THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 sm Jbcial Happeniai Wikette ^KemlWortK" by RufK-Rirley POOKS, HOBGOBLINS and perhaps witches will hover around corn stalks, autumn leaves and other woodland dec- orations under the dim light of a golden harye^ moon on the evening of Halloween Monday, October $i, at the Wil- JJfte1 Woman's club, when an informal subscription dancing party to be given by the Social Committee, and the Young Woman's Auxiliary, of the club. Proceeds from this affair will be devoted [o the fund of the Auxiliary. Tickets may be obtained from any of the following clubwomen, Ifesdames Theodore J. Moreau, C. P. Berg, Benjamin G. Callowav. M. Cozzens, A. W. Dazey, H. B. Dilkes, S. Z. Favor, J. W. Fisher [r„ Ernest J. Ford, C. C. Henderson, C. F. Pease, R. E. Pettit, Oscar fbaleg, Sjrs. R. D. Burtner, chairman of the Young. Woman's Au- xiliary, or any member of that organization. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Reinboth issued invitations this week |for the marriage of their daughter, Winifred, to Mr. Harold L. Gar- wood, son of Mrs. Clara A. Garwood of Evanston, to take place on Saturday evening, November 5, at eight-thirty o'clock, at their lome, 1015 Ashland evenue. AJr. and Mrs. A. A; Tlawkinsoh of Evaiiston, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Rhoda Viola, to Philip Erby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Erby of 103 Woodbine avenue. No date has >een set for the wedding. Grownups as well as children are looking forward to the performances (of Tony Sarg's Marionettes which are [to he given at the Winnetka Woman's rliib under the direction of Miss Ra- chel Busey Kinsolving, cm Wednes- day afternoon and evening, Novem- >er 2. Mrs. W. P. Gates of 1330 Gregory avenue, pianist and entertainer, was soloist for the Bronson Club on last Monday afternoon at the Rogers Park Woman's clubhouse. Her pro- gram consisted of Concert-Polonai- sem by fiohm; Rigoleito by Liszt; Valse, Chopin ; and McDoVte\Ts Scotch Poemrwith recitationsrâ€"Other recfta- tions wfth piano accompaniment were "Entertaining the Minister", "Little Willie's Prayer" and "Sandy's Pro- posal". --â€" . â€"♦â€" At the last meeting of the Manuka Club held at the home of Mrs. E. R James, 1304 Forest avenue, Mrs. Charles E. Ummach was elected pres- ident, and Mrs. George Wright, treas- urer of the organization for the ensu- ing year. The next meeting on Thurs- day, November 3, will be held at the home of Mrs. Ummach, 1236 Forest avenue. & â€"♦â€" The Village Dancing Club will open These marionettes are a revivaf-of lan ancient art. During the middle _ ;s, when strolling players were still tegarde das vagabonds, the acting doll lor marionette, enjoyed popular favor (at Yuletide and other festive occa- sions./^Before that time the Greeks and Romans had puppets, and crude prototypes have been found in the ruins of ancient Egypt. For the renaissance of this fascin- ating art in the United Stales. Tony Sarg deserves chief credit. In me-1 chanical ingenuity his puppets sur- pass all predecessors, and of contem- poraries he has none wlio make tours to all parts of the country. His prac- ticed eye and skillful stage craftsman- ship "have made his marionettes an in- Stitution pre-eminent in American art.1 its series of parties for ^the season on During the past Jour seasons the vogue for marionettes has been in- creasing and critics throughout the country have spontaneously acclaim- ed the productions as epoch-making dramatic productions. The repertoire for this season in- cludes Rip Van Winkle, Washington Reehler and Mr. Milton Cohn Trving's favorite folk story, The Rose i â€"♦â€" _ and the Ring, Thackeray's satirical! Mr .and Mrs. E. E. Pancoast, who comedy and a series of short plays were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. adn puppet "stunts" by Tony Sarg,. Charles A. Lundberpr. 1538 Walnut called OUa Podrida. f avenue for several days last week, Nearly one hundred of the "wooden returned to their home in Belmont O, head actors" are required for these | on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lund- Plavs and a complete stage, with all, berg and family are planning to mo- facilities is carried by the company,; tor to Morn sill., to^pendJhia week- giving the effect of a full sized stage The Congregational churches are holding a series of mobilization con- ferences in various sections of the state. Rev. S. A. Lloyd of this village spoke at a conference held at Lom- bard, 111., last Tuesday, and at Glen Ellyn, Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Roth, 1124 For- est avenue, have just