Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Dec 1921, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1921 immwmmwiM.....immimii.....hiiw............HWHmiiwiMimmitMii HE marriage of Miss Thelma Vivian Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jones, to Mr. Berwin Clark Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Moore of Farmitigton, III., took ^2 place cm Wednesday afternoon of last week in the home of tJeTride's parents, at 201 Sheridan road, Kenilworth. The service was nad at four-thirty o'clock, Rev. Da we of Chicago, performing the ceremony. The young couple were at the Drake for a few days last week* previous to their departure on Saturday for California and a honey- moon in Honolulu. .Mrs. Moore was a former student at Ferry Hall, and Mr. Moore was a student of Lake Forest college. -----------+---------„ M.r. and Mrs. Frank Henry Gallagher of 1233 Forest avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Jean, to Stanley Franzen, sotrof Mr. and Mrs. William A. Franzen of Evanston, and of their daughter, Alice, to William Mason Bramhall of Austin. The announcements were made at a reception and tea given at the Gallagher home on Saturday afternoon of last week. Its 'most time for the college folks to be arriving home for the holiday season, and aside from the general preparations for Christmas, parents of these young folks are planning all sorts of interesting affairs to take place during the fortnight's holiday. The Wellesley students, several of â-  â„¢ â-  < The wedding of Miss Myra A. War- ren, and Mr. Harry James Hurlbut, son of Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut of 715 Grcenleaf avenue, was solemnized on Saturday, November 26, at the home of the bride's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Curd M. Bridges in Louisville, -Ky.â€"The tirlriV wan given in mar- riage by her brother*, Mr. A. D. War- ren of Chicago. Mrs. Sherman El- lis of Chicago, was the matron of honor. Mr. Carl Hurlbut was his brother's best man. The brides- maids were the Misses Gordon Brid- ges and Mary Swinney. Master Bod- ley Booker Jr., was the train bearer. The Misses Susan Stewart and Bar- bara Huett were the ribbon bearers. The house was decorated with palms and cut flowers and the ceremony was^ performed before an improvised altar^of~palms^irndferns7 which was lighted with cathedral candles. The bride wore her mother's wedding gown of white brocaded satin, trimmed in lace that had been worn by the bride's grandmother at her wedding. The decolletage was cut boat shaped and edged with narrow lace which was caught with a cluster of orange blossoms. The court train was of tulle. The bride's veil was ad- justed with a coronet of rose point lace from which depended pearl /or- naments which fell over, the . ears. She carried a shower bouquet of lil- lies of the valley and bouvardia and a white prayer book, which has been used in many weddings in the bride's family. The matron of honor was attired in tea rose georgette made in sur- plice ^effect and caught at either shoulder with rosebuds. She carried a large French bouquet. The brides- maids wore gowns of blue and silver whom are from the nort'h^shore, wi., be about the first to return home, as they will leave via a special train on December 14. Those returning will be the Misses Helen Bruch, Jennie Dubbs, Elizabeth and Rebeccah Fitch, Joy and Mary Louise Scheidenhelm of Wilmette, Marjorie Burchard. of Kenilworth, Marion Montgomery of Hubbard Woods, and Mary Loth r op of Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feltmann have returned from an extended trip to California.â€" â€",â€"1-, â-  â€"â- '.!§:,. •: - On Monday afternoon, the regular monthly luncheon and bridge party will take place. This will be a pro- gressive game, partners remaining to- gether throughout the afternoon. On Saturday evening, December 17, there will be an informal dance for juniors and seniors at the clubhouse. Dinner will be served at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Margaret Courier, 903 Lake avenue, will leave on Friday of next week for Colorado Springs, where she will spend the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. John D. Couf- fer. Mr. Couffer will join them at Christmas time. - ~4,~• - Mrrand-MwirH, }r Kincaid have ta- ken an apartment in the Westhall building at the corner of Elmwood avenue and Main street, Evanston. Mrs. Kincaid was formerly Miss Dor- due and silver oth Redfield. changeable taffeta. Each carried, â€" *â€" arm bouquets of Ophelia roses. The* train bearer wore a white satin suit. There will be a meeting of the ir'ci.u - i Third division of the Methodist Miss Susan Stewart, dressed in pink church on Thursday, December 15, at crepe de chine, and Miss Barbara 2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Wil- Huett in blue crepe de chine, held \\am C, Reinhold, 1005 Ashland ave- the ribbons to make an aisle for the ' nue. entrance of the bridal party. [. • _ JSfctL. t» d;a-,,^ «f Following the ceremony a recep-' Col. and Mrs. Charles R. Puskard of tion was held. Mr. and Mrs. Hurl-. 1121 Greenleaf avenue will have as but have returned from a wedding their dinner guest'â„¢ ne£*â„¢^ journey in Tennessee and are resid- evening, Mr. William_G. Edens vice ing in Hinsdale. â€"l__^ president of the Central Trust com- â€"♦â€" pany of Chicago. The phrase "Do Your Christmas . . â€"♦-7 Shopping Early" has become rather Miss Dorothy Kue1*â„¢.«" Creen- shopworn; nevertheless, it is most leaf avenue .