THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 13 IDGE BROTHERS APPOINT DEALER m T. W«kretedt, Winnetk* Mo- r Company, Named Dealer lor Deaf* &*• i« North Sfcoro Towns Announcement is made by Dodge ^her< Detroit, of the appoint- lit of William T. Wehrstedt, pro- Jtor of the Winnetka Motor Com- fv 5^ Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, Itheir dealer in Glencoe, Winnetka, nilworth, Wilmette and Gross The remarkable popularity of the dee Brothers Motor Car has caused Comol ile men all over the country chmor for sales privileges, but â- dec Brothers* policy of quality in ijnu methods, as well as quality in care, requires a painstaking^, in, Itigation in every instance before election is made. In Mr. Wehrstedt dee Brothers ahve a dealer on â- Jm. they believe they may rely for ih progressiveness and fair busi- es methods. hie prompt manner in which Dodge otht-rs assumed one of the foremost i it ions in the automobile industry is regarded as a striking testimonial to the high regard in which their name was held by the public even before they marketed a motor bearing this name. Prior to that time Dodge Brothers had built the vital parts for more than a million other cars, estab- lishing a reputation for thoroughness and mechanical ski!!. This reputation has been more than upheld. It is said of Dodge Brothers in explanation of their unusual suc- cess, that they spare no money or af- fort in building a car to suit their par- ticular ideas of thoroughness in man- ufacture. What their ideas on this subject mean to the purchaser of their product may be imagined from the fact that they have a staff of more than 700 inspectors who do nothing but check up on workmanship in the various processes of manufacture. In addition there are several large de- partments devoted entirely to similar work, such as the physical and chem- ical laboratories where raw and fin- ished materials are subjected to tests so thorough as to leave no doubt of the quality. Public approval of their principles of thoroughness is seen in the rapid expansion of Dodge Brothers Works made necessary by public demand. In December, 1914, it was a plant of less than 20 acres. Today Dodge Broth- ers Works covers 100 acres of floor space. HOME ABOARD SHIP Use of one of the Shipping Board's wooden "war vessels" tied up at a wharf for more than a year as a home until permanent quarters can be con- structed is being sought by Rainier- Noble post of the American Legion, Seattle, Wash. r&f Th« Smartest andiBut Drnsed Women in Chicago! have their Sport and Week End Skirts MADE AT THE WILSON SKIRT SHOP " mod* with your own mittriml" Suite 1418 Stvcni Building Randolph 3219 North SOt* CHICAGO It North W.b.ih INDIVIDUAL FAMILY WASHING Wet Wash <fc 1 25 twenty-five pounds . . . ••- • â-¼ ' •"â- ' Flat Work Ironed O ? C Apparel Dried, No Starch, No Mark . . #;«#«* Nelson Brothers Laundry Perfect Laundered Shirts Better Laundred Collars-They Last Longer Phone Wilmette 1800 SWIFT TEAL itatlve New York Life Insurance Co. 1017 Cental Aw., WILMETTE, ILL Phone WtbMttiS7 FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1629 Orrington Ave., Evuiston \renghtens Weak Arches T. Clark, a noted foot doctor, ites in the Medical Record: "I ad- patients who have been wearing ch suporters any great length of ie to continue wearing them early the treatment by removing them 3t two hours, then three hours a [y until the supports are gradually Wnsed with. f'Placed in the shoe, arch supports worn about fourteen hours a day »rting constant pressure, greatly lucing the blood supply and limit- the» action of the plantar muscles, suiting in undernourishment and [use atrophy." 'antilever Shoes have the flexible j* which allows the muscles to ex- cise and strengthen by the mere act walking. The shank of the shoe not rigid as in all ordinary shoes, |t flexible just as the arch of your jt is flexible. The lines of the fctilever shoe harmonize with the ipe of your foot, with room for toes and a snug fitting "waist" or step. EVER have you rid- den in a motor car just like this: Only after you Have known this rare and fascinating ex- perience will you be able to judge its exceptional person- ality. Built and priced to lead the field of fine quality light cars, it is distinguished by a new and exclusive Jordan motor. There's a nimble, electrify- ing something in this burly moto* which small boys call "a wallop." So come in and drive it your- self. Learn first-hand the thrilling joy of this new dy- namic, dependable motorcar. Interior of New Jordan Brougham the fore compartment cool. Optional colorsâ€"either en- during, bright or practical opaque yelvet finish. New swanky, nickel banded barrel lamps. Tools securely car- ried in left, front door. And in addition to these and many other exclusive fea- tures, this new Jordan is priced to give you motor car value beyond comparison. NEW JORDAN-PWGES â- The ordinary case of weak foot is ©ported sufficiently by the arch- hforming shank of the Cantilever loe, soi you can dispense with appli- |ces while the freedom of the shoe lows your foot to regain its strength Iturally. (A "weak arch" is nothing ft a failure of the muscles and liga- firts to hold the arch bones in nor- al position). Nature will do her nost to strengthen a weak arch if fen a chance. * [And Cantilever Shoes are so good firing and comfortable that yon feel Ppy all the time you are wearing *m. They are worn principally by pll-dressed women who have no foot M>le at all, because these women pe. found it an advantage in life to Ubeir feet strong and well, corn- able and happy. jSofl on the North Shore only by lORTfTsHORE ^OOTEHY 529 Davis Street, Evanston lTw Street, corner Chicago Avenue. Ijgg Open f*57------:â€"1â€"Saturday Evenings ** further information we will Jon Cantilever booklet.) Rare comfort will be yours, however rough the road. Pep, power and endurance will you experience. Its new and interesting fea- tures will facinate you. Ami tor, chain driven, of course. Instruments all under glass, lighted from without. A new cowl ventilator which keeps This is the best car that can be built at the price. Buy Now with confidence. Silhouette . $2095 Playboy . $2095 Landaulet . 2995 Sedaa . 3200 Brougham . $3200 Pricis F.O.B. Factory ^onJersâ€"No matter where you areâ€"write ar wireâ€"your territory may be o+m You may GAGE CO EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Phone E»amton 5700 â€" ~=--------»629 Omngto. Aâ„¢. JomDAK MotoiCai Comfant, Inc., Cleveland. Okie