'â- THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21,1921 11 .*«»• th« annual tale under the aus- 5.: of the Udlet* Aid and Mission Society 5 and the Anniversary of the dedication of St. John**. METHODIST CHURCH The conference report by Dr. Rapp, covering the year juit clog^Jhowt that this church paid out $22,000, and one-half of this amount went for be- nevolent intereata, outside of Wil- tnetto. Our new pastor with his wife and children, two boys and two girts, ar- rived last Friday" in their automobile, having motored from Aberdeen, S. D. Then- were no vacant seats in the church on Sunday when Dr. St an soil preached his first sermon in Wilmette. Our chorus-choir is working for a membership of fifty (space and seats wiU be provided). If you can sing and would like to work under a good conductor, come to rehearsal Thurs- day evening at 7:30 o'clock. • In an impressive service last Sun- dav afternoon, an elm tree, with a Miitahjc bronze tablet at its base, was dedicated to the memory of Louis M. Bruch who was killed, in action in France during the World War. The young Men's Class, of which Louis was a member, was responsible for ~t1re tree and the tablet, and their teacher, Mr. E. G. Bentley, conduct- ed the dedication service. *â- «" The men of the church will make the annuarcartvas fpr the budget next Sunday afternoon, October 23. Let every Methodist man that does not take part in the canvass, be at home ready to do business. Dr. Rapp will continue to teach the M en's class* which meets in the church at 9:45 Sunday morning. All men are invited. Our pastor will conduct the Epworth League service Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. The monthly meeting of the Sun- day School board will be held in the church Tuesday evening, October 25. Hold Special Clinic At Health Center Dr. Board of Chicago Tuberculosis Institute to be at Grosse Point tor Once a Month The Grosse Point Health Center, Ridge and Wilmette avenues, an- nounces that beginning Tuesday morning, October 25, at 10 o'clock, Dr. E. G. Beard of the Chicago Tubercu- losis Institute will hold a clinic at the Health Center every fourth Tuesday of the month. Dr. Beard, now a regular examiner of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, is an eminent Chest Specialist, who is well known because of years of spe- cialized work With the International Harvester Company. Miss Queen, regular nurse in charge, ITat thVUealtK Center every^iay~be- tween 12 and 1 o'clock to answer calls; telephone Wilmette 2402. Attention is also called to the reg- ular Wednesday afternoon Child Wel- fare clinic. Dr. M. C. Hecht is in charge. Children under school age can be weighed and measured and coaoi 0 IOHOI T^or Those who appreciate and want absolute exclusive- ness in their motor cars, we make up special body designs in accordance with the very highest standards of workmanship known to the master craftsman's art. Specifically, right now we are building many winter enclosures (California Tops). We make them in several different models or from your own individual design. Vou are invited to come in today, tomorrow, or next day, and make arrangements for en- closing your car. CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE COMPANY, 1223 S. Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO. 4 +/ountairv Square Â¥ £&V -A. K S V O 1*4 A Boy-Power Engine f4 Wouldn't that little tad of your be just tickled to with this big red engineâ€"with bell, cow- and everything? Well any he mothers receive advice in cases of mal- nutrition. ^^ ...Mr. »nd Mrs. C. E. Renneckar, 93$ Ewiwood avenue, accompanied Mr. •M Mrs. Arthur Winslow of 606 Washington avenue, on a motor trip For Plate and Window glass Art Clan Mirrors Storm Windows Auto Windshields Mirror resilvering L end any kind of glazing- call on WILMETTE GLASS WORKS 1030 Greenleaf Avenue Phone Wilmette 2508 to Birch Lake, Wis., for a few days' outing this week. Mrs. J. C. Hoot and family, 932 Ash- land avenue, left on Saturday last for their new home in New York, where Mr. Hoot has been engaged in busi- ness for some time. OYBUR 615 Davis St., Evanston! MATINEES 2 si 4 4 Ettaing 7 and 9 Saturday October 22 CORRINE GRIFFITH in "Moral Fibre" Path* Newa Rolin Comedy NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday October 24 and 25 Mr. and Mrs. Carter Do Havon in "My Lady Friends" Wednesdayâ€"â€"N^-Oct< ALICE CALHOUN in 'The Matrimonial Web" Thursday and Friday October 27 and 28 WANDA HAWLEY in "Her Sturdy Oak" Saturday October 29 MARIE PREVOST in "Moonlight Follies" COMING "MOTHER O'MINE" "GREATER THAN LOVE" CONWAY TEARLE in "After Midnight" MARY MILES MINTER in "Her Winning Ways" JJndct^toand Gailia^nmivar Gaston* llaoaiisr. Doa* oast oyâ€"Uo»4ayd»a» â- â- rj oasasnay aaraasjs cask roaa and »ataaaa sansHH %» iL k Size 30x3 30x3^ Hydro-Toron Tires GUARANTEED FOR 10,000 Miles Against Stone Bruise,â€"Rim Cutâ€" Blowout No risk â€"no cuewinir â€" no doubtful adjustments when you buy Hydro- Toron tires. They ore mode by such advanced proeessea that they are not to be eonfueed in any way with ordinary tires. The Internal Hydraulic Expansion Process and the Toron fabric result in a tire of extraordinary quality and long life. Big as Cords Better than Cords Toron fabric la so proof against water that moisture seepina through a cut in the casing ffnnotxot it. There is more rubber in "every" Hydro-Toron tire. More mileage is certain because the tire stays whole; the common weaknesses that cause most tire troubles are completely done away with. Come in and get acquainted with these super-tires. Let us have the pleasure of proving that they are all that Is claimed for them. Tires " List Price 5 O 32*313......"77777777: 31x4............... 32x4............... 33x4............ 34x4 ............... $14.50 17.50 "21730^ 24.50...... 28.25 wv. 7; 29.75 ._____ 30.40...... 32x4}4............... 37.85...... 33x4^............... 39.10 ...... 34x4*4,.............. 40.30...... 35x4^............... 42.15 ...7.. 33x5 ..............7 45.85_____. 35x5 ............... 48.60...... NO WAR TAX Tubes List Price .....$2.15 ..... 2.55 77777 2.90 ..... 3.45 ..... 3.55 ..... 3.75 ..... 3.90 ..... 4.55 ..... 4.65 ..... 4.75 ..... 4.80 ......5.55 5.80 ..... WM. T. WEHRSTEDT, Prop. 562 Lincoln Ave. Donee Brothcrs MOTOR CAK8 M SERVICE FIRST Long-Distance Telephoning Is Easy Do you real ize how easy and simple it is to make a long-distance telephone call? Just call "Long Distance* * from your own telephone. Our operator does the rest. The service is good, die lines are adequate to handle your calls, and the charges are reasonable.â€" .,_____ m ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY