Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Oct 1921, p. 3

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^mmmimrwmtmmmvtmfm/mmmm 1 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14,1921 he combined gymnasium and Hum there is utilized to caoac- Sarlv throughout ♦ he school !E both by the ichrnl children ti-elders. PlayKround facili- the schools are not up to stand- |j'^Ten churchtes in Wilmette. EL at present without church I Of these churches only three Uani^d young peoples' socie- n«lv two have organized athletic . Two have grfoup* for social L and two have men s groups, have an additional worker be- lie pastor. .One church has a auditorium for recreational ac- and two have small play- Ac Three churches out of the "'mto be making some attempt .vide social and recreational V-- However, we read, before Wilmette is ready to assume the expense of such a project, it first must seek to unify its various agencies and to make full use of present facilities for recrea- tion. This will necessitate the es- tablishment of a Community Council, as suggested, that will work to pro- mote "a better community conscious- ness, community spirit, neighbor!!- ness and the desire among the people to work for the good of the entire village." • ^i1 ,example of genuine community spirit is to be found in the accompany- ing letter directed to the president of the Wilmette Woman's club and chair- man of the committee which conduct- ed the recent community survey. George E. Cole, author of the letter, is a Wilmette citizen and leading Chi )V«/in°orKanibed character. The , cago publisher, who furnished the 8 !,«.., ♦tempt for- it. Frn"i'♦hfa ^mphlets cratis. Hi 1 ,'t would seem that the field of I recreation ih practicallv un- wed- and that a arreat deal of could r>nd should be put forth ,t th" rhurchea' share of a com- v»s ol.ii^Hon to provide whole- recreation. pnMi<*' Librarv i« not receiving ^»*<t >* deserves, he savs. Thjs „,ni»v institution, he asserts, is to Annhim it<t book Histribu- «,i.i;t5r>^ hr ctin^M stmnlv i«- s), : nnJ $*r\rv.*<»11*rc to <»nm- llayRrounds. and permit larger f its auditorium, at.more reason- â- xpe*1^. J*1 _Nol EwomhrSsf_____------- mette residents do not utilize &t time_ioi_Coinrjmnity_Play, it iained. Too much *ime mii«t be in r"cr<»»tion outside tTie village «r of either the «f>er lf»ck or ?n- arv of f!»n'1itiec for recreation its borders. The block S11^- immnri/en" in the report indi- the principal sources of amiise- re swimming and movies in the _r time and dancing and ^movies r^vrin+er-montrreâ€"Tenuisâ€"and nil come in for their share of pants but are enjoyed . larcrelv the villaee because of lack of ion for these sports at home, ies for skating are almost alfeo- lackinsr. lette should eventually have a Communintv Center, Mr. En<*- oncludes. where there will. be ounds. space for major snorts, for the enioyment of billiards owling amid wholesome sur- ncs. a properly eaUipoed gvm- a large community dance ball, . and auditorium for dramatics mmunitv Catherines, and club for smaller social groups. The hould have no less than three playgrounds. _is letter reads: Mrs. J. C. Mannerud, Wilmette, Illinois. Dear Mrs. Mannerud: The report of C. H. English, the Re- creative Specialist, giving conditions in Wilmette and showing the good that will accrue from organized Com- munity Service, thrills me with en- thusiasm,â€"so much so, that I will be more than glad to furnish ^your com- mittee with as many copies as you care to have. I think that a copy should be put in the hands of every family in Wilmette. Yours for good Citizenship, George E. Cole. BLOCKED COUNTRY ROADS MAY BE WORK OF BANDITS Chief Sieber, of the Wilmette Police department has issued a timely warn- ing to Wilmette and north shore mo- torists, based on a personal experi- ence. . „. . . Recently when Chief