and con- fectionery business in Evanston. CENTRAL P.-T. MEETING The Central school Parent-Teacher association will hold its first meeting of the new school year Tuesday after- noon, October 11, at 3 o'clock, in the gymnasium of Byron C. Stolp school. Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber of Winnetka will be the speaker. Mrs. Lieber is prominent in education circles par- ticularly in connection with Public school instruction. ENGLISH LUTHEILaTTch^ TO HOLD SPECIAL sg^ Rev. A. O. Soholm, pastor «t Wilmette English LitEeS? jg has selected as his topic for tJ mon Sunday, October 2 "rt-* Power to Save". Services are &> the Wilmette Woman's club bS* Tenth street and Greenleaf aveJ2? Members of the church are to m in special session Tuesdav ^.^ October 4, at S o'clock at* thePES of William Melbye, 244 Laurel *â„¢ The Women's Missjonary__s meets^ ThuT^day^==a7ternoon at -> o'clock with Mrs. Charles Brandt"*! Lake avenue and Hibbard road. Subscribe To Your Local Pap,, s«r. GIRLS RAISE FUNDS FOR NEW TRIER SCHOLARSHIP GOITRE RELEIVED Another < liit'iiiro Lady Report* Beinft Saved from Operation. Kacternal Treatment I'Med " Members of the New Trier Town- ship. High school Girls' Club devised an ingenious money-raising scheme at the opening of school a fortnight ago when thep maintained a sandwich and coffee booth during the registra- tion period. One'hundred'dollars was netted for the Club fund which, when jt reaches the three hundred dollar mark, will go toward a Scholarship Fund the club is planning to establish. •Vote: It would be illegal to publish th«'so statements if they were not true. Mrs. M. H. Evans. 3442 X. Ridgeway Ave.. Chicago, says in* her own home paper. The Chicago American: "Was thinking seriously of being.Operated on when I started to use sorbol Quadru- ple. Have not finished one bottle and am so much better that I take pleasure j in recommending it. My poitre is. of 20 years' standing. Had terrible chok- ing- spells, nervousness, sleeplessness, terrible dizzy heaflaohe-s until we thought jin operation th«/ only remedy. Have had none of these- symptoms since using Sorbol Quadruple. ' Will be iflad to tell, ftiqre about my experience personally or by letter." Sorbol Quadruple comes in small bot- tles containing enough for most cases. It will not stain or irritate. Does not interfere with regular work. Leaves .parts in healthful, normal condition. Requires 10 minutes daily. Get further information at Rennec- kar Drug <"o.. or writ" Sorbol Com- pany, Mee*hanicsburg. Ohio. â€"Advertisement. It Is To Your Advantage to GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY 17 you are not in the habit of attending a place of worship at least once each Sunday, you should do so and prove its value ; it is for your own welfare and happiness- The Church needs you and you need the Church. If you have had Church connections â€"renew.them now. If you have not had themâ€"attain them this coming Sunday. St. Augustine*' invites you to their Services at 11. a. m. on Sunday. Holy Com- munion 8 a. m. St. Augustine's Episcopal Church (next to Post Office) Rev. Hubert Carlton, Rector WILMETTE &!. 3fnlpi's Cutbrran (Eliwrrli Linden and Prairie Avenues Wilmette, III Herman W. Meyer. M. A., Pastor 406 Prairie Avenue Phone 1396 Our-£athers' Faithâ€"Our Country's â€"Languageâ€" YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO OUR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Bible Class and Sunday School 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes at Library Hall. 10:45 A. M. Preparatory service for Communicants 11:00 A. M. Communion Service. Subject: "FORGIVING SIN AND .. .' HEALING' DISEASE" Matth. 9,1-8. Every Mon. and Fri. at Aâ€"Re- ligious instruction of children at the church. Free to all. Beginning Sunday evening, Oct- ober 9, at 8 o'clock, at the church, Bible Studv Hour. tyiss Edith Ray Young Teacher of Piano Fall Term Now Open Telephone Wilmette 1385 BREAD Jifeafa E make the better kind of bread â€" the kind that makes you go back to the bread dish several times be- fore you have finished your meal. And at breakfast you'll find our rolls mighty tasty and satisfying-. Wilson's Bakery 1162 Wilmette Ave. 1I!!!IIII!IIII!II!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIII (This is the third of a series of advertisements) NEW BOY SCOUT TROOP Bov Scouts are re-organizing again for the season and are holding their first repnl-ir meeting at the Bvron C. Stolp_s c hoolthis week. All Wilme t le scouts are ur,rf<\ to he there to strirt the season of?-right. A new Scout troop is being formed in the village. boys twelve or. over are eligible -and are invited t<> attend this meeting. A second troop has just been organized under the leadership of Mr. Gilmore at the Congregational church. The Smartest and Best Dressed Women in Chicago have their Sportand Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP ^COMMUNION SERVICE "ommunion service wMl be held at St. John's 'Lutheran church, Linden and-^rairie avenues, Sunday morniner. October 2. at 11 o'clock. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Herman \V. Meyer, pastor. The sermon subject will be "Forgiving Sin and Healing Disease". -------râ€" Subscribe To Your Local Taper 'meat with your oun material" Suit© 1418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 North State CHICAGO If North Wabaoh Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE Black Soil for Lawns Grading Sown Fertiliser Land and Gravel Cinders Building Material General Teaming We Build Driveways FILLING- â€"7JIEAS1 ONABLE 733 W. Railroad Ave 57 Phone Wil. 53 Vocal Instruction Miss Gertrude Ulrich Pupil of George Nelson Holt, of Columbia School of Music. Chicago.___Tel. Wit, f42 - 7/0 Linden Ave., Wilmette North Shore Baths NORTH SHORE HOlf Reducing Treatm Dr. Charles E. Geisse Osteopathic Physician •Phone WiL 2052 1150 Wilmette Ave. â€"â€"RESIDENCE PHONE 537 . _^_ AN APPEAL TO THE HOME OWNER J The members of the North Shore Real Estate Board want your co-operation in their undertaking of closing p all of the North Shore Real Estate offices on Sundays. -I These men are not prompted by any Blue Sunday Laws, % but they do feel that they are entitled to a day of rest j the same as other merchants. They want to feel free J to enjoy one day a week with their families. You can help them materially by refusing to allow your home to be shown for sale on Sundays. It is not much J to ask but it is the one sure way of eliminating all Sun- g day real estate transactions. g In considering this appeal you should bear in mind that Sunday shoppers are seldom buyers. â€"^â€":------- % NORTH SHORE REAt ESTATE BOARD Active Membership Limited to North Shore Real Ent»»o> IhtdbjCT Till