THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, pCTOBER 28, 1921 OPEN BOYS' CAMP AT ARDEN SHORE i Winter Camp for Undernourished Boy* of Chicago Tenement Dis- trict* Resumes Noteworthy Charity Work GIVES BOYS BIG CHANCE Medical Attention, Plenty of Rest and Fresh Air Brings Frail Youthsâ€" Back to Health The Arden Shore Camp at Lake Bluff opened its doors this week for the winter season of 1921-22. The first group of boys who have been refused their working certificates, on account of their undernourished condition, are busily engaged in sleeping, eating, working and playing in the open air and, under expert guidance, putting on those precious pounds that will mean a chance to get a job and help take care of mother and the kids. If their teeth or tonsils need attention a friendly doctor will fix them and if a pair of glasses will cure the head- aches that keep a fellow from gaining, they will be provided. An exceptionally nice lot of boys are at the camp now and they would appreciate a visit from any of their friends along the north shore. It helps them to get rid of the feeling that ev- ery man's hand is against them and that "a poor guy aint got no chance". Need Heating Stoves Arden Shore is always in need of many things that perhaps are no long- er useful in the home. Two heating stoves are badly needed for a cottage that must be used this winterâ€"tables and-chairs also. Some of the boys have no warm clothing and almost all of them »need shoesâ€"and bed socks for cold nights on the sleeping porch. The ages are from 14 to 16 but the boys are small for their years. Pictures, games and Victrola records help a lot in the even- ing before bedtime, and boxing gloves. Mecano or Erector toys would give more joy than they could possible ex- press. If anyone has old bathing suits to give away they can be stored at the Camp and will be most welcome next summer. Articles will be cal- led for upon .notifying Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, 85 Wentworth avenue, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 186. NAMED EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dwight Chapman Jr., of Wilmette, has been elected editor-in-chief of the New Trier News, weekly newspaper published by the students of New Trier Township High school. ^£.V and Lemon Oil Polish VAftNISM ftCNCWCft Are the two most needed articles during this season of - house cleaning. larantee you will like them. Our service is free- Giving you information regarding the suitability of our products for use on different finishes. USE RE-NU LEMON OIL POLISH for cleaning and dusting. Either dull or high polish finish. If your furniture is stained with ink or water marks and the lustre gone use VARNISH ICNCWCft As your dealer for these products Phone 648 RE-NU PRODUCTS CO. Wilmette John Millen, Hardware 605 W. Railroad Ave. Phone Wil. 60 â- â€" W. G. STURDIVANT RESUMES MANAGEMENT OF HOYBURN North shore patrons of the Hoy- burn theater, Davis street, Evanston, who for the past seven years have been accustomed to motor to that beautiful and cozy picture palace, were happy this week to renew ac- quaintances with a congenial friend of former years who has returned to resume management there after an absence of four years. Reference is to W. G. Sturdivant, who has given up a responsible posi- tion with Marshall Field and com- pany to direct the affairs of the Hoy- burn theater. , "I will appreciate the co-operation of my friends on the north shore in bringing to this vicinity the best in the motion picture field, and will be very glad to receive suggestions from patrons regarding the pictures shown,, said Mr. Sturdivant when interviewed this week. A Phone Call and 30c Places a three-line ad /////////////////////s//////////////////////////////////////* Community Dancing Every Tuesday Evening BYRON C. STOLPH SCHOOL 10th and Central Class Lessons 7:45 to 8:30 Dancing 8:30 to 11:00 The only way to save on clothes Its to be careful that the quality and tailoring are of the kind that mean longest wear and most sat- isfactory service* You can get most in real service in Hart Schaf f ner & Marx Suits $42.50 $47.50 BURNS TOGGERY Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings **************************************************. SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Grocery Telephones 510, 511, 512 & 513 Meat Telephone 514 Wilmette-Central Ave. and 12th St. 5 % CASH DISCOUNT Cash and Carry •.-.'••• -. 57" Discount Cash and Delivered .... 1% DUcounll On orders of 11.00 or more of normal These do not apply to Meat Department. Profit Goods. SPECIAL SALE Oct. 31 th to Nov. 5th .**« ^ «.» + + + * * + - + + + * + * + * + + + â- * + + + + + + * Loo\for the Water tAar Ever pick up a sheet of writing paper so invitingly beautiful to the eye and the touch, that it seemed to say to you- fingers, "You must write on me! **? Symphony Lawn is just such a paper. It comes in three exquisite finishes and several smart tints. Sheets and envelopes in the newest shapes7Also correspondence cards to matcluMay we chow you Symphony Lawn? ! RENNFXKAR DRUG COMPANY * The Itb&maHL Store Phones Wilmette 28 and 29 ++**♦+*♦♦+♦+♦+♦♦♦< >*♦♦♦♦ + ♦ + ♦***♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦.!. JONATHAN APPLESâ€"Are a delicious eating and a perfect cooking apple. They are veryl cheap. If you will look these prices up, you will find Jonathans are as cheap as 0O OC any apple in the market. 