Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Oct 1921, p. 16

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Classified Advertisements LI line. Black face type charged double price. FOR SAMSâ€"BIBAL BtiTATfS L6t IR most desirable kastkrn â- ectlon; close to lake, bathlnir beach, schools and depot; will soon bewort" double; splendid Investment $70.00; a foot: one at $65.00. .,-.••„, Finest Wllmette corner, beautifully wooded. $123.00 foot. Extra choice lot on Oreenl-vnf Avenue, 200 ft. deep; fln*> trees: $6R.00 foot. Oet our list of hlgh-grntte. lots. Some exceptional lot bargains Jn-WM- tern section In best locations, $28.00 to $45.00 foot. â€"â€" Can vou ImaKlne for $18,500.00 buying an eight room hot water heated, thor- oughly modirn home, with sun and .Sleep, porches, huge llv. rm.. and on Immense wooded lot overlooking Ink* and bathing bench? We have It and It Is truly" a wonderful value. We also represent an owner who must sell at once and will tnke a $2,000.00 loss on his seven room,-strictly mo- dern home In cholsest eastern sec- tion, hot water heat, tile bath, glas- ed porches, garngo; a real home at a real bargain. ^ _ M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L". 4or, Linden Tel^ WHJOJ DRAPERIES AND FURNITURE SLIT covers cut and- made by Practical «utter: advice and e»tlm«t*s. can Evanston 3352-R after 5 PL{^4,.>tc LIKE KN P KKt B.NVKP MA N WOij UD '"position as wrt^wor w 111 do houj£ work. Phone Wll. 7A5-W.____P±±LmJrS WHITE MAN.â€"EXPERIENCEf). DE- slres position as chauffeur KnMBn>"g man Phone Wll. 743-R. LTG50-4tp --------fob sai.i:â€"\iT«r>roitii.r.M FOR 8ALK-HTANLEY BTBAMRKj J passenger: late model; mechanically A-i: will consider, man itdan or coupe In trade. Phone WiygJ-R^ For walkâ€" Misrr.i.i.AMOQi » for saleâ€"small rino-tail pom- padour monkey: very gentle. 1004 Michigan avenue. Phone W^m*. FOR SALEâ€"HANDSOME COAT, SIZE 1 38; cost $110. sell for $80. Phone Ken! 1 worth 350. L40-2tc FOR SALE. WTLMETTEâ€"SUSSTAN- tlal 5 room bungalow: hot water heat: tile bntht glassed sleeping porch: fireplace: 50 ft. lot: In excol- ___feht repalrâ€" throughout and conven*- lently loontod. $8,500.00. . New 5 room bungalow: 3 glassed porch- es: hot water heat: tile bath: lot fin x 140: price $12,500. or will rent nt $100 per month. Attractive 7 room home In choice cant location:, extra large living room; hen ted sun room: 4 bedrooms: t baths: sleeping porch: garage attach, ed to house: a substantial comfort- able home. $18,500. Modern 8 room stucco In North tkv- anston: large living room; 6 porches. 2 glassed and heated: hot water heat.. Instantaneous heater: tile batht I car garage; lot 68 xl?5; $17.500.___ TOl^ JOHNSTO*r&Ca wTgTEn to m vâ€">ns<t.i.1.\m:<>*» WANTED Tf» BUY â€" SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods Highest prices paid for some. (rout Furniture store. 1001-6 Emerson Evanston. 111. Tel. 1X1). LTOl f----ifu-Y HOUSEHOLD OOODS â€"Clothing of nil descriptions. rt\w Evanston 108 and I will calfc N. Fen. 1044 Maple eyenue. T,rm«-ir< ri n.DFns 840 Linden Ave. Phone Wllmette V _________LflO-ltc hot water," ht 1 ROOM SHTNOLE. .. •lpg. porch; owner going east; must sell: $9,500. â-  . New 6 room stucco: garage: sun porch, 3 bedrooms: sip. porch: $18,500. 7 room stucco bungalow and garage; tile roofs: sun porch: bath with show- er: fine location; $20,000. . New 7 room house and K«™**! » b£j rooms: sun and sip. porches; $23.0po. Several houses FOR IU3NT\ ----- "WTt,METTPTREAT7rV CO. A. J. Woodcock. Prop. 613-4th St. Phone Wll. 1304 ° ' __LTQ50-ltc FOR SALE â€" OLENCOE 7 RM. RES: llv. rm. 16 x 30: big front pch„ also maid's peh; bath; extra toilet; h. w. heat; fine lot 66 x 210; gar: near school, station & golf club: only $12,000; easy terms. •„,____ MURRAY & TERRY Exclusive Agents 40 N. Dearborn St.r Chicago __________. _LTG50-ltc FOR SALEâ€"T1RAND NEW 6"R. AND dining porch brick and stucco resi- dence; h. w. heat; W6 6th St.. Wll. Choice location, east sld«-; built and designed by owner. Apply 214 Lau- rel Ave., Wll. Phono Wll. fftSS . LT4!>-2tc FOR SALE or RENTâ€"ElOfTf' ROOM house: good location. 340 South Av. Phone Glencoe 332-W. LTO'.O^Ite CARPENTER CONTRACTING Jobbing and Roofing Specialties Estimates at Prc-War Prices RARTLETT COMPANY Phone: E^austo4i-292S reading poetry fearchei for that love ly musical quality in which dei la Mare excels. Other books which one might well look over and are avail- able at the library are poemicf ♦Joyce Kilmer, Alan Seegar, Edgar Guest, Edgar Lee Masters. Too, StaT^Pointa, Miscellany-of American Poetry, Little Book of Modern Verse, and New Poetry are extraordinary collections. Poetry, a magazine of verse published in Chicago by Harri- et Monroe, is always in the Reading room at the library. If you acr interested in Elocution and reading suitable for a variety of occasions you would do well to Iook over the books provided for this pur- pose, among tbem are Cooke s Mo- dern Monologues and More modern monologues, Humorous hits of Cum- nock's Choice Readings. ENROLLMENT OUTGROWS CLASSROOM FACILITIES Enrollment in Wilmette'S public schools has already outgrown the classroom facilities, according to Su- perintendent J. R. Harper. Enrollment in the three public schools in the villageâ€"The Logan school,. Central school and Laurel schoolâ€"was increased by 157 this fall, Mr. Harper explains. The total en- rollment to date is 1,435. The total enrollment for 1920-21 was 1,278. In- creases at that rate will necessitate four new school rooms within anoth- t er year. Even now there are approxi- i fl{» I mately forty pupils to a room, where- ILUljas. the ideal situation is found in A classrooms of not more than thirty- five pupils, it is said. WANT DILIGENT GIRLS AT BABIES1 FRIENDLY SEWING are willing to give an hour's earnest work in piecing comforters or sewing other articles for babies, will be wel- come to this sewing. "Bring your won thimbles", is the request of the society leaders who wish also to emphasize the point that girls who do not consider the meeting seriously should not be present to an- noy those who really desire to work. BUYS WALTERS PROPERTY R ,B. Taylor of the Continental In- surance Company, has purchased the William A. Walters home it t tral avenue. R. M. Johnston * pany were the broken. 1< BEAuSjj AUBURN F-Jt. Continental Jlfot* S1695 F. O.»., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 The regular most lily meeting of the Junior Babies' Friendly society will be held in the sewing room of the Central school, Thursday, October 27, at 3:30 o'clock. L46-tfc LEMON OIL POLISH VAflNISN MNIWf ft i Are the two most needed articles during this season of house cleaning. -y^ We guarantee you will like them. Our service is free- Giving you information regarding the suitability of our products for use on different finishes. USE RE-NU Lemon Oil Polish for cleaning and dusting. Either dull or high polish finish. If your furniture is stained with ink or water marks sad the lustre gone use VAftNISH fltCNCWc* ':% As your dealer for these products Phone 648 RE-NU PRODUCTS CO. Wilmette John Millen, Hardware 605 W. Railroad Ave. Phone Wil. 61 Wilmette, J1L WISCEIiAWBOUS for "rent â€" lyon & hkat.y up- right piano; $4.00 per month for long term. Cnn bo seen at Warble 8 Stor- age House. . 521 W. Kallroad Ave Phone Win. r.OK-J. m___LTO50-2tc PIANOS TUNED. RKcit'LATBD. RE- pnlred: expert; best referencei. Fo.- ner. Phone Win. r>o»-.J. LTor>o-tfc WANTKDâ€" HOMR & PARK FOR IN valid. Phone Wll. SSS-R. LTB0.Uc fob m\i.i.-hihm:iioi,I) ooons FOR SALEâ€"100 TTSKD SEWING MA chlnent! all makes; every machine jruaranteert: our prlceH are always as low or lower; we will,not sell you a poor machine; easy payments. Pat- terson Bros., 828 Davlu St.. Kvanston. LTQ48-tfc f75r SALKâ€"MASSIVE HIGH GRADE 3 piece maho«any llvlnpr room »ulte In fine condition; beautifully hand carved: upholstered In green; cost over $1,000; will sell for $300. Wll. 2«-,27___________;_ LTCO^ltp FOR SALKâ€"42 IN. USED HI M PLEX Ironing Machine; practically as wood as new; $100. Phone Glencoe 5!>2. _________________________ LTG 5 O^Uc FOR SALEâ€"2 UPRIGHT PIANOS. $75 each. Phone Wlnnetka 8<r><>- IJT<140-2tc IvOMT %M) FOl *I> WANTED TO BI'Yâ€"HOI'M5 _ WtSrfKV-^QOOT) 7 ROOM""H6MB5 in Wllmette; need not be new but must represent fair value, for the money. Have $.'.000 in cash. Address Lake Shore News D-73.___________I,:>t-1 tc for m-:\Tâ€"nor«"«< _____ I/-ssi' <;i"i;s GCrUD LOCKET AND chain. Please return to sifl Fourth St.. Wllmette. Reward._____LSO-Jte FOR RENT* NOV. 1 â€" 5 ROOM home complete)v furnished spare room unfurnished: mod- ern in everv respect: conven- ient to transportation. 