THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, «21 CONVINCED SUNDAY CLOSING IS BEST W. J. Moir off McGuir* and Orr, Raal- tort, Soys Day off Re.t for Root Estate People it A Perma- nent Improvement ELEVATES THE PROFESSION Soy* North Shore Real Estate Boor* Seek* to Place Business On High Plane; Enter Community Work By W. J. Moir (Manager, Winnetka Offices, McGuiro A Orr, Realtors.) The spirit of co-operation in Amer- ica was one of the most wonderful manifestations of the recent war. The proof of its benefits was indisputably evident. Since the war the influence Of that spirit has been seen in many activities of daily life. This is illus- trated by the spirit of co-operation that has developed in the real estate brokerage business and has led to the formation during the past three years of many real estate boards throughout the entire nation and Can- ada all affiliated with the National Association of Real Estate boards. The convention of this association held in Chicago last July was the lar- gest business convention ever held on this continent, if not in the world. The prevailing spirit of that great conven- tion was the spirit_ol higher ideals in business. Any broker or real estate salesman joining this association be- comes a ^REALTOR", a title protect- ed by copyright and which only mem- bers of this association can use. When any person accepts this title by join- ing the association he voluntarily adopts the obligations of a Realtor which bind hfm to conduct his real es- tate business at all times in strict ac- cordance with the highest ideals of an important profession. ^hows-Rapid^Growth The formation of the North Shore Real Estate board about two years ago was but a small paffof this gen- eral movement. The localboard had its inception in the spirit of co-oper- ation for the general betterment of the business and of the north shore. Every real estate broker and sales- man known to be operating in the ter- ritory from Wilmette to Highland Park, inclusive, was invited to join the board which has now grown to fifty-seven members. Only six local brokers declined to join but some of these brokers, are co-operating with the board in spirit and to some extent in their practices. The two main purposes pf the North Shore Real Estate board in working for higher ideals are to ele- vate the business in every legitimate way to a high professional standard and to work consistently for the gen- eral improvement of all the north shore towns, whose interests we be- lieve to be practically identical. It has never been the purpose of the board to control or oppose anything or anybody except to control our own members for the mutual benefit of all. We believe that the north shore is the best suburban community around Chicago and that by organiza- tion we will be stronger to help make it a still better place in which to live and to make our profession a better business so that life will be more worth the living. In times past the uncontrolled real estate activities of miscellaneous in- dividuals have brought a stain on the real estate business in general. There- by in the minds of a few laymen the 'business suffered unfairly. The mem- bers of the North Shore "Real Estate board hope t oso conduct their busi- ness as to eradicate that stain, or at least from its own members We hard- ly expect to bring about an immediate millenium but we do believe that by proper co-operation we can build up the business along the north shore to a constantly rising standard of high- er ideals. Sunday Closing Logical One of the methods by which we have endeavored to better the com- "miihity and ourselves was by stopping Sunday real estate business. This is not an innovation but has been prac- ticed successfully in other communi- ties. In this movement we tried to se- cure the co-operation of every broker arid salesman known to be operating on the north shore. All of the mem- bers agreed 4o stop Sunday business as. did a few local and Chicago oper- ators who are not members .-.-ofâ€"the board. Three local brokers refuted to co-operate with us. They have been asked several times to join the board and have a sUndinj^nvitatioit to do so at any time but tlWy still ad- here to their traditional practices. We believe that it is the privilege of any man to exercise the freedom of nis own choice in this important matter and we have not in any way attempt- ed to force or intimidate any one. With us Sunday closing is not a blue law, as is attested by the fact that some of us are not even members of any church. We simply are convin- ced that Sunday real estate business is neither beneficial to the communi- ty nor to ourselves. We believe that it is not right for any man to work continuously for seven days a week. We believe that a man owes it to him- self personally to his best welfare, to his family and home community to stop work one day esich week We believe the best day for that is Sun- day, the conventional rest^djiy