returned from a trip to the Pacific Coast, visiting in Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and several other western, cities. Mrs. C. F. Hough of 831 Central av- enue, and" her son, Warren, left for Wabsha, Minn., by motor Monday morning, to spend a week with Mrs. Hough's daughter, Mrs. Branyan. â€"#â€" The Babies' Friendly held a special mending party Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. M. Mickey, 1523 Walnut avenue, in preparation for the shipping of the children's garments to Armenia today. â€"♦â€" Miss Dorothy Iliff of 1115 Green- wood avenue, left this week for Wau- sau, Wis., where she will be the guest of Mrs. Thorpe Edmonds, formerly Miss Helen Dingee of this village. â€"♦â€" The Comanci club will be entertain- ed at the home of Mrs. William H. Lee, 4119 S. Michigan avenue, Chicago, on next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Lee was formerly Miss Portia Gage. â€"♦â€" Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Osterhout of Winnetka, who have been residing in Oak Park for several months, are now occupying the house at 1529 Wash- ington avenue. y â€"•*â€" The Young Woman's Auxiliary en- tertained with ,a Hallowe'en party and handkerchief shower on Wednes- day evening at the clubhouse, in hon- or of Miss Winifred Reinboth. . â€"*â€" The Misses Helen and Bernice Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, spent last week-end as the guest of their sister, Miss Alice Shurtleff in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. â€"*-------;------â€"â€"7 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spaulding of 302 Central. avenue, have returned from a week's trip to Tipton, Iowa, where they visited Mrs. Spauldirig's mother. â€"•â€" Mrs. C. Leon Barritt gave a lunch- 4514^Forest avenue^ in honor of her eon last Friday afternoon at her home, cousin, Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins of Terre Haute, Ind. Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng, of 401 Lake avenue, will return Sunday from a vis- it in the east, stepping in New York City and in Richfield, Conn. _â€"------- â€"♦â€" Mrs. A. E. Cronk of Oregon, Wis., has arrived at the home of her son-in- law, Mr. O. W. Russell. 1009 Elmwood avenue, where she will remain all winter. Mr. George E. Cole, 911 Greenwood avenue, is attending the G. A. R. con- vention being held in Qolumbus, Ohio. this week. ^s> "ROUND TABLE" FOR WEST SIDE PETITIONERS (continued from page one) by the protecting influence of the Vil- lage Board of Trustees and those acting under their authority. Residential development is quite logically the only proper use for this tract, having in mind the best inter- est and comfort of the majority of the citizens of our Village. The area allotted to the industrial district by your Ordinance and plat we deem to be much in excess of any One of the Tuesday Luncheon and I possible requirement for many years Bridge clubs was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. H. M. Dib- ble, 530 Lake avenue. â€"â- *â€" Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cawkwell are entertaining at a Dinner Bridge to- morrow evening at their home, 802 Ashland avenue. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Lorin Hall has returned to her home at 1008 Greenleaf avenue, and expected to remain here the greater part of the winter. .â€"•â€". Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nystrom of 714 Central avenue, are motoring through Michigan on a pleasure trip. They are expected to return Sunday. W â€"•*•â€" Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 Washington avenue, was hostess to the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club on Tues- day of last week. A Harvest Moon informal subscrip- tion dance will be given at the Ouil- mette Country club on Friday even- ing, October 28. â€"*â€" The R. R. Brown family at 415 Ninth street, have moved to 4433 N- Paulina street, Chicago. â€"♦â€" Mr. Frank B. King, 825 Greenleaf avenue, is in St. Louis, Mo., this week on a business trip. to come, and, in fact, believe the pres- ent occupied industrial and commer- cial districts are ample to meet the needs of our Village for all time. We do therefore, request and justly insist upon a reconsideration of that part of your Ordinance here com- plained of, and ask to be permitted to present further oral arguments be- fore your Commission presents the Or- dinance for final adoption by the VU« lage Board of Trustees. K. of C. MEETING An important meeting of the Ouil- mette council, Knights of Columbus is announced for Tuesday evening, October 25, at Jones' Lodge hall. Jmk