Sieber and members of his family were motoring after dark along the road passing the Glenview-Oolf"Clul)Hhey-came upon-a^ fallen tree that had been placed across the roadway in such a manner as to completely block traffic. It may be the work of highway men, Chief Sieber thinks. His theory in that connection appears logical in view of numerous reports of similar experiences recently made to the police. COMNUNITY DANCING Every Tuesday Evening BYRON CSTOLPH SCHOOL I Oth'and Central Class Lessons 7:45 to 8:30 Dancing 8:30 to 11:00 PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION Sponsoring Dancing Classes on Tuesdays Beginning October 30th, at Vilmette Woman's Club, under Miss Rote Cox, of Chicago nrollment may be made with Miss Holstein of the Logan chool, or by phone with Mrs. J. Nye Macalister. Kindergarten age. First three grades. Fourth, Fifth and part of Sixth Grade. Rythmic or Interpretative Dancing. Evenings for part of Sixth, and Seventh and Eighth Grades. _______ â€"4 -5 -6 -8 â€"9 Gymnastic Dancing, for Women. Over 600,000 owners ® c. m. Mcdonald Eodbe Brothers . MOTOR CARi E VANSTON zNORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING THE purity of our bread lis a real reason for its pur- chase. It is made in a clean wholesome way and appeals to folks who de- mand and always get the best eatables. Wilson's Bakery 1162 Wilmette Ave. Safety Deposit Boxes Our newly constructed concrete vault has naturally been slow in drying. For that reason that its interior damp- ness would rust the steel,â€"4we have been slow in in- stalling our Safety-deposit boxes. ~ We wish to announce that we now have available our document size boxes, which rent for $3 per year. We invite our customers to inspect our complete vault equip- ment. First National Bank â- â€"== of Wilmette =====â€"â-  Member of Federal Reserve Bank Frank J. Baker President J. M. Appel • r Vice-Pres. R. W. Webber Cashier I -* â- -â-  A. S. Van Deusen SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery TeiePhone.5i< 511,512*513 Wilmette-CentralAve.and 12th St. Meat Telei.hoi . 514 . . . 5c/n CASH CnhandCwry - - - - 5* Discount Cash and Delivered - - . . 2 * Discount Z «-^JLI YJnJw* °n orders of $1.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Moat Department. DISCOUNT ProfilGooda. SPECIAL SALE Oct 17th to Oct 22nd BY ACTUAL COMPARISON I find that my prices have been reduced 25^ and many times much more under prices of this time last year. This is very pleasing both to you and myself. It is my belief that prices mutt go down still lower, except on a very few articles. ^ GRANULATED SUGAR. The finest cane. 10 lbs. ..... ...... Jf° CONFECTIONER'S POWDERED SUGAR. 4X Bulk, lb. -Wf FLOUR. PUlsbury, Washburn and Ceresota. */g bbl..........,.y..-.-.............; .ir. .^^»L21 At thu time last year, Hour sold for $1.90. . , „. POTATOES. Fancy Wisconsin. Bushel, 60 lbs., $175; Peck, 15 lbs..... ........ 48c JONATHAN APPLES. . Perfect fruit. Any size. The finest quality of No. 1. Extra fancy. Box, 40 lbs. net weight. .$3.85 SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNRDY SOAPâ€" If you have used this you know __it^is^a very good Laundry Soap, and at this price it is a bargain. 100 8-oz. bars in box.......$3.90 10 8-oz. bars ..£..............46c CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" 100 9y3-oz. bars in box .. .$8.25 10 9^-oz. bars..............«3c KITCHEN KLENZERâ€" Large can----- ----. • • •......•%« OLD DUTCH CLEANSERâ€" Can ..:.:....................»c GOLD DUSTâ€" Large No. 4 pkg. ."...........-32c AMERICAN FAMILY WASHING MACHINE SOAP CHIPS- 11b. pkg......................22« PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAPâ€" Ca\ce.........................^s PAILSâ€"Galvanized iron, 12 qt..30c BROOMS â€" Cottage. Very fancy, corn; well made; 4 sewed; ea.SSc LUSTRE FLOOR OILâ€" Large bottle ...;.............