10 lbs. 90c. No discount. Box, 40 lbs. net weight .... «J>»3. J0| FLORIDA GRAPE FRUITâ€"I am told will be very plentiful and fine this year. 64 size; dozen $1.20-----.......... ......... ......... ................... Each 10c| 80 size; dozen 90c............................... ----- -----..............3 for Sel GRANULATED SUGARâ€"The finest; 10 lbs..................................... .....'.. 65e| CRYSTAL DOMINO CONFECTIONER'S SUGARâ€" 1 lb. pkg.............,....^...... ..,« ANTONINI OLIVE OILâ€"The finest pure Italian; pint can 85c; quart...................$1J POTATOESâ€"Fancy Wisconsin; bushel, 60 lbs. $1.70; peck, 15 lbs, ..... .......... .. 4Sc| ENGLISH WALNUTSâ€" ' Brand new. Just got here. California Soft Shell: lb.....45c CIDERâ€"Morgan's delicious, sweet 1 gallon bottle ..___........$1.05 Rebate 30c for bottle. BETSY ROSS OLD FASHIONED CHOCOLATESâ€" 1 ....................65c BUNTE'S ASSORTED CHOCOLATESâ€" 1•.................70c DATESâ€"Large. Xut stuffed and suirared: lb. ........... ......60c PINEAPPLEâ€"Candied: lb.....75c CRYSTALIZED GINGERâ€" Richelieu: l/2 lb. can ........48c CANTON PRESERVED GINGER S maif por-.-rfr APRICOTSâ€"New â€"heim: lb.â€"^^„ Fancy . 55c Blen- ...35c PRUNESâ€"New. Santa Clara Ev\tra fancy. Sweet: 40-50 size lb.............................19c 30-40 size: lb ;...............23c DR. PRICE'S PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDERâ€" 12 oz. can ........,...........22c ROYAL CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDERâ€" 12 oz. can 48c: 6 oz. can......25c NAVY BEANS- Hand picked: lb...... ......7*jc LIMA BEANSâ€" Dried : lb ... 12c RICEâ€"Fancy Head: lb. .. ...lie OLD FASHIONED MINCE MEAT Jar. 2 lbs. net................45c GINGER CAKE MOLASSESâ€" Dark. For candy or gin tier bread: Xo. 21 S can........___25c REPUBLIC PRESERVESâ€" Pure. Strawberry and c Rasp- berry. 15 oz. jar: doz. $3.00 jar ............... ..........25c OLIVESâ€"Large. Spanish. Queen. 9 oz. bottle ...................2Se SUNBEAM STUFFED OLIVES-. ^A$i/z ox- bot. . .4Sc MEAT DEPARTMENT Hamburger Steak; lb.........25c Boneless Rump Corned Beef; lb. 32c Lamb Patties; lb...... ......32c Breast of Lamb; lb.....,.......8c Budlong's New Sour Kraut; lb. 10c â€"-3^â€"â€"â€"â€"^mmm53ZZZSâ€"mSmZSSEm^EEmmStSm FLOURâ€"Pillslmry, Washburn and Ceresota. % bbl.............$1.21 COFFEEâ€"My own blend. A very superior blend of mild, sweet coffee that will please you; lb. 35c SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAPâ€"A reasonable priced soap ^tta t gi v-C-s ^atis faction 100 7! 2 oz. bars in box 10 bars. Xo JUeonm $4.00 _40c_ CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAPâ€" 100 9*A oz. bars in box......$6.25 10 bars. Xo discount ..... 63c PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAPâ€" Cake .....................gc WOOL SOAP-For toilet and bath. Unequalled for washing silk, laces, woolens: large cake ..10c F. A. B.â€"Colgate's Soap Flakes E*£.......................12c IVORY SOAP- 10 6oz. bars 83c WAX CANDLESâ€" Self fitting mds-M^-or 12 in." Box.........................49c SHELF PAPERâ€" White : 24x36 size ; lb. .. 20c LUXURY TOILET PAPERâ€" Tissue; 6 oz. rolls: doz.....$1.05 GORTON'S READY TO FRYâ€" 12 amall cod-fish takes, can ISc CASBACO SARDINES^- In olive oil. Large 6y2 oz. carl 22c LIBBY CORNED BEEFâ€" Xo. 1 can ___ jjsjg LIBERTY KIPPERED HERRING Large 101.. oz. cans: 2 cans 25c PLYMOUTH ROCK TUNA FISH â€">Vo 1 can JfrT Xff--!^-- RICHELIEU HAWAIIAN PINE-J APPLEâ€"The last word in pinM apple. It could not be finer.. Xftfl squat can; doz. $3.50; can ...JS Xo. 2y2 can; doz. $4.20; can ..*§ PLYMOUTH ROCK YELLOW CLING PEACHESâ€"Large No. Very few left. I cannot buy nfl __anywhere near as good a pea to sell at tht& price. Doz. $3.15; can..............*! GOLDEN EAGLE APRICOTS- Extra fancy and heavy syi Xo. 2Y2 can; dog. $3.75; can GOLDEN EAGLE WHITE CHERRIESâ€"Supreme quality; 2V2. can. These are scarce. Doz. $4.75; can ........... MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTS-^ Fancy. Large stalk; No. 1 sqa â€"can. Doz. 54.50; can SUNBEAM COUNTRY GENTLEMAN CORN- We get compliments on this very day. It is very fine. Doz. $2.10; can .........••••• DEARBORN CLUB SWEET - PEAS^Verv fine, tender, >««etiy Doz. $2.60; can .... .....-J& RICHELIEU SUPERFINE P**J The finest quality in tl elieu line. Very smn.iL Doz. $375; can .... .......â„¢ MONSOON TOMATOES- Fancy quality. Lar^c So. i Doz. $2.00; can-â€".-.......-• •â€" WHITE PONY TOMATOES- Ektfa Standard. No. 2 can. Doz. $1.50; 2 cans ...........m Richelieu Red Kidney Be«nt- Xo. 2 can; doz. $1 7;: ca!L^r RICHELIEU FRENCH STYU LIMA BEANSâ€"Tin 1231 limas. For salad or vegetal Doz. $3.90; can .. -• •â- â- " RICHELIEU STRINGLESS BEANSâ€"Small. Without a *»» Doz. $325: can .....-••â- MONSOON PUMPKIN- Large No. 3 can. Th******* $2.00; «" .......