estab- lished bv divine decree ant! human practice" for ttfe whole community. For this one\d*y of rest or change each week we will he able to give bet- ter service during the other six days. Those of us who stopped,Sunday business nearly two years ago are more convinced than ever that we are right in. taking this stand. Some of the men who at first refused but la- ter joined us are now the most ardent supporters of the movement. By suc- cessfully maintaining our business for nearly two years without Sunday work we have conclusively proved that Sunday real estate business is not necessary for the salesmen nor for the owner. Most of the Chicago peo- ple looking at north shore property on Sunday are not buyers. During the five years prior to Sunday closing the writer obliged hundreds of Sun- day prospects who never bought any- thing. With so many people coming to the office at the same time it was not always possible to separate the buyers from the shoppers. With crowds clamoring for immediate at- tention it was not possible to give any one adequate service. Under those difficult conditions it is no wonder we comhrcted~ro many people throughT private homes uselessly, interrupting family gatherings Without benefit to the owners of the houses, and we fear sometimes only to gratify the curios- ity of flat dwellers. Reminiscence of those archaic times convinces us that any man who is in earnest about buy- ing a house for his family will be will- ing to arrange a week- day appoint- ment for such an important matter. And in this regard we seek the co-op- eration of the general public, pledging ourselves to co-operate in all things to work for the good of our home community for the mutual benefit of all concerned. Enter Community Activities Furthermore we desire to assure all the people whom we hope to serve that Sunday closing, which we consid- er very important, is not the only item on our program. When our North Shore Real Estate board is complete- ly organized welplan to take an inter- est in many activities for the benefit 6f~tne~ih'dividua1 communities as well as for the entire north shore. We be- lieve that the real estate operators have an important place in the devel- opment of any community and toward a better developments we invite the general public to call upon the board or any of its members for any service that will be for Mie betterment of the community. Is it not reasonable to concede that in patronizing our local North Shore ReaTKEstate board, members of it who live and work iiigpur home community, the public will secure the best service from, and the public's interests will be better taken care of by, REAL- TORS who are organized and pled- ged to uphold the highest ideals of the real estate business?' Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. tog*â„¢** of 826 Greenleaf, have moved to Dun- dee, 111. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kaufman of 1320 Central avenue, have moved to Waukegan. ^ IS' I Mra, H. C Ambler 1Qd 1326 Forest avenue, have 23 315 Green Bay road, Glencoe* Taste is a matter of tobacco quality ^0 We state it at our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester- field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. me CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccosâ€"blended ( _l v A Hallowe'en party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard' J.' Hens, 623 Prairie avenue, on Thursday evening, October 20. was the host's- and hos- tess*' method of celebrating their I sixth wedding anniversary. There j were about thirty gttests present. Remodel Your Last Year's Coat or Suit Our years of experience in this line of work enable us to turn out the most satisfactory job possible. Cleaning of Man's and Ladies' garments Remaking, Repairing, Cleaning and Glazing of Furs KAPLAN CUSTOM TAILOR 627 W. Railroad Avenue Wilmette 667 â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- •â- •â- â- â- â- ti I0K30E IOOOI o Q »nii!Miriiiinii/ifriFii'fin!iiirii!ifiHinHmmiiiiimimtiiiniiiiiiiti!HniiH!iiiiijis PARKWAY TEA SHOP Chicago Ate. at Grove St. = EVANSTON.ILL. 4 LUNCHEON 12:30 to IpSm. Tabic dgHote Dinner, *:30 to 3.-00 $1.00 â- Sunday 12:30 to 340 PM) JLSm^toBMPM) $1.25 •i onora This machine ha* • won- Millinery Of The Season Best quality of material, exclusive de- sign, at moderate prices, our specialty lo remodeling and repairing of hats A SPECIAL Girls Bloomers black or white up to 12 years 59c Flinker & Flinker The Store of Personal Service MILLINERY and DRYC00DS 1217 Wilmette Ace. J tut teest of the tracks Open Thursday and Saturday Evenings D derful tone. Easy time payments may be arr^ed ,t your convenience. COME IN and bear the new Editon, Brunswick and Grafonola 828 Dans Street, Evanston Telephone Evantton 654 IOBOI--------------IO New Style T Electric, No. 22 Vacuum Cleaners With Many Improvements Sold on Monthly Payments Five Dollars Down Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois