Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Oct 1921, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1921 G3 ,R. and Mrs- Grant Ridgway of Kenilworth have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Harriette, to Mr. Samuel H. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. , Clark of 716 Lake avenue, to take place on the evening of Saturday, October 29, in the Congregational church of Winnetka, at eight-thirty o'clock. Mrs. Leon T. Ellis will attend her sister as matron of honor, and the Misses Jane Ridgway, another sister, Louise Tinsman of Kansas City, Helen Ruth, Winifred Moore of Boston, Frances Tollerton of Chicago, and Mrs. Wendell Clark will be bridesmaids. Mr. Wendell Clark will serve his brother as best man, and the ushers will include Messrs. Leon T. Ellis, Emory Ellis, Gordon Clark, Joseph Dugan of Hinsdale, Robert Stolz of Dayton, Ohio, and Walter Nelson of Wilmette. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the home of the bride's parents in Kenilworth. _ \ . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lusted of 714 Prairie avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel Telfer, to Mr. Edward W. Richardson, son of Mrs- Louise Richardson of this village. The edding will take place-sometime this wintety â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Reuter ot721 Ninth street, announce the engagement of their two daughters, Miss Isabelle Elizabeth Wright to Mr. Harry G. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson of Los Angeles, Cal., and of Miss Eloise Wright to Mr. H. Leslie Hicks of St. Cloud. Minn. The marriage of Miss Isabelle Wright and Mr. Wilson will.take place early in December. Mrs. W. P. Bates, 1330 Gregory ave- nue, well known and a favorite pian- ist, will be soloist for the Bronson club of the Rogers Park Catholic Woman's club at their clubhouse next Monday, October 17. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Sanford Clark entetained with a dinner dance last Saturday evening in their home, 526 Washington avenue, in honor of Mrs. Fred Parson of California, who is visiting among friends in the village. The Young Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wilmette Woman's club held their first business meeting o f the year on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. R. D. Burtner. 810 Oakwood ave- nue. Mrs. E. J. Hoffman will entertain the third division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church at her home, 1635 Lake avenue, on Thursday, October 20, at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Stone and two children, 745 Prairie avenue, left this week for a fortnight's visit in Con- cord, N. H., and with relatives in Maine. Miss Alicia Pratt will resume her classes in interpretative and ballroom dancing, on Wednesday afternoon, October 19, at the Winnetka Wom- an's club. . Mrs. Lillian Anderson of California, is spending several weeks here as the guest of her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Berbach, at the Edgewjrter Beach hotel _*_________~____________ â-  â-  i i i i i I I : i i : â-  â-  i i A lovely wedding was solemnized on Wednesday morning at St. Jo- seph's church, when Miss Madeline Hdi»kln^r^«8KeT^of~Mrr and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins of Ticonderoga, N. Y.f became the bride of Mr. Lawrence P. Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer, 1501 Washington avenue. The service was read at nine o'clock, Father William Netstraeter officiating. The bride wore an attractive gown of white charmeuse, and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and white roses. Her veil of tulle fell*from a tiny cap of lace, and was held in place by a wreath of orange blossoms. Her sister/ Miss Marion Hopkins, of New York City, attended as maid of honor, and wore a becom- ing frock of yellow crepe de chine, and carried an arm boquet of pink carmr- tions. Miss Teresa Schaefer, sister of the groom, who attended as brides- maid, wore a lovely frock of pale green crepe de chine, and carried pink carnations. The Parent Teacher association of Central school held its first regular meeting on Tuesday, October 11, with mrattendi H. Lieber, of Winnetka, spoke with her usualâ€"force and clearness on "Educational Legislation". Mrs. Lieb- er has been appointed as one of a committee of five to consider needs of Illinois in Educational and to re- port to the next legislature. The next meeting will be an evening meeting to be held about the second week of November. Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace Kerr have rented their house at 707 Forest avenue, for the winter, and Mrs. Kerr will spend the winter with her moth- er in La Porte, Ind, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Arms have rented their house at 520 Lake avenue, to Mr. and Mrs. Tenbrook for the win- ter. Mrs. Tenbrook is a sister of Mrs. Joseph Marshall. | Members of the Woman's Guild of the Congregational church are busily I Mrsr^faurice^ ^ngaged-in preparations for a Christ^ - t !.L ____ T_____' *._ 1___U~tA »U. fire* vtrooL- I Sunday evenings-October 23, the Camp Fire groups of Rogers Park, Evanston and Wilmette, will meet at the Hemenway Methodist church, Main street, Evanston, for a big ceremonial. The program, as arrang- ed by Mrs. Appell, who will have charge? gives promise of a "ftefybeSu* tiful and interesting ceremony. Par- ents of the Wilmette Camp Fire girls are cordially invited to attend this ceremony. Mrs. Charles G. Hasklni entertained the Travel club on Tuesday of this week, at her home in Glencoe. A luncheon was served, typical of Nor- way, followed by an interesting talk (in costume) by Miss Elizabeth Sep- ton, who has just returned from the pictureesque country. The Neighborhood Circle of the Congregational church, Mrs. W. G. Glover, chairman, will hold an all-day The groom was attended hy his two brothers, Aloysius Schaefer, who served as best man, and Francis Schaefer, who acted as usher. Th ewedding breakfast was served at the home of the groom's parents, followed by a large reception. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer have taken an apartment in Evanston, and will be at home after November first. . _UJ,,„ Roth Auction Bridge and "500" will I meeting Tuesday, October 18, at the he ^aved at the annual card party to home 0f Mrs. Arthur L. Rice, SlRCen-. 1% Sven on Wednesday afternoon trai avenue. A demonstration lunch- l)e *nen.m . -r .u. w;wttfl eon will be given.-' .', , A delightful feature of the regular meeting of the Central Avenue Circle of the Congregational church, held on Friday of last week in the church par- lors, was the birthday surprise party given in honor of Mrs. George C. Hughes, one of the members. Mr. and Mrs. John Balmes announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Theresa Marie, to William Theodore Schwall which is to take place on Wednesday, October 26, at the Sacred Heart church, Hubbard Woods. â- . ' Bethsaida Shrine, Order of the White 5hrinejrfJerusa]enL„artnoance a Dancing and Card party which they ed for Saturday evening ,, at 8:30 o'clock, in Jones Tickets may be obtained from Woman's club, for the benefit of the Philanthropy department. Prize > tor this delightful affair *»? *^beS{ donated, and as the pivot m%*?* be played in bridge, there will be a prize for each table.,The:**£*& ceeds of the ticket sale will be devoted to the worthy work of the PhUan member of the committee in charge^ the affair, including Mesdames C.^r. Fvans I. Nye Macahster, John vv. Cullen, John MacLean Fred Simmon , A. Buckman, Albert G. frost, Bartlett Royal * - -------- _ Herbert C. Arms, Ernest and Statham Wilhams. ; . , Ouilmette Country club willJorm- Ouiimette toumi, *.-- - w:tu a have arranged for Saturday evening, embers oi Mr. ^d"Mri. Perry L., Mr. I Captain, and Mrs. dinner and Bridge clubs this week at her home, oTJr^oreTriffcntfi. Mr. and Mrs. George Murdoch, of 1010 Central avenue, returned this week from a fortnight's visit in North Carolina and Virginia. Mr .and Mrs. Roy Albertsonj are building a new home on Broadway avenue, near Livingstone, just across the Wilmette border line. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes and son, Tom, of 1220 take avenue, have gone to Marshfield, Wis., for the win- *Mr. Munroe Cole of 911 Greenwood avenue, is in Atlantic City, N. J., this week attending the Stationers con- vention. , Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C Arms have rented their home at 720 Uke •venne, and are residing at the North Shore hotel. ' ,' , -._• „ . Rev. and Mrs. Edwin G. Hunter of 801 Fifteenth street, returned Wednes- day from a several weeks visit in De- troit, i 'â- â-  „ Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schwall an- nounce the birth of a son, on Satur- day, October 8. FAMILY WASHING Wet Wash twenty-five pounds . . . . Flat Work Ironed Apparel Dried, No Starch, No Mark $1.25 2.25 Nelson Brothers Laundry perfect launder edi shirts better:laundered collars-they last longer Phone Wilmette 1800 Ladies' Tailor Expert making and remodeling of fine suits and coats. Altering is a specialty and work is al- ways gotten out when promised. 