C. A. ELECTION Announcement is made of a meet- ing of the New Trier Commercial association at the Wilmette Village Hall, Monday evening, October 24, at 8 o'clock.. The occasion will be the annual election of officers of the township business men's organization. *337,500 was invested in NOKOL heaters by home owners in September Alone - NOKOL COMPANY ~H3F ILLINOIS^ 1463 Sherman Avenue Telephone Evanston 2335 •Mllll'l nezt Tuesday evening, October 25. at the Winnetka Woman's club. Dr. Gilbert Loewe of Winnetka is pres- ident of the organization this year, and will be assisted by the following members of the entertainment com- mittee : Mr. Leo Koretz. Mr. David MISS ADELAIDE C. JONES Graduate of the American Con- servatory of Music, Chicago. * Instructor In Both Piano and Voice • Begin Fall and Winter Work Now I will be pleased to call and confer with parents or prospective pupils. Tel. Wil. 2558 1530 Central Ave. •TtlU'K For This Christmas "YOUR PHOTOGRAPH" A SITTING TODAY SOLVES THE GIFT PROBLEM OF TOMORROW -â€" EUGENE L. RAY STUDIO Telephone Evanston 2238 ' - Hoy burn Bldg., Evanston iaEIIIHHiUHiiHHIIIiimiimilHfiilllilllllHIimilltltlltlltfimililillHllllllllIllllimilUililiilliiii with real actors. -+â€" In Northwest ern's annual home- coming parade last Saturday. Alpha Chi Omega won the cup for the best sorority float, while Beta Theta Pi carried* off the fraternity honors. The Alpha Chi float was a huge white cotton birthday cake bearing eleven great candles, symbolic of Northwes- tern' s eleventh home-coming. The Betas presented the 1851 and the 1921 lionu-comer â€" top-hatted '51 driving .'•mi old-fashioned chaise, and young -1 waving pennants from a Packard roaster. Phi Kappa Psi won the cup for the '>e>t house decoration; Lambda Chi Alpha played second and Phi Delta Theta. third. â€"•>â€" Eight members of the A-O-Ki-Ja' chapter'of Camp Fire, namely, Fran- res Howard. Betty De Berard, Jean Evert; Jane Cornell. Barbara Shurt- leff. ( atherinje Colton, Medora Bright and Roberta Hope, under the leader- ship of Mrs. Alfred Herrmann, hiked to tlu- Forest Preserve west of Evan- ston, last Friday afternoon, tto enjoy an overnight encampment in the Boy Scout cottage, which is located there in the midst of the preserve. The Troup returned home last Saturday afternoon. â- 9 The wedding of Miss Margaret Sel- ler,.^sister of Mrs. M.f. Keil of 1618 Spences avenue, and John .Streitzer, wa> solemnized at St. Joseph's church at nine o'clock on the morning of Sep- **erober 14. The only attendants were »rs. Keil, matron of honor, and Fred Sfaas/of Lombard. 111., best man. After informal reception at the home of ride's sister, the couple left 'for ~\VaJJaTYV>shmeton. wKere ThW wih^nafceHffielr^homeâ€"^~ the !-. end with relatives and friends â€"*â€" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Southworth have closed their home at Lake Ge- neva, and have rented an apartment in Evanston for the winter. They for- merly resided here. Mr. and Mrs.^A. K. Southworth Jr.. who are making their home in Evanston at present, are expecting to move into their new home which is under construction in Kenilworth. within a= short time. The evening meeting of the Logan School School Parent - Teacher As- sociation will be held on Friday, Oc- tober 28. at eight o'clock, in the Logan school building. Topics of interest to all parents of children in this school will be discussed. Refresh- ments will be served. â€"+â€" Col. and Mrs. Hare N. Wilkins were the guests of Mrs. Volney LTnderhill, 701 Washginton avenue, on Tuesday of this week, en route to their home in Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Wilkins was formerly Miss Jeanne Palmer, and for many months made her home in this village. Parents and friends of local Camp Fire members are invited to attend the Grnad Ceremonial of Camp Fire to be "held at the Hemenway Metho- ^isT Church at Main street.,in Evans- ton, on Sunday evening. October 23, at 7:45 o'clock. â€"#â€" A concert given Tuesday even- ing by Mrs. H. B. Dilkes. at her home 419 Eighth street, was one of thi* week's musical and social events. Miss Eleanor Shaw of New York, pi- anist, and Miss Frederickson of Bos- ton, violinist, were the artists.. -♦â€"â- -' Mr. and Mrs: Robert E. Holmes of 1220 L^ke avenue, have moved to MarshneW^Wis,------ ' "' < - , .â€" To attend the Theater - - Dinner - - Club - - or Visiting THE FORD SEDAN Makes it possible to enjoy going - - protected, and in comfort A small down payment, and the dread of a long, lonesome winter is dispelled. CUNNINGHAM R. D. ^r M. P. LOUEN Sales Mgr. Phone Evanston 4S84 810 Church St. EVANSTON mmtmrnm^.