«»•/*«'W*Afrom appropriate and most opportune. Per- Champaign, 111. $m*m* JS*"* *£. ha.s all of you haven't stopped in era! days as the g uest.^MmGer over at the Economy Shop of late, trude 0 in, who, ,s a student at the â- and noted the UM^orm^imr-^ttrVniyeTiity-oL^n^ ha> taken place. You know, last week , r 0scar Williams, who has been the Shop was enlarged into what is • of Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. to-be known as a sort of exchange. • jgn§ 1607 Lake avenue, for a few ^t-rrtoije^open every afternoon m the j returned to Risrhome in Wash^ week, and there are many lovely £g*W C, on Tuesday. new handmade articles in the new »n8lon' â- *â-  ' _#__ . glass cases, that will make handsome Mr. and Mrs. George Shrader of gifts for your families and friends. Mount Vernon, N. Y., are spending And, in case you don't quite under- the winter at the Somerset hotel. They stand just how this all came about, wcre residents of this village in for- let me say that most of this merchan- mer years. disc has been made by ex-service tTS"" mn r,u ovp. Mrs. George Butler, 1011 Lake ave- nue, is expected to return next week from the east, where she has been the guest of Tier sister in Pittsburgh, Pa., for several weeks. The Epworth League of the Meth- c^ist^hurch^wilt^liohha^oeial^in the church parlors tomorrow evening. men, who are confined in hospitals, many of them crippled in one way or another; or by women and.girls a* the Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind. The Shop has agreed to sell the arti- cle> for these folks on a commission ha^s.v Hence, whatever yon-purchase at the. Shop is going to help some needy person, for the" money will be tunujft back to the source of the ar- ticle«. and the commission will be used in our own local charity work. .It will be worth your while just to Wander in and look over the lovely assortment, and its bound to make you just a little happier to know that Â¥w have been able to carry a little sunshine into those hearts less for- tunai£-*than yourself. u â€"•â€" ftlrsL Lyman Drake will be hostess Jt a Bridge Luncheon .on Thursday, December IS, at her home, 933 Lake avenue. Miss Ruth E. Shupert of Elkhart, Ind., is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hively, 430 Lake ave- nue. â€"+â€" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harfst, for- merly of Wilmette, have moved into their attractive new home at 480 Sheridan road, Winnetka. â€"•â€" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Wiggles- worth and family of 426 Central ave- nue, left recently for their winter home in Buena Vista, Florida. The Comanci Club met in the home of Mrs. P. W. King, 714 Greenleaf av- enue, on Tuesday afternoon. â€"*â€" Jj Mrs, Ralph Baker, 1247 Chestnut, will be hostess to the Thursday Luncheon club next week. â€"♦â€" Members of the Eastern Star Or- der entertained at a dancing party at Glenview on last Saturday evening. â€"♦__ Bridge will be the feature of the en- tertainment at the Ouiltnettc Country club tomorrow evening. GIRLS' GLEE CLUB IN SUCCESSFUL CONCERT oujs numbers gave evidence of thor- • ough training of the club by the di- rector, Mrs. Homer E. Cotton. The* club will give the program of music at the Wilmette Sunday Even- ing club services at the First Congre- gational church of Wilmette, Sunday evening, December 11. SPEAKS FOR N. U. Mr. George S. Dalgety, 831 Forest avenue, secretary of Northwestern The Girls' Glee club of New Trier Township High school gave its first concert of the year in the school audi- torium, Friday of this week. The following program was rendered: Irish Folk Song........Arthur Foote Husheen.................. Needham Lawn Dance -................Berwald The Slumber Boat...........Gaynor Carmena.................... Ovilson The excellent rendition of the vari- louitv All EXPENSE TOURS -Under Escort----- . Around America A 40-day Cruise- Tour by water from Baltimore to Cali- fornia, leaving Chi- cago February 1st $825.00 MEXICO A 30-day Tour to this Land of Rom- ance, leaving Chica- go February 1st $700.00 University Alumni assocation, and Dr. Walter Dill Scott, President of North* western university, attended the ann- ual banquet of Northwestern univer- sity alumni at Peoria, Thursday even- ing December 8th. Dr. Scott, spoke very interestingly of the various lines along which Northwestern univers- ity had gained unusual prominence. Mr. Dalgety followed and presented the program of activities of the Uni- versity Alumni association. Grace Forbes Frocks MAKING AND REMODELING GOWNS and FROCKS 216 HOYBURN BUILDING PHONE EVANSTON EVANSTON, ILLINOIS oao Now in Business rWTTMCH INFORMATION WIH HOW tQM •'vBTW.aTMMWSONSW-1 For Myself - - in Wilmette Express Building-All Work Guaranteed. OBOEO To Remind You- m In the hustle and bustle of Xmas shopping, and Holiday preparations-â€" Do not forget to have your Evening Clothes thoroughly cleaned and pressed. Don't leave it until the last moment. Schultz & Nord «52^ENTRAL AVE. Phone 320 WILMETTE A cordial invitation is extended to tne young people of the village. One of the Luncheon and Bridge clubs was entertained at the home of Mrs. Benjamin T. Roodhouse, 4Z7 Laurel avenue, on Tuesday. Keith Drake will return to his home at 933 Lake avenu, on December 18, from Dartmouth college^for the holi- day vacation. - % The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club will meet with Mrs. W. B. Da- vies, 530 Forest avenue, next week.

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