692 Center St.. Winhetka; $» month. Phone Wilmette 1°21. HollLster. LTCoO-ltc Public Library News and Reviews BY SUE OSMOTHERLY. LIBRARIAN One of the Steel and Concrete Bridges at St. Mary's of the Lake, near Area, Illinois. â€" â€"40 miles from Chicago. FOR RF.yr-BOOM>t HIOH CLASS ROOM AND BOARP for two: private home: near trnno.: beautiful surroundlncs: »• very con- venience. Phone Highland Tark 13*fi.__________.________L4»-tfc ton RENTâ€"LAROE FITRN. ROOM. »t#*am heat: llirht housekeej>ln»r -i privilege. Phone Wll. 4(«4. after *-:3» P. M._______________LS0-1tp FOR RENT â€" FI'RNISHR.n ROOMS: hot and cold wate»- «2f« W Rf»Ileoad avenue. Wllmette Phone Wll. m*n. _________^______ I,T47-tfc FOR REXT-LAROE FRONT ROOM; furnished: for gentleman: near trans. an St Mary's of the Lake 141* Wllmette avenue. 911-W. Phone WIT. I.,r.n-ite FOR RKNTâ€"TWO FRONT ROOMS: IN east side home: sou»b front: llpht and warriT^ Phone Wll. 194ft. __________________-_______LT50-UC FOR RENTâ€"-NICELY FT'PN. " ROOM for 1 or 2 persons. J223 Washington __avfenu»r-WUmeHe;-------_----------fcSfrnttrhnave brouRhT â€" HELP WA^VfEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework. Mrs. Alfred Rohol 10^7 Forest-avenue.â€"Phone Wll. 14it»r L,TO50-ltc Library hours: Main Library, Wil- mette Avenue, daily from 2 p. m. to 5 :X) p. m. Branch Library in the School at 7th street ami Laurel ave- nue, daily from 2 to 5 p. m. Durim? the past few years there ^ _ has hppn a aatnajkabk rent it sjwee -of-f Catholic Seminary at St« Mary • of the poetry both in America and England and an equally eztraordinaTy renewal of public interest in the art. Great poetry has always been written in the language of contemporary speech and has borne a direct relation to the con- temporary thotieht. It is interesting to note the varying forms and thonghts issuing from the pens of poets of this country and England. The . li- brary has a representative collection of the works of modern poets. H. W. Cook has written "Our Poets of To- day"., in which he has given us brief notes with sampled of their work, biographical sketches of American poets with samples of their work. ThJ5__book_Js_valuable in informing one who the noteworthy poets of our country are and the po^ms_jwhjck Tfietti into_ the lime» light. Each year W. S. Braithwaite edits an Anthology of Magazine verse. The 1920 volume is now avail- MTl\TIO> \% t>TKD~FKM \1.F WTLL DO LAl'XDRT WORK. CLEAN- Insr or eooklnpr. Tues.. Thurs.. Sat.. and half davs Mon.. Wed.. FrI.. Ad- dress P. O. Box 234. Evanston. LT50-ltc The buildings and grounds of the new Lake will, when completed, be one of the greatest attractions for visitors in this part of America- It will represent an investment of $10,000,000. Right now St. Mary's is a most interesting place to visit. Go and spend a few hours under the grand old trees. Walk through the grounds, along the lake shore. See how the architect, the build- NORTH SHORE er and the landscape artist are trans* forming this 1,000-acre forest tract in- to a realm of rare beauty. The first group of structures is practi- cally complete. Steel and concrete brid- ges have been constructed. Wide macadam roads pierce the forest psthways. Landscape features are assuming form. By all means, plan your trip to St. Mary's of the Lake within the next few days. North Shore Tr fUTFATlOX WAITEDâ€"MAt.B ftELIARI.E LANDSCAPE OARDEXKR. 25 vears experience grading, pruning. trhifimlnir: also furnish tre"es. abrubs. ^perennials; houseman; by flay or hour: best -references. Michael Sul- â€"Itvan, HS2 PTne^St.. Wlnnetka. Phone Win. 1549. LT48-tfc able. This book is a collection of no- table poems culled from the maga- zines and newspapers of the year. "Rivers to the Sea" is a 1920 publi- cation of Sara Teasdale's poems. Miss Teasdale is undoubtedly a foremost American woman poet and to be fa- miliar with' -her writing is to know poems of true lyric quality which have won for their creator a high place amon« the poet? and at one time a re- ward from Columbia _IInivje«ity^lCol iecTed poenrs of Walter de la Mare are delightful to the reader who in The North Shore Line has a station at the entrance to the grounds of St. Mary's. Take a North Shore Train to Lake Bluff Station and transfer to the Libertyville branch for the station at St. Mary's of the Lake. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Wilmette Ticket Office ___â€"â€"------Wilmette Avenue â€" 1

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