*5c LUXURY FANCY TISSUE TOILET PAPER- 6 oz.roll, doz........• • • • • • BOHEMIAN RYE FLOUR- 5 lb..............••••••,:•••••" GRAHAM FLOURâ€"5 lbs. .. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR- New. Old fashioned; lb. ,v-----Sc RICHELIEU PASTRY FLOUR^- 5 lbs..........................z*c OLD MANSE MAPLE AND CANE SYRUP- -. M It takes an expert to tell the dif- ference between this and pure maple syrup. 2lA lb. can ... .fjc VA lb. can .....g............*•* RICHELIEU PURE MAPLE SYRUP- The very finest produced, me Iprice is down now so it is not pro- hibitory. Qt. bottle ..,.......•** IMPORT YELLOW CLING PEACHES- ^ . Large No, 2^ can. Fancy peaches medium heavy syrup. Doz. $325; can ...::'.:.....••2ic MEAT DEPARTMENT Chuck Pot Roast Beef, lb. ...24c Fresh Spare Ribs, lb...........Me New Sauerkraut, lb. .........Mc Lamb Patties, lb. .t............32c Home MadePork Sausage ..... Meat, lb...................35c $1.05 ..30c ..25c CRACKERSâ€"National Biscuit Co. All crackers, salt and sweet are much lower in price. Buy bulk crackers. They are nearly ^ the price of packages. A package of Premium Sodas contains 8j4 oz. and sells for 15c. 1 lb. or 16 oz. bulk,..........l»c CHEESE â-  *â- ' White Cloud, Sprague, Warner & Co.s finest brand of New York Lb............................3Sc CHOCOLATEâ€" Walter Baker's Premium, !b..4Sc CHOCOLATE DIPPED CARAMELSâ€"Fresh. Lb. ......45c MRASHMALLOWSâ€" Fresh; bulk; lb................35c CIDERâ€"Morgan's Pure Sweet; I gal. glass ........k.-----V- .$I«0S Rebate for bottlev.30c. ... .... .. JORDAN SHELLED ALMONDS New. Tisrer Brand; lb. .,.....»5c PEANUTSâ€"IN shell? Fresh roasted, lb. :....:......17c Tumbo Salted, fresh ; lb......27c HONEYâ€"Fancy White Clover g Comb......................V..33c CRYSTALIZED GINGERâ€" Richelieu: T^ lb. can .. ----. 4Sc CANTON PRESERVED GINGER Small pot -----.............v*?e CITRON PEELâ€" ' Fancy aualitv. lb.............48c CANDIED PINEAPPLE^-Lb...7Sc DEL MONTE YELLOW FREE PEACHESâ€" The finest quality packed; heavy rich syrup. / Doz. $3.95; can ........£i"S RICHELIEU BARTLETT PEARS The finest; No. 2 can; doz. $S>5f can ..,----...........• • •'.....2t* DONT FAIL to buy canned fruit and vegetables now. I have a good stock at reasonable prices now, but I am told, by those who claim to know that there will be a shortage in canned goods and prices must go highor. . richelieu colossal white asparagus points- No. 1 square can, doz.......$525 Can .........:...............45c MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTSâ€" Fancy, large stalk; No. 1 square can; doz. $4.40; can ........;37c SUNBEAM COUNTRY GENTLEMAN CORNâ€" Wonderfully fine. Several peri* pie have bought one of Ujis corn and came right back affa bought a case. Doz. $2.10; can........ 18c HENRY SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEASâ€"Tender, sweet; very fine quality. J. Doz. $1.65; can............... .14c DEARBORN CLUB SWEET SIFTED PEASâ€" Extra fancy; doz. $2.75; can 23c MONSOON TOMATOESâ€" Fancy; Extra Standard. No. 3 can. doz. $2.15; can ....Me WHITE PONY TOMATOESâ€" Extra standard; No. 2 cans. Doz. $1.50; 2 cans..v........25c GENESEE PUMPKINâ€" Fancy; large No. 3 can. Doz. $2.15; can..............18c RICHELIEU SPINACHâ€" One of the finest articles in the „ Richelieu line; clean, "ready to use. No. 2 can, doz. $2.40; can.22c RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLEâ€" This is the acme in pineapple. /Ripe, delicious flavor, perfect slices: No. 2 squat can. Doz. $3.50; can...............38c Large No. 21/. can; doz. -----$4.20 Can..........................3$c SUNIBAY APRICOTSâ€" Fancy; heavy syrup; large No. 2l/2 can; doz. $2.75; can...... .24c GOLDEN EAGLE APRICOTSâ€" First quality; No. 2% can. Doz. $3.80; can..............32« fe«

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