1 ii R. KAFTANSKI 1159 Wijmcttc Ave. Rooms 33 and 34 Phone Wilmette 2562 mas bazaar to be held the first week in. December.. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jenkins have re- turned from a five month's trip in the east, and at present are making their home at the Sheridan Plaza. Mr. and Mrs. Jofcn E. Cawkwe.ll wjll entertain at a Dinner Bridge at their home, 802 Ashland avenue* on Satur- i day evening of next week. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club will be entertained next Tuesday at the home of Mrs; H. M. Dibble, 530 hake avenue. Mrs. T. C. Potter was hostess to the members of the Thursday Luncheon FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, WILMETTE, Announces a Free Lecture on Science by Willis F. Gross, C. S. B., of Boston, Mass. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church* The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Thursday Evening, October 20th, 1921, at 8 o'clock Central Avenue and Tenth Street IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE Wilmette, 111. The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend tlle, $*J**2i ifteSTSo^l meamber-s^r at the door, will be Mr. and Mrs. Burt n. v. , . . M Foi Mr. and Mrs. rerry. *-.^~â€"" . w i , - - , ,, „ u t? Keller. Mr. ana Mrs. orose nd Mrs. H. 1$. ,*•»»« S"**- V 1.. ou;n;, of Fort Forrest E. Am- McKinley, R«at, and Mrs. rt. i*..*â- Â«Â»Â«Â» %~\£~L v L O. G. Corns ahd Mr. **J&£JL S. Harman. The committee mcharge of the dancing includes Messrs ana \fesdames Hal. W. Alger, C «;«*? ton, D. W. Lester, Walter Hannan, fnd T. J .Tubbs. Announcement is made of the^mar- nage of Miss JesngBtti^^ Boston, Mass., to Mr. Kjbert »™ White, son of Mr. and Mrs. George D White oi H01 Greenwood avenue which took place in Boston on Sep_ Aemher 15. Mr. ^nd Mrs White mo tored west by way of Canada srnv \nzM Wilmette early "^fgSg: where they wiir>e^ie^ests of Mr. Whtie's parents until their apartment in Rogers Park reaches completion Mrs. Thomas Hopkins and ner .«Michter, Miss Marion Hopkins ot Now York, are the ,nouse-guestSj ot Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer, 1501 Washington avenue, "having come west to attend the wsdding of their daugh tor and sister, which occurred on Wednesday of this week. PhiUipine Islands, announce the, .bir h of a son, on September 23. Captain Ambrose is a son of Mr and Mrs. D. E. Ambrose, 1222 Central avenue. A card party will be given at the home ot Margaret McArale, m liroadway avenue, on baturuay attcr- noon ot this weeK, tor tne uenent ot i^rivt:. Ail are nivucu. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Woodcock ot 934 Sheridan road, recently soia tneu Some to Mr. ana Mr,, ^.moaa am tamny ot cmcago, una *re now oc- cupymg tneir uume m vvimie^, ^ n^Atter^eceiiuy-parchasefl^ Be Photographed This Year On Your Birthday Never Grow Old J few months make a de- cided change in a child- children grow that fast - but photographs of the child' ren never grow up. |â€"Mak*i now. The Store For Children North Shore Goli ciub announces a Dinner aSd Bridge party-««^"ES evening oi Uns weeK, anu n unmc ana ousiness meenus. wuiV ****;"" of omcers tor Saturday evening, Ucto- ber 22. " ' iTr. and Mrs. Harold B. Dick ot 1400 Washington avenue, announce the birth ot a son, on J uly 22. I For Your Convenience We Do Home Portraiture ll60jJWilmette Avenue Telephone Wilmette 311 Wilmette They amy "Cotton Goods ate going up'\ but the following SALE starts Monday, the 17th: FALL GINGHAMS, some with Bloomers,$1.95 and up. FLANNEL'SLEEPING GARMENTS, for Boys or Girls, good quality, 85c. An attractive assortment of little MITTENS and GLOVES have arrived, at 25c up. The HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS will begone. •mm ..••••••--•-